Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ Strawberry flavored Popsicled ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

With Sugar on Top 9

Leon, Ryo and Dee entered the shop just as D was showing his latest customer out. Leon winced and looked into the box the man carried. It looked like an ordinary frog. Leon gasped and moved back as it looked as if the Frog had winked at him. He looked up to find D with his hands clasped in front of him smiling his charming smile. "Detectives," He said in his smooth as silk voice. "Welcome back to my shop, anything I can do for you?" D looked at the clock on the wall even though he knew it was tea time. Leon was so predictable. "Please sit and I will set out more tea. You all remember Andy I trust?"

For the first time Leon noticed the girl sitting on the couch with one of D's cats in her lap. "Hello," he said to her. Leon wondered why she frowned at him and turned away. What had he done?

"D I must return home, I …" Andy walked to D and whispered in his ear. "I can officially summon you to the palace for a few days."

"The offer is greatly appreciated, your highness." D said. Andy pouted that he would use her official title; she thought they had advanced beyond that. "But I do not wish to leave, there is no reason to. I will, however, think about all you have said." D looked away from the tears that swam in her eyes before she left the shop.

"What's with her?" Leon asked as he noted D's pained look.

"She cares for me." D said. "Leon I have told you many times that there are things in this world that you know nothing about. It would be foolish of you to assume that the Arcadian kingdom is a normal one." D allowed Leon to kiss his lips before he walked off to set out tea for four.

"What did he mean not a normal kingdom?" Dee asked Leon.

Leon simply shrugged his shoulders. "There is so much weird shit coming around now-a-days that I don't even question him anymore. Oh and in a while be prepared to find the frog guy dead, but D didn't do it and can not be held accountable. It's been the same story every time for the past few years."

"We know, we heard as much at the PD," Ryo said and laughed at Leon's disgruntled look. "How did you fall in love with him?"

"I wish I knew. One morning I woke and realized I did not want to live with out him." Leon sighed. He looked up to see D standing beside the couch smiling at him. Not his usual charming smile that made you wonder what he was plotting, but a real smile that made Leon want to kiss him. D averted his gaze and sat down the tea tray. Before He could sit, Leon pulled him into his lap and nuzzled his neck. D closed his eyes and made a purring sound.

"We could leave." Dee said and cleared his throat.

"No, Gentlemen, it's all right." D scooted from Leon's lap. Ryo saw D wince as bounced on the sofa.

"Oh yeah, D we got a letter from Chris yesterday, but I got distracted before I could show it to you." Leon said. He reached into his pocket and handed D the letter written in a childish hand. D looked puzzled. "He doesn't want us to pick him up." Leon said. "He asked if he could ride with you guys." Leon said to Ryo and Dee.

"No problem, we have more than enough room for a couple of kids and a few pets." Ryo said with a smile, he watched, concerned, as D shifted on the couch. He couldn't seem to get comfortable. "I'm sure some of us would really rather not sit for two hours in a car on sometimes bumpy road." D blushed and said nothing. Leon, in typical fashion, was quite clueless.

"Watch out for the goat." Leon warned. "I think it likes red meat of the human kind." Leon warned.

"He has been expressly forbidden to eat anyone." D said. Ryo and Dee began to laugh but paused at D's earnest look.

"Oh my God, you're serious!" Dee exclaimed.

"This Arcadian Kingdom," Ryo said. "Just how not-normal is it?" he asked and saw the large plump strawberries that sat beside the tea set.

D smiled his charming smile that normally sent chills down Leon's spine, but now aroused him because he now knew just how fast D could go from chilling, to red hot. D said nothing, and Leon contemplated taking the rest of the day off and staying right there in the pet shop.


Jill rounded the corner of the PD and frowned. J.J. was so damned annoying. Twice she wondered if she could possibly get away with accidentally shooting the little shit. She was looking for Diana Spacey. It was a common fact that she had done several assignments in New York, and Jill was hoping that she would be willing to take J.J off her hands for a while. Jill walked to Diana's office and frowned as she found it empty. She turned around and bumped into Ryo and Leon. "Oh hi guys," Jill said.

"Hey Jill," Leon said. "I was just showing Ryo here where Diana's office is. What's up, you look tense?"

"J.J.?" Ryo said before Jill could answer. Jill nodded miserably. "Why don't we take you to lunch and you can bitch and rant your lovely little head off." Jill smiled thankfully and left with Ryo and Leon. "Don't worry about Dee, I told him we would bring him something back he's working a case and does not want to be bothered." Ryo said as Jill headed for the office to call Dee.


Dee looked up and frowned when the office door opened. "I said not to bother me until I figured this thing out." Dee stopped speaking when he saw D standing in the office. "Sorry little D, but Leon went out to lunch with Jill and Ryo."

"Why do you call me Little D?" D asked. Dee stood and walked over to D, he looked down at him. D simply blushed at the obvious height difference and stepped away. "I was not exactly looking for Leon, I was looking for you," D said.

"Me?" Dee asked and raised a skeptical brow.

"I was hoping you could help me with something. You seem knowledgeable about these things." D said his face turning redder by the moment.

"Have a seat," Dee said and indicated a padded chair in the office. "What's on your mind?" D said nothing and Dee went to shut the door.

"Well, it would seem, what I mean is." D frowned. Never in his life had he been unable to speak his mind. "I want to know how to give…uh… I believe they are called…blowjobs." Dee tried to sit in his vacant chair. Due to the fact that he was staring at D with a mixture of incredulity and horror, he missed and nearly fell to the floor. "I am really bad at it, Leon has twice stopped me." D continued, "I just need a break and Andy suggested it as an alternative, but I don't know how."

"How can you be bad at it?" Dee asked finally able to speak. "What'd you do bite him." Dee laughed, his laughter stopped as D lowered his head and turned, if possible, redder. "Dear God! You bit him."

"I didn't mean to, I don't know, he told me to watch my teeth." D said and pouted, something else he had never done before. Love was really doing a number on him, he thought.

"I am not teaching you how…Ryo would kill me, and Leon would kill me. Not to mention it's just wrong in every possible way." Dee expelled when D still would not look at him.

"Oh no!" D looked up at last. "I would never ask that, I meant would you tell me, or give me some instructions."

"Now I do need to eat." Dee said and stood. He was just opening the door when Andy bounded in.

"D, I am so sorry about yesterday. I went by the shop to apologize and you weren't there, I thought you were really mad at me, so I asked Femto-Kun where you were and he said you came by here. Please forgive me for meddling." Andy threw herself into D's arms.

D smiled, "Of course I am not mad at you. It is nice to know you care so much." D wiped the tears from her face with De's proffered handkerchief. "Come now, Detective Laytner and I was just heading out for some lunch, and he may help me out with the problem I seem to be having."

"Oh right…" Andy's eyes widened as she looked at D. "Right the problem…hmmm I have an idea. Count D, where is the nearest grocery store?"

"There is one right around the corner from the shop, why?" D asked, not sure he liked the devilish glint in her eyes. Andy giggled and grabbed his hands; she waved Dee to follow them and ran gaily from the Police Station.


Andy hid the contents of her bag until they had reached the interior of the pet shop. Dee sat on D's usual strait-backed chair eating a fresh-made sandwich that she had gotten him in lieu of restaurant food. Count D sat on the plush couch as directed. Andy emptied the contents of the bag on the table. D looked confused as he stared at four boxes of popsicles, all strawberry flavored. Andy opened a box and pulled one out. "Here," she thrust it at D. "Eat this, don't worry it is all natural, I eat them myself."

"I don't understand." D said and held the popsicle by its wooden stick.

"I do," Dee said and smirked at Andy. Dee turned and took the popsicle from D and held it to his lips. "Suck it." D's eyes widened and his mouth opened to gasp. Dee placed the popsicle in his mouth. D pulled it away and winced. "Too cold on your teeth huh?" Dee said knowingly. D nodded and covered his paining mouth. "Now here," Dee handed D the popsicle, "just keep trying till you can suck on it without it touching your teeth; that will cut down on at least half of Leon's discomfort."

"Oh my God, you bit him." Andy said to D who blushed and concentrated on his popsicle.

"It's more like scraping of the teeth; I had to train Ryo you know." Dee said and went back to his sandwich.

"Ugh… TMI," Andy said and picked up a popsicle of her own. At D's questioning look Andy grinned. "Oh no, Nestoir has no complaints…It's almost a hundred degrees outside, in case you didn't notice. I'm boiling," Andy complained and began to gratefully eat her popsicle. D simply blushed and went back to his popsicle.

Once D had begun to work on his fifth popsicle Dee took it and looked it over, "Good job little D, no teeth marks. Now what else is there, oh yeah, have you ever gagged?"

"Gagged?" D asked not sure what Dee meant.

Andy sighed and handed D a fresh popsicle. "How far down your throat can you get this?" D slipped the popsicle about halfway into his mouth before he choked. "Not very," Andy mumbled.

"Try again," Dee said. "Just try to relax your throat and swallow." D tried again. His face turned bright red and his eyes were running after an extended fit of coughing. "Good thing you got four boxes." Dee said to Andy who nodded and opened the second box. He was not going to ask how they were staying cold sitting there on the table in the sun. Like Leon said last night, it was just better not to ask.