Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ When Crap Hits The Fan, It's Kind Of Funny ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

With Sugar on top 6

Leon's cell phone rang and he quickly answered it. "Orcot here...WHAT!" Leon stood from the table. "I"LL BE THERE IN FIVE MINUTES." Ryo and Dee had no time to ask questions, they simply followed Leon outside and jumped into their car.

"How does he expect us to keep up, he's driving like a psycho?" Ryo said and buckled his seatbelt.

"Leave that to me." Dee grinned and pealed out turning his sirens on just as Leon had. He dashed past startled pedestrians and motorist at a break neck speed.

The silence was deafening in the Pet shop as several officers rushed in with their guns drawn. "Every body put your hands up." More sirens could be heard outside, as the lead officer roughly grabbed D's cheongsam and threw him across his counter. D's arms were wrenched behind his back. "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of..."

"What is the charge?" Andy marched forward her voice full of command. The childish gaiety of earlier had vanished.

"Murder, little girl, now back off or join him in cuffs." The officer said.

"D!" Leon crashed into the shop. He saw red. "Damn it Randolf, let him go." Leon commanded

"Calm down, Orcot, I got the call I bring him in, I know you've had a hard on to bring the guy in your self, but no bad feelings, right, as long as he's behind bars." Randolf said. Leon saw D wince as he was jerked upright.

"You don't have to be so rough with him. Where's your proof?" Dee said as Leon seemed incapable of speech. Ryo held on to Leon's arm for was gripped with such rage that Randolf was in danger.

"A man named Tye Kushner was found dead this morning He had some sort of toxic gas in his lungs, it killed him. There was a little fuzzy monkey type thing there and a pot of incense from you know who." Randolf shook D. Leon couldn't take it anymore. He lunged forward and pulled D away from Randolf.

"You ok?" He asked. D nodded. Leon was glad that cop cuffs were universal as he undid D's cuffs. "Just explain."

D stepped away from him and nodded, rubbing his bruised wrists. "Mr. Kushner, he bought Zitti Monkey. The monkey is to be kept on a strict diet of vegetables and tofu. If that diet is not adhered to, his bowels can release a toxic gas. Mr. Kushner was well aware of this and he signed a contract. The Pet shop can not and will not be held accountable for his breach of the contract." D rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a piece of paper. "You can check there if you want." D held out the paper. Leon noted the bruises on his slim wrists and pulled D against him and rubbed his wrists.

"You can file for PB you know?" He said and looked at Randolf. "He could get fined or lose his badge."

"What's with you Orcot?" Randolf said. "I was just doing my job, I thought you would appreciate it. But I see you have a different kind of Hard on for the guy. Humph I always figured you for a skirt man... But I guess you still are, little bitch wears skirts." Randolf growled and looked D over with a sneer. Leon prepared to attack Randolf and found himself held back by surprisingly strong, slim fingers. D smiled sweetly at him and nodded at Andy who seemed to be smoldering with barely contained rage.

"Apologize this instant." Ryo turned and saw Andy standing with her hands on her hips. She was trembling with fury.

"Mind your own business little girl, I've got no call to apologize to a suspected felon." Randolf growled.

"I demand an apology, not only to Count D, but to myself and these esteemed officers as well. A public apology." Andy said and stuck her nose in the air as she looked at Randolf.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Randolf asked. He looked down at Andy with acute dislike.

"I hate when they resist," Andy pouted and Dee smiled, she was adorable. "Looks like I'm going to have to pull rank. General Fland, if you will." Andy stepped back and allowed a man in a black suit to step forward. "He missed his chance earlier, and I know he is just dying to say it."

"Allow me to present her Highness the lady Andromache, High Princess of Arcadia." General Fland bowed low and stepped aside.

Andy giggled at the shocked silence that followed. "I left the tiara at home."

"The flagged car outside was you?" Ryo asked.

"You noticed a car, I was so intent on getting in here..." Leon said and again rubbed D's wrists.

Andy looked at Randolf, "well!" She demanded.

Randolf turned red and bowed "My apologies, your highness. I did not realize you were royal...ah."

"So you are just rude to anyone you come across? So much for common courtesy." Andy said, "Now either you apologize to my friend the honorable Count D, or you lose your badge, and I will expect a written apology by you delivered to him before sunset. Or your government will be hearing from the Arcadian King." Andy folded her arms and glared at Randolf. "And they are not dresses, they are ancient Chinese robes... so you also need to apologize for your insulting of his heritage as well as your brutal treatment of him, when he had not resisted you because he had done nothing wrong."

"Andy," D placed a hand on her shoulder. "perhaps we should just let it..."

"I will not." Andy yelled, she rounded on D and Leon shuddered, it seemed as if her eyes had glowed silver for a moment. "Disrespect to me, or my subjects will not be tolerated. Either he apologizes now, or he loses his badge, the government will get a complaint from the king and Nestoir will then be allowed to play with him."

"I'm sorry." Randolf exploded at D. I hope there was no damage to your wrists and I am sorry about insulting your culture."Randolf said. "I'll deliver a written apology before the day is over." For good measure, and self preservation he turned to Leon. "Sorry if I insulted you new lifestyle." Randolf left the shop in a hurry.

"Whoa, what?" Dee's eyes were so wide it seemed as if they were taking up over half his face.

"You never heard of the Arcadian court?" Andy asked with a smile, the scariness of just a few minutes ago vanished as if it had never been. "Well, a while ago, we kind of made the headlines by winning a war against some heinous uh...'terrorist'. Then, well, it kind of goes from there. D is apart of our Asian factor of government. Did you never wonder why his family bears the title of Count?" She asked Leon. Fland cleared his throat. Andy flopped onto a chair and picked up her tea as the door opened again. She appeared to hiding behind D. Ryo was in a state of shock as a tall man stormed into the shop.


"Nes honey, mission accomplished, D will contact his Grandpa and..." Andy was cut off as as Nestoir grabbed her and pulled her to her feet.

"You adorable little psycho." Nestoir said "we're needed at the front. D it's nice to see you again." Nestoir said to D who bowed to the irate Prince. As the royal pair left, D went to put on more tea.

"Please won't you join me for some dinner?" D said to Leon, Dee and Ryo.

"Well," Ryo looked at his watch. "Shift is over for today."

"Ever the responsible one." Dee said and mussed Ryo's hair.

Leon laughed and pulled D into his arms for a brief hug. "I got here as fast as I could." He said against the softness of D's hair. Leon molded his mouth to D's before he could stop himself. He pulled away and blushed.

"Ah, PDA's, we love those." Dee snickered. They moved to D's dinning room and sat down for dinner. "Hmmm, no meat, let me guess, a vegetarian." Dee said and looked at D.

D nodded, "I do not eat meat this is true, but I have prepared a very nice salad and fried tofu. In honor of Bunjal's return." D said, he patted a little fuzzy creature that resembled a monkey.

As Dee and Ryo prepared to leave, they pulled Leon aside. "Remember, be gentle, and tender and... Well, tell him to relax." Dee whispered. "Here," Dee placed a small bottle into Leon's hand. Leon looked down and his eyes widened as he looked at the lubricate. "Water soluble, and completely edible." Dee grinned and was pinched by Ryo.

"Edible?" Leon said loudly, D looked up startled. Leon placed the bottle in his pocket. "See you guys tomorrow."

"Not yet," Ryo said. He walked over to D, before glaring at Dee. "Can I have a word with you?"

"Yes of course, is something wrong?" D asked as he stepped away from Leon and Dee.

"You'll thank him," Dee said. "He doesn't trust you to instruct D properly and doesn't want to see the little guy hurt, so..." Dee and Leon continued to talk quietly until Ryo rejoined them by the door. He and Dee made their way out and left Leon to discover D sitting in shock on the couch. His face was very red, and his tea was left unattended on the table.

"Hey," Leon said and sat beside him. Leon placed a hand on D's knee and kneaded softly. "Don't worry about what they said, we don't have to..." Leon's words were smothered as D tossed himself into Leon's lap and began kissing him furiously. Oh! Leon thought, D was not in shock, he was aroused. "whoa calm down sweet heart"

"Oh, Leon." D moaned and began to undo Leon's pants.

"Bed, room," Leon panted and held D's hands. He stood and picked D into is arms "What the hell did he say to you?" Leon growled and headed down the hallway. He had only been to D's bedroom once and yet he went unerringly to it. Leon carried D directly to his bed and laid him on it. D whimpered and pulled Leon on top of him. Leon made a mental note to thank Ryo in the morning.
