Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ The Morning After ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake!
Ryo woke to find himself curled in Dee's protective embrace and he smiled as he hugged the boy against him. He couldn't imagine how the previous evening could've been any more perfect than it had.
Dee loved him.
His smile broadened into a silly grin. He, Ryo Mclain, who thought he'd never find anyone to accept him, was loved. Unfortunately, the boy's reverie was cut short by an insistent knocking on the door, which must have been the reason he'd woken up.
A sudden fear of discovery seized him. Had Dee locked the door behind him last night? What if it was a teacher at the door?
“Dee!” he whispered, shaking the other boy's shoulder in a vain attempt to wake him. When he simply groaned and pulled the blonde closer, Ryo tried to shove him down, hoping to hide him under the covers.
The knocking ceased and Ryo looked anxiously at the door, then watched in horror as the knob began to turn and the door cracked open.
“Dee, get down!” he hissed in a hushed voice through clenched teeth, pushing on the dark haired boy's shoulders. But it was no use, Dee was deep in sleep and refused to move.
Ryo pulled the blanket up to cover the other boy, knowing the effort was too little too late and closed his eyes tight, waiting to be discovered. A head ducked into the room and the blonde heard a voice whisper, “Dee? Are you in here?”
The voice sounded familiar. Ryo opened one eye to see Drake stepping into the room.
“Jesus Drake! You scared the hell out of me!” he exclaimed with relief, letting out a long breath. “Close the door and get in here before anyone sees us!” he told him, the adrenaline still in his system, making him nervous.
He didn't notice Drake's own agitated state until the boy leaned over Ryo and yanked on Dee's arm, pulling him into a sitting position. “Dee!” he said loudly, “Get the hell up!”
“Keep it down Drake! I don't need some teacher rushing in here!” Ryo hissed.
The other boy turned to him with a sharp glare and Ryo was surprised at the anger in his gaze. “/You/ wake him up then!” Drake said curtly.
Ryo didn't know what was so pressing that Dee's friend had to come barging into his room like this and shooting him dirty looks, but he didn't appreciate it. Grabbing Dee he did the one thing he knew would stir the green-eyed boy from his slumber, he pulled him to him and planted a kiss firmly on his lips. Under normal circumstances he never would've been so bold, but he was very tired from the night before was now very cranky with Drake's unwarranted anger.
Drake watched with wide eyes as the blonde smothered Dee's lips, surprised by the daring move. The dark haired boy immediately reacted, waking under Ryo's persistent mouth and instinctively swinging a leg over the other boy to straddle his hips and pin him to the bed.
“Mmph!” Ryo cried against the other boy's lips as he shoved at his shoulders. Dee didn't seem to notice that anyone else was in the room and the blonde started to panic at the thought of how far this might go before he could get Dee to stop.
Whoa, Drake thought as he watched the two boys naked forms, now only covered by the thin blanket as Dee lay atop the slender blonde. Although Drake had always gravitated towards girls, he was surprisingly aroused by the sight of his two friends in such an intimate situation. However, Ryo's plaintive cry reminded him that he had a serious matter to see to.
“Dee!” he said sternly, pulling on the boy's arm and breaking the kiss. Green eyes blinked up at him, bewildered.
“Drake?” he said, confused, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“It's Aaron,” he began, “Professor Martin accused him of cheating.” He paused, watching Dee's eyes suddenly become awake and alert.
“They're going to expel him.”
“WHAT?” Dee and Ryo shouted in one voice.
“Come on,” said Dee, stepping out of the bed and motioning Drake to follow him, “Let's go.”
Drake actually laughed despite himself. “You gonna go like that?” he asked.
In Dee's still-sleepy state, he'd failed to realize he was standing in the middle of the room stark naked.
“For God's sake, put some clothes on!” he heard Ryo say behind him just before the blonde hurled his pants at him.
“Thanks Ryo!” he said, slipping on the garment and heading out the door.
Ryo didn't miss the questioning look cross Drake's face when Dee called him by a different name, but he seemed to dismiss it, following the boy outside.
Still in a daze, Ryo listened as their voices faded down the hall, Drake telling Dee he needed to at least shower if he was going to speak on Aaron's behalf before the Head Master. With a sigh Ryo fell back into the sheets and hugged his pillow to his body, feeling the loss of Dee's warmth in the cold room. He was going to get up too, of course, but he couldn't make himself move just yet, allowing himself a few moments of self-pity as he abandoned the vision of Dee and himself snuggling together late into the afternoon. In a few minutes, however, his breathing had slowed and he was fast asleep. His body was fatigued from the night before and he'd underestimated his need to recuperate.
Over an hour later, Ryo woke with a start. He really needed to stop oversleeping like that!
Throwing off the covers, he grabbed his boxers and headed to the showers to make himself presentable.
Fifteen minutes later he ran down the hall toward Dee and Aaron's room, attempting to straighten his tie in the process and failing rather poorly. His hair was still practically dripping as he knocked on their door. He heard Dee's voice yelling inside and then Drake called him to come in.
Ryo opened the door tentatively to see Drake trying in calm down a very agitated Dee and Aaron doing his best to ignore them both and pack his things. The blonde let out a sad sigh, if Aaron was already packing, then it could only mean the administration had already decided he was to be expelled. He was too late to try and help matters.
“There's got to be SOMETHING we can still do!” Dee shouted.
“Christ, Dee! Keep your voice down, its not going to help things to just get all pissed off!” Drake told him with some anger of his own.
But the dark haired boy kept pacing across the floor. “That prick Martin! He looked so fucking smug sitting there during the whole meeting!” he ranted.
Ryo stood in the doorway, unnoticed. The blonde felt a slight pang in his heart that his new lover hadn't even glanced his way. He knew it was a selfish thought, he knew Dee was beside himself that one of his best friends had been falsely accused and now expelled. It was a very serious situation, he couldn't expect him to shrug it off just because they had become lovers the evening before. But even so, Ryo couldn't stop himself from feeling that sting of loss at having Dee's attention diverted from him when he wanted it most.
Trying to push his thoughts aside and bring himself into the moment, he looked over at Aaron, who appeared completely crushed. The boy was moving methodically, as if walking through a kind of dream. Ryo pushed down his own hurt when he saw the dejected look on the boy's face and stepped over to him.
“Are you alright?” he said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder.
The boy looked up in surprise, apparently he hadn't noticed him either. Giving the blonde an apathetic shrug, he tried to smile. “I guess so, there's nothing I can do about it, so I suppose I should just get used to the idea,” he said.
Ryo's brow furrowed in concern. The boy was taking it hard. Surely there were other schools? He thought. He wouldn't be near his friends, but he could go back to his home and attend public school, right? The blonde didn't know Aaron's circumstances or background, Dee had never told him and he rarely spoke to Aaron himself about personal matters. He didn't know his assumptions were quite off-target.
“Aaron, don't talk that way!” Dee suddenly cried, turning to the other boy. “We're going to keep fighting this! We'll find a way to get you back in here, I promise!” he said emphatically.
Noticing Ryo now, he looked at him gave him a weak smile. “Hey” he said warmly, “Sorry I had to take off this morning.”
Ryo's smile in return was genuine and sympathetic. “I understand, Dee,” he replied, now placated by his lover's considerate words, and even more by his affectionate manner as he looked down at him.
“We should help Aaron pack,” Drake said in the next moment, and the boys nodded.
Dee's anger soon swelled to the surface again, though, as they worked. He just couldn't accept the injustice of the situation. Aaron was a dedicated student. Much more so than Dee, and the boy deserved to attend the prestigious institution. If the dark haired boy ever thought anyone was going to get kicked out, he would've voted hands-down that it would've been him.
“This is all because of that dickhead Martin,” he muttered as he pulled Aaron's books from the shelves. “Wait and see, he'll regret doing this, Aaron!” he said vehemently and turned toward his long-time friend. “I'll get him back for you!” he assured. Then added with a laugh, “He's going to wish he never lived by the time I'm done with him!”
Aaron, apparently, did not find Dee's threats quite so funny. As the other two boys watched, the boy walked over to Dee and gave him a withering look before his hand darted out and slapped him hard across the face.
Dee looked momentarily stunned and Drake's mouth gaped. It was very uncharacteristic for the mild-mannered boy to act out violently in any way, but now his face was contorted him anger.
“Don't ever say that again, Dee!” he shouted at him. “Do you think I'll be happy if you get yourself expelled because of me?! Do you think that will accomplish anything?!” he demanded.
“Aaron, I-“ Dee began.
“ Save it!” he yelled and then slowly collected himself. “Just because things didn't work out for me, that doesn't mean you have to throw anyway your own chances,” he said in a calmer tone. “You always underestimate yourself, Dee. You have a lot of potential and I don't want you wasting it just for some stupid act of revenge!”
There was a long silence as Aaron paused and then stepped up to the dark haired boy, clasping his hand. “Promise me you won't go after Martin,” he said sternly.
Dee looked troubled. He wanted to abide by his friend's wishes, but he didn't know if he could hold himself back from seeking revenge.
“Dee,” Aaron urged as the other two boys looked on, Ryo's emotions conflicted as he witnessed the tender scene between the two close friends. “Promise me,” he insisted. When the boy still hesitated, he said in a soft voice, “You have reasons you need to stay here, right Dee? People you want to be near?” Ryo saw the boy glance in his direction and Dee knew even without this sign that he was referring to his relationship with Ryo.
Across the room, Ryo felt his heart squeeze under the realization that Aaron cared so much for Dee that he would rather see him happy and successful at the school, than have him fail, even if it meant giving up all hope that he could be with him. He was rather grateful and extremely moved by the boy's gesture and mentally noted that someday he would find a way to make it up to him.
Finally relenting, Dee nodded. Aaron was right after all. If he got kicked out now it would ruin the bond he had so tenuously been building between him and the blonde. “I promise,” he said rather sulkily.
Aaron smiled up at him, satisfied that his friend would keep his word.
“Hey,” Drake chimed in, “You have to stay so we can dispel the charges against Aaron, too! “ He turned to the shorter boy and told him, “We'll find out why Martin accused you- without getting ourselves in trouble of course- and you'll be back by the time winter term starts!” he said in a more optimistic tone than he actually felt.
To his surprise, Aaron shook his head and looked worried. “No, it's over, it's been decided, just let it go!” he insisted.
“I'm not talking about getting revenge, Aaron, just getting to the bottom of things,” he replied, a little hurt that his friend didn't seem to trust him to handle matters.
But Aaron was firm, “I just want to forget all this!” he said, visibly upset. “Just leave it be, I'm going to be fine…”
None of them were convinced, however, and Dee shared a meaningful look with Drake; they knew the other boy well enough to know that he was hiding something. For a moment Dee wondered if he really had cheated- but, no, he didn't think that was the case. It was something else. Ryo, too, picked up immediately on the boy's reluctance to have them explore the accusations and he had a good guess as to why, though it wasn't something he wished to share with Drake, or even with Dee for that matter. Not yet anyway.
So the day wore on and they all finished the packing in silence.
The next day the boys were allowed to miss their first class to see Aaron off. It was a somber and sad good bye, but they got through it.
As he stepped into the waiting car, Aaron tried to smile for Dee as he said, “Well, guess I'll see you in a few weeks!”
`You know it!” Dee replied then added, “Don't let the Penguin chew you out too bad in the meantime!”
His statement made the other boy laugh despite himself and he waved as the car pulled off, doing his best to keep his smile in place. He wouldn't allow the other boys to see him cry. He would be strong, or at least try to be.
Ryo stood next Dee in a bit of confusion. He assumed that the two must live close to each other if they were going to see one another over the Christmas break that was soon to begin, but who had they been talking about? Who was `the penguin'?
As Aaron's car disappeared around the corner, he watched Dee walk slowly back into the building with Drake and Ryo began to wonder how well he knew this boy he had so readily fallen in love with. It occurred to him that Dee hadn't shared any of his past with him, even though the blonde had been so forthcoming with him.
It seemed ironic that it was only after he'd given over his heart and body to the tall, darkly handsome boy, that he realized he knew so little about his background. The question plagued him as he followed in the other boy's footsteps showing through the thin layer of softly falling snow:
How well did he really know him?
*** Oh, the angst! Next chapter will have more smut! Reviews welcomed!