Fables/Fairytales Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction / Angels Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodstained Kitsunes ❯ The Training ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"Stop being such a worry wart Ayumu, listen since you can't use your wolf form I'll teach you how to fight while still in your human form. I still have all my powers even when in human form." He said as he chuckled some. "But really I never knew I had a sister till now. Well can't keep her waiting it's off to the Snow Palace." Kitsui said as he waved his hand and they were all suddenly transported into the same black sphere Jai and the others were carried through and they appeared in a wintery land and the snow was blowing as it was a blizzard and not too far up ahead could be seen a village and a temple altogether lit by torches that were resistant to the cold winds. "The Snow Palace..." Kitsui said as he stepped up first and gazed at the winter Chinatown like structure. Suddenly as he walked into the village he got caught with a sucker punch that knocked him flying back towards the group. "Heeey...Whoops, I hit the wrong person." A young kitsune dressed in martial arts like clothing and fighting gear said as she looked towards Kitsui having missed a wild beast that was as tall as them and it ran passed them leaving the village. "Heeey, you okay?" The girl asked Kitsui as she came up to them. "No shit shir--Wait Kasumi?" Kitsui got up having a nosebleed then saw it was the girl from his picture. "No way...Kitsui, it's been forever, I haven't seen you since you were a pup." Kasumi said as she jacked him off the ground just by hugging him and the sound of crunching bones could be heard clearly. "Aaagh...Let go already!?" Kitsui yelled out squirming looking as if he was about to die. "Oh, sorry little brother." Kasumi said as she dropped him. "So you all are the prince's bodyguards I presume? I'm Kasumi Aiken, Head Member of the Aiken Militia Branch." Kasumi said as she bowed to them then smiled.
Even though she couldn't see anything that had gone on, she laughed slightly. Her eyes's widened when he was given the title of Prince. "Uhm...my name is Ayumu.." She smiled, and bowed gracefully. Her dog mocked her, and followed as she stood full up."One question. Do you mind if I run a bit? My wolf legs aren't used to being in this temperature."
Kasumi nodded her head and noticed Ayumu really couldnt see what was happening. "I see not even your Angelic Shinigami State couldnt cure her eyes." Kasumi said as she walked up to Ayumu. "I guess not..." Kitsui said as he sighed. "So, you want to take a run since your not used to this weather, I thought all wolves were used to the cold." Kasumi told Ayumu then walked back over to Kitsui. "Kasumi, dad told me to search for you." Kitsui said as he looked at Kasumi with a sad face knowing he was still weak. "Right...Of course you couldn't defeat father, he's already acheieved the Class 10 Shinigami State and by the looks of it your still a Class 2." Kasumi looked at him as she crossed her arms. "There are classes for the Shinigami State?" Kitsui blinked looking clueless. "Of course the Classes ranges from 1 the weakest to 10 the strongest and then there's the Elemental Binding of the Shinigami State, you should've noticed by your powers and the weapon you obtained in the transformation." Kasumi explained to him. "Yeah...the Sakura blossoms..." Kitsui said as he thought over his past battles. "Well you have the Shinigami State of Nature, but you have a long way to go, I've reached Class 6." Kasumi said as she walked with Kitsui following behind her. "That means "you" can beat father?!" Kitsui shouted looking amazed. "No not really though I'm Class 6 my Shinigami State of Light counterbalances with father's Shinigami State of Darkness, if we clashed it would become unbearable for the people around us." She said as she held her arm looking worried.
Jai looked at them, "What about all of us combined?" Mer let out a grunt that made it clear that he didn't like the idea. Jai frowned, "Your not being very nice Mer..."
"I don't like the fact that we have to fight someone we know nothing about. We have our own problems as you know." Mer frowned. Jai sighed, "I know." She looked at Kasumi, "Sorry about the lack of introduction, I'm Jai. This is Mer." She smiled.
Kasumi smiled as Jai introduced herself and Mer. "Nice names, but Kitsui doesn't even remember me really, I am atleast 18 years older than he is." Kasumi said as she laughed nervously. "Wait...No wonder I couldnt remember..." Kitsui slapped his forehead looking annoyed. "Yeah Kitsui here used to follow his big sister around like an adorable little chick." Kasumi said as she patted Kitsui on the back.
"Why cant I remember that part eh?" Kitsui looked even more annoyed as his face was completely red from embarassment. "You two are welcomed to train with Kitsui, I can feel you two have your own special power." Kasumi said as she came over to Jai and Mer. "I hope my brother hasn't been a pain to you two, as a child he was spoiled rotten." Kasumi told them as she chuckled some.
"I'm not spoiled!" Kitsui flailed his arms looking furious from the embarassment now. "Well come along, we need to get to training right away." Kasumi said as she started to pull Jai and Mer by the hands and left Kitsui there. "You!!! I'm not a spoiled brat ya here!!!" Kitsui screamed shaking his fist at the air. After cooling off he walked on into the village.
Jai just let out a slightly nervous giggle and allowed Kasumi to pull them away. Mer was glancing around, curious yet nervous as well. "Kasumi... how exactly are we going to be training?" Jai asked.
Kasumi smiled as they asked her how they were going to train then she ran into the temple for a second then shot right out and gave them matching martial arts suits that resembled hers. "Here put this on, it's a special fighting suit that is in fused with powers from the Shinigami State, try it on." Kasumi said as she put one set in Jai's hands then another in Mer's hands.
Kitsui came over to them to see what was going on then Kasumi caught him in a headlock and pulled him away. "You're gonna train those two till they're ready, those suits I gave them will enhance their abilities as they train but it will be very heavy at first, this is the first part of your Shinigami training." Kasumi whispered to Kitsui. "Ughh...Alright just let me go." Kitsui groaned pulling free from her arms.
"Well Jai, Mer, you'll be training with me, haa...I just hope this wont take forever." Kitsui said as he sighed then slumped over.
Jai and Mer changed into their training uniforms. Jai and Mer then returned to where Kitsui stood. "Will we be developing Shinigami states?" Mer asked.
Ayuumu had been running, getting her nose used to the cold and the scents. Her dog followed her like a pup. When she returned to the area where they had met and listened to the train. She could smell their sweat and scents, remembering them from the past. She laughed slightly and smelt for Mer. She kept her ears tuned into him, makeing sure she heard his steps. "May I train a bit?" She asked useung her half human voice.
Kitsui blinked after what they asked him and saw them in their uniforms. "Really I dont know what my sister is up to, so far only a few others besides the Aiken Family can obtain a Shinigami State, it's more of like a cursed power that we are born with and learn to control. There are the Shinigami States of Fire, Water, Ice, Lightning, Darkness, Light, Nature, Earth, Wind, Chaos, Tempest, and Twilight. But telling you how to obtain  them is something I cant do, you learn it on your own. The power comes at a time you will need it the most." Kitsui explained the best way he could to the two. "Hey Kitsui foreheand warning, those suits as long as they wear them they can become a Class 1 Shinigami State." Kasumi shouted over to them. "What?! You cheater!!!" Kitsui shouted furiously. "Ughhh...Well the best way to strengthen the powers of the Shinigami State is in mind training and combat, so you two will have to train your minds and fight me. You ready to begin?" Kitsui said as he turned into his Shinigami State Class 2 after black flames surrounded him.
(The colors of the flames consist of Fire=Red, Water=Aqua, Nature=Black, Darkness=Purple, Light=White, Earth=Green, Wind=Silver, Chaos=Maroon, Tempest-Gold, and Twilight=White-Silver)
Kasumi saw that Ayumu wanted to train and she came back with another uniform and tossed it to Ayumu and it landed in her hands. "Sure the more the merrier, and best wise you should all team up on Kitsui, Class 2 can still be very powerful if the person can use it well and has trained for extended periods of time." Kasumi told Ayumu and the others. "No fair three against one?!" Kitsui shouted as he grew nervous.
Ayumu smiled. "I wouldn't be much help to you Kitsui." She grinned evilly and went to get changed. She returned, ready to fight. Ayumu smiled and looked at them all, acknowledging that she knew where each were standing. She barked for her dog to stay where he was.
Kitsui looked at everyone then sakura petals began to collect around his hand and formed into his Angelic Scythe. "Don't try to hold back on me." Kitsui said as he stood his ground.
Ayumu smiled and her tail, like in the past flamed with water and ice. She grinned, ehr large canines showing. She went afetr him, slowly at first, makeing sure she had her footing. She attempeted a few hits, landing one to his chest.
Kitsui took a blow from Ayumu to the chest being pushed back slightly then he moved the chain from his scythe making the sharp edges retract making it into nothing but a chain like whip then he swung it and made it wrap around Ayumu's leg and he pulled her off her footing making her fall. "Try harder...You have special elemental powers while in the Shinigami State just concentrate and focus your energy Ayumu." He said as the chain unwrapped from her leg then he made a light blade made of sakura petals but if it hit her it would only bruise her.
Ayumu smiled, even though she was on the ground. The rush of the fight completely enthralled and empowered her. her eye, although still lifeless shone a brighter gold. She stood, focusing on her ice powers. With the heightened energy she created a large sword, but still small in comparison. Her other hand was encased with a glove. She howled to herself, attacking him the best she could, trying to remember the general location he was in.
Kitsui brought himself near Ayumu's sword and blocked her strikes with the blade of his scythe and smiled seeing she was learning her powers very quickly. "Impressive you've already mastered the weapon creation." He told her he then flipped over her grabbing her from behind and held on to her seeing what defensive move she would try while she was in his grasp. "Try finding a way to attack while being in someone's clutches." He told her as he restrained her a bit but not too roughly.
Jai's body glowed a silver white, the color of twilight. A silver like liquid appeared in her hand it formed a flute. She began to play a melody and silver-white mist shot at Kitsui, knocking him back from Ayumu. Mer was glowing purple.
Ayumu didn't even care that she had almost been killed. She rushed to where she could smell Kitsui. Her old feeling came back as she laid on top of him, holding pressure onto his wound. She licked his other wounds and his face, trying to keep him alive. Her dog darted and did the same for Kasumi, licking her wound. Ayumu's white pelt was stained so dark that it almost looked black. She whimpered like usual, and kept licking him, ignoreing the wound on her neck from where her brothers old wound had reopened.
Kitsui just lied there motionless and the bleeding began to worsen, and his breathing could no longer be heard. It appeared as if he had died but it didnt seem to be the case. "Darkness..." Kitsui looked around but was in a world created by the darkness in his mind. "Boy...You still wish to fight, even for the sake of killing your own friends?" A strange voice called out to him from the darkness. "No...I just want the power to defeat my father....I just want to end this once and for all." Kitsui said to the darkness as he lowered his head. "Then what shall you do after you have defeated him...Killing yourself is not an option." The voice grew closer as a black flame burned being the only form of light Kitsui could see. "It doesn't matter...All I want is to see my mother again....If only I was stronger...I could have prevented her death..." Kitsui said sadly as tears began to burn his eyes. "You still fight for vengeance...That is not your true nature therefore you shall never unleash our full power..." The flame said to him as it began to burn more furiously. "You cant tell me what I cant do!? I'll kill that murderer no matter what I have to do!!!" Kitsui screamed as he tried to strike the black flames. "Your heart burns just as black as these flames...You will die if you do not give up this quest for vengeance." The flame told him as it moved right behind Kitsui as his hand went through it. "I wont die! I wont cease to exist!" Kitsui screamed as he ran at the flame attacking it once more. "I see...Then I shall no longer aid you...You will have to fight on your own with your own resolve...Now perish..." The flame said as it materialized being in the form of an dark angel like Kitsui stabbing him in the heart with a black crystallized sword. "Gaaah....You..." Kitsui looked shocked as the blade ripped out of him and he fell to the floor. Kitsui on the outside began to emit ghastly flames and his fox form dematerialized returning him to his full human form. "Haa...Haaa...." Kitsui started o breathe again and his wound vanished but as he stood up his heartbeat grew intense and he yelled out as a bright flash came from him and he wore a dark military like outfit representing his new form "False Shinigami". He looked at his arms which were thinner and his hands were like animals and had sharp claws being covered by hardened black leather gloves. "This form what is it...?" Kitsui said as he looked at himself and his hands.
Ayumu looked up at him, seeing that for the most part he was alright. She laid on her side, and panted viscously. She tried to get back up, but all it did was have her flail around like a turtle on its back. "You're still too weak Ayumu." her brother's voice said. As soon as the voice entered her head she stood, her fur turning from its stunning white to Onyx. Her eyes turned whiter and she still had her wounds but her profuse bleeding didn't seem to faze her. She took off, without knowing where she wsa going. Her dog tried to follow but she snapped.
Kitsui saw that Ayumu was trying to leave but the smell of blood made him dart after her. He caught up to her in just one bound of speed and grabbed her. "Ayumu, you cant go running off with serious wound like that your not going to kill over on me now." Kitsui said as he placed his hand on her bleeding wound and it began to glow green and the bleeding stopped and the wound sealed up and disappeared completely. "Your doing fine, aaaagh!" Kitsui spoke to her but yelled out after feeling his heart throb and he spat up blood. "What's happening to me...." Kitsui said as his eyes began to tremble and his sight was growing darker and darker. "You will experience what ever person's inflictions you come in contact with." The voice in Kitsui's head told him. "I...Can't see...Ayumu where are you!" Kitsui shouted as now by touching her he had become blind just as she was. "Learn to see through other's eyes, and maybe you'll learn just how valuable having power is..." The voice told Kitsui. Kitsui collapsed on his hands and knees screaming out and started punching his fist into the ground cracking it. "Damn you! Curse you! Curse you to hell!" Kitsui screamed out loud at the voice he came in contact with.
Ayumu looked at him, and placed a paw on his shoulder. She touched her nose to his cheek. "Kitsui.." She said lowly. She started to sing lowly to him, a song she heard mothers sing to their children when she was on patrol. Her coat was still black, but she didn't care if she only had three legs, as long as Kitsui was alright. "I'm you're guardian angel, my love. I'll protect you even with broken wings. I'm you guardian angel my love..." She sang in a lower tone, licking his cheek. "Its not that bad being blind." She whispered even lower.
Kitsui started to relax a bit more as he heard Ayumu's singing then finally calmed down he then looked around not knowing where Ayumu was but knew she was close as he could feel her lick his cheek. "Ayumu...." He said sadly and lowered his head. Suddenly he felt another pain in his chest then his sight returned. "Compassion for the one lost in the darkness a song escaping the void of that which cannot be seen." The voice of the black flame said to Kitsui. "The melody of the one which cant be seen..." Kitsui thought to himself as he looked at Ayumu with his restored sight starting to feel some of the pain lifted off his heavy heart. "Thank you Ayumu, for giving a part of you to me..." He said as he placed his hand on her cheek and smiled. He then saw Kasumi was still unconscious then went over and started to shake her gently. "Sis...Sis you all right?" He asked as he shook her. "Of course I am you rat bastard!!!" Kasumi yelled as she caught him with an uppercut that knocked him into the air and sent him crashing on the far side of the village. "Glad I asked...." Kitsui mumbled as he was on his head then got back up looking annoyed. Kasumi stood up and the wound in her shoulder began to heal completely by its own. "The Shinigami State of Light allows me to heal any injury except for those that are completely fatal." Kasumi said as she dusted herself off. "Don't you ever give me a scare like that again Kitsui!" Kasumi yelled at her brother. "Right, right, i gotcha." Kitsui said as he rubbed the back of his head.
Ayumu looked up at the sky in her human form. She continued the song," I'm you guardian angel love, and no one will take me away. I'll always be by your side. I'm you guardian, protecting you with broken wings.......I give my life for you..." She finished as a tear rolled down her cheek. Her dog crawled up to her whimpering and she felt the wound she had caused. She licked the blood away and cuddled her dog, then let it scurry off. She continued to look at the sky, shaded with red, as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Mer had been knocked out by the attacks. Jai just stared at Kitsui, she didn't move or speak. But, then, she slowly began to walk towards him. She had a gash on her side and another on her shoulder, the blood was flowing extremely quickly, but no color drained from her face. She was now standing next to him. She hadn't said anything. Suddenly, she threw her arms around him.
`I'm selfish…' She thought to herself, `I'm taking him… they were together first… but then I….” Her thoughts went fuzzy as grief overcame her. Selfish… selfish… selfish… what kind of person am I…?