Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ Business as Usual, Among Other Things ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello Again, I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend, I know I did. Here is the latest installment of WSOT. Things are moving right along, not much else I can say, on to the insanity.

With Sugar on Top 8

Leon walked into the PD with a broad smile on his face. "Good morning Jill, This must be J.J. I've heard so much about you." Leon whistled as he shook the new detective's hand. Leon noted that the young man held his hand longer than necessary and seemed to be appraising him. Thinking nothing of it, Leon went down the hall to his own office. Ryo and Dee were waiting for him. "What's up with you two?" he asked. Leon sat down at his desk with such a contented look on his face that Dee grinned knowingly.

"I would ask for the dirty details, but I'll wait till we're out having beer one night." Dee said with a grin. "You look like the cat that ate three canaries and followed it down with cream."

"Sweet cream," Leon muttered as he looked over the files on his desk. "I will never volunteer the details, but I will tell you once in his bedroom last night, again in his tub right after and this morning in the shower." Leon would have said more, but Ryo's horrified look stopped him. "What?" He asked.

"Poor little guy." Ryo said. "How could you be such an inconsiderate beast to him?"

"What are you talking about?" Leon demanded. "I was very considerate, I was gentle, and I was caring. I carried him around the house... You wouldn't believe how little D is, why, I think he weighs about 100 lbs soaking wet."

"Leon what you are not understanding is the pain he must be in. I'd be surprised if he can stand, let alone walk." Dee said, trying to make Ryo's point in Leon's language. Leon's eyes widened as he thought of how D had lain in bed when he had left that morning. On his side, looking so sexy, Leon had been hard pressed to leave him there.

"He did look a little strained; I thought he was just tired from a lack of sleep." Leon said. "I can't believe I hurt him." Leon dropped his doughnut he had been in the process of eating.

"He knew what to expect." Ryo said. "He did not care. He loves you."

"I know, he confessed last night, I love him too." Leon said.

"DEE!!!" Dee's brows furrowed as J.J. Ran into Leon and Jill's office. "I haven't seen you in so long." J. J. threw his arms up.

"Remember the last time you jumped him?" Ryo asked his eyes narrow slits.

"Oh, MacLean, I forgot about you" J.J. Said and smiled tightly. He looked Leon over one more time before he left the office looking for Jill.

"What happened the last time he jumped you?" Leon asked.

"He planted a kiss on me." Dee said. "After he knew Ryo and I were officially together."

"And I broke his nose." Ryo smiled.

"Wow, mousy bites." Leon mumbled.

"Who are you calling mousy?" Ryo asked.

Break- I just couldn't help myself-

Andy knocked on the door of the pet shop as she walked in. She scanned the room and found D sitting on the plush couch drinking a cup of tea. "Well, that's odd, you usually sit in your chair," Andy said. She bounded over and bounced onto the couch with D. Though she jiggled him around, the tea did not slosh, although he did wince. "Something wrong?" She asked and began to serve herself tea.

"I'll get the honey; I was not expecting you today." D sat down his cup and stood. Andy noted that although he was walking as graceful as ever, there was a bit of slowness to his gait that had nothing to do with his usual daintiness.

"Sore muscles from too much Yoga?" Andy asked when D came back with the little glass jar of fresh made honey.

D sighed and turned red. He could never lie to her, and yet he did not want to talk about what was bothering him. He did not feel it was a bother, true he was sore and true he had been in pain, but he had also enjoyed himself, immensely.

"Now if that is not a Cheshire cat grin, I don't what is. I say, that is the same expression I wore after my honeymoon, now spill, or I'll, have to touch you." Andy held up her hand and wiggled her fingers.

D's eyes widened, he knew of her empathic powers and figured he'd rather give her the spare telling than have her see and feel what had gone on in the pet shop. "Leon," D began.

"Say no more, I get the picture." Andy said and sipped her tea. "So, you're in love, does he love you?" D blushed and nodded. "Well, Congratulations. I'm surer there is no point in me asking if you have sent a message to your grandfather, I'm sure you are not even thinking about your grandfather."

"I am so sorry my lady, I swear, it slipped my mind, nothing like this has ever happened before." D said realizing that he had indeed not thought about is mission, or his grandfather, He had thought only of himself, and Leon.

"I understand." Andy said. "Of course nothing like this has ever happened before; you've never been in love before." D blushed and suddenly became very interested in fixing another perfect cup of tea.


Leon looked at the box of chocolates and frowned, it just seemed so ordinary, for the past three years, Leon had been bringing D chocolate. Today he wanted something new, something special. Of course the letter from Chris would add to the gift. Leon passed a jewelry store and smiled as he saw a pair of topaz studs next to another pair with some sort of purple stone. Leon left the store short $300, but along with the chocolate and Chris's' letter... Leon was hoping to find D ready for another night of lovin'.

D looked up as Leon walked into the shop, "Hey, you're on the couch today, I thought you loved your hard assed chair."

D stood slowly and walked over to Leon. D brought Leon's hand up to his lips and bit down. "Language dear," D chided. His eyes lighted on the chocolate factory box and widened. "For me?"

Leon sucked his bitten finger and grinned, "Maybe," he said. Leon looked over and saw that D had been eating fresh strawberries from a crystal bowl. D followed his line of vision.

"Andy brought them by today, fresh from Arcadia." D said, he picked one up and offered it to Leon. Instead of taking the berry from D, Leon took his hand and guided it to his lips, careful not to bite the delicate appendage. D smiled. "I have an idea; this pot can be used to melt chocolate." D took the chocolate from Leon and placed it in an empty pot. He placed it on the small burner and within minutes the chocolate was melting.

"So," Leon said as he looked at D's earrings. "How attached to those are you?"

"Attached to what?" D asked as he sat back on the couch.

"Your earrings," Leon said.

D's eyes widened as he touched his earrings. "You do not like them?" His brow furrowed as Leon pulled a small box out of his pocket and sat beside him.

"No, I mean I do. It's just that, well today I was out walking and I saw these and I thought of you. Or rather I was thinking of you when I saw these." Leon opened the box and revealed the two pairs of earrings.

"Oh my, Leon," D said as he looked at the small studs. "They're beautiful." D took one of each pair of the earrings and replaced his bloodstones. He placed his old earrings in the box to keep them safe. D scooted foreword on the couch and placed his lips against Leon's. Leon became lost in the kiss.

"You are so sweet." Leon mumbled and nibbled the cherry red lips pressed so temptingly against his own.

D sighed, "Speaking of sweet." D pulled away from Leon and dipped a strawberry into the melted chocolate. He held it above the pot until the dripping stopped and offered it to Leon. Again Leon did not take it from D's hand, instead he opened his mouth. D fed him the treat and gasped as Leon seized his hand and licked the stray chocolate from his fingers.

Leon picked up a strawberry and dipped into the chocolate, he placed it against D's mouth. Leon watched, transfixed as D bit into the berry. As D began to lick the stray drops from his own lips, Leon leaned towards him and stole the last bits from his lips. Leon moved from his lips to his neck. D sighed and clung as Leon picked him up and began to head towards the bedroom. "Leon," D said on a gasp.

"What? Oh yeah the mess, I'll clean it up later." Leon said, he sat D down long enough to turn off the fire underneath the chocolate. No point in burning the place down, he thought.

"Leon, I… Never mind." D said as he raised his arms to Leon. Leon smiled and picked D back into his arms. D hoped he would get used to this soon. Leon sat D on his bed and undid the frog buttons at the neck of D's black Cheongsam. The red border was the next to go.

"Baby, you wear too many clothes." Leon grumbled as he undid D's pants.

"Anticipation is part of the enjoyment." D said and moaned as Leon slid down to his lap.


Andy tried to open the door of the pet shop and frowned. What was the shop doing closed in the middle of the afternoon? Was something wrong? Was D ill? Andy looked around to make sure no one was watching her as her hands glowed silver. She pressed her hand against the lock and smiled when the door sprang open. "D," She called in the shop. "Count D, where are you?" Andy walked around the chop trying not to panic. She rounded the corner and saw D sitting at a vanity brushing his hair. "There you are," She gasped and walked forward. "Getting a late start today?"

D looked up and smiled. "Very late, but the animals have been fed, and cleaned. I am simple late opening the shop. I have not been completely irresponsible." D stood wearing only deep blue pants and a sleeveless ankle length white sheath. D slipped into a pair of white slippers and donned a blue and white patterned outer robe. Securing the last of the buttons he turned to Andy. "You did not break my door did you? Leon does it often enough as it is."

"I did not break your door, I just convinced it to open." Andy smiled and her eyes shone brightly silver even though the sun streamed into the room.

"Perhaps I can convince you to join me for some tea, after I open the shop of course." D said and glided gracefully as he could down the hall. He paused when Andy did not follow him. "Is something wrong?"

"Are you sure you're okay, I mean…you look like you are in pain?" Andy chewed her bottom lip. D smiled and nodded, Andy sighed and followed D to the front of the shop, there was a way she could find out. Andy pouted, she hated having to read emotions, it would be better if D told her rather than invading his mind and body. "D," Andy said as he opened the drapes and unlocked the door. "Talk to me."

D looked over at Andy and sighed. She had become a valued friend. A friend he could trust. He just did not feel right complaining when he truly did enjoy it every time he found himself in Leon's arms. "I just feel a little sore, that's all." D said and began to set up a Tea setting.

"You haven't had a break," Andy said incredulously. "Every night he's been here. I know you two are wrapped up in your feelings right now, but well, D honey, You can barely walk."

"He gives me so much; I could never deny him pleasure." D looked away from Andy as he felt burning tears sting his eyes. "Actually I am pleased that he desires me so much."

Andy took D's hand and patted it. "You don't have to deny him anything, there are other ways." She squeezed his hand and looked at him meaningfully. "Another way would be…oral." Andy sipped her tea and avoided D's gaze. "That ought to buy a day or two to heal."

"Why princess…" D smiled. "Are you embarrassed?"

"Of course I'm embarrassed," Andy squawked. "I just advised a friend to give blowjobs." The last was whispered as she looked furtively around the shop.

"I don't think the animals will tell anyone, they have no clue what you are talking about." D assured her. He would have said more but a customer entered the shop. Andy sat back and watched as the customer demanded that Count D give him the most expensive frog he had…something exotic. Andy smiled as she watched D lead the man to the back of the shop.