Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ Two Become One ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi…I could blather on about all sorts of things but I won't. I will simply warn that there are minor spoilers for the Manga. This does go further than Chapter four. I figured the censors would cool because I did not use any hard language. It is all done artistically. I would like to thank you all for the positive feedback and to Tigermink; the third crossover is from The White Lion, a novel that I am writing. Snippets from the fist thirteen chapters can be read and reviewed on my homepage. OOOPS, I blathered anyway, On to the chapter.

With sugar on top 7

Leon grabbed D's hands in a gentle yet firm grip. He looked into D's eyes and saw that he was beyond any patience. Leon tried to quickly undress D. "Damn this thing." Leon muttered when he could only undo the top layer of D's robe. D whimpered and shifted his hips causing the part in his robe to reveal his pants. "That'll work." Leon said and undid D's pants. He slipped a hand inside and D was gone in moments. "You okay?" Leon asked when D seemed to be breathing normally again.

"I…I… d…Don't know what came over me." D took several calming breaths. Leon laughed and kissed him. D quickly shed the rest of his layers of clothing and began to undo Leon's pants.

"Instant gratification did not do it for you huh?" Leon grinned never having dreamed that D could be so passionate about anything other than animals. "Whoa, Wait a minute, hon." Leon took D's hands and held them still. "What exactly did Ryo say to you?"

D took several deep breaths, "I just never imagined such feelings as I had last night, and Ryo said it would be magnified, and he said to trust you and to just try to relax." D paused then and looked away from Leon, the rest of his words were muffled against Leon's chest, but he heard them just the same. "He said that if I tensed up, you can't… well, you know, and it will hurt." D seemed to pale at the mention of pain. Leon sighed in relief; at least D was no longer panting and bucking. "It just seems so intimate. I have always known about intercourse, but now that I think about it, how can it be something that is just done for recreational purposes. I mean, to actually have someone inside of you…I love you Leon, so I want to, but…"D paused and placed a slim hand over his mouth as he realized what he had said.

Leon removed D's hand and replaced it with his lips. A tender kiss, a gentle slid of lips, tasting with soft tongues. Leon looked down and D had tears in his eyes. Before they could spill Leon said, "I love you too, you Chinese criminal." Leon laughed and held D close, enjoying the feel of the slight form in his arms. "I don't know when it happened, but somewhere in between man eating rabbits and love sick mermaids, I fell, hard." D smiled and Leon felt as if the sun had deigned to shine in the dark room. He sank into a kiss and decided that the world was a beautiful place.


Chris looked out at the water and grinned. Bikky did not believe he could swim. Oh boy would he show him, Chris thought as he jumped in and began to swim. Bikky followed and tried to dive as deep as Chris. Bikky surfaced and gasped for air, looking for Chris. "Oh no!" Bikky said and began to search the water frantically for his friend. "I hope he didn't drown, I promised his brother I'd look after him. He's only eight." Bikky said to himself as he dived again looking for Chris. As he resurfaced, he saw Chris bobbing in the water silently laughing. "How'd you stay under for so long?" Bikky demanded.

Chris wished he could speak to him; he made his way to the sandy shore and wrote with a stick. -My friend Philippe taught me, He lives at D's pet shop.-

Bikky Grinned, he couldn't wait to explore D's pet shop. It sounded so cool. Chris said he was supposed to be living with his brother, but spent more time in Count D's pet shop, but he did not mind, he liked to play with the others there. Bikky vowed to ask Ryo and Dee if he and Carol could go and visit the shop.

Carol sat on the sand with Bikky's new dog, Cujo, Chris' Goat T-Chan, and her Rabbit Sweetie, and wondered why they kept calling the pretty woman named D that had been with Chris's brother a he. She refused to believe it was a man. She was too beautiful. Carol vowed to get to the bottom of the puzzling situation as Bikky came back and dumped a bucket of water on her head. "Bikky!" Carol screamed and ran after him. "I'm gonna hold you under until the bubbles stop." Chris laughed as he sat back and watched his two new friends frolic in the water.

"This is a nice place." T-Chan said.

-Yeah, - Chris said to T-Chan. -I hope I can come back next summer,- Chris looked over at a happy young man beside T-Chan, -Hey Cujo, you think you'll be visiting the shop with Bikky and Carol, you too Sweetie.- The young woman with bunny ears smiled and nuzzled Chris hand. -D'll love you both. - Chris said as T-Chan lay in the grass and went to sleep.

"Camper Chris!" Chris looked up and frowned as Squirrel came and sat beside him. "Today is the day for your group to write letters home. You can write to your brother and his friend, what was his name, I don't remember ever learning it." Chris looked up at Squirrel and was glad that he could not speak. Oh he'd write a letter alright, Chris thought, a letter telling D to stay away from the camp.

-Can I eat that one? - T-Chan grumbled.


"So is the `Little guy' all prepared for his carnal adventure?" Dee asked Ryo as they entered their new house. It was a nice two story with plenty of room for Bikky and large yard for his new dog Cujo. Dee grinned, who would have thought of him as a family man? He had not asked on the way home because he wanted to concentrate on the road and note Ryo. It was a bit difficult to remember how to get to their house from China town. One wrong turn could send an hour out of their way on the back roads of L.A.

Ryo laughed wanted to answer but finding it difficult to between kisses. "You should have seen his face when I left… I told him what to expect. He seemed a bit apprehensive of the pain, but I doubt that will stop his desire for pleasure." Ryo would have said more but he was thrown onto their bed. "I guess you're done talking now." He mumbled while he still had the ability.


Leon moved back and gulped in air between kisses. He pressed himself against D who raised his hips and moaned. "Wait…" Leon said and left the bed. He searched his pockets for the small vial that Dee had given him earlier. He climbed back on top of D. "Are you sure about this?" Leon asked He was careful of how he touched D wanted his decision to be a lucid one.

D nodded, he was touched that Leon cared enough to ask so many times. "I want you, more than I have never wanted anything in my life." Leon smiled and kissed D again marveling at the sweetness of D's lips, his neck, his chest and further. D moaned as Leon spread his legs and began to suck.

"Lift your legs a bit," Leon said between licks and kisses. D was beyond any understanding of a spoken language so Leon gently grasped his ankles and moved his legs up. Leon wrapped D's ankles around his waist and covered his hand with the lubricant. D's eyes flew open as Leon's hands began to knead his backside.

"Ah…" D gasped, Leon tried not to hurt him as one finger slid inside and began to move.

"God, you're tight." Leon groaned. He felt himself growing harder at the mere thought of sliding into the warm, slick sheath. Leon inserted another finger and began to spread them apart, loosening D as much as he could. D began to moan louder and shift his hips. He moved his hands from Leon's shoulders and to his crotch. "No not yet," Leon ground out and continued to move his fingers. He gathered both of D's hands into one of his large ones and held them over his head. "You're driving me crazy." Leon said and kissed the protestations from D's lips.

As Leon moved his fingers, D whimpered and raised his hips higher. Ryo was incorrect, he thought, this did not hurt, he wanted more. "Leon, now, please."

"I don't want to hurt you." Leon said and licked D's neck.

"It does not hurt." D said he pulled on his hands and was released with out a struggle. Leon sighed and removed his fingers. He pressed forward, He gritted his teeth. D was tighter than he had first thought.

"Just relax baby, or I can't get in." Leon said and made a tentative thrust. Ok, D thought, Ryo was right. D took several deep breaths and tried to relax. Leon thrust again and D gasped. "Are you okay?" Leon concerned, that last gasp did not sound like pleasure. D closed his eyes tightly and nodded. Leon thrust again.

"Oh!" D's eyes squeezed shut. "Leon began to back away. But D held onto his hips and refused to unlock his legs from Leon's waist.

"Baby, if it hurts…" Leon began.

"No it's all right." D panted. "I knew what to expect, the pain will not last, and I can bear it. I want you so badly, do not deny me now, do not deny us both." D said. "Go all the way; I know you are holding back." D gathered Leon close to him and kissed his neck. Leon could not take any more. Le held D closer and as gently as he could, pushed all the way in. He felt D trembling in his arms.

"How bad is it?" Leon asked.

"Just don't move." D said getting used to sharing his body. He had done so only once before, and then he had not been in his body when it was used. But now, there was such a connection. He could feel Leon deep in the core of himself and as long as Leon was still it did not hurt so much. But, D thought, underneath the pain, was a pleasure so deep he thought he would faint from it. That was what he wanted to explore. "Okay," D said.

Leon moved slowly, afraid to hurt D and yet wanted to relieve the ache in his loins, and ache that was steadily building as he looked into D's beautiful eyes. D discovered that if he raised his butt higher he could take more of Leon in. With each thrust of Leon's D met it with a thrust of his own. "Oh yeah, just like that, you're perfect." Leon ground out as he kissed D. Leon realized he would not last much longer and brought a hand between them to stoke D.

"Leon…Leon…Ah…" D panted as the world took on a crazy tilt and dumped them both off the side.

Leon was in a state of exhausted shock. Never in his sexual history could he remember anything being so intense. "Oh, D." Leon groaned. He realized he had collapsed on top of D and rolled to the side pulling D with him. "You…You okay?" D could not speak, no words would issue forth from his mouth. He could only nod and place tiny kisses along Leon's jaw line. It was all he could reach from his position and he did not have the strength to move. Leon looked down and saw they were both covered in several different types of goo. "Where's your bathroom?" D pointed to a door that was connected to his bedroom. "Stay here." Leon pressed D back onto the bed and kissed him before he headed through the door.

D lay back and closed his eyes. "Never in his life had he been so relaxed and exhausted. He never could imagine anything feeling so good as Leon had felt tonight. D opened his eyes when he heard water running into his bathtub. He turned onto his side and gasped, wishing he had not moved. Another point Ryo was correct on it would seem; the soreness afterward. He had warned that D would have difficulty walking, but D had been so intent on pleasure that he had not thought of the consequences. He loved Leon and wanted to be close to him. D looked up as Leon came into the room. He was pleased that Leon had thought to run him a bath, but he was not looking forward to walking to his bathroom.

There was no thought of D walking. Leon picked him up and carried him into the bathroom. "Tell me if it's too hot." He said and gently placed him into the sunken pool that was used as a bathtub. He had filled the tube with hot water and an oil that he had seen near the tub. One sniff had told him it was not the smell that drove him crazy, but it was for bathing. D sank into the pool enjoying the relaxing. A thought struck him and he raised his hands to Leon. Leon smiled; the bathtub was certainly big enough.


-"Dear Bro,

I am just writing because the counselors said I have to. I do miss you, but I am having an awesome time. Bikky and Carol are so cool, they don't care that I don't talk. One of the other campers tried to make fun of me, I thought T-Chan was going to eat him, but Bikky beat him up. He did not get any dessert for two whole days, so I shared mine with him.

"I was wondering if instead of you and D picking me up, could T-Chan, Q-Chan and I ride home with Ryo and Dee, they can drop me off at home, but I want to ride with Bikky and Carol. See you next week."-

There Chris thought that aught to keep Squirrel away from D. He could not stare at him, and ask him to dinner. Chris thought with a smile. Q-Chan nodded approvingly at the letter. Not at all liking the attention the Counselor was showing Count D. Q-Chan sighed, D's attention was elsewhere, and had been for some time. Q-Chan knew that if left to their own devices, Leon and D would figure out the boundaries of their relationship…or sever them.