Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Intimate Encounters ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
It had been an entire week since Ryo had arrived to his new school and he was still adjusting. Although he found he could handle the class load well enough, it was the social aspect of the school that bothered him. At the public schools he'd previously attended, he'd kept his nose to his books and out of other people's business. The somewhat shy and unassuming blonde hadn't been able to make many friends, but he hadn't had any enemies to speak of either. All in all he'd blended in and stayed away from trouble, something he'd found impossible to do at his current school. It wasn't only that he'd been absorbed into Dee's group of miscreants, but there were other problems as well. Problems of a more personal nature.
The first morning he'd gone to the Dining Hall he discovered he'd already made quite a reputation for himself. All he wanted that day was to get some food in his stomach (he'd never gotten to eat the night before) and get to work. However, as soon as he stepped into Hall, carrying his tray of rather dismal-looking breakfast, he'd been faced with the stars and jeers of his fellow classmates.
“Hey! It's the new kid! Way to make an entrance last night!” someone said laughing. Similar comments followed him as he moved between the tables, remaining silent and searching the rather rowdy crowd for a friendly face. His attention diverted, he nearly ran into a tall, broad-shouldered, and flaxen-haired young man who had stepped up to greet him.
“Hello, you must be our new student I've heard so much about” he said, flashing a brilliant smile that Ryo was immediately suspicious of. “My name is Berkley Rose, I'm the Senior Class Representative- it's a pleasure to meet you,” the boy said, offering the other boy his hand.
“Randy Maclain, a pleasure to meet you as well- I'm just a Junior, though,” Ryo replied, shaking the proffered hand. It was a formal gesture, nothing unusual, and yet Ryo felt uneasy as he slipped his hand into the other boy's grip. That smile on Rose's face somehow seemed more predatory than friendly. This boy was defiantly someone Ryo should be careful of- the platinum blonde looked far too sure of himself and reeked of power and privilege.
“Really?” said Rose, “You look as if you should be a senior.”
Ryo's stomach growled then and he was reminded of how damn hungry he was. “Excuse me,” he said to Rose without further reply and tried to remove his hand from his grip, only to find that tall young man was unwilling to release it.
“E-excuse me!” Ryo repeated with more force, now feeling hopelessly self-conscious as he saw the other boys around them suddenly take an interest in their exchange.
Instead of releasing Ryo, however, Rose simply ignored him and, moving closer, brushed an uninvited finger along his pale cheek. Ryo's mouth gaped as the tall figure leaned close to his ear and told him in a thick, velvety voice, “Your features are quite lovely, may I call on you later? Where is your room?”
The honey blonde stared back at him in shock. Was he being hit on? By another boy? In front of the entire goddamn school!? Ryo's cheeks flushed involuntarily and he struggled to regain his composure. His discomfiture only seemed to spurn Rose on. His smug smile widened.
This boy was way too arrogant for his own good, Ryo thought. His anger flared and, with his free hand, he smacked the other boy's hand away from his face. The blonde's action earned a loud “ouuuuUUU!” from the now attentive audience around them and Ryo wanted more than anything to disappear right then and there into the carpet at his feet.
He'd expected Rose to be mad in turn, but the other blonde merely continued to grin and hold Ryo's wrist in his strong fingers. With a soft laugh, Rose said in a condescending tone, “Don't be so affronted by my offer- I'm taking an art class and we need to choose live models, I simply thought you'd make a good subject…”
“O-oh” said Ryo dumbly. He didn't know how to handle this situation at all. The boys around him were now giggling to themselves and Ryo knew they were all laughing at his expense. Rose was obviously playing with him.
“Why else did you think I would want to come to your room, my petite belle?” Rose said, leaning with a soft chuckle into Ryo's now bright-red and mortified face. The audience about them burst into full laughter at Rose's innuendo and Ryo was just on the edge of wondering if he should abandon his dreams of a clean record completely in order to slap that smug look off of this overbearing boy's face, when a familiar voice behind them said, “Hey! Lay off him Rose!”
Leaning to one side, Ryo saw Dee standing behind them, a deep scowl clouding his face.
“Well, well! What have we here? Someone forget to take out the trash?” Rose said with a sneer.
Dee didn't look in the least bit deterred. Instead, s smile spread across his face as he said, “Unlike you Rose, I have no problem getting a red mark on my record for kicking your ass, but I doubt you'd want to tarnish your own precious record- what would the family say?”
Ryo glanced at Rose and found his eyes narrowed to deadly slits. Dee apparently knew the young man's weak spot and wasn't afraid to exploit it. The honey blond felt his wrist released and heard the tall boy tell Dee, “You're not worth it.”
As he watched Rose walk away, Ryo let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and turned to Dee. “Thank you,” he said gratefully with a genuine smile.
Uncharacteristically, Dee stammered, “It's fine.” That beautiful smile had hit the dark-haired boy with unexpected force. He felt a soft thrill run over his body at the boy's gratitude. Collecting himself, he took Ryo's hand and said, “Come on, we're all sitting over here!”
For a moment Ryo wondered how he had suddenly become part of “we” and he smiled at the thought. Dee then proceeded to introduce him to Drake, Ted, Barry, and a few others. Then he received a lesson on the seating arrangements of the Dining Hall.
“You were walking right through the `elite preps' area, they're all disgustingly rich pricks and Rose is the worst; then you have the regular preps with slightly less money and arrogance; the squares are over there all reading their damn books; and then you have US! The best of the lot!” they explained with a cheer. They were friendly to Ryo and he was grateful, but he realized as he looked at there slick hair, loose ties and rumpled jackets that they had neglected to label themselves as the `greasers', which they clearly were. Ryo couldn't help but smile inwardly at his turn of events. Left on his own, he definitely would have been one of the nerds, the bookworms- a square. Or maybe he should really say he /was/ a square and no one realized it.
But the week wore on and he found that the Dee and his friends were willing to let him be and didn't pressure him too much to conform. Actually, it was more the other way around. Ryo had never really had close friends, certainly not any who were as rebellious as Dee and his friends, and he found himself trying to steer them into better habits. For one thing, he'd discovered that Dee was a habitual smoker. Many people thought nothing of adults having a cigarette now and then, but Ryo always disliked the habit and constantly let Dee know it. Which, considering how much Dee smoked, was pretty often! In his dorm room, in the restroom, in the garden after hours, just about anywhere Dee could get away with it, he'd smoke.
“Dee!” Ryo cried as he sat attempting to study, “I told you no smoking allowed when I'm studying! And defiantly NOT in my room!” He hopped out of his seat and grabbed the cigarette out of Dee's mouth, tossing it out the window.
“Hey! All right, all right! But don't throw `em away! I could've just put it out!” griped the dark-haired boy.
The handsome blond before him settled back into his chair with a `hmph'.
“Whachya workin on anyways?” Dee asked, using his feigned interest as a way to get closer to Ryo as he leaned over his chair from behind. His face brushed against the boy's soft honey-colored hair and Dee felt his blood begin to race. The closer he became to Ryo, the more he realized how much he wanted him. And the more he knew he had to move slowly.
Since he had misjudged the boy so badly upon their first meeting, Dee now put forth considerable effort to try and get to know him with an open mind. One thing he'd become conscious of was how tightly wound the slender blond was. As much as Ryo laughed and joked with him, Dee could see that he was keeping himself very reserved. There was a sadness and a longing in his eyes that the ebony-haired boy espied on occasion when they were alone and his guard was down. The sight of that angelic face with those dark, haunted eyes drew Dee in like nothing else he'd known. Maybe it was because he felt a kinship with that sadness, or maybe it just added depth to the obvious lust Dee harbored for the lithe, long-legged boy, his golden hair crowning those perfect features.
Even now as Dee took in the smell of the boy's freshly-washed hair, and something more, a scent unique to Ryo's skin, he barely restrained himself from reaching out and brushing those fine, thin strands away from Ryo's obsidian eyes. Dee discovered he was breathing heavily against the other boy's exposed neck and he licked his lips in an unconscious desire to nip the tender flesh.
Next to him Ryo shifted uneasily in his seat, goose bumps rising along his skin where the ghost-like touch of Dee's breath caressed him. It was moments like these that had caused Ryo the most confusion in the past few days. His chest rose and fell in rapid succession no matter how much he berated himself and attempted to calm down. He could practically /feel/ Dee's want.
“Its US history” Ryo blurted out abruptly to the question Dee had asked before both their minds were nearly overtaken by lust.
“Uh-huh” Dee murmured absent-mindedly. Unable to resist, he drifted his lips lower…
“Hey! Where's la petite belle!” came sudden, jeering voices from the other side of the door, followed by rapid knocking. Both boys nearly jumped out of their skins at the abrupt interruption.
“Goddamn it!” Ryo gritted out through clenched teeth, the mood now completely broken. Behind him Dee snickered. “What's so funny?” Ryo demanded, throwing an evil look to the dark-haired boy as he stood and walked to the door. “Leave me alone I'm studying!” Ryo yelled down the hall at the retreating forms of the two other students. Slamming the door shut, he slumped down on the edge of the bed, grumbling, “Damn that Rose! Everyone's been calling me that now! How did that asinine name stick?!”
For Ryo's sake, Dee stilled his laughter. As much as he hated Rose, he couldn't blame him entirely for Ryo's new nickname. It meant roughly `pretty little girl' and the reputation of Ryo's beauty had already been spreading through the school. After all, it was an all-boys school and they had to entertain themselves somehow. Stepping over to Ryo, Dee slipped his hand under the boy's chin and lifted his face to meet his eyes, “You have to admit, though, you're as beautiful as any woman, Randy.”
Ryo couldn't seem to form a reply as he fell into those emerald depths. The tension stretched out between them like a tangible, taunt string, just on the point of breaking. Without thinking, Dee's fingers began a gentle caress along the blonde's jaw line. In the short time they'd known each other, Ryo had begrudgingly admitted to himself that the connection he had felt to the raven-haired boy when he'd first laid eyes on him was in fact based on physical attraction. He'd also realized he had no idea how to handle such an attraction, although instinct told him that Dee did.
“Dee…” Ryo whispered, a quiet plea of confusion and indecision when the other boy tilted his head, closing the space between them.
“Shhhh…” Dee hushed the blonde's protest as he finally brushed their mouths together, finally tasted those perfect, rosebud lips. It took all his will not to throw the boy down when an innocent and passionate sigh escaped Ryo's mouth. Dear god, did the docile blonde have /any/ idea just how enticing the unpracticed and responsive movements of his lips were?
With experienced precision, Dee let his tongue slowly drift across Ryo's bottom lip before pushing against his mouth in silent demand. Dee felt his heart pound when the other boy complied, opening his lips with a submissive moan. Fueled by Ryo's obedience and his own overbearing lust, Dee suddenly gave in to his desires and, climbing onto the bed, pushed Ryo into the mattress while straddling his hips.
“Uhh, Dee!” Ryo cried, overwhelmed and needing to catch his breath. However, the darkly handsome boy atop him interpreted the blonde's gasp as encouragement, moving his lips down that luscious, gasping throat while his hands started to explore Ryo's exquisite body. “Dee!” Ryo called out again, “Wait! Please!” His own hands pushed at Dee's shoulders, but the boy didn't seem to hear him.
The dark-haired boy was focused on consummating his lust. He placed his knee intimately between Ryo's thighs and the blonde felt his already stiff manhood grow rigid with arousal. It was too much for him. He continued to push at the boy hovering over him, but to no avail and a sudden streak of panic ran through him.
Risking being heard by the room next door, Ryo cried out, “NO! Dee, Please! STOP!” Twisting beneath the other boy, he shoved him hard with his knee and Dee finally fell with a THUD onto the floor.
“Geez Randy!” he said, rubbing the hip he'd landed on. Glancing up he was surprised to see Ryo looking at him with pain and confusion in his dark eyes.
“I told you to stop,” he said in a quiet, wavering voice, which somehow cut through Dee more effectively than loud accusations ever could have.
“I-I'm sorry… I guess, I just…I just couldn't control myself,” Dee confessed. Shit, he cursed to himself as he watched Ryo turn away from him, huddling his knees up to his chest. “Hey, Randy,” Dee said softly, inching up to Ryo, “I didn't mean to hurt you.” The dark-haired boy realized this was beginning to sound familiar and thought back to when he'd been so rude to Ryo the first day they'd met. He had hoped to make it up to him.
What a mess he'd made of things now.
A stifled sniffle came from the other boy's direction and Dee felt a vice clamp down over his heart when he saw that Ryo's pale cheeks were streaked with tears.
*** Reviews welcome!