Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Dee's Gift ( Chapter 18 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own fake.
“Ryo,” Dee whispered, nudging the snoring boy next to him. “Ryo- you asleep?”
A groan emanated from the blanket-covered lump next to him. When Dee had first discovered that they would be sharing a bed, it had been difficult for him to hide his surprise and delight.
“Sorry about this,” Ryo's Aunt Elena had said sheepishly, very much in the same manner Ryo would when he was explaining something that embarrassed him. “We don't have a guest bedroom and the couch doesn't fold out, so I hope you boys don't mind sharing a bed for the rest of the week.”
“Not at all!” Dee replied with a little too much feeling, earning a sly elbow in the ribs from his lover.
“It's alright, Aunt Elena, I figured we'd have to share it and it's fine,” Ryo told her with a smile and his companion was amazed that he managed to suppress a blush. But what was this about him knowing they'd have to share the bed? Dee smirked to himself, Ryo hadn't mentioned anything about this to him and the boy began to wonder if the blonde had taken a secret pleasure in withholding this enticing fact. He shook his head; Ryo could seem like the most quiet, predictable guy in the world and then he'd throw him little curve balls like this. How could you not love him? Dee thought as he watched the boy unpack his things.
However, any designs Dee had envisioned for the two of them in bed together were soon curtailed. Ryo's Aunt and Uncle had taken time off for the holidays and filled their days with innumerable Christmas activities. The four of them went out sledding or hiking through the snow-filled parks during the day and came home only to help make dinner and prepare decorations for the house. It left the two young men surprisingly tired at the end of the day, not to mention that fact that the couple times Dee had tried to make overtures toward his blonde lover, the boy had given him a withering look and insisted that the walls were far too thin to be fooling around right next door to his segregate parents.
Despite the fact that the dark-haired boy's patience was severely tested by going nearly two weeks without being able to do much more than steal the occasional kiss from Ryo, he found he couldn't complain either. The rough city kid had grown up with acceptance and love from his `Mother' and his peers, but it was nothing like the picturesque family atmosphere he found at Ryo's house. If Dee hadn't known the particulars of his tragic family history, he would have sworn the blonde was part of the perfect all-American family. The greaser had never been on a sleigh ride in the pristine winter landscape or strung popcorn to drape over the Christmas tree, or drank hot chocolate in front of the live, roaring fireplace. And, of course, if any of his friends back home asked, he would deny ever having done such things! But he couldn't deny the comfort it gave him to be accepted into the homey scene as if he belonged.
Not that Ryo's family was perfect either. They bickered about little things just like anyone else and Dee knew that Ryo's parental figures were a bit surprised that the boy had brought home a greaser as his guest. Dee wasn't sure if they were uncomfortable merely with the idea that he was a greaser or if it was simply because the shy blonde had had trouble with bullying from greaser gangs in the past. But nothing had been said openly and they soon warmed to him.
Therefore, Dee had tried to respect them and keep his lust in check, since he doubted Ryo's family would be very pleased if they were woken up by sounds of their lovemaking. Even so, it was difficult and tonight, on Christmas Eve, he had a plan to give both Ryo and himself what he knew they both wanted- and what was long overdue.
“Ryo,” he repeated, jabbing the boy with more insistence.
“What?” the blonde asked slowly, finally turning over to meet Dee's green eyes. They sparkled in the half-light and Ryo saw that the other boy was wide-awake. He rubbed his own eyes groggily.
“What is it Dee?”
“I wanted to give you your Christmas present,” he whispered.
As tired as Ryo was, he couldn't help but smile at Dee's enthusiasm. “Can't it wait until morning?”
“Nope,” came the boy's simple answer.
Ryo gave a weak laugh. “Alright, alright,” he told him, sitting up on his elbow and moving with care so as not to make the bed squeak.
The other boy hopped out of bed and rifled through his bag, then sat on the floor. “Come down here,” he told Ryo.
The blonde clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Why? Come on Dee, its late and its /freezing/, why can't you come back to bed and give it to me?”
In the dim light Ryo could see Dee's pout and his jade eyes beckoning him in mock despair. “Ryo, please? Every time we even breathe the bed squeaks! Just bring the blankets and… I promise I'll keep you warm.”
Ryo wasn't quite sure if he should let himself be lured in when that silky tone of voice could only mean trouble, but he obeyed. Plucking the thick wool blankets off the bed, he sat down to arrange them about himself and his now-beaming companion. Adding their large, downy pillows to lean down onto, the floor wasn't quite so bad and now that Ryo had woken up a bit, he was more than a little curious to see just what Dee had gotten for him.
“So?” he asked eagerly.
“Close your eyes,” Dee insisted, “And I'll give you a hint first.”
Ryo gave a small `huff', but complied. In the next moment, he felt the other boy's firm mouth caressing his own in a soft, butterfly kiss. It felt so delicious after days without any real intimate contact that the blonde's mind grew hazy. As Dee's tongue teased his bottom lip, Ryo nearly lost all coherent thought, but his mind slowly wandered back to the present.
“Dee,” he chided softly, reluctantly pulling away. “Please tell me your present isn't going to be something sexual…”
The dark haired boy grinned at him in the half-light. “Not /exactly/,” he replied and Ryo felt something cool slip into his hand. “Sorry, I didn't have wrapping paper.”
The poor lighting in the room had Ryo squinting to see what was in his hand. It looked like a small, clear bottle, but it was the wrong shape for liquor (thank god!) and the boy couldn't imagine what it was.
“Liquid silk?” he finally made out on the label. “Umm, am I supposed to know what this is Dee?” To his surprise, the other boy didn't look hurt, rather it seemed he had been expecting this reaction. Reaching out, Dee took the bottle and twisted off the cap to drab a little of the liquid into Ryo's palm and proceeded to rub it into his skin. Although it chilled him at first, the blonde found that the slick substance soon heated his skin and made his flesh tingle.
“Mmmm…” Ryo murmured, relaxing as the other boy's skilled fingers slid over his hand and down his wrist. “So it's massage oil? Why didn't you just tell me that?”
Deep green depths gleamed wickedly out at him from under long, thick lashes and Ryo felt the heat rush through his body at the suggestion held with them.
“You /could/ call it `massage lotion', but it's used for one particular area of the body.”
“O-oh?” Ryo found it hard to remain calm under that gaze and he was afraid of where this was leading.
“I thought you said it /wasn't/ something sexual?”
“Well, technically, `oil' isn't sexual, now is it?”
“Dee, you do know how thin these walls are, right?” he reminded him, as the handsome boy leaned in close.
“But we're not on the squeaky bed anymore-“
“But, Dee-!” Ryo's protest was cut off as the dark haired boy kissed him, this time with vigor and passion and Ryo responded without thought. Arms enveloped the blonde and he fell back into the pillows as Dee's tongue slipped passed his lips to plunder the warmth within. Instinctively, Ryo moaned.
“Shhh, who was just reminding me that we needed to be quiet?” Dee teased. As he spoke, he pressed his hips enticingly against Ryo's pliant body, testing the boy's limits of restraint and delighting in the way the blonde bit his lip to keep from crying out. He knew it was cruel to torture him this way, but it was just too tempting.
“Dee,” came a choked whisper from Ryo, “I can't- I don't know if…”
“Hush, leave it to me, I'll keep you quiet,” he reassured his lover, giving him a soft, tender smile that let Ryo know he was being serious.
Turning over his trust to the other boy, Ryo allowed himself to relax, letting Dee slip his shirt over his head after he had divested his own. Then they fell together once more, embracing tightly, each reveling in the feel of their bare flesh pressing intimately into one another.
Dee let out a sweet sigh. Every time he felt Ryo's naked skin against him it thrilled him as if it were the first time… like coming home again.
“Ryo,” he said, framing the boy's angelic face with his hands and looking at him with such intensity that the blonde felt his breath catch in his throat.
“Aishiteru, Ryo-chan.”
His eyes widened and, without realizing it, tears began to swell at the corners of the Ryo's dark eyes, the tender whisperings of his mother echoing in his mind as he heard Dee suddenly speak these endearing words into his ear.
“How… how did you?” Ryo finally managed in a barely audible voice.
Dee brushed away the tears with the pad of his thumb and told him, “I asked Mother, she knew some missionaries who spoke Japanese and found out how to say `I love you' for me.” The dark-haired boy's looked at Ryo with unusual seriousness. “I know I've told you before, but I really mean it, Ryo- I love you, now… always.”
Before the boy could reply to these heartfelt sentiments, Dee's mouth had crushed down over his own, a flood of desire suddenly let loose like a torrent after being held in check for so many days.
And Ryo found he could not hold back either.
Soon the rest of their clothing was discarded and Dee's hands were everywhere at once, raking over his heated flesh as if trying to map his entire body by touch. And still it did not seem like enough- as if they could never get close enough to fulfill the yearnings coursing through their veins.
When Ryo's whimpers of need became a little too loud, Dee turned him onto his stomach and clamped a hand firmly over his mouth.
“Are you ready love?” came Dee's heated whisper from behind. The blonde nodded his head vigorously and wondered when his lover briefly pulled away.
But when he felt the boy's free hand drifted down between his parted thighs to stroke his rigid member, he realized Dee must have been reaching for the oil, which now coated his erection. The glide of Dee's fingers was pure ecstasy, and he was glad the other boy was silencing his mouth as he gasped into his palm.
Both boys were eager and quickly reaching their limits. Moving his hand up between Ryo's round cheeks, Dee rubbed the silky oil around his tight pink bud and felt at tremor run through the boy's body at the erotic touch.
Ryo was beginning to discover just how wonderful Dee's gift truly was! As much as he had enjoyed their coupling in the past, he had always felt a sense of trepidation as Dee first pressed his length against the tight ring of muscle. Now, however, with Dee's fingers coated in the magical, slick oil, he felt himself pressing back against the digits in earnest, willing the boy to plunge ahead.
And Dee was eager to follow. Feeling the blonde loosen around his invading fingers, he slid them out to replace them with his own, anxious cock. With one hand firmly covering his lover's panting mouth, Dee allowed himself, for the first time, to sink himself deep within the boy's tight passage in one, heavenly thrust.
Ryo, in his ecstasy, bit down onto one of Dee's fingers to keep from screaming his pleasure aloud, but this only spurred the dark-haired boy to further heights of rampant lust.
Denied such consummation for weeks, Dee was now completely overtaken by need and pounded relentlessly into the willing body beneath him. By the time they exploded with orgasm, Dee bringing Ryo along with his free hand, both boys were light-headed and they collapsed together in a heap of tumbled limbs.
Thankfully, Dee was able to pull himself back to reality long enough to pull Ryo's boxers on him and lift him back into bed. He would much rather have fallen asleep where they lay, twined together in mutual satisfaction, but he had a feeling Ryo would be less than thrilled if his aunt came to wake them and found them sex-sated and naked on the floor.
He stepped into his own flannel pants and snuggled in beside Ryo. He knew he was still taking a chance at being caught in this compromising position, but he couldn't help it; he had to at least hold Ryo while he slept.
In a few minutes the blonde's heavy, even breathing began to sway Dee's mind toward sleep, but just before his dreams overtook him, the boy squeezed Ryo tight and whispered softly:
“Merry Christmas, Ryo.”
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