Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Recconection ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kitsui watched as Jai moved away from him and he understood why so he got up and turned his back towards her. "You still remember huh? Guess those days never leaves away..." Kitsui said as he shook his head. "Jai....When I am done with my mission...This'll be the end of it, I dont want to hurt anybody else again..." He said as he took a dagger from a sheath strapped to his pants leg and looked at his reflection in the blade.
"I've lost everything now....So I too will disappear just as everything else has disappeared around me." He said as he placed the dagger back in its sheath then walked off leaving Jai behind vanishing back into the desert.
As Kitsui walked the desert once more the wind blew hard and a dark silhouette could be seen in the distance. The scent of this figure had the same scent as Kitsui's father and with that Kitsui's eyes grew full of anger as he had long found his worst enemy. "Father! I'm going to kill you for what you've done!" He yelled as he pulled out his sword ad charged the dark looking neko drifter. Kitsui's father was a neko while his mother was a kitsune which was a very strange combination but the only thing that was on Kitsui's mind was putting an end to all of this that conspired.
"Boy, you dare come attack me." Kisan said as he knocked Kitsui down to the ground with a quicker movement getting past Kitsui's guard. "Don't think I'm just going to lay down and die like you killed my mother you monster!" Kitsui yelled as he jumped to his feet transforming into his Shinigami State and flew towards him growing his angelic wings and his scythe formed into his hands.
Even with the speed of his Shinigami State, Kisan matched him in speed and strength and once again he brought Kitsui down to the ground with another attack of his hand. "With all that anger...It still isnt enough to defeat me...Hate, and let that hate make you miserable for the rest of your days." Kisan said as a dark sword materialized into his hand. Kitsui quickly flipped back getting on to his feet and then rushed Kisan bringing all his energy into one strike and then as he made impact the ground exploded and a massive sonicboom could be heard across the entire desert and the sandstorms picked up with the intense wind blowing from the battlefield.
"Kitsui looked to where he had struck and saw his father was no longer there, had he destroyed him with that final blow, had me managed to avenge his mother after so long? But suddenly blood shot from Kitsui's shoulders, legs, and neck as he was struck by Kisan who avoided the attack and then struck him several times swiftly with his speed. "No....Nothing's changed...Why...What was I doing..." Kitsui thought to himself as he fell to the ground and lied there in a pool of blood.
"You still have a long way to go before you're ever a match for me, but just maybe if you seek out your sister, you'll become stronger..." Kisan said as he walked over to Kitsui's body having used a non fatal strike when he passed him that moment only giving Kitsui the appearance of death. "Sister....I have a sister...?" Kitsui muttered weakly. "Yes...go to the north and find the snow palace, and there you will find your sister, Kasumi." Kisan said as he walked off and vanished after leaving Kitsui a picture of his long lost sister so he'd know who to look for.
"Faaaaather!" He screamed loudly just before passing out into a dark sleep and his breathinf began to weaken as he lied there.
Jai watched as Kitsui left, "...." She sighed and went to find him. She came upon him passed out on the ground. She grited her teeth, 'Don't be stupid... your not supposed to be here...' One side of her argued, the other was screaming, 'Help him!' Jai knelt down and began to heal him. "Don't die on me Kitsui...." She whispered.
She bandaged his wounds and sat him up against a tree. She curled up next to him, "Don't leave me..." Against her better judgement she kissed him. And sucumbed to tears, pillowing her head in his lap. "Your important to me...," Jai whisered, "I don't want you to die.... Dont' leave...."
Jai then took him to the place she was staying, deciding that his health was important for now. She could search for her brother later. "I'm back Mer..." She said to the large white male wolf in the corner. Mer growled at the sight of Kitsui, Jai roled her eyes, "He's a friend." She layed Kitsui on her bed.
Kitsui awoke and he slowly turned into his full human form as the powers that he drained from his final attack had weakened him greatly. He then saw he was on someone's bed and he sat up and climbed off and went to look around his surroundings, he then left the room coming to see Mer and Jai talking at the table about him and he just gazed at them tiredly.
"Hi..." Kitsui said in a grim voice as his face showed such sorrow as if his defeat made him feel like a complete failure. "Jai...Thanks...I was going to die out there...But I am too weak to defeat him..." He said as he walked towards her and Mer.
Kitsui slumped over at first then collapsed to the floor twitching in pain still being weak from his drainage and injuries. "Damn him...." He muttered under his breath as he gritted his teeth.
Mer of course looked at him like he was an idiot. But, Jai on the other hand helped him into a chair, "Are you hungry?" She asked. 'And your not weak...' She added mentally.
Mer looked at her, "Jai.... a village nearby gave reports of him coming near. We should probably get moving." Jai glared, "Not until Kitsui is better ok?" 'I have to help him first.... he's helped me so much...' She thought. She looked back at Kitsui.
Human Kitsui glared at Mer weakly and he made a growl sound at him and just sighed after that. He rested his head on the table and panted slowly. "Why...would there be humans after me? What have I done to them?" Kitsui asked as he looked over towards Mer after hearing what he said about the village.
Kitsui then got back up and headed towards the door dragging himself to move and then propped up against the wall still panting weakly. "Must fight....I dont care if it kills me...I will protect you Jai..." Kitsui said weakly as if he was blinded by his own stubborness and then he went out of the door.
And just as they would expect he collapsed again except this time he had fallen soundly asleep. Kitsui had been growing weaker due to over the year's time he grew restless and stopped sleeping over the grief he felt from the past year.
Jai sighed and had Mer help her carry him back to her bed. Mer then left to make sure that Tatsue hadn't come close to them yet. While, Jai sayed near Kitsui. She lay curled next to him, slowly feeding him energy from her own body. 'I wonder what happened to Ayumu?' The thought to herself as another pang of grief shocked through her.
Kitsui began to blush as he felt Jai resting on him and his tail and ears slowly reappeared and he was back into his half form showing half of his energy was already back. Kitsui then wrapped his tail around Jai then he licked her cheek while still being asleep letting his instinctive side control his movements without him knowing it.
After about two hours Kitsui returned to his fox form. He woke up then pulled his arms around Jai and kissed her deeply. "Jai...I can't help it...But I love you." He said in such a soft voice as he brushed through her hair and then kissed her cheek and got off the bed.
He then walked back into the kitchen looking for Mer. "If you're brother's around then I guess i still have work to do then Jai." He said as he looked back towards her.
Jai got up and walked up to him, "Don't fight him." She pleaded. "Mer and I can handle it... you have antoher job to do. You have to avenge your mother. We can take are of it. I wouldn't be able to stand it if he hurt you." She noticed that he was looking around, "Mer went out for scouting...."
Kitsui looked at Jai then took hold of her and rested her head against his chest letting her listen to his heartbeat. "You worry too much...My mission can wait...I have to get stronger before I can avenge my mother...And you're more important, you've barely been able to fight your brother and make it out alive, you just dont know how scared I am to lose you." Kitsui said as he rested his chin on top of her head.
Kitsui smiled and then stayed close to her. "We can fight this together...I am your guardian as you can see." He joked after being serious for a moment then nipped at her ear gently.
"Your as stubborn as always..." Jai sighed, jokingly, she then looked at him, serious, "But first... I want to find Ayumu." She swallowed, "We'll need her. And, I know she needs us. She's been living as a human for awhile now. And, I think I know where to find her." She left the house with Kitsui, blowing a whistle to signal Mer to follow them.
Kitsui smiled as he nodded his head. "I've learned a few new tricks over the year now." Kitsui said as he raised his hand and suddenly they all were transported by a black sphere and vanished then reappeared in the town Ayumu was in in only seconds. Usually had he to be in his Shinigami State to transport them but now he could do it in his normal form. "Heeey Ayumu!" Kitsui shouted as he saw the human Ayumu walking just up ahead.
Ayumu thought she heard a familiar voice. She turned around and look at him blankly. She tried to highten her sense of smell into the wolves, but she couldn't. Not wnating to look like a fool she walked away, bumping into her dog by her feet. She tumbled and fell. "Damned blind people." A man cursed as he kicked dirt in her face. Even though she was blind she stood, and dropped him holding him arm behind his back.
Kitsui chuckled watching Ayumu then came over to her. "You're still clumsy as ever Ayumu." Kitsui chuckled as he put his hand on her shoulder. "We've come back...For you ya know, I'm sure you remember Jai, and the guy beside her is Mer. Looks like we have a full pack now." Kitsui told her with a soft grin. "The snow palace..." Kitsui said under his breath just now remembering what his father said before he vanished. He reached into his pocket and pulled out what was a picture of his kitsune sister Kasumi Aiken.
He looked at the back of the picture and saw her name written on the back of it then he said softly, "Kasumi....Aiken..." He then placed the picture in his pocket then looked at everyone laughing nervously as they all had their attention on him and the picture.
"Jai, Ayumu, Mer, we're heading north, this sister of mines should know a way to defeat my father." Kitsui told them as he looked at them with a solemn yet serious face.
Ayumu smiled at the thought of having a full pack again, but then the happiness turned into grief. She looked at him; well, where his voice seemed to be coming from. "I can fight blind, just as well as I could with my sight. But I have a feeling..." She stopped and looked at her dog. "I have a feeling that this isn't the right place for me." She said lowly, brushing her hair from her face.
"I can barely use my wolf form." She sighed.