Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ The Holiday Season ( Chapter 14 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
** Enjoy! (New character appearance ahead!) ^_-
Disclaimer: I don't own fake!
“Randy! Hurry, the car's waiting!” Dee shouted up the large, winding stairwell towards the dorm rooms. The blonde had been taking forever to pack his things, afraid he'd forget something he might need over the their holiday, and Dee had been growing impatient.
Finally Ryo appeared, carrying a suitcase so large that he was nearly stumbling under its weight as he stepped down the stairs. His cheeks were flushed pink from the exertion and reminded Dee of other, more intimate moments when he made the boy's features glow that same delightful shade of red.
“Here,” Dee offered, putting his hand out and grabbing the luggage from the blonde, “let me take that.” Immediately he was pulled forward by the weight. “What on earth do you have in here?” the dark haired boy asked as he walked outside and pushed the suitcase into the open truck of the car.
Ryo shrugged. “I just wanted to be prepared, so I packed a lot.”
Dee raised an eyebrow and then unsnapped the hinges on the suitcase to glance inside.
“Dee!” his partner protested.
“No wonder its so heavy!” the boy shouted, “You packed all your books!”
“But I thought it would be good to study over break, ya know?” Ryo said, shifting from one foot to the other.
Dee sighed and closed the case. “Your hopeless!” he told the other boy as he shooed him into the vehicle. Ryo followed him, sulking, although he couldn't stay that way for long, as Dee was practically glowing. As much as the dark haired boy knew he was lucky to be attending the esteemed institution, he never felt like he could really relax and be himself among the elitist student body. There was nothing like being back at the place where he grew up, a place where he knew he would always be accepted.
Before he left for Pembery, Dee had sometimes felt that the rundown orphanage was holding him back- that his status as an orphan would always be something of a blemish on his background. However, after seeing the life of the upper class more closely, he came to appreciate the warmth and acceptance his `family' at the orphanage offered him, and the strength it gave him.
He was happy to be going home. And even happier to have Ryo by his side when he did. Looking over, he smiled at his lover and slipped his hand around the other boy's waist, watching him blush at the contact.
Ryo returned his smiled, the dark haired boy's excitement infusing him. They stayed close to one another the rest of the car ride, the blonde eventually growing sleepy and resting his head comfortably on Dee's shoulder. The ride took almost two hours, since Pembery was in the countryside of New York and Dee's orphanage was on the outskirts of the city. No matter how long it took, though, the dark haired boy never tired of these rides. It was one of the perks of attending the school that they provided students from the orphanage a personal drive back and forth during the holidays. Dee always felt like royalty when he pulled up in the expensive car.
“Ryo, we're here, wake up!” Dee said, gently shaking his from his sleep.
“Oh, ok,” he replied, rubbing his eyes.
As he opened the car door, Dee felt the other boy tug on his sleeve. “Don't forget to call me Randy,” he reminded him.
The greaser gave him an exasperated sigh, but smiled and nodded reassuringly.
Ryo hadn't realized how worn out he was, the exams just before the holiday break had taken their toll on him. All he wanted was to take a nap somewhere, but it would be some time before Dee would be able to lead him to the room they would be sharing. First he was introduced to about two dozen people he knew he would never be able to keep straight- all of them other kids from the orphanage and all of them clamoring to see Dee as word of his arrival spread. For the shy, introverted Ryo, it was a bit of a struggle to be suddenly thrust into the center of attention, as everyone wanted to get to know the friend Dee had brought back with him.
The dark haired greaser, however, was totally in his element, joking and teasing with everyone and using more vulgarity than Ryo was used to. But everyone seemed very friendly and welcoming, which helped to put him more at ease; although the Japanese American doubted he would ever be able to really enjoy being in a crowd.
After numerous greetings, the two boys made their way to the head nun's office, the woman Dee had referred to as his `Mother'.
“Hey Penguin!” Dee said jovially when they entered.
“Well, they've returned you to us in one piece I see!” the woman said, her smile bright and affectionate as she hugged Dee to her and then proceeded to give him a sound thwack on the head. “And don't call me `Penguin'!” she reprimanded, but she was still smiling.
Rubbing his head and looking like a small, pouting child, Dee said, “Mother, this is Randy.”
If Ryo had any worries about being accepted by the woman who was so important to his partner, all his doubts were alleviated when the older woman's arms enveloped him in a warm, firm hug.
“Well, let me have a look at you,” the nun said, releasing him and stepping back. Her eyes were kind and Ryo had the sense that very little ever got by her- that somehow the older woman could see right through him. Normally this would have made him feel uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but trust her. He couldn't quite explain it. If he had thought about it he might have realized that the nun's years of experience in dealing with troubled children made her a fast and excellent judge of character.
“You look quite respectable!” she said at last. “I hope you'll be a good influence on our Dee!” she told him with sincerity.
“I-I'll try,” Ryo stammered, looking bashful.
“Well, I'm sure you two would like to settle in, you'll be staying with Aaron and his roommate,” she informed them.
“I didn't think Aaron had a roommate already,” Dee said, eying the nun questioningly.
“Well, he has one now,” she told the boy, with a wide smile.
Dee shrugged. “Ok, then, we'll see you later!” he said, turning to leave.
“It was nice to meet you,” Ryo said politely and had to stop himself short as he started to bow. The older nun's parental warmth was bringing to surface all the mannerisms from his childhood.
“It was lovely to meet you as well,” she replied, her eyes twinkling.
Ryo wondered how if it was even possible not to instantly like this unassuming woman as he shut the door behind him.
“Wow,” Dee said a moment later as he led them down the hall, “I thought for sure I was going to get a lecture about learning to behave at school or corrupting Aaron or something.”
Ryo gave him a lopsided grin, “Do you usually get lectured?” Of course, he already knew the answer. “You get in trouble no matter where you are, don't you?” he teased the dark haired boy as they stopped before one of the many worn doors that lined the dorm-like building.
“What can I say? I was born for trouble!” his partner replied with a broad grin, then burst into the room, without so much as a knock or word of warning. “Hold it right there!” he shouted. “FREEZE!”
Sticking his head into the room, Ryo saw Aaron fall back in his chair and blink up at Dee, who was now standing over him, his hands pointed in front of him in imitation of a gun. “Gotcha!” he laughed as the other boy tried to collect himself.
“Jesus, Dee! You scared the shit out of me!” Aaron yelled, but he stood up smiling and embraced him. “Oh! You brought Randy,” he said as he glanced over Dee's shoulder.
The blonde suddenly felt a bit like unwanted luggage. “I hope that's ok,” he muttered, a little bite of annoyance in his voice.
“Of course its ok!” Dee answered immediately. “Right, Aaron?”
“Yeah, sure, Randy, come on in,” he said, motioning him into the room.
Within minutes Aaron and Dee were busy catching up on recent events and Ryo tried not to feel too left out. It helped a great deal that, as he sat on the bed next to Dee, the boy subtly slipped his hand around the blonde's waist. It was at an angle where Aaron wouldn't notice, but it kept Ryo content.
As Dee bantered with his friend, he unconsciously tugged at the tie still wrapped around his neck, finally exclaiming, “I gotta get this gad-damn school uniform off!” He grabbed his bag and told them, “I'll change in the washroom- be right back.”
The boy's exit so was abrupt that Ryo and Aaron felt an awkward silence stretch out between them after his departure. They had never been that close, but they had still been friendly with one another; however, unlike Dee, who hadn't mentioned a word about Aaron's expulsion since they'd reunited, Ryo couldn't think about anything else. And the fact was that he desperately wanted to speak with Aaron about it, especially when Dee was not around. This might be one of the only chances he'd get to do so, but now he couldn't imagine how to breach the subject. So he simply sat for a while in silence, trying to collect his thoughts.
Thankfully, Aaron broke the silence. Standing up to look out the window he said softly. “I don't hold anything against you, Randy- about Dee I mean.”
The other boy's words caught the blonde off guard, he wasn't sure what to make of this.
Aaron continued when Ryo remained silent. “Dee, more than anyone I know, deserves to be happy, and if you can do that, if you can make him happy, then I can't be mad at you, can I?” he said, finally looking over at the other boy as he sat on the bed.
Ryo saw the sad look in the auburn blonde's eyes and a flood of guilt swelled in him, despite the boy's words. Aaron really was a good guy. The selfless type. As Ryo eyed him more closely, he saw the dark circles under his eyes, the way his clothes hung looser on his thin frame. Aaron was also a person who deserved happiness. If Ryo couldn't give that to him, at least he wanted to give him some peace of mind.
“Aaron, I'm sorry.”
“I just said I wasn't mad, twerp!” the boy replied, sitting down next to him on the bed.
“Not about Dee- I mean, I guess that too but-“ Ryo said, stumbling over his words.
“Don't worry about it-“
“But Aaron, I… I feel like I could've done something about you getting expelled,” he told him.
“Why would you think that?” Aaron replied a bit defensively. “I told you guys to forget it- that's just how life is, unfair things happen.”
The boy went to stand again, but Ryo put a hand on his shoulder to still him. “I don't believe that, and I don't think you do either,” he said slowly, catching his eye. “I think you stood up to Martin about something and that's why he brought accusations up against you,” Ryo explained. He could tell Aaron was getting nervous, which meant he was getting closer to the truth, and since Dee might return at any moment, he pressed on.
“I know what it's like to have to keep secrets, Aaron…” he confessed. “Mr. Martin, did he ever do anything…” he paused, “…/inappropriate/, to you?”
For a brief second, Ryo saw a haunted look cross the other boy's eyes, then Aaron suddenly jumped off the bed. “I- I don't know what you mean! You don't know what you're talking about!” he protested, putting his back to him, but his voice was cracked and shaky.
Ryo swallowed hard. Despite the boy's protests, his body language made things disturbingly clear. It was true then. “Aaron, I understand-“
“No, you don't!” the ruddy blond contested, turning to face him, looking pale. “I don't want to talk about this, Randy, please…” he said in a barely audible whisper.
“But I /do/ understand,” Ryo pleaded, not sure if he should've stirred all this up, but knowing it was too late to back out now. “You see, Martin- with me- he-“
“Hey, whose the new kid?” a voice suddenly bellowed as the door was shoved open.
Both boys jumped at the unexpected interruption, Aaron quickly masking his features with a smile. Didn't anyone knock in this place? Ryo wondered. He let out a quiet sigh to himself. Although he had the information he had wanted, he didn't know now what it was worth. Somehow he had thought that if he could ring the truth from Aaron, that the boy would be willing to face it and he might still make an appeal to be readmitted to Pembery. But it didn't appear that the red blonde would ever be willingly forthcoming with the truth behind his expulsion and Ryo was torn as to how to proceed.
For the moment he was saved from any further contemplation by their new visitor: a boy several years younger than himself, perhaps twelve, with dark bronze skin and flaxen blonde hair even lighter than Berkely's.
“This is Randy,” Aaron told him.
The boy stepped up to him and took his hand, “Hey there, Randy, I'm Bikky.”
“Nice to meet you,” Ryo replied.
“Wow, aren't we formal?” Bikky needled him, in a friendly manner. “So you're from `Puke Academy' too, huh?” he asked, looking at the blonde's uniform.
“Y-yeah, just visiting…”
“Be nice, Bikky,” Aaron warned him.
“I'm always nice!” the young boy protested, showing his age by putting his hands on his hips and wagging his tongue at the older boy.
“Maybe to Carol,” Aaron said with a smirk.
“Don't talk about her! I'm mad at her right now!” the boy yelled, crossing his arms.
Ryo watched this exchange with a smile. Bikky seemed cocky and arrogant and instantly reminded him of Dee. The boy seemed to possess incredible self-assurance and confidence, which Ryo found unbelievable for someone who was obviously of mixed descent. As hard as things had been for Ryo, he knew matters had to be just as hard, if not worse, for Bikky, who didn't even have the option of being able to hide his heritage. It was hard being black in America and even more difficult for `mulatto' children. Ryo envied his confidence, wishing he could face people with as much honesty and reassurance.
He immediately liked him.
“I came with Dee to visit,” Ryo told the boy.
“Dee?! You have my sympathies, then!” he said, smirking.
“Bikky!” Aaron said warningly.
“Hey, can I help it if the guy's a turd?”
Aaron rolled his eyes as Bikky stuck his tongue out once again.
“Bikky's my roommate,” Aaron said as the platinum blonde hiked himself up to sit on one of the top bunks. There were two sets of bunk beds, but only the two boys shared the room for the time being. Roommates were always being switched around since there was such a flux of children in and out of the orphanage.
“I guess Dee and I were lucky that there were two empty beds so we could room together during break,” said Ryo, earning a sidelong from the other two boys. “What?”
“I don't know if Dee will think of the arrangements as `lucky'…” Aaron said cryptically.
Before he could explain, Dee himself walked into the doorway, or, rather, he swaggered into view and leaned against the frame. Ryo's eyes went wide and his heartbeat thumped in his chest as he took in his image. His dark haired lover had replaced his stiff school uniform and now looked every inch a full-fledged greaser. Dee's hair, though usually slicked back at school, was now a high, proud bouffant and he wore a plain white t-shirt with a black leather jacket swung over his shoulder. His is legs were covered with a pair of blue jeans so tight the blonde wondered how he had ever managed to wiggle into them (which instantly made his mind turn to thoughts of how enticing it would be to slip them off again).
It was as if Ryo was seeing the boy for the first time, now that he was completely in his element, far more so than even at the St Mary's dance. The attire even seemed to affect Dee's carriage as he stepped into the room, his cocky attitude amplified. At first, it was a little odd for Ryo to see his partner's change. Though he'd refrained from mentioning it, the young half-Japanese boy had often been mercilessly teased by various greaser gangs at the private schools he had previously attended. When Dee and his friends had absorbed him into their group, he'd felt like something of an insider for the first time. He probably would've been more intimidated by the boys if they had all been dressed in their typical greaser gear at the time. Now, however, Ryo found himself blushing at the thought that someone like Dee, a cool greaser kid, wanted to be with a shy, reserved young man like himself. There was also a small flush of pride at this fact as well.
When Dee noticed his lover's open appraisal of his body and the ensuing blush, he gave him a wicked grin. Ryo reddened even deeper.
It felt so good to be back, Dee thought, as he sat down next to the honey blonde. “Hey,” Dee said simply, enjoying the other boy's flustered appearance. Ryo was still in his school uniform and as the blonde looked down to fidget with his tie, Dee deeply wished they were alone so he could pillage the image of innocence before him.
Unfortunately, his daydreams were abruptly disrupted when he heard a familiar and irritating voice chime, “Geez Dee! You're practically raping the kid with your eyes! Damn pervert!”
Dee had been so caught up in his own world he hadn't even noticed Bikky sitting on top of the bunk across from him. “Why the hell are you here?!” Dee growled, then added under his breath, “ya little pip-squeak!”
“I heard that!” Bikky yelled, jumping off the bed and landing a kick square into Dee's chest.
The other boy gave an `uhfff' at the impact and for a moment Ryo was worried he'd seriously been hurt, but in the next second the dark haired boy had Bikky pinned under one arm in a vicious headlock.
Aaron saw the blonde's worried expression as the two boys wrestled and assured him it was all quite ordinary. “They won't seriously hurt each other- they're always like this!” he told him with an exasperated sigh, but Ryo could see his eyes smiling and he was glad of it. The other boy looked so thin and worn, Ryo hoped that their visit might be able to raise his spirits, if nothing else. But in the back of his mind he was worried about what would become of Dee's friend.
Shaking off his brooding mood, he turned back to Dee and Bikky's wrestling match.
“Why don't you go back to your own room and leave us big boys alone?” Dee teased as the boy slipped out of his grip.
“This IS my room, jackass!” the boy retorted, flashing Dee a satisfied grin.
“My ass!” Dee replied haughtily.
Ryo heard Aaron smother a laugh.
“What's so funny?” Dee demanded.
“He's laughing at YOU, meathead! Because he knows I'm right!” Bikky told him, jumping back up to lay across the top bunk triumphantly.
“Your seriously his roommate?” Dee asked in dismay.
Bikky and Aaron both nodded.
“I think it will be nice,” Ryo offered diplomatically.
Dee just shook his head. What a week they were in for.
*** Ok, I know, no lemons- sorry! But I did introduce Bikky and finally give some of the reasons behind Aaron's expulsion!
Reviews welcome!