Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ What Now? ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello again, on to Chapter five. I never would have guessed I would have such positive feedback. Wow, thank you all for taking the time to read this. Not much happens here, but it does lead up to a very good chapter six. So please have patience with me. Arigato

With Sugar on Top 5

The sun streaming through the window annoyed Leon enough that he did not immediately open his eyes. The warm, small body pressed to his side gave him wicked ideas. Leon trailed a hand down the side and cupped the small backside. "Hmmm…Leon," D murmured still not fully awake. D opened his oddly colored eyes and looked up at Leon. "Good morning."

"Good morning yourself," Leon said. D looked so mussed; Leon could not help but run his hand through the thick jet black hair. "I never thought to see you less than perfect." D blushed and tried to get off the bed. Leon grabbed his hand and pulled D down on top of him. Both of Leon's hands cupped D's backside. D braced himself on his arms and leaned down to place little kisses against Leon's lips. The kisses lasted for only a second and yet Leon felt them clear to his core.

Leon turned his head and began to kiss D's neck, working another bruise into the delicate skin. Just as Leon was sliding his hand between them to stroke D, his cell phone rang. "Shit, I'm on duty today," Leon groaned. D placed a sharpish bite at the base of Leon's neck. "Ow, what was that for?"

D crawled off of Leon and exited the bed. Leon rubbed the spot and watched D put on his bathrobe. D looked back at Leon and smiled his little charming smile. "Language, my dear Mr. Detective. Oh that my ears should be so abused so early in the morning…" The last ended in a huff as Leon grabbed him by the waist and tossed him back onto the bed.

"I know I'm supposed to have breakfast, but I'd rather have dessert before I go in to the office today." Leon was pleased to see the clouded look on D's face. For a moment, he had been afraid of the frosty Count D coming back. But now Leon could see just how fast D could go from ice cold to smoldering hot. Leon undid the tie of D's bathrobe and slid down D's body. D moaned as Leon began to suck and stroke. Leon was not disappointed in his quest for D's sweet mixture. D exploded in his mouth and Leon smiled; so sweet he thought. "Got to stop by my apartment and get cleaned up before work, have a good day beautiful." Leon said, he leaned over and placed a kiss on D's mouth.

He looked back as he dressed and noted D lying on his side on the bed watching him. D stretched and Leon's pants dropped to the floor from where he had been in the process of pulling them up. His phone ringing again halted his movement towards the bed. `Leon! Where the Hell are you? Chief wants you in here as soon as possible, We have three new officers being transferred here from New York, and two of them mentioned they know you, so chief is assigning you to show them around.' Leon winced at Jill's shrill screeching. "

"I'm on my way, I need to go to my place and get a shower first. Tell Ryo and Dee... To chill." If Jill wondered at the halt in his voice she said noting.

`We've been to your apartment, where are you? And I guess you do know them. I kind of noted a bit of tension between them and the other guy, so, I'll take him on for a couple of days. How did you meet the other two?'

"Hold on a sec," Leon said and kissed D one more time before he headed out of the pet shop. "We met when I dropped Chris off at camp; they were dropping off their own kid. Had a late snack and got to know each other."

`You still did not answer m question, Where are you?" Jill asked.

"I'm in my car en route to my apartment." Leon said he did not bother to hide the snicker that entered his voice.

`Where were you?' Jill's voice had dropped dangerously low.

"None of your business…" Leon's words trailed off as he pulled up to his apartment building and saw Jill, Ryo and Dee waiting for him. Leon's face turned bright red as Dee gave him a knowing look. "I'll be about fifteen minutes." Leon grumbled before heading upstairs.

"We'll be at the diner on the corner." Jill called up to him and wondered why Dee was laughing like a psycho. "What's up with him?" Jill asked Ryo who tried not to laugh as he followed her down the street.

As Leon showered he thought of D bathing and had to calm his thoughts or he'd take off work and go join him. While dressing he looked in the mirror and saw D's little bite mark. He smiled before pulling on a t-shirt. He tossed on a jacket to hide his weapon and headed off to meet Jill, Ryo and Dee.

Ryo looked up and smiled as he saw Leon headed towards their table. "Morning Orcot."

"More like afternoon," Jill grumbled. Leon smiled at her and she wondered why he was so pleased. "Well, play nice kids; I have to go before J.J. starts looking for me." Ryo frowned at the mention of J.J. Leon dropped down in to her vacant seat and ordered coffee and glazed doughnuts.

"Well?" Dee asked.

"Well what?" Leon evaded the question and watched Jill get into her car and speed away.

"Don't give me that, we all know where you spent the night." Dee said and ignored Ryo's punching him in the arm.

"I do not believe this is any of our business," Ryo said. "Or have you never heard that curiosity killed the cat?"

"Fine, I'll think about answering your questions, if you answer mine." Leon said and took a bite of a doughnut. He paused…the taste… Leon took another bite, reminded him of…Another bite… D.

"You really like glaze." Dee remarked and Leon realized he had licked the doughnut instead of biting it.

"I've developed and odd craving for sugar." Leon smiled. "Now, you both mentioned J.J. Last night and now I hear his name again today and you both look like you would rather shoot him than work with him." Leon then began to drink his coffee. "Explain please, so I know what to expect at the office."

"J.J. is like a pest that just refuses to go away." Ryo said.

"Like, baby, he is a pest that refuses to go away. We went to academy together and he would never leave me alone. Would have licked my boots had I asked him, but I've never been attracted to the needy clingy type." Dee went on to explain, "He later transferred to our precinct in New York and proceeded to follow me around and set my seduction of Ryo back by a couple of weeks. Ow," Dee complained as Ryo punched him again. "He found out we were being transferred to California and begged the chief to send him out too, I think the chief was just glad to be rid of him. He's a good cop, but damn." Dee grumbled.

"Well at least you don't get bitten for swearing." Leon said and sipped his coffee. "And Yes I did stay at the Shop with D last night." He needed to talk to someone who was experienced in these matters and he figured these two would be his best bet. "So I have a few questions and I thought maybe you could help me out."

"What's on your mind, you look even more confused than you did last night." Dee said, he exchanged a look with Ryo who nodded.

"When you realized you were, you know…" Leon began his face turned red. "Gay, did it bother you."

"Drove me half crazy," Ryo admitted. "I made us both miserable, because I was afraid to admit to that part of myself. I could not even look Dee in the eye because I was ashamed that I was attracted to him. The more I hung around him, the more I had to admit that I was in love."

"When it's the heart that is involved," Dee said. "You really should not care about anything else. Do you love D?"

"I think I must, or why else would I throw convention to the wind, just to be with him." Leon said. "But uh… my question is a bit more complex. How do you two uh… well... you know?"

Dee burst into uproarious laughter as Ryo blushed and refused to make eye contact with Leon. "Oh come on Ryo, it'll be our good deed to help them out."

"Shouldn't we be working," Ryo hedged turning redder.

Leon held up his cell phone and showed that it was turned on. "We are."

"Not much I can tell you." Dee said, "Same general concept, you know peg in hole, they taught you that in kindergarten. I know you can figure this out, I saw you watching his butt as he walked up to the stage last night. Just tell to relax, and try to stay calm. The first time might hurt."

"The first few times." Ryo amended. "And Leon what ever you do, use lots and lots of Lube, when you think you have enough, put some more." Ryo was silent for a moment as the waitress came back and refilled their coffee cups. Leon was staring bug eyed at Ryo and Dee. They couldn't be serious, could they? Did they…? Leon looked at Ryo with a question on his face. He was not sure he could see Dee getting taken that way. "Yes, okay, now can we get back to doing actual police work?"

"Sure, whatever, thanks guys," Leon said. "I've been working on tracking a gang of assassins called Scorpio's Children; really high profile, kills top notch victims. Usually senators or mobsters you know, humph, "Leon finished his coffee and had another doughnut. "Now a days, you can't tell the two apart."

D looked at the limousine the pulled up to his shop. The deep purple flag marked it as Arcadian. The door opened and Andy fairly bounced out as she made her way to the shop. "I am pleased to present her highness, the lady Andromache, High princess…"

"Put a sock in it." She said to her driver who felt the need to announce her to D. "He knows who I am." She frowned and stomped down the stairs of the shop. "Sorry about that pompous Jack ass." She said to D. "Nestoir insist that if I am going out I take someone with me, everyone else is working today, so… I had to make due with General Fland."

"I see your language has not improved." D said and sat a cup of tea in front of her with Honey instead of sugar.

"You remembered," she squealed.

"Of course," D said. He sat in his usual strait backed chair and began to eat his fruit tart. "Now why are you not out working with the others?" D asked.

"I am," Andy said and sat down her cup. "There has been an issue brought up at court and King Zarro has asked for your Grandfather to show up. We are having trouble locating him, but we thought you might be able to get a message to him."

"What is the problem?" D said afraid his grandfather had committed some heinous crime… again.

"Some one has set up a pet shop similar to yours only it's in Chicago; we were hoping to enlist his aid in shutting it down. Innocent people are being killed." Andy said. "We have too much other stuff to deal with to be bothered by some other worldly hood trying to…" Andy's words were cut off as Sirens could be heard outside the pet shop, and feet were crashing down the stairs.

"Open up count D," An unfamiliar voice blustered. "You're under arrest."