Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Invitations & Reciprocations ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

**Hi all! I've started a third fic right now and I'm working on a new painting too (which I'll put up on myspace when its done!) but I hope to keep up with my chapters for this fic!
Anyway, hope everyone's having a great summer and leave some reviews for me!
Disclaimer: I don't own fake!
After his night with Ryo, Dee had calmed down somewhat and although he still didn't make it through all his classes without a beating, his belligerence had been sharply curbed. The blonde seemed to soothe him, not to mention that hot and sweaty sex was always a good way to release some tension! The dark haired boy had decided that he needed to try and keep a cool head if he was really going to attempt to get Aaron reinstated. Although he hated to admit it, he was probably going to need the help of the other teachers and the administration if he was going to have any chance of helping his friend. In other words, he realized he was going to have to work within the system to a degree, rather than just being pissed off at it.
Ryo had talked to him about all these matters that morning and convinced Dee that the best line of action did not include antagonizing all the teachers in open defiance of the ruling by the school's governing council.
“If you can't beat `em, join `em, huh?” Dee had said sacastically, raising an eyebrow.
“Well, not exactly, but if Martin is really lying- and I'm sure he is,” Ryo added as Dee gave him a look at the word `if', “then the governing council will want to know, but they'll want proof and they won't listen to anything we have to say if we just curse and yelled at them, right?”
The other boy acquiesced and tried for the rest of the day to hold his tongue. In order to distract himself, he chose to watch his lover throughout the school day, admiring his beauty and running scenarios through his mind involving yet-unexplored sexual exploits. Although the two boys only had a couple classes together, it was enough to get Dee through the day. However, his fantasies were often interrupted by the way the blonde squirmed in his hard wood seat, the way he winced slightly each time he had to raise or sit. Dee replayed the previous evening in his mind and remembered his partner's odd reluctance to be taken and the boy suddenly realized that he never took into account how sore the blonde would've been after their first sexual encounter together. He cursed himself silently at the end of his last class and went to find the other boy, who usually went straight to the library after dismissal.
Sure enough, /just like clockwork/, Dee thought, there was his shy, blonde lover, sitting at a table between the oppressively high stacks, browsing through several books placed before him.
“Hey, there, lover,” the dark haired boy whispered in a deep, honeyed voice.
Ryo nearly jumped out of his seat before turning around to glare at the other boy. “Dee!” he hissed, trying not to speak loudly, but feeling the need to berate his partner. “You scared me half to death!”
Emerald eyes glittered mischievously across the table at him as Dee sat down. “I couldn't help myself, you looked so cute with your glasses on, all intent and serious with your reading,” he told him with a wide grin.
Ryo blushed and glanced about them. “Dee, what if someone hears you?” he chided, but he couldn't keep a smile from spreading across his lips at the warmth of his lover's words.
“I'm not talking that loud,” he retorted. Waving a hand toward the empty seats he said, “No one comes here right after class except you anyway.”
Looking a bit sulky, the blonde told him, “I'm trying to look up the details about expulsion policies- for you!” His last words were spoken somewhat forcefully and they elicited an irritated “shush!” from the librarian on duty.
Dee suppressed a chuckle. “Look whose the loud one now, eh?” he teased.
When the other boy pretended to ignore him, Dee walked back around and sat next to him.
“Ryo,” he said very softly.
The blonde turned to him and glanced at him over his spectacles, giving him a `what is it now' look.
“Thank you.”
“What for?” Ryo asked.
Dee smiled, a gentle, warm smile this time, instead of his usual wolfish grin. “For helping me out so much with all this with Aaron,” he replied.
The boy shrugged. “It's nothing,” he told him, returning to his book. Dee paused for a moment. Although he genuinely did appreciate Ryo's help, he was a little surprised that the other boy was so motivated to work on Aaron's behalf. Sure, Ryo was a good guy and Dee knew he'd be willing to lend a hand, but his determined involvement seemed above and beyond what was expected. The dark haired boy wondered exactly what lay at the bottom of the blonde's drive, but he didn't want to question his motives- at least, not right now. He had something else on his mind.
“Ryo,” he whispered again.
His partner set down the text with a sigh that indicated he'd just become resigned to getting no actual work done in Dee's presence. “Yes, Dee?” he asked. The blonde was surprised when the other boy lifted a hand to his chin and his jade green eyes stared at him with a sudden seriousness.
Then, quietly he said, “Last night… or, well, the night before I guess too… did I… hurt you Ryo?”
Two onyx eyes blinked back at him, pale cheeks flushing pink. “Don't ask me that here!” he protested.
Dee held onto his chin stubbornly and forced the boy to look back into at his penetrating gaze. “Tell me, “ he insisted.
Ryo fidgeted a bit and looked uncomfortable, but finally replied. “Maybe…” he said and added in a barely audible tone, “yes, a little.”
Letting his hand fall, the dark haired boy shook his head. “I'm sorry,” he said softly.
“No, Dee, please! It wasn't that bad and… it wasn't all painful, ya know,” he told him, growing red to the ears. “Some of it felt…really good,” he confessed.
Unable to restrain himself, Dee's predatory smirk automatically appeared on his features at the blonde's comment, but in the very next moment a slight scowl came across his face. “Next time, Ryo, you have to tell me if you're hurting, ok?” he said sternly.
When the other boy continued to stare at the floor, thinking the content of the conversation highly inappropriate for their surroundings, Dee continued. “Tell me,” the dark haired boy pressed, “promise me.”
“I- I promise, I'll let you know… next time,” the blonde finally answered, looking sheepish.
“Good,” his partner replied. “And one other thing,” Dee added once Ryo had picked up his book again.
“Yes, Dee” he replied, exasperated.
“Christmas break is coming up in a couple weeks and, well, I know you must have plans, but I wondered if you maybe wanted to spend part of it with me?” he asked lightly. In truth Dee had been a bit nervous about asking his lover to come to the orphanage, but he wanted make an effort to be more open about his life with Ryo.
The look the blonde boy gave him was priceless. His dark eyes sparkled, and his face lit up like it was already Christmas morning. “Really, Dee? You mean it?” he asked, grinning from ear to ear. He'd never been asked to spend the holidays with anyone since he'd never had any close friends. He'd become accustomed to the lack of invites so much that he hadn't really even thought about the possibility that Dee would want him to join him over break.
“Of course I mean it!” Dee said in a mock reprimand, adding, “Baka!” Ryo laughed at this; the dark haired boy had picked up on many of the little Japanese words that the boy let slip when they were alone. Normally he didn't like Dee to use them in public, but he was too happy right now to care and the native word, meaning `idiot' had ironically, become something of an endearment between the two boys. Ryo had used it so often with Dee that the other boy finally asked what it meant and when he found out, he gave the blonde a challenging look. `Oh, yeah?' Dee had teased, sending the boy an evil grin. `I think I'll have to punish you for that,' he continued, stalking towards him with wicked intent. `Matte! Wait! Dee!' Ryo had protested, laughing as he playfully tried to escape his attacker. The green eyed boy had him pinned on the bed in five seconds flat, both of them laughing. Dee had of course taken advantage of the moment, but things hadn't gone far, he had still been under the promise not to push Ryo further than he could handle at that time.
Now Ryo thought of the incident and a sweet warmth filled him inside. Although he often rebuked Dee for using his Japanese words too liberally, in fear that he'd accidentally let them slip in front of others, he actually enjoyed hearing his native language slip from his lover's tongue. And he felt as if it solidified a secret bond between them that no one else could share. Ryo had never felt so beautifully and unconditionally accepted by anyone. His aunt and uncle didn't quite count; they were, after all, family and family was somewhat expected to accept you as you were. But Dee had no obligations to include him so willingly in his life, but he did anyway. For the first time the blonde knew what it was like to have someone to share little inside jokes with, like calling each other `baka'. And now, Dee had asked him to see where he'd grown up and Ryo didn't know how to express the gratitude he felt.
“Dee,” he finally replied. “I'd love you go with you, but…” his voice trailed off.
“What?” the other boy asked, trying rather unsuccessfully to mask his disappointment.
“Will you spend the other half of the vacation with me at my house?” he asked with s shy smile.
There was a pause in which Dee fell silent in surprise. Ryo was so self-conscious about his background that the dark haired boy was genuinely surprised he would allow him to meet his family. And deeply touched.
“If you don't want to…”Ryo said hanging his head, misinterpreting his silence.
The blonde suddenly felt two warm hands cup his face and Dee's lips brush a tender, chaste kiss over his mouth. Ryo was too surprised to protest and, frankly, it felt so warm and wonderful that he just didn't care to.
“I'd be honored to visit your home and meet your family, Ryo,” Dee said softly, watching the flux of emotions over his partner's face.
“Dee,” the boy whispered, tears pressing at the backs of his eyes. He knew he was being silly and sentimental, but he felt so connected to Dee at that moment, knowing that they were both willing to open their lives completely to each other and the blonde allowed himself for the very first time to think of his lover as a permanent part of his future.
“My, My! Taking advantage of our `petite belle' right here in the library is a bit bold even for you, Laytner,” came a voice behind them that made Dee grit his teeth.
“Shut the hell up, Berkley!” he hissed, trying not to be too loud so as not to draw undo attention to themselves.
“Let's go, Dee,” Ryo said curtly, pulling the other boy up by the arm and making a hasty retreat for the door.
Shit, Dee thought, /Rose just HAD to go and ruin the moment, didn't he?/ The boy allowed his partner to yank him all the way back to his room, closing the door behind them both before he spoke another word.
Knowing that he was probably in for a scolding about being indiscreet in public, Dee sat on the bed and hung his head, trying to look as repentant and pathetic as possible. So when he felt the blonde kneel before him and place a gentle kiss along his cheek, he was a bit shocked. He gazed at Ryo, who had a teasing smile on his face, obviously aware of the fact that Dee had not expected this and was enjoying his surprise.
“Aren't you mad?” asked the raven haired boy with wide eyes.
Ryo shrugged and leaned in closer. “I should be, but I didn't stop you from kissing me, so I'm just as guilty,” he replied. “Plus, I'm too happy right now to get angry and especially to let someone like Berkley ruin the moment between us,” he explained.
“Amen to that!” Dee said, elated to not be in any trouble.
“Besides,” the blonde began in an uncharacteristically sensual tone, “I wanted to thank you properly for your invitation to your home for Christmas break.”
“Oh really?” Dee replied, not knowing what had gotten into his lover, but more than willing to play along.
“Yes,” Ryo replied, moving in to drift his lips softly and teasingly across the other boy's mouth. “But, you'll have to show me how,” he said boldly, blushing at his own daring words.
“Ryo, you don't have to do anything to thank me,” Dee said seriously. Although he desperately wanted this game to continue, he didn't want his partner to push himself to do anything he wasn't totally comfortable with. They had time after all and he knew the boy was already sore from their pervious lovemaking.
When the dark haired boy pointed this out, Ryo shook his head. “I didn't say we were going to… have sex,” he told him, blushing redder as he continued to talk about such intimate matters. And yet, the blonde was finding that it gave him a little thrill to be so open, the idea of being `naughty', to his own surprise, was extremely arousing.
Dee watched in amazement as his normally shy lover ran his hands up his inner thighs suggestively. “I want to pleasure you the way you did to me last night… when you took me in your mouth,” he said softly, unable to believe he was actually talking about such things.
His lover watched as the blonde spoke; how the boy's cheeks flushed crimson at his own words, how his hands felt suddenly hot against his clothed thighs, and he smiled knowing that Ryo was allowing himself to explore his own sexuality and sexual power. He'd hoped that the boy would be more comfortable with such matters once they had become intimate, and it seemed he was right. Dee knew that it was important now to let the blonde take the reins, so to speak, and let him learn to express himself, but the dark haired boy knew he was going to be hard-pressed to hold back. The sight of his typically shy lover hovering over his now swollen groin and looking up at him with a sexy, heavy-lidded and lust-filled stare was almost enough to send him shooting his load right then and there. He took a few deep breaths and leaned back.
“Then I'll show you,” he told him.
Ryo gave a naughty little smile as Dee scooted back and he crawled up over him on his hands and knees, feeling suddenly empowered. “Tell me want you want,” he said in a husky voice that trembled slightly, betraying the nervousness that ran underneath his growing confidence. The blonde was eager to please his lover just as much as Dee had done with him and he thought he would be able to do so, but he was still slightly unsure of himself.
Dee suppress a groan at his blonde lover's erotic words and, propping his head up with one pillow, he laid his arms at his sides, steeling himself with restraint and then said softly, “Take my shirt off.”
The boy complied and Ryo had to admit he was glad his partner chose to start slowly as he was still trying to calm his nerves. The blonde flung aside the school the boy's tie and began to work the buttons of Dee's shirt with shaky fingers.
Green eyes filled with passion, the raven haired boy watch each button slowly slip free of its confines and he swallowed hard, wanting nothing more than to grab the smaller boy at ravish him until he screamed. But this was Ryo's time, he reminded himself, biting his lip as the boy's fingertips inadvertently grazed the sensitive skin of his chest. Pushing aside the heady fog of lust drifting through his mind, Dee realized the other boy was having trouble with one stubborn button, his fingers slipping in their agitated state. He glided his hands around Ryo's and stilled them, whispering, “Kiss me.”
Leaning down, the blonde obeyed. Dee let his hands caress the boy's pale cheeks, gently trailing down the line of his chin to his throat as he took control of the kiss. His experienced mouth moved slowly and seductively against Ryo's own, coercing his lips open so that he could slip his tongue within and twine it around the other boy's. He continued to stroke and glide their tongues together, alternatively eating gently at his lips until the blonde was ready to melt into his body, a small moan echoing in the back of his throat.
While Ryo was distracted, Dee finished unbuttoning the rest of his shirt and shrugged it off. Once he could feel the boy's nerves float away under his sweet assault, he pulled back. “Touch me,” he softly commanded, leading Ryo's hand down to the aching bulge at the apex of his thighs.
The blonde gasped in heated arousal as he felt how engorged and hard his partner had become. His hand instinctively started to caress him through the rough fabric of the school-issued pants. The boy's innocent touch sent Dee reeling, he clutched at the sheets beneath his body and gently swayed his hips to the rhythm Ryo had set. Both their breathing was becoming heavy and labored and Dee knew things would have to move along a bit faster or he was going to soil his uniform. The boy who had always had such pride in his stamina found himself hopelessly and keenly aroused beyond belief at his blonde partner's inexperienced and yet erotic movements.
Mercifully, Ryo moved to unbuckle Dee's belt. For a second he hesitated, not sure if he should draw out the moment a bit longer, but his question was answered when the dark haired boy bucked his hips in impatience and begged, “Please Ryo!”
Marveling at the power he seemed to have over his lover, Ryo became more and more confident. Sliding of the belt, he yanked and shimmied the boy's pants off, then, slowly, pulled down his boxers until he was completely naked. He drank in the sight of his partner's body stretched out in all its glory beneath him. The toned muscles of his chest and abs, the corded muscles of his thighs… and the large, straining erection as it stood proudly at the junction of two sensuously curved hipbones. Ryo realized he had never really seen his lover's body under such close inspection before and his eyes widened at the thought that he'd been able to accept his rather large member into his own body. As his mind wandered back to the intimacy they had shared, his hand automatically drifted between his legs to stroke himself through his pants before coming down to rest on his elbows, positioning himself above Dee's now weeping erection.
The dark haired boy was fit to burst. “Ryo,” he whimpered, “I need you, please.” Then before the boy could ask just what he wanted, Dee demanded, “Lick me!”
Fueled by his own growing arousal, the blonde boldly stuck out his tongue and drew it up the length of Dee's shaft, tasting his pre-cum as he reached the seeping slit. He paused to consider the taste, then felt the other boy's hands reach out to tangle in his hair, pulling him down once more. Ryo complied, licking his length once more and tentatively sucking at the tip, which caused Dee to lift his hips and suck in his breath sharply.
“Oh yes!” he gasped. “Please do that again!”
One of those naughty smiles graced the blonde's lips and he flicked his tongue across the head of his partner's cock before sucking him again, this time taking him deeper into his hot mouth. He was beginning to enjoy the way Dee's body writhed and twisted under his attention and he experimented with his technique, sliding his mouth sideways along the boy's shaft to allow his wet lips to drag sensuously over the sensitized skin.
“Ahh! Fuck yeah!” came Dee's grunt of satisfaction, his fingers tugging at the boy's blonde locks.
It wasn't just the boy's surprisingly effective methods that was driving Dee mad, either; simply knowing that reserved and quiet Ryo would was pleasing him so beautifully made the whole experience unbelievably erotic. He wasn't going to last very long at this rate.
Encouraged by Dee's cries of excitement, Ryo brought one hand up to stroke his partner and adjust him so that he could lick and suck along his cock at various angles. Then he glanced down at the boy's testicles and wondered if he should touch them also. Moving down, he licked one sack as he pumped the boy's erection and earned a startled, “Oh God!” from his lover.
Dee was now pumping his hips up and down in animalistic thrusts, unable to hold himself back. When he felt the other boy explore his sack, it nearly drove him over the edge, but he bit down hard on his lip to force himself back down. He wanted to feel the boy's hot mouth take in all of him first.
“Please, Ryo, suck me!” he pleaded. Ryo, ever eager to please and loving his partner's plaintive cries, brought himself up and lowered his mouth ever so slowly, down Dee's cock until, finally, he touched the hilt. The dark haired boy lay frozen in rapture as the blonde's warmth enveloped him.
At first, Ryo almost gagged as the boy's ample cock touched the back of his throat. He pulled back and then began a steady rhythm, taking him in and out of his hot cavern as best he could as he adjusted to his girth and length. Dee's hands tightened around Ryo's head and he felt the boy begin to buck his hips in time with his movements. Although his jaw started to ache, the moment was far too charged with arousal and need for him to stop. He felt Dee's entire body stiffen as the first stirrings of his orgasm swirled within him and Ryo felt so intimately connected to him that he shared the excitement and almost felt as if it was his own climax that was imminent.
Even so, Ryo underestimated the boy's lustful arousal once he had hit the point of no return. Dee completely lost himself in the sweetness of his partner's lips wrapped about him and, in the haze of his on-coming orgasm, he grabbed Ryo's head firmly and began to face-fuck him for all he was worth. Ryo was a little taken aback at the violence with which his partner took him, but he relaxed his throat and felt himself tremble at the thought that he had been capable of giving Dee such carnal pleasure. It was one of the most erotic moments of his life.
However, when he tasted the first spurt of cum, the blonde panicked, afraid of the force of his lover's climax and of possibly choking on the liquid if it was forced down his throat. Dee, his body wracked with the powerful shuttering orgasm, watched as his lover yanked his head back just in time to catch an arch of semen across his lips. The sight only intensified the crushing force of his climax and his body spasmed in ecstasy.
Ryo watched his lover breathe a contented sigh as his body relaxed back into the sheets. He grabbed a tissue to wipe his mouth and chin clean before Dee pulled him down against his body.
“That was… spectacular,” he said with a goofy grin, making Ryo chuckle.
One hand reached out to brush the tangled strands from the blonde' face as emerald eyes gazed at him with all the love he felt. Then he told him: “I love you Ryo.”
“I love you too, Dee,” he replied simply, resting his head over the young man's chest, listening to his heartbeat fall back into a steady rhythm.
The sun was setting and soon the dinner bell would ring, but for now there was only the two of them in the world and their lips met in a heated kiss that made Dee aware of the fact that his partner was still thoroughly aroused.
“What's this?” he said teasingly, slipping a hand down to cup the boy's erection.
“Dee…” Ryo gasped in hushed tones, “Dinner will be soon…”
“Then we better make this quick,” he replied with a broad grin, sliding his hand inside the blonde's pants.
“You're hopeless,” the other boy told him, but he smiled and pressed himself further into the dark haired boy's grip.
“Look whose talkin'” he retorted and captured his mouth.
An hour later they made it just in time to the dinner meal and Drake eyed them both (and their glowing faces) with suspicion, feeling somehow neglected.
The next two weeks passed swiftly and the teachers wondered at Dee's much improved behavior. He and Ryo confirmed their vacation plans with their corresponding families and waited with impatience for the last day of classes.
Each boy secretly planned what to give the other and looked forward to the holiday and the promise of the New Year to come. They had no idea the changes in store for them.
***Bwhahaha! Oh the plans I have for these two!