Fake Fan Fiction / Pet Shop Of Horrors Fan Fiction ❯ With Sugar on Top ❯ Kung Fu and Hurt Feelings ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

With sugar on top 10

Leon hung up his cell phone as he entered the pet shop. He was looking forward to kissing D's sweet lips. He swore as he realized that Ryo was not his only companion today. He had not confessed the new status of his relationship with D to Jill and he did not want her to find out by witnessing a heated embrace. And, he thought with a smirk, no embrace with D could be anything but heated. Surprisingly Randolf had told no one of what he had learned. Leon figured he had that darned Princess to thank for that. Leon did not know why she hated him, but the last time they had seen each other she had glowered at him.

"Lost in thought?" Jill asked Leon as she saw the Count on the couch sipping tea. Dee and Andy looked up with guilty expressions as Leon placed his hands on D's shoulders and gave a gentle squeeze. It would have to suffice until he could get D alone. "Good afternoon Detectives, Miss Jill you look lovely as usual." D stood and nodded politely. His eyes fell on Leon and stayed there he smiled and licked his lips.

Ryo looked over at Dee and Andy who were studiously avoiding anyone's gaze. "What have you been up to?" He asked Dee who grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

"It was all her." Dee said and pointed to Andy who had meandered away from the group to answer her cell phone.

"AH... Count D, the chief wants you to stop by the station." Leon said trying his best to remain professional. "He says he wants to speak with you about the Randolf situation. Are you able to come away for a bit?" D wondered at Leon's red face as he looked at him.

"Yes of course Detective Orcot, I'll be just a moment." D said, He was confused, but if Leon wanted formal...

"So," Dee said to Leon as D went to the back of the shop to prepare for a trip to the police department. "While he is locking up the register, I should tell you, or remind you that tomorrow we are going to retrieve the kids."

"Oh yeah, thanks, I don't know what's gotten into Chris. I guess he has outgrown the need to have a big brother pick him up." Leon grumbled.

"Don't pout that he finds us cooler than you, No doubt Bikky has been filling his head with our escapades in New York." Dee smirked and Ryo punched his arm. "What?"

"I'm sure your brother still thinks the world of you and that some other reason prompted his desire to ride with us, probably because of the counselor that has a thing for D." Ryo said thoughtfully as D approached the group, as every one turned to look at him, D turned a questioning gaze to Leon.

"Just commenting on your boyfriend," Leon grumbled and looked at the clock. "We should get going, the chief is expecting you."

D was puzzled at Leon's sudden change of mood. "My boyfriend? But you..." D was extremely confused when Leon shushed him and inclined his head at Jill. Was Leon ashamed of him? Of what they had shared? Tears stung D's eyes as they prepared to leave the shop. Andy tugged on his sleeve and frowned at the brief hint of his emotions she had been able to feel "D, I have to go now." D wondered why Andy was not quit meeting his eyes. "There is a situation and we are all leaving town for a while." D's eyes widened as he looked at her.

"Promise me you will be careful." D said, knowing her situations were never simple.

Andy smiled her most bright smile and tossed herself into D's small arms. "I promise." She held him a moment longer and D could feel her searching his emotions. He said nothing as she backed away and glowered thunderously at Leon. "Call me if you would like to have an extended visit at the palace." She said and huffed from the shop, wondering why D put up with Leon's mercurial moods. Briefly D wondered if he would ever see her alive again. He wished she were not apart of the more dangerous missions, but it was her life, her destiny. She was just too much a child; D thought and smiled a sad smile as he waved her off.

Leon wondered why D was silent the entire trip to the PD. Usually D would keep up a nice chatter with Jill. As they entered the PD J.J. caught up with them. "Jill hello, Detective Orcot it is always a pleasure to see you." J.J. shook Leon's hand and held on a bit longer than necessary; he brushed up against Leon as he passed him and moved down the hallway. The action was not missed by D who lowered his head and walked to the Chief's office with out a word to Leon.

"D?" Leon called, but D ignored his call and knocked on the door. The chief opened the door and D smiled. Leon shrugged, "Weird," he mumbled and went to his office where Ryo and Dee were talking in hushed voices. Ryo laughed and tried to back away from Dee's kiss. It was a half-hearted attempt that failed. Leon cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Alright guys, lets get back to work." Leon said and could not wait to get his hands on D.


D looked at the chief and smiled even though he thought his heart was breaking. Is this the penalty for loving a human? He asked himself as the chief droned on about Randolf's apology. The chief apologized for D's rough treatment and just wanted to make sure that all was satisfied with the outcome of the entire situation. D smiled his most charming smile and assured the chief that there were no lingering hard feelings. He sat a while longer discussing the various training methods for puppies.


Ryo and Dee excused themselves from Leon and Jill's office as J.J. entered. Instead of his usual ogling of Dee, J.J's eyes went unerringly to Leon. "Cool it pal, I don't think the count will appreciate..." Ryo began to say as they passed J.J on the way out of the office.

"According to Jill, Detective Orcot and the Count have not made up their minds, well I have made up mine, and I bet I'll have him before the Count even knows he had a chance." J.J. whispered to Ryo who would have said more but was pulled from the room by Dee who had a strong urge to take an extra long break with Ryo. Leon went to retrieve a file from his cabinet and was cornered by J.J.

"Whoa, a little close there," Leon said and placed his hands on J.J.s shoulder to steady him as it seemed he was about to fall over. Leon heard a gasp and looked up to see D standing in the doorway of his office. "Ah... No! D wait come back here." Leon shoved away from J.J. and followed Count D down the hall and out of the PD. Leon was amazed at how fast D could walk in those long skirts without tripping. J.J. leaned back smugly against the cabinet and smiled, that could not have been better timed if he had planned it.

"Wait a moment please, Detective Laytner, Detective MacLean; would you mind returning me to the Shop?" D asked. Ryo noted his upset and nodded. He opened the door for D and tried to stall getting into the car, giving Leon a chance to catch up and talk to the Count. "Please, I must hurry, the pets need to be fed, and dinnertime is fast approaching." D said as Leon reached the car breathing heavy.

"D, Baby, it's not what you think you saw." Leon huffed. D turned away from Leon to hide the tears that brimmed in his eyes. He blinked furiously refusing to let them fall. Ryo sensed D's dilemma and started the car.

"Sorry Leon," Dee muttered as they pulled away from the station. Leon swore and stomped to his car. He did not need this now. As he drove to the shop he kept seeing D's hurt look as J.J. had stood there clutching his arms, staring up at him. It must have looked like... Leon refused to finish the thought as he came to a screeching halt just as D was entering the pet shop. Leon heard the door slam and ran towards Dee and Ryo who were about to drive off. "What's up with you two?" Dee asked.

"That damned J.J. grabbed me, D saw it and thought... well, you know, He thought J.J and I were making out or something." Leon said. "Look I gotta go talk to him." Leon said and headed to the shop. His first instinct to duck was proved correct as a teapot came frighteningly close to his head, followed by a cup and a spoon. Leon reached D before a plate could be tossed at him. He tackled D and pressed him to the couch.

"I just ate the greater part of four boxes of popsicles." D ground out and flipped Leon off of him. He left Leon stunned and sitting on the floor dazed. He had used his kung fu on Leon only once. Leon shook his head to clear it and reached out to D. "Do not touch me." D stepped back and raised his hands to ward Leon off. "Kuso," He muttered as he lost the battle to control his tears. First one then another slid down his pale cheeks.

"How can you think it? You know I love you." Leon said.

"A man will love his current lover as he loves no one else, but will utilize the nearest prostitute if the whim should but strike." D said and turned away to wipe his face. "I only ask that if you insist on seeing others you do not come near me." D fought to control his emotions. Never had he had such difficulty in remaining calm.

"Baby listen to me," Leon said and pulled D into his arms, not at all caring that D could send him flying. "I do not have the desire or need to touch anyone but you. J.J. bumped into me and I held him from falling, that's all it was. Although I don't think it was unintentional on his part to bump into me. Perhaps we should go back to the station and have a little word with him." Leon sighed as D turned in his arms and returned the embrace. He raised D's tear streaked face and gave him the kiss he had been longing to give him all day. Perhaps, Leon thought with a smile, they did not have to go right back. D moaned into Leon's mouth as Leon's hands began to travel his body through his robes.


Ryo found J.J in the break room smiling. "I wouldn't gloat if I were you." Ryo warned. "According to Jill, D could break you in half without breaking one of his nails. And Leon does not like to be taken advantage of, what were you thinking?" Ryo said. J.J frowned and stood as Jill entered the break room.

"Leon's looking for you..." Jill would have said more, but J.J tossed a smug smile to Ryo before he sauntered down the hall. J.J entered the office and headed directly for Leon. He did not notice that Count D was standing near the wall. Leon leaned against his desk and put out his hands to ward off J.J.

"We need to talk," Leon said and actually had to place his hands on J'J's arms to keep him back. "I am currently involved with someone and would appreciate it if you would stop hitting on me."

J.J pouted, "Why, are you afraid you may `hit' back?" J.J asked and moved his hands down to Leon's chest. He would have stroked further but he felt strong slim fingers grasp his wrist. He looked up startled and stared into narrowed golden and purple eyes.

"It would be well advised for you to heed the words of the detective and try your best not to touch what does not belong to you." D said in a deceptively calm voice.

"What's it to you?" J.J asked belligerently.

"What do you think," Leon blustered and backed as far away as he could as J.J's other hand came up to caress him. "You can't be that dense." Leon muttered. J.J attempted to snatch his hand back and found himself in the air then on the floor with four small scratches on his wrist. D pulled a handkerchief from inside his sleeve pocket and cleaned the blood from underneath his nails. D then leaned into Leon and placed a hand on his chest. He looked down at J.J. and smiled his most chilling smile.

"I do not like to repeat myself." Count D said as laughter could be heard in the door way. Ryo and Dee were hard pressed to contain their mirth in the face of J.J's newest humiliation. J.J stood and stormed form the room glowering behind at Count D who made it plainly obvious that Leon was his.

"Sheath the claws sweet heart." Leon said he took D's hand from his chest and kissed the palm. "I think he got the picture." Leon grinned. "Never had anyone fight over me before. You're cute when you're visious," Leon grinned. D turned crimson and refused to meet anyone's gaze. "Now what were you saying about popsicles?" Leon asked. D blushed brighter and hid his face against Leon's chest. Ryo and Dee burst into uproarious laughter.

Jill walked into the office just as Leon raised D's red face and placed a kiss on his lips. "Whoa... You know," Jill said as Leon looked up but did not stop Kissing Count D. "It's about darn time. I thought you two would be driving each other insane for a very long time." Jill exclaimed and laughed as Leon was finally embarrassed.

"Was it really that obvious?" Leon asked Jill who nodded and smirked. Leon's hand traveled from D's back and rested on the curve of his behind. "We probably would have driven each other crazy if it wasn't for Dee." Leon admitted.

"Don't encourage him." Ryo muttered as Dee grinned. D smiled as Leon did not push him away at the intrusion. Perhaps he was not ashamed of their love after all.