Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Darkness Within ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kitsui looked towards the cloud then seeing Jai suddenly pass out. "What? Hey! Hey you alright!" Kitsui slid over to her side then lifted her shaking her gently. "What did something happen when that cloud passed by?" Kitsui looked towards the sky, then back at Jai.
He then took of his Coat of Dancing Flames and then put it over her leaving her head out and the coat began to soak into her and burst into sakura petals healing any injury she had and restore whatever energy she lost.
"That should work." Kitsui said as he stood up sweating quite a bit. Kitsui then staggered a bit then started to walk away and then stop at a tree spitting up blood as he covered his mouth. Using the Shinigami state more than once a day would cause fatal side effects to his body as the power was to great for him to bare more than once.
His vision began to blur and then he just about collapsed until he drove his sword into the ground to keep him balanced and stood there slumped over. "I don't want them to see me like this..." He muttered under his breath then began to regain his balance and dragged himself to walk away.
Jai woke up at once, she sat up, "Kitsui...." She felt a strange overwhelming gratitude towards him. She got up and noticed that he wasn't around. She followed his scent, "Kitsui!" She called as she saw him disappear between a few trees. She could see that he was tired.
Kitsui turned to face Jai and to a gruesome extent his apart of his face seemed to look like it was rotting away. This horrific event was what happens after a few hours of previously using his True Shadow Hold technique and he lowered his head trying to keep her from looking at his face.
"You alright?" He asked as he panted some. "Don't worry about me, I'll be back to normal in a few hours." He said as he turned his back to her and sighed deeply.
"By judging from your reaction when you passed out, someone contacted you with a threat of some sort." He said as he scratched his head turning back to face her. "Presuming that there is a price on your head, someone is really after you from behind the scenes am I correct?" He said as he walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder.
I and Ayumu will keep you safe, you have my word." Kitsui said as he walked back to where Ayumu was and took the banding from his back and used it to cover the parts of his face that were rotted concealing the gruesome sight of it.
"Ayumu, how you feeling mate?" Kitsui asked as he knelt down to Ayumu and stroked her behind her wolf ears. "We best find out who's really after our friend here." Kitsui said as he sat beside Ayumu having his tail wrap around her.
Ayumu was powerles sto do anything, but watch. Her mental state was back to human normal, but her limbs stilla ched, causeing ehr the inability to react.
When he spoke to her she grunted in agreement. She returned to half human and curled up with him. She purred like a kitten, well the best pur a wolf could have. She motioned for Jai to lay down with them, so they would all stay warm.
Kitsui smiled as he laid back with Ayumu curled up next to him then he closed his eyes half then slowly fell asleep. "Ayumu..." He said softly before he was fully asleep. His tail laid out and he slowly began to turn in a half human form. He looked the same as his full human form except with having his tail and fox ears.
He no longer wore his net shirt due to the humans had ripped it off before he had gotten his 40 lashes. He began to feel pain in his sleep from a reoccuring nightmare he had times before. While he slept he kept muttering in his sleep. "Murderer..." and "Mother...", he was dreaming about the night his mother was killed by his father when she was trying to protect him as a child.
Jai did not sleep, she never could, Not unless she was knocked out or so drained taht she passed out. "My brother... had been trying to kill me. Because I refuesed to be his mate." She puased, looking down on the two as they slept, "He is not my real brother... but I call him that. I don't even know if you can hear me but.... I'm sorry about all that's happened to you becaue of me." She touched Kitsui's slightly healed face and petted Ayumu's head, "I think it's wonderful that the two of you can be mates..." She sighed and turned away from them, pressing her back to them, waiting for them to awake.
Kitsui began to talk in his sleep hearing what Jai said then replied saying, "A mate wouldn't try to kill someone just over something that simple...But it's not your fault, I lived my life to protect what's dear to me, it's what makes me...well me. I lost my mother because I was too weak to stop my father...Never again will i let something like that happen again." He said as he slowly started to wake up and he returned to his fox form.
Kitsui put his hand on Jai's shoulder. "You'll find someone, I know of it, just give it some time, and for your brother no need to worry, I will kill him myself if he ever tries to hurt you." Kitsui said as he got up then left the camp to go get them a meal for the morning.
After about 20 minutes he returned from hunting carrying a dead boar over his shoulder and some firewood. He tossed the boar to the ground then set the wood down and gathered rocks and dirt into a circle, placed the wood there, and then lit the fire using a flame from his hand and started to cook the boar over the fire on a roasting wooden pole.
"You two eat up, we got a long day ahead of us, and you'll need your strength." Kitsui said as he sat by the fire watching it then looked at the two of them.
Jai looked at them, "You don't understand.... my mind knows what is right, but my body...." She closed her eyes as the scenes from her escape back back. It was night. Dark and cold. She was about the cross the barrier, where they wouldn't be able to follow after her until morning. Then, her brother shott a mass of dark energy at her. The darkness was absorbed into her chest, yet the force of the blow knocked her out of the barriar. Red marks appeared on her ankels and wrists. Her brother stood as close as he could to the barrier, "You can run and hide as much as you like. But, if you don't return here you will die." Jai ran before he could say anymore.
Jai snapped out of her flashback when she realized that they were staring at her, she blushed, "Sorry about that..." She ate quickly then after mumbling some excuse about a short walk took off. She stumbled through the trees until she was fer enough away. She retched and stumbled away again. 'The first thing to go was my sleep... I can't sleep. Now I can't eat.... Soon I won't be able to see. Then I'll go mute. Then I'll go deaf.' She stopped running, "Then the darkness inside will tear my body apart..."
Kitsui got up and followed after Jai then in a quick movement he appeared in front of her and he took hold of her hand. "Jai...You're suffering I could already tell...The darkness has ate away at your soul...The smell of death and the darkness of the void is grabbing hold of you.
"You must fight it...Or it will take your life. But I have one method that can cure your infliction...But it's a very dangerous one. I'll help you fight that darkness and free you from it's grasp, because I too was trapped in that same darkness..." Kitsui said as he let go of her hand and then out of nowhere sakura petals began to fall and blow around the two. "Forgive me for doing this...There may be a chance you could die...But I will try to keep that possibliity from happening." He said as black flames began to surround both him and Jai and he took his Shinigami State form and the diamond shape pupils in his eyes appeared and he unleashed a combined form of his True Shadow Hold and suddenly Jai's vision became inverted in color and she saw Kitsui start to burn away into a dancing storm of sakura petals and he completely vanished.
The world became completely incased in darkness as if nothing existed around Jai. "Fight the darkness in your heart." The voice of Kitsui echoed out to Jai from the darkness. Jai then began to see the world reappear except it was centered on the darkness and fear that enveloped her heart. She could see for one thing that her brother was there and tried to attack Jai. "You must fight back, don't give into your fear." Kitsui's voice echoed again as the time there made Jai's brother's attack seem to move in slow motion but was actually Jai seeing his attack at a very fast rate of speed.
Jai sidestepped the attack. In her place it hit a child. The child fell it's body convulsing in death throws, blood leaking from his eyes, nose and mouth. His ears and tail shriveled and fell off. His body and screams disintegrated but Jai's continued.
"Stop! STOP! STOP!!!" She screamed, more and more bodies fell. Friends... family... All the while her 'brother' moved closer. Jai had her hands clamped over her ears, her eyes were wide, as though she couldn't close them, as though she couldn't see. "No... no no no no..." She continued to mumble and sob, "Not again... I can't do it.... please no...." Many hands reached out of the darkness and grabbed at her, two of them were placed over her eyes blinding her. Their hands burning against her skin. Jai screamed louder and louder. Hands went around her throat, she stopped screaming. Her eyes closed.
Black fire surrounded her. Her brother leaned down and kissed her. Jai's soul began to fade. Suddenly, a light burst out from her. Banishing the darkness. All except for a small spot, in the center of her chest, an eternal mark of remembrance was burned. Jai returned to reality. She was kneeling on the ground Kitsui stood in front of her. Her throat, eyes and entire body burned but she was alive.
Jai's body shrank and shifted until she was a small silver white fox. She shrank away when Kitsui tried to touch her. Jai tried to get up but her paws wouldn't hold her. she curled up and used her three tails to cover and cushion herself. She stared at Kitsui, blood red tears leaked from her eyes.
Kitsui watched as Jai changed into a small silver white fox then he placed his hand on her head and knelt by her side. "Good...You managed to pull through, I was worried that I was going to lose you there." Kitsui said as he picked her up and carried her as his Coat of Dancing Flames blew with the wind.
"Jai what did you see when you entered the darkness of your heart...?" He asked as he looked down at her in his arms as he carried her. "I didn't expect it to give you this form, but it's alright as long as you did survive it...Not many people would of survived the strain to their soul." Kitsui told her as he carried her back to camp where Ayumu still lied.
"Strange...Now you and Ayumu walk on four legs...I'd be a burden not to join you in that form." Kitsui laughed softly as he set Jai down. The black flames of his coat dispersed then swirled around him and suddenly he turned into a four legged fox, his fur was of a beautiful white snowy color and bore a long bushy tail with a blood dipped red tip of his tail. Since he was in his animal form his clothes had vanished as there was no need in this form.
Kitsui walked over to Jai then nuzzled his head into hers then walked back to Ayumu and curled up by her nuzzling his head into hers then softly licked her muzzle and wrapped his tail around her.
Jai's voice spoke in their minds, "I saw what happened when I left... the deaths of everyone I cared about and him...." She broke off, not wanting to continue. The fur on the sides of her face were streaked with blood. And, the mark was visible under the fur on her chest. She payed no mind to this either. She was thinking about the thing she saw as the darkness vanished.
Suddenly, the world was encased in red light as another cloud crept over the sun. Red lightning flashed and a large white fox stepped out of the brush. Each of his seven tails were tipped in red and black fire that was wrapped around it, but it did not burn him.
"Brother...." Jai's mind voice was on the brink of showing fear. And, even though that was barely hidden her eyes had already given away her fear.
Kitsui looked nervous as he saw Jai's brother come out of nowhere and in a black flash he returned to his two-legged fox form and went directly into his Shinigami State. He released his angelic scythe and the chain wrapped around his arm.
"Jai...Is this him?" He looked over to Jai who seemed to be scared and out of it. "Jai won't be going back with you, over my dead body..." Kitsui warned Jai's brother as he pointed his scythe at him and black flames began to emit from his body showing the furiousity he had towards Jai's brother.
"I'll warn you once, leave now, or I'll kill you." Kitsui growled at him angrily.
Tatsue didn't move, but he transformed himself into his almost human form. He narrowed his eyes, "Just who do you thik you are?" He growled, even though his voice was soft power rolled through it. A sword materalized in his hand, distant screams seemed to echo from it. Tatsue looked at Jai, "Come back. Or these two die just like the rest of them." Jai didn't move. Tatsue turned his attention back to Kitsui, "I can tell that your a kitsune, and that your powerful... but not powerful enough." More power shott from his body, the strength of it threw Jai and Ayumu back.
Kitsui remained in his place as Tatsue's power resonating from him wasnt enough to force Kitsui back. "You won't be taking Jai anywhere...And you'll be the one dead....I can only do this once but this should end it in one blow." Kitsui said and started mumbling towards the end of his speech. Suddenly black flames began to surge around Kitsui and the air around Tatsue and Kitsui began to grow unbearable and the energy pressure began to hit Tatsue making him feel harder to move.
"You are the very first to see this technique...And hopefully the last." Kitsui said as his pupils and the color around his eyes became empty black. Suddenly the universe around everyone began to change and the sky was filled by night and from every length of the area bore a sakura blossom tree totalling to millions of trees scattered everywhere. "Final Attack...Angelic Sakura...." Kitsui said as he raised his hand and suddenly sakura petals burst from every single tree around them and the wind blew the petals straight towards Tatsue and as they passed by him in a beauty of dancing wind, he was cut from everywhere by the petals coming into contact with him; which the petals were actually millions of blades to small for the eye to see scattering blood from Tatsue with each cut inflicted.
Kitsui panted as the universe returned to normal and he dropped to a knee being completely drained and he fell out of his Shinigami State not knowing if his strongest attack had finished him off or not. "He...Shouldn't have been able to survive that attack..." Kitsui said as his vision was blurred completely. Although she was wounded she stumbled up behind the wounded demon. Even though she was injured she was still silent enough to creep up behind him. Her mind pulsated and her heart pounded as she thought over the attack. Crimson had now almost covered her white fur completely.
Once she had an attack in mind, she lunged on the wounded demon, and bit into his neck as hard as she could. Focusing, she transmitted all of his energy into her body, makeing her a poisonous weapon. Then, she reversed it and allowed it to serge into his body, paralyzeing him. She couldn't continue....All the attacks recently had just torn her down, and with the last of her energy she stumbled a few feet away, and convulsed, then fell silent, but not in death, but in a dark sleep.
Kitsui saw Tatsue escape and then Ayumu and Jai lying unconscious. The sight of his fallen friends began to drive him to the point of insanity and tears ran down his eyes. "Why!!! I...Couldn't protect them...Nooo..." Kitsui struggled up to his feet then his eyes began to twitch and shake as he was losing his mind.
"Only...One thing to do..." Kitsui said as he bit into his thumb then lashed his blood across his chest making a kanji symbol of "rebirth" on his chest. "I'm sorry....I will end this once and all so you two will no longer suffer..." Kitsui said as black chains began to come out of nowhere and they dug into his flesh and he yelled out in pain. He then walked towards his two fallen friends as his eyes turned red. "Reborn Awakening..." He said softly and then he began to glow red and the chains expanded and wrapped around both Jai and Ayumu and they were left unharmed but the chains began to transfer his life energy into them restoring them to normal and returning them back to consciousness. "Kitsui was then released from the chains and the chains wrapped around Jai and Ayumu vanished. "I'm sorry....But I will no longer be myself now..." Kitsui said weakly as black flames burned around him and he yelled out as the flames grew heavy around him and he slowly changed into what is known as his Youkai State...It was his true form after the life energy in him was drained and he only lived off impulse and instinct and was now a beast...