Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Troubles Ahead ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Dee breathed in the chill air as he and Aaron ran about the city. He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed the bustle and motion of Manhattan. A part of him wished he could be sharing it with Ryo, but they still had a few more days before they left for the blonde's home, Dee would get him downtown yet.
The two boys had spent most of their time around the immediate area of the orphanage. Ryo had wanted to get to know all the places Dee had ran around when he was a kid, despite the fact that his dark haired companion warned him that they weren't always the best of areas. It didn't matter, everything just gave him a better sense of who Dee was and made him care for him even more.
Today Dee had left Ryo with Bikky; the two boys had become fast friends. Although his normally would've annoyed Dee (well, it /did/ still bother him a little…), he was glad that it had given him the opportunity to go shopping for Ryo's Christmas gift, as well as some time to talk to Aaron alone. He had become increasingly worried about his friend, and knew it would be impossible to bring any of his concerns up with other people around.
Now that they were alone, however, Dee wasn't sure how to breach the subject. As they walked down the busy streets, the sounds of the city echoed around them, but neither of them spoke. Finally, after they had left one of a string of pawnshops, Aaron suddenly said, “So you and the `square' are pretty tight now, huh?”
Dee laughed; he'd forgotten that Aaron used to call Ryo this when he wasn't around. If it had been anyone else, it might've bothered him, but he'd known Aaron forever and they'd always teased each other about everything. He shrugged in reply, “I guess so.”
“What about you, though,” Dee asked, trying to get his friend to talk about himself, “I bet there are more than a few people happy to see you back at the orphanage so they could make their move on you!”
Aaron smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. “Maybe,” was all he said.
When they reached the corner, Aaron suddenly told him, “Hey, why don't I meet you up ahead? I`ve gotta run and use the `facilities'.” (By which he meant relieving himself in the nearest alley.)
“Yeah, sure,” Dee replied, “I'll meet you at `Mable's', we'll get some lunch before heading back.”
Aaron nodded and Dee walked ahead, but not for long. There was something about Aaron's manner that made his instincts flair in warning. Soon he had double-backed and was watching his friend's head bobbing through the crowded sidewalk. When the strawberry-blonde turned down a rather run-down alleyway, Dee followed.
He had a bad feeling about all this. Aaron had seemed a little nervous all day- jittery. And it had not escaped his attention that the boy had pawned several pricey items, some which belonged to him and some which Dee was sure he must have stolen. Not that he could condemn him for that, the dark haired greaser had been guilty many times before of pick-pocketing, but, in his defense, he hadn't done it since he entered Pembrey.
From a safe distance around the edge of the corner, Dee watched Aaron walk further into the alley and start digging in his pockets. Unconsciously, Dee held his breath.
Then his fears were confirmed.
Around the far corner a muscular man with limp hair and blood shot eyes stepped up toward Aaron, clearly recognizing the boy from far away, which could only mean that Aaron had been here often. The swarthy man's toothy grin made Dee grimace in disgust and he didn't like the way his eyes prowled over his friend's body with casual lust. Although he couldn't make out what they were saying, there was no need. Aaron avoided the man's gaze and stuffed his palm with bills. There was a brief argument and Dee was forced to watch the unappealing man drift one grimy hand down over his friend's buttocks and give a firm squeeze. But just as he was about to jump from his hiding place and run to help him, Aaron pushed the man away, then held out his hand demandingly. With a scowl the dealer pulled out a small bag and slapped it into the boy's hand. After he had left, Aaron stood motionless for a while and, even from a distance, Dee could see that the boy was close to tears. A moment later, however, he had recovered himself and started running back up the alley. Dee darted back into the street and headed for Mable's, wondering what the hell he was going to do, what on earth /could/ he do?
As much as Ryo had enjoyed Bikky's company, he was beginning to wonder how much longer it would be before Dee and Aaron returned from downtown. He knew the two long-time friends needed some time to catch up, but he still missed his lover when he was gone.
When Dee's head finally appeared in the doorway, greeted quickly by Bikky's insults, Ryo knew immediately that something wasn't right. He wanted to ask him right away, but he was forced to wait until after dinner, some hours later, until he had Dee alone. Everyone else had left the communal restroom, but he and Dee were still washing up before bed. Ryo turned to the other boy with crossed arms.
“Tell me what happened.”
Dee seemed surprised, then his shoulders sagged. “I'll tell you, but not right now, ok?” His eyes looked tried.
“Ok,” Ryo replied in a quite voice.
The dark haired boy stepped close to him. “It's the holidays, I just want to enjoy being here and being with you.”
Ryo nodded, but didn't seem appeased.
“It's something I need to talk with Aaron about first, but I need some time to think of what I'm going to say to him before then,” Dee explained.
Again, Ryo nodded, but said nothing.
Changing tactics, the greaser smiled and said, “I got your Christmas gift today.”
“You did?” Ryo asked, still pouting, but his voice sounding more cheerful.
“Yep! And Aaron and I brought back a little something to celebrate the holidays while Mother is out tonight!” he said with a wink. Every year Mother would go one night to a candlelight vigil the week before Christmas. There was other supervision, of course, but it gave the kids a little more freedom to cause trouble.
“Now what could /that/ be?” Ryo asked with a raised eyebrow.
When they returned to the room, the `celebration' was well underway, meaning the alcohol Aaron and Dee had smuggled in had already been broken into. They also had another guest, a girl named Carol who Bikky had invited. They were passing a bottle of peppermint schnapps between them.
As Dee sat down and made room for Ryo to sit next to him, the blonde asked in a hushed whisper, “Isn't Bikky only, like, 12?!” The other boy just shrugged. “We won't let him or Carol drink too much.” As if to prove his point, Dee swiped the bottle from Bikky and offered it to Ryo, grabbing a beer for himself.
Seeing no way to refuse, Ryo tipped the bottle back and took a swig. His face scrunched up tight as the liquor slid down his throat. “Bluh!”
Dee laughed. “Don't care for the schnapps, huh?”
Ryo allowed Bikky to take the bottle back, if only so that he wouldn't be pressed to take another taste.
“Here,” Dee said, “try this.” He handed him a green bottle. “Hope you like it, because this stuff was all Aaron and I could carry!” The two boys clinked beer bottles together, actually proud that they had been able to bring in as much as they did.
Ryo struggled with the bottle, opened it and took a small, tentative taste. Somehow it was familiar. He looked at the label.
“Sake?” he said, looking at Dee and wondering how he had found it and not quite sure if he was happy that he had bought it. The boy was inadvertently pointing out his Japanese heritage again, but as no one else commented on the drink, Ryo decided he couldn't be mad.
“New York has /everything/!” Dee said with a laugh. Then he leaned closer and said quietly in his ear, “I wasn't sure if you had ever had it before?”
Dee watched as a shy little smile crept over his lover's face. “My father let me try it a couple times when I was little and my mom wasn't looking!” He took another sip and decided he was glad his companion had bought after all.
“Is this my present then?” the blonde asked after a moment, a dubious expression on his face. Even if he liked it, he didn't fancy getting alcohol as a gift.
“No, no, no!” Dee said, waving his hand in the air, “I've gotten you something much better than that!” A wicked gleam enteed his eye and he added in a lower voice, “But I'll save that for closer to Christmas- and when we're alone.”
Sure enough, these words, as well as Dee's silky tone, elicited a gentle blush over the boy's features. To keep his mind from wandering, Ryo turned toward Bikky and the others to join in the party.
“Just you wait Ryo,” Dee said to himself.
*** Alcohol and a horny Dee… hmmm…