Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Reconsidering ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Shutting the door behind him, Dee crawled onto his bed and lay there on his stomach, willing the pain in lower half to subside. He'd played it cool, but licks from the Head Master's paddle were always particularly agonizing- the reason being that the older man had bored a billion holes into the goddamn piece of wood, causing the impact to have more punch.
“That damn old man!” Deee cursed, looking over at Aaron, lying in the same prostrate position across the small room, “he's a fucking masochist!”
His roommate only snickered. “That's what you get for taking all the blame!” he told him, “Why didn't you let the new fish take the heat?”
Dee shrugged. “He looked so helpless, like some little kid,” he explained. “Besides, it was kinda our fault.”
“OUR fault!” cried Aaron in protest. “You were the one who made us wait for the Maclain fish so we could tease him or whatever! All that talk about `hazing the prep' and then you let him off without any blame! You could've at least defended me too!” the boy complained.
“Yeah right, like Master Martin would've believed you were innocent!” Dee retorted with a snort.
“Well…” Aaron couldn't much argue with that. “I just don't understand why you wanted to pick a fight with the new kid and then ended up defending him,” he said.
Again, all Dee could do was shrug. The fact was he didn't know himself. He'd been in an awful mood earlier that day, and having to be unbraided by the Head Master in front of some new fish pissed him off even more. He had seen Randy out of the corner of his eye, the honey blond hair perfectly in place, his new uniform freshly starched. He'd pegged him as just another prep to be a pain in his ass. That was before he'd made contact with those obscenely dark and doleful eyes.
Dee had deliberately steered himself in the boy's direction, sure the kid would make some smart-ass comment and leave Dee an excuse to pummel him later on. But instead he'd looked down into that pale, angelic face and seen those onyx eyes staring up at him and the faintest hint of a blush creep over those perfectly chiseled cheekbones. It had unnerved him, so he'd made some rude comment and moved on, determined to forget the whole incident.
As the day wore on, however, he found he couldn't stop that face from floating through his mind. He even found himself feeling guilty at being so inconsiderate to the boy. There was just something in the way those dark eyes had looked at him when he said it that made him wince. The sandy blonde had looked almost shocked at his words, although Dee couldn't imagine why. It wasn't such a big deal, but he'd seen the pain as he walked away and he knew he was the cause of it.
Still, Dee continued to convince himself he was being melodramatic and decided it might be fun to tease the new kid some more. So he asked Aaron's help and waited in the hallway for Randy to appear, never admitting that maybe he just wanted to see that pretty face again.
After all, Dee had been through a lot in his sixteen years and had built up quite a wall around himself. He was open with his few close friends, but no one else. When he had had to enter the school and encounter so many people from a background so different from his own, it had been difficult. He'd tried not to judge anyone, but after being bullied enough by the upperclass preps, he'd allowed some of his own prejudices free reign. He'd been from the streets, a greaser, and he'd given up any friendly relations with the wealthy, preppy kids.
At least, that's what he told himself as he watched Randy trip and fall after he'd stuck his foot out into the hallway. He'd ignored that unfamiliar pang of guilt when he heard the boy hit the floor. He honestly didn't think he'd fall so hard.
When the fair-haired boy looked up at him with those dark depths burning in anger, Dee found himself again surprised by the other boy's reaction. He'd assumed Randy would either start sobbing (like that damnable JJ) or look at him with the obvious contempt that many of the upperclass boys did (since Dee was obviously a greaser and therefore beneath them). But Randy did neither. Sure, the boy had been angry, but his look had none of the typical condescension within it. Instead, he looked plain pissed off and just beyond it was that disquieting hurtful expression Dee had seen earlier.
Dee's heart sank just thinking about it. He'd really misjudged the kid. Maybe that was why he'd taken responsibility for the tragic `shortcut' to the Dining Hall. So maybe Randy wasn't the typical prep, he admitted. What then? Dee sighed. His brain was beginning to hurt as bad as his ass! Whatever his motivations had been toward the boy, it was even more difficult to figure out what they /should/ be. It had been far too easy to tease the blonde into revealing a blush once more and Dee was looking forward to eliciting the response again.
Shifting his weight into a more comfortable position, the dark-haired boy decided it could wait until tomorrow.