Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Ryo's Gift ( Chapter 19 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
** Well, school's begun, so my precious writing time as been cut considerably, but I still plan on getting out a chapter every couple weeks or so! Towards that aspiration, here is Ch 19 and another lemon! (And an early Merry Christmas to all my readers! *L*)
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake.
Christmas morning bloomed crisp and sunny, but nothing seemed to be able to rouse the two sleeping boys as Aunt Elena continued to shake them. She laughed gently to herself as she looked down at their contented faces, their hair ruffled and sticking up at odd angles. After a few minutes, she gave up and decided the presents could wait a little longer. Still, looking back at their sleeping forms, Elena had to wonder why the two young men seem so exhausted.
“Do you smell something heavenly?” Dee whispered a few minutes later, stretching his arms and sitting up.
“Hmm?” Ryo murmured sleepily. He opened his eyes and sniffed the air. “Oh, Aunt Elena always makes pumpkin spice pancakes for Christmas morning” he explained, snuggling back into bed with a smile.
Dee was on his feet in three seconds flat. “Well what are we waiting for? Let's eat!” he cried, grabbing onto one of Ryo's arms and tugging.
The blonde groaned in protest. “Dee, the food's not going anywhere, let's sleep a little longer…”
“But it'll get cold!” he whined.
Ryo could help but laugh. “You sound just like my Aunt now!”
Dee scowled at him. “You've been spoiled by her good cooking! I've had to put up with years of orphanage food! So get your butt moving!”
When Ryo simply burrowed further into the blankets, Dee said with mock severity, “ Well, you leave me no choice!” and promptly jumped onto the bed, ripping the covers off the other boy and wrestling him out of bed. Ryo gave as good as he got, though, and squirmed out of Dee's grip with surprising quickness until he'd pinned the raven-haired boy to the floor. He grinned down at him triumphantly and they laughed together.
Then Dee gave his lover a knowing look. “Stay on top of me much longer and you'll end up getting more than pancakes for breakfast!” he said, lifting his hips so Ryo could feel the bulge growing between the boy's thighs.
“Ok, you win!” Ryo conceded, immediately standing up- just in time, it turned out, since Ryo's Uncle appeared in the open doorway not two seconds later.
“Come and get it while it's hot, boys!” he told them jovially.
“I've been trying!” Dee snickered in Ryo's ear as he stood and followed the blonde out to the kitchen.
Dee couldn't remember a better Christmas. He knew Mother tried her best at the orphanage, but nothing compared to being able to spend the special day with Ryo and a steady stream of homemade goodies. The hot apple cider (which Dee secretly thought was spiked) left him with a particularly warm glow.
He was also included in the gifts, much to his surprise and chagrin. He'd forgotten to get anything for Ryo's family and he wouldn't have known what to bring anyhow. Luckily, the blonde had included his name on the card for the present he had bought for his guardians. As his Aunt and Uncle opened the small package containing a couple books Ryo had managed to find- a cookbook for Elena and one on woodcarving for Rick- the shy boy gave Dee a little wink of reassurance.
Dee tried to seem enthusiastic about his own gift, but as much as he appreciated the gesture, it didn't exactly suit him. As he held up the sweater and thanked Elena and Rick, they all knew it was very unlikely the greaser would ever actually wear it. An amusing caricature of Dee donning his token black leather jacket with the fuzzy blue garment peeking out underneath seemed to pop into the minds of everyone in the room and a somewhat strained silence followed before Ryo began ripping into on of his own presents, a pair of new flannel pajamas for “those cold winter nights at school”. Ryo sent a sly look in Dee's direction when Elena said this, both of them knowing they would keep each other more than warm enough through the upcoming winter.
“I think I'll get some more of that cinder for us,” Aunt Elena announced. “Rick, honey, will you help me with it?” she added, giving her husband a meaningful look of her own.
When the two adults were out of earshot, Dee said in an awkward tone, “I don't think your Aunt and Uncle were anticipating a guest like me when they bought this.” He pointed to the fluffy sweater.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, I think they were expecting some nice, clean kid from the suburbs, not a greaser from the inner city,” he explained. Ryo frowned. “I don't mean any offense to them, Ryo,” Dee said quickly, “ I just… I don't know.” He paused. “Maybe I just feel like I don't fit in with your family,” he finished quietly.
Unexpectedly, Ryo brought his hand up to lift Dee's chin and force him to meet his eyes. “Dee, don't say that. We've all had such a good time the last few days, don't let something like a silly present ruin that!” Smiling he told him, “Besides, they just don't know what to buy /anyone/ our age! I mean, can you see me wearing that sweater either?” Dee gave a small laugh and glanced to make sure no one was watching before planting a small, sweet kiss on his lover's lips.
“Aishiteru, Ryo,”
“I love you too, Dee.”
“So, when are you going to give me my present?” Dee teased.
Ryo smiled. “Later. I promise.”
In the meantime, Ryo's Aunt and Uncle were having a small debate in the kitchen. “I told you not to get that sweater,” Uncle Rick said, raising an eyebrow teasingly.
“Don't start!” she retorted. “Besides, I think we have other things to worry about.” She took a few mugs from the cupboard and handed them down to her spouse.
“Like what?” he asked, filing the cups onto a tray.
“Well…” she paused, unsure of how to phrase her concerns. “I'm just a little worried about their relationship.”
“Honey, I know he's a greaser, but I think we also both know he's a good kid.”
“It's not that.” Elena stopped pouring the cider and looked him in the eye, “Have you noticed the way they look at each other? And Dee calls him `Ryo', he's never let anyone outside the family call him by his name.”
Rick looked uncomfortable and shrugged. “They're just close friends, I think that's good.”
“Dear,” she said in a serious tone, “Can you honestly tell me you haven't noticed something going on between them? The way they lean so close to one another, the way Ryo blushes when Dee looks at him…”
Uncle Rick sighed irritably and Elena almost wished she'd refrained from bringing up the topic, but she felt it needed to be addressed. The world was not a tolerant place, Ryo's own experiences as a child during the War attested to that, and she didn't want to see him hurt again, didn't want to see him judged again by society. Maybe if they both talked with the boy, they would be able to keep him from following down another tragic path.
“I know you're worried for Ryo,” Rick finally replied. “But,” he spread his hands helplessly and his cheeks grew red, “boys are sometimes like that at that age, especially when they're stuffed away at an all-boys school- he'll grow out of it.”
Elena did not look convinced. “I'm not so sure this is a phase.”
Uncle Rick put his hands on her shoulders, “Honey, there's enough things to worry about in this world, let's not add this to the pile.” When his wife crossed her arms and continued to frown, he tried again, saying, “Look, Ryo still has two more years before he graduates, why don't we give this some time? Wait a year or so, things might resolve themselves.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, nuzzling her nose until she smiled.
“Alright, have it your way, we'll give them some time,” she said, relenting.
The rest of the day passed in relative calm. As the evening came on, Ryo helped his Uncle stoke a fire in the hearth and the two boys lounged on the couch as Aunt and Uncle rounded up the dinner dishes and rolled up their sleeves to wash the messy pile. “You spoil them too much,” Rick chided gently as they left the sleepy duo to drowse in front of the fire. Elena just smiled.
Dee and Ryo were still on the sofa when the dishes had been cleaned and shelved. “I think we'll be going to bed now,” Elena told them, kissing them both on the cheek in goodnight. “You boys don't stay up too late, now, ok?” Rick told them with a smile before wishing them a goodnight as well and following his wife to bed.
When the bedroom door shut, a sleepy Dee felt Ryo lean his head against his shoulder and nestle in close to him. He pulled the blankets up, found Ryo's hand beneath them and laced their fingers together.
“Would you like your gift now?” Ryo asked in a quiet voice.
“Whuuu, presents!” the other boy replied, suddenly awake. The blonde at his side gave a little laugh at his enthusiasm.
Sitting up, Ryo told Dee to close his eyes and then reached into his pocket. He observed the other boy before handing him the gift, watching the low firelight play off his handsome features and tint his raven hair red.
Waiting in anticipation, Dee finally felt his lover press something cool and circular into his palm. Opening his eyes, he saw a simple gold ring winking with brilliance in the fire's rays.
“It was my father's,” Ryo said softly.
For a moment, the emerald-eyed boy was speechless, taken aback by an unexpected surge of emotion. Ryo, misinterpreting the silence, grew agitated.
“I- I couldn't think of anything to buy and I really wanted you to have something that was special to me- but if you don't like it-“
Dee suddenly crushed him in his arms, burying his face in the crux of his neck and Ryo felt hot tears touch his skin there.
“I love it- of course I love it!” he said, his voice choked with emotion.
“Merry Christmas, Dee…” the blonde whispered, feeling his own eyes sting as they welled with tears.
Suddenly, Dee was kissing him, his mouth pressing insistently against the other boy's lips. Ryo gasped as a wave of passion swept through him with that simple kiss.
“Can we go to the bedroom? Dee whispered heatedly.
Ryo knew what he was really asking and decided he was willing to risk it. He nodded and his partner's jade eyes sparkled as he yanked him off the sofa and into their room, shutting the door quietly behind him.
As soon as they were safely alone, Dee caught the blonde's face in his hands and let his lips drift across the boy's cheeks, the bridge of his perfect nose. Just before claiming his lips, the dark-haired boy whispered, “Do you know how much you mean to me, Ryo?”
All Ryo could reply in return was a muffled moan of affirmation as Dee smothered his lips and quickly parted them with his eager tongue. Dee knew he wouldn't be able to find the words to express the depth of his gratitude and love toward the blonde boy; nothing he could say could adequately capture how his heart had felt when Ryo told him he had given him his father's own ring, and, from the looks of it, his old /wedding/ ring. It was as if Ryo was telling him in his own way that he wanted them to stay together for the rest of their lives. Not long before, Dee might would have assumed such an implication would have scared him to death and sent him running, but now the idea of always being by the blonde's side seemed like an inevitable truth. He couldn't imagine being without him… and yet, he was so used to being disappointed. Part of him /was/ scared- scared that, despite their best intentions, one day they would be split apart.
He hugged Ryo's lean body tighter to him and touched him intimately with his searching hands. Ryo gave himself up to Dee's touch, his body yielding completely to the unspoken demands.
Dee lowered him down to the floor after placing one of the blankets beneath him and proceeded to discard his pants in a couple quick movements. His green eyes watched as his lover leaned back, his body open and completely trusting. But Dee wouldn't take him tonight. No, this night was all about Ryo and his pleasure.
His hands sliding up to caress the blonde's flat belly and taunt nipples, Dee lowered his head to nuzzle at the boy's straining erection, still hindered by the fabric of his boxers. With torturous slowness, Dee inched the obstructing material down along the other boy's hips as Ryo arched his back in an attempt to encourage his speed. But his partner resisted, until, finally, his aching member was exposed and Dee wasted no time in closing his mouth firmly around the weeping tip.
Ryo expelled a long sigh of relief, then caught his breath when his lover began to suck in earnest. He stuffed his mouth with his knuckles to silence a cry as Dee paused to lick him from the crack of his ass to the tip of his cock in one long, languid stroke. Dee made fellatio into an art with the exquisite movements of his tongue and lips. Soon Ryo was panting, his length taught and twitching for release as he squirmed under his lover's attentions.
“Dee,” he whispered plaintively, “Please… I need to… please!”
The other boy smiled as his lover begged so beautifully and he finally glided Ryo's full length into the wet warmth of his mouth, but not before clamping a hand over the blonde's mouth to stifle his ensuing moan of rapture.
It didn't take long, a few dips of Dee's head, his hands fondling the boy's sack, and the writhing blonde was pushed over the threshold into the abyss of pleasure.
As he had the night before, Dee lifted Ryo's spent form into the warmth and comfort of the small bed and folded him into his arms. Both boys were sound asleep within moments.
*** Hope you liked! Reviews welcome!