Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ In the Night... ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own fake nor the sexy men within it… damn it.
Walking softly through the dimly lit halls, Dee made his way to Ryo's door. It had never taken so long for `lights out' in his life. All the dark haired young man could think of were the other boy's last words before they'd left the back hallway of St. Mary's school: `I wish we didn't have to stop'.
Damn right!
Dee had been waiting forever for Ryo to finally become more comfortable with the growing intimacy between them and now that he had finally given in, Dee was going to make damn sure he took advantage of the opportunity. Just thinking about the longing look in the blonde's eyes as they parted earlier that evening was enough to send the raven haired boy's heart racing and his pants fitting uncomfortably tight.
Turning the handle to the other boy's room, he was relieved to find it unlocked; he'd been afraid for a moment that Ryo might've set the lock in place out of habit and then fallen asleep, or else changed his mind.
After seeing them together, Drake had taunted Ryo and him mercilessly on the bus ride home. Ted soon joined in and between the two of them they had Ryo bright red within five minutes. Aaron had remained oddly quiet and luckily the two other boys became preoccupied with their own plans to sneak out that night and meet up with the girls they'd been dancing with that they eventually left Dee and a squirming, flustered Ryo alone.
Even so, Dee didn't think it was likely that the blonde would back out, but such thoughts teased his mind in his anxious state. He didn't think he'd be able to wait one minute longer than he had to now that he knew Ryo was willing to be physical with him. If the door had been locked, the dark haired boy probably would've resorted to some of the lock-picking techniques he'd learned when he was younger and constantly on the lookout for trouble.
“Ryo?” he called quietly into the darkened room, his eyes squinting to adjust.
“Dee? I'm right here,” whispered the blonde from the bed.
The only light in the room came from the glow of a half moon out the window and Dee could barely make out the other boy's form on the bed. “Ouch!” he cried, slamming his foot into an unseen chair leg as he shuffled over to the bed. He heard Ryo smother a laugh at his clumsiness. “It's not that funny!” he retorted in mock anger.
Although his eyes were beginning to adjust, he still couldn't see well as he found the edge of the mattress and began to climb into bed. Ryo shifted and lifted the blankets for him.
“Get in quick, its cold!” he told him. Lately, the nights had been gripped by a steady chill as the winter came on, but Dee had no doubt he'd be warm tonight. The boy snuggled into the sheets and laid himself over the blonde, looking down at his face in the moonlight.
He smiled and let his fingers come up to caress one pale cheek. Neither of them spoke, it wasn't necessary. Each knew what the other was thinking, what the other was wanting. It was as if they had picked up right where they had left off at the dance. The air was charged with unfulfilled yearnings, desires that had been held in check to their breaking point and the barrier was about to burst.
Unconsciously, Ryo swallowed, his body trembling with need and uncertainty.
“I've never done this before,” he confessed in a nearly inaudible whisper. “With /anyone/,” he added, emphasizing the last word.
The lust in Dee's eyes softened, replaced by something else just as strong- a new desire tinged with concern. He knew Ryo was inexperienced and now he knew it wasn't just that he had never been with another boy before, he hadn't been with girls either. Not that it was unexpected news, but hearing it confessed so quietly from the blonde's trembling lips seized Dee's heart with a sudden pang of tenderness and protectiveness toward the other boy.
And Dee saw the unspoken question in Ryo's plaintive gaze; he knew the other boy was wondering just how experienced /he/ was and Dee didn't think it was appropriate to tell him about his various escapades. They were irrelevant now anyhow; all that mattered to him was the slim boy in his arms. As far as he was concerned, there never had really been anyone else, because no one had touched his heart the way Ryo had.
Framing the blonde's face in his hands, Dee gazed down at him with a look of such intense feeling and desire it nearly brought tears to Ryo's dark eyes.
“The past doesn't matter, Ryo,” Dee assured him. “It's just the two of us here, now,” he said lovingly. Ryo nodded, but the dark haired boy realized that words weren't enough, it was time to show the blonde how he felt.
“Ryo,” he said softly as he lowered his lips to brush them in a light caress against the other boy's mouth. “I want you,” he said simply. Then asked, “Do you want me?”
The boy's eyes were shut tight, his breathing heavy beneath Dee's teasing lips. He'd never felt such a keen, mounting need before and it both frightened and thrilled him. “I want you,” he whimpered, bringing his arms up to wrap around Dee's shoulders as he arched his back to press his body harder against the other boy's firm, muscular frame.
Dee smiled at Ryo's innocent longing and told him, “Then I'm yours,” and finally, mercifully, covered the other boy's mouth with his own. And the dam finally burst.
Ryo moaned into Dee's mouth as the other plunged his tongue into the waiting cavern and allowed his hands free range of the blonde's lithe body. He needed to feel every inch of him and brand it his own. His frenzied fingers worked the troublesome buttons of the other boy's nightshirt, tearing at them when they refused to yield.
For his part, Ryo was consumed by his body's increasing hunger, but he didn't yet know how to satisfy the ache within him. All he knew was that he needed more- to feel more, to touch more… His fingers clawed at Dee's bare back in frustration. When the other boy finally freed him of his own shirt and brought the naked skin of their chests together he sighed in luxurious contentment. He'd never felt so close to anyone; he could feel Dee's own heartbeat against his ribs and revealed in the closeness, but somehow it still was not enough.
The dark haired boy ate at the blonde's mouth, his control slipping away, but he fought to hold on. Ryo was becoming frantic beneath him and Dee knew he needed to rein him in or else take the chance of him becoming overwhelmed by the experience. He knew it could happen, it had even happened to him the very first time he'd allowed another boy to take him. It was easy to loose yourself in the moment, but the unfamiliar emotions could be quite overpowering once you came back to yourself. Dee didn't want their first time together to simply be a quick, fleeting fulfillment of a raw need, he wanted it to be so much more. Especially for Ryo. Maybe even for himself. Maybe he wanted to give Ryo the experience he never had.
For whatever reason, he pulled his lips from the other boy's to place sweet kisses along his jaw and down along his throat. When the blonde began to whine and protest, pulling on the ebony strands of Dee's hair, the boy slipped his fingers around Ryo's wrists and held him down, forcing him to comply and slow his pace.
Soon Ryo's hyper, uneven breathing leveled out and he calmed under Dee's skillful touch. The dark haired boy slowly moved his tongue to dart out over the exposed flesh of Ryo's neck, then turned his head to flick his tongue into the dip above his collarbone, eliciting a soft sigh from the boy beneath him. His hands released his wrists and he twined his fingers with the blonde's before he nipped harder at the boy's throat.
Ryo gasped and immediately lifted his hips into Dee's. The raven haired boy began to sway his body against him, moving from a straddling position to settle between his thighs. Glancing up through falling strands of ebony hair Dee watched Ryo as they moved together. The blonde's lips were parted, his head tossed to one side as his fingers squeezed reflexively at Dee's own. And in the dim light he could see the glitter of the blonde's half-lidded eyes as the boy gazed into his own jade depths.
“Ryo, you're so beautiful” Dee whispered, unable to help himself. The other boy looked like an angle bathed in moonlight. An angel that had fallen for him and now belonged to him.
Only him.
Dee bucked his hips in a possessive gesture, grinding his now rigid erection into the blonde's pelvis and sending a startled cry from between those perfectly parted lips. Slipping his hands from Ryo's grip, Dee let his fingers encircle the boy's waist, pinning him there as he slid his mouth further down his chest to encompass one pink nipple.
“Dee!” the blonde gasped loudly. Even though he knew the walls were thin, he couldn't help himself. Vaguely Ryo remembered that this was one of the reasons he'd put off being intimate with Dee. There was no helping it now, however.
Thankfully for him, Dee took charge of the situation, coming back up to claim the boy's lips in a consuming kiss while replacing his mouth with his fingers over Ryo's sensitive nipples.
The heat was building between them like a slow, steady fire. Dee couldn't hold back any longer, he needed to touch him. Letting one hand drift down over the blonde's hipbone he slipped passed the confinements of the boy's boxers and grazed Ryo's swelling manhood.
“Uhhh!” came Ryo's muffled cry against Dee's lips as his fingers wrapped around him. The dark haired boy decided he wanted to watch him climax and began to work him with exquisite strokes.
When the Dee pulled back and started to pump him, Ryo opened his eyes to meet the other boy's intense gaze. The knowledge that he was touching him so intimately made the blonde instinctively want to turn his head away, but he discovered he couldn't tear away from that piercing emerald stare. He soon found that Dee's heady gaze not only intensified his arousal, it forced him to acknowledge the intimacy between them. And it all pushed him closer and closer to the edge of his release.
Dee watched with hungry eyes as the slender blonde responded to his touch. He quickened his pace and the boy cried out in ecstasy- though a bit too loudly. Not wanting to release his gaze, the dark haired boy improvised a way to silence his moans and reached his free hand up to glide two long digits between Ryo's panting lips.
At first Ryo seemed unsure of this intrusion, but as Dee pumped his stiff shaft to the breaking point his instinct took over and he latched onto the fingers, sucking hard as his own release hit him like the waves pounding inevitably into the shore. His back arched and Dee drank in the sight of his lover exploding into orgasm.
A moment later Ryo sighed contentedly, adrift in the glowing aftermath. But Dee was already preparing for the next stage as he stripped himself as well as the lax blonde of their remaining clothing. After slipping his fingers from the boy's mouth, he ran them through the slick semen scattered over the blonde's pale stomach and slid them tentatively down between Ryo's buttocks.
When the boy didn't protest, Dee slowly and with great care, pushed one slender digit passed the tight ring of muscle. He was relieved to feel those muscles relax against his touch, just as he had hoped they would after Ryo's blissful orgasm.
“Dee? What…?” Ryo murmured, his mind still in a fog as he felt the other boy explore him. “Nnnuhh!” he moaned at the oddly sweet sensation Dee's probing finger produced. The blonde hadn't been sure what would happen that night, but in his imagination he had assumed something this would hurt more. In fact, he'd been prepared to endure considerable pain for the sake of being with the boy he loved, but it seemed he had underestimated the pleasure the boy could give him.
When Dee pressed in further and hooked his finger to graze against the boy's prostate, the blonde's eyes flew open and he bit his lip in an effort to keep himself from crying aloud.
Ryo had simply never felt anything like it. He pushed his hips down against Dee's hand, wanting to feel the sensation more fully. Though there was now a slight bit of pain as he squirmed, it was nothing compared to the rapt pleasure that spread through his body under Dee's capable hands.
Ryo's body grew accustomed to him quicker than he had thought and Dee pushed another finger into him and pumped him gently. For a moment the blonde's body fought him, then he relaxed as Dee dropped lingering kisses along his inner thighs. When he saw that the boy was growing aroused once more and beginning to thrust his hips willing onto the intruding digits, Dee's remaining patience cracked under the weight of his desire. Ryo was open to him and he needed to have him. Now.
Quickly but carefully, Dee drew out his fingers and coated himself with the boy's remaining semen and his own weeping precum. He positioned himself at Ryo's entrance and prayed for the willpower not to just ram right into him. Inch by excruciating inch Dee pushed his throbbing erection deeper into the blonde's body and licked his lips in rapture as Ryo's tight channel yielded and wrapped about him.
“God, Ryo!” he cried, “You feel so damn good! So tight…” Leaning down he captured the boy's mouth and brutally exploited it with his tongue. Ryo whimpered in return, his body beginning to tremble at the thought of being so intimately connected to the gorgeous ebony haired boy above him and the promise of pleasure inherent in their coupling.
Dee moved slowly at first, relishing every ounce of luscious friction between their locked bodies. He wanted it to last forever. Ryo gasped for air as he felt the other boy's cock press deep within his body, pulling out ever so slightly only to plunge back in with increasing abandon. The blonde clutched at him and lifted his legs to allow Dee even deeper access. It seemed as if he could never be close enough, he wanted to dissolve into him, become part of him. For so long Ryo had felt disconnected from everything and everyone in his life, ever since the loss of his parents. Nothing had been the same and he'd never been able he really open up to anyone, even to his family who had taken him in- no one until Dee. And now he couldn't get enough of him.
“Oh, God! Dee!” he choked out, trying not to yell when he really wished to scream his ecstasy at the top of his lungs. Dee was moving faster now, harder, and Ryo revealed in it- even in the pain, because it only emphasized how real the moment between them was and how intense.
“Oh, Ryo!” Dee gasped, setting his body free now and pounding into the blonde's tender, submissive body. Everything about the blonde was so perfect: his artless reactions, his eagerness despite the discomfort his body must surely be going through, and, most of all, just because he was Ryo. It all drove Dee mad with desire. He shifted to hook his arms under the boy's knees, pushing them nearly to his shoulders before smothering his mouth once more to stifle their mutual cries of pleasure.
Then he hammered into him, slamming hard as one free hand grabbed the boy's rigid shaft to bring him to the brink of yet another mind-numbing orgasm. Beneath him Ryo was at a loss, awash in a frantic bliss that threatened to consume him. Alternately he grasped at Dee's tangled, sweaty hair and the thin sheets strewn about them, unable to contain himself. Any moment he was going to burst.
And Dee was right there with him. His breath heaved from his chest, his eyes shut tight as he tried to fend off his encroaching orgasm for as long as possible, enjoying the exquisite torture. Then he tipped over the edge, the knowledge that his cock was buried deep within his lover as he pinned him to the mattress with each thrust was simply too much to bear.
It had never felt like this before… he…
“I love you Ryo!” came a clenched sob of sheer ecstasy as Dee spilled forth into Ryo's inner cavern.
The blonde could only gasp his name in response as he released his own seed between them both and tears sprang to his eyes upon hearing his lover's confession. Dee's own salty tears slid over his cheeks and trailed down Ryo's shoulder, where he rested his head.
For several moments they just lay there together, the dark haired boy's limp organ still inside Ryo's body, the blonde's semen slick on their stomachs. They didn't care. All that mattered was the feeling of holding each other in their arms, of feeling their heartbeats flutter against one another.
“I love you too, Dee,” Ryo finally replied when he'd caught his breath once more. He smile was pure joy.
Reluctantly, the other boy rolled off of him and swiped a few tissues from a nearby box, feeling the need to care for his new lover by wiping down his beautiful body.
Ryo stilled his hand and pulled the boy to him.
“Can we just stay like this a little while longer?” he whispered longingly.
Dee smiled down at him and kissed him tenderly.
“Anything you want,” he replied simply, snuggling closer.
Within minutes Ryo was sound asleep, his body worn out by the intense emotion and pleasure. Dee watched his contented features in the fading light until he too wittingly fell fast asleep, his body curled about the other boy in a protective embrace.
Fleetingly, before sleep took him Dee's mind wandered as he thought: /Whatever else comes now, we'll be together… no matter what…/ . And he held the slender blonde tightly in his arms.
No matter what comes against us…
***Hmmm… will our little lovers be able to sit back and relax in post-coital bliss? *snicker* Well, we'll see…
Reviews welcome! ^_^