Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Boarding School ❯ Back to School ( Chapter 20 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake!
Dee sighed contentedly and pulled Ryo close. The two boys were huddled together once more on the sofa, the fire blazing with warmth and light before them. It was their last night before they had to return to school and they were trying to soak in every last minute of it. Elena and Rick had gone to bed before them, as usual, although it seemed they had stayed up longer that evening than they had on previous nights. Dee knew that Ryo would assume this was simply because they wanted to visit for as long as they could with their nephew before he had to leave, but Dee was suspicious that there were other motivations behind their seeming reluctance to leave the two of them alone in front of the fire. He wondered if they suspected something was going on between them and, for Ryo's sake, he hoped he was wrong.
“What are you thinking about?” his blonde companion asked as Dee's mind wandered. Green eyes took in the sight of Ryo as he smiled up at him. The boy's golden hair glowed with a special brilliance in the firelight that made him look even more angelic that he normally did. At the moment, he was leaning against Dee's side, a stray finger tracing the curves and shadows of the dark-haired boy's hand as it rested on his thigh.
“Nothing, I'm just happy to be here with you,” Dee said, lowering his head to brush a tender kiss over his partner's lips.
“Dee,” Ryo whispered, “Do we have to leave tomorrow?” There was an adorable pout on his face and the greaser couldn't help but smile.
“Well, I suppose we could just hop a ship overseas and smuggle ourselves into India or something!” he replied laughing.
Ryo giggled and snuggled closer. “We could shave our heads and become swamis!”
Still laughing, Dee stretched out so that the two of them were now laying flat on the sofa, Ryo's body curled atop his own. Although Ryo seemed completely relaxed, Dee still had one ear toward the boy's guardians' bedroom, just in case he heard them getting up. Despite himself, Dee couldn't help but let his hands wander over his lover's body, enjoying every graceful curve.
Ryo moaned appreciatively, but Dee soon discovered the boy was falling fast into sleep. His own eyelids became heavy as the warmth from the blonde's body radiated through him and the waning light of the fire teased him with slumber, but he knew he had to make sure they both got to bed that evening, so he fought with himself to stay awake.
Soon it became clear that he would have to get them up or risk being found together in the morning. Reluctantly, he slipped out from under Ryo's body, which was heavy with sleep. He looked so perfect, his chest rising and falling with deep, gentle breaths; Dee did his best not to disturb him as he gathered the boy in his arms.
Tomorrow they would be taking the train back to the Academy, back to their mutual responsibilities, and Dee was sorely tempted to try and wake Ryo and take advantage of this last night before then. He knew that his lover needed rest, though, before facing the school once again. Moreover, they'd have plenty of time alone once they were back at the dorm, since, unbeknownst to Ryo, Dee had requested him as his roommate for the coming term. He saw no reason why the request would be denied, after all, both he and Ryo were without roommates now. Devilish emerald eyes gleamed at the thought of having Ryo in his bed every night for weeks- months- on end.
In his reverie, he almost didn't notice as a door to his right slowly creaked open and Aunt Elena stepped into the hall to face them. Dee did his best to hide his surprise as the woman eyed Ryo, unconscious, in his arms.
Putting on his most charming smile, Dee said nonchalantly, “I guess we both just fell asleep in front of the fire- I didn't want to wake him.”
Elena's expression became serious, but her eyes were not unkind. She paused a minute, standing there, and Dee hoped she would say something, one way or another, because Ryo, though slim, wasn't exactly light.
“Take care of him, Dee,” she finally said, putting a hand on his shoulder. Her tone left no doubt as to the true meaning behind her words and Dee could only nod in reply. Then she turned and walked back into the room, shutting the door behind her.
He didn't know what he had expected to happen, but Dee certainly hadn't anticipated the woman's quietly worried voice and her soft, gentle manner during such a confrontation. It was as if she recognized that Ryo, even at sixteen, was a man now and had to make his own choices, but she was still concerned and wanted Dee to take responsibility for their actions as well.
As he laid Ryo down into the bed, he wondered if he should tell him about the encounter with his Aunt. Eventually he decided he would not. Although he didn't relish keeping another secret from Ryo on top of everything with Aaron, he thought the boy might unnecessarily worry if he found out Elena knew what was going on between them.
Dee rubbed his eyes, which stung for need of sleep. He would have to put away all those worries for now, his body and mind were tired and he needed to wake up early the next day to catch the train on time. So he nestled in with his lover and turned out the light.
* * *
“Bye boys! Take care!” Aunt Elena called out as she watched the two boys board the train.
“Don't forgot to write us, Randy! And you too Dee!” Uncle Rick chimed in.
The two young men waved back and nodded in reassurance. Dee was glad that they could all say good-bye on a happy note and that Ryo's guardians didn't seem upset about the previous evening. He also noted that they were careful to use the name `Randy' now that they were out in public.
Swinging his duffle bag onto the overhead rack, Ryo saw Dee sit down with a frown. “What?” he asked, sitting down beside him.
His companion shrugged and looked out the window. “I guess I'll have to get used to calling you Randy again, huh?”
Ryo was saddened to hear the irritation in the boy's voice, but tried not to let it get to him. It had taken him awhile to get used to having `Randy' as his public persona, so he could understand how Dee felt. The blonde wondered why it was always so necessary to hide things in order to protect yourself, or the ones you loved, and he wished they could live in a world that didn't require such masks and deceptions.
Beside him, Dee could feel Ryo silence like a weight in the air and turned to see him slouched in his seat, brows furrowed. “Hey,” Dee said softly, catching the other's attention, “It's not a big deal,” he assured him. “'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet?' Right?” he told him with a grin.
Ryo perked up at this. “Wow, quoting Shakespeare now? I guess some of that education must actually be rubbing off on you Dee!” he teased. They laughed together and the heavy mood passed.
Meanwhile, Elena and Rick were mulling over their own concerns about the boys as they watched the train pull out from the station.
“I think you may have been right,” Rick said.
“Not that I'm not always thrilled to hear those words,” Elena joked with her husband, “but what are you talking about?”
The man shifted about uncomfortably for a moment before saying, “Ryo and Dee… their, umm, relationship.”
“I think I may have underestimated their, err, `attachment'- it may be more serious than I thought.”
Elena pondered this sudden admittance, since she hadn't shared the events of the night before with him yet. “What makes you say this now?” she asked, clasping his hand as they watched the train grow small in the distance.
“Ryo came to me a day or two before Christmas and asked if he could have his father's old wedding ring. I thought he just wanted a remembrance of him, something to connect him to his parents now that he was older and the pain of loosing them had lessened, but…” he paused and blew out a deep breath, “Dee was wearing the ring on a chain around his neck when they left today.”
Unexpectedly, Aunt Elena leaned up to kiss him. “You said it yourself- let's give them some time.”
“Yes, but-“
She put a finger to his lips. “Let it be, dear,” she insisted, taking his arm and pivoting them so they turned from the platform and began to make their way back down to the street.
“ I suppose your right,” he conceded as he gave a backward glance toward the horizon as the train disappeared from sight, “We don't know what the future will bring.”
As Dee and Ryo arrived back at Pembrey several hours later, they were about to find out how right Uncle Rick's words could be.
They went to the main office to get the keys to their rooms and Dee wanted eagerly for the receptionist to announce to Ryo that they would be sharing the same room.
“Name's Dee Laytner, I need my room key,” he announced, stepping up to the counter.
“Laynter, Laytner,” the woman murmured to herself as she searched the files. “Ah, yes, room 465, here you are,” she handed him the small key. “And you are?” she asked, turning to Ryo. Dee grinned, he couldn't wait to see the boy's face when the secretary told him the same room number!
“Randy Mclain, mam'”
“Mclain, here you go, room 415.”
“WHAT?” Dee burst out loud.
“Dee, what is it?” Ryo hissed, rattled by the boy's shout.
“Is there a problem, Mr. Laytner?” the receptionist asked, rather icily.
“N-no, sorry.”
/How had this happened?/ Dee thought as Ryo dragged him back into the hallway.
“What's wrong with you?” Ryo asked as they walked toward the dormitories.
Dee shrugged sheepishly. “I just, I thought…”
He didn't know how to explain himself. Maybe the transfer just hadn't gone through yet. He refused to say anything until they reached his room, the same one he had had the previous term.
“So?” Ryo asked as Dee opened the door to his room, “Wanna tell me what that was all about back there?”
But before Dee could explain, he heard a squeal.
Then a silver blur tackled him to the floor.
/It can't be…/ Dee thought.
But it was.
There on top of him, was a bright, smiling JJ!
“Why the HELL are you in my room!” Dee bellowed, shoving the ecstatic boy off his lap and standing.
“I'm your roommate!” the boy replied gleefully, ignoring the scowl on the other young man's face.
“I thought you were off in Europe with your folks!” Dee spat, hands on his hips as he glared at JJ, who was still sitting on the floor.
“I was,” he said as he stood to face him, “and now I'm back!”
Suddenly they both became aware of Ryo, who was still standing in the doorway, looking decidedly displeased.
“Whose this?” Ryo and JJ both said at once, then narrowed their gazes at one another.
Dee put down his bags and said, “Randy, this is JJ- JJ, Randy.” Then he explained to his glaring lover, “JJ is a sophomore too, he'd be a junior, but his parents always travel overseas for months at a time and take him along.”
Randy held out his hand in a perfunctory manner. “Pleased to meet you,” he said, though clearly he was not. Dee had never even mentioned this boy to him before and, if JJ's greeting was anything to go by, the two of them had been rather close. And what was worse, now they would be roommates.
“If you'll excuse me, I need to put my bags away.”
“Randy wait!” Dee called, but JJ tugged at his jacket, nearly tripping him. “Damn it, JJ! Let go of me!”
“But Deeee, you just got here, I want to talk to you!” the silver-haired boy whined.
Dee huffed, disentangled himself, and followed after his lover, leaving JJ to sulk alone in the room. When he finally reached Ryo's room, Dee found the other boy unpacking his things with an unnecessary fervor, slamming drawers shut and stalking about the room.
Walking in, Dee shut the door behind him and put his hands over Ryo's shoulders from behind. “Ryo,” he whispered, “don't be upset, I had no idea JJ was back and we've never shared a room before, much less anything else!”
“You two seem very /close/,” the blonde said with an edge in his voice.
Dee wanted to roll his eyes, but stopped himself. Had Ryo actually witnessed the same encounter? Didn't he notice how he practically threw the boy off him? But the dark-haired boy had to admit that, annoyed as he was, he was also pleased that Ryo would be so possessive of him.
“JJ's had a stupid crush on me ever since the first day of freshman year.” Dee turned Ryo around to face him and continued, “But I've never felt the same.”
Onyx eyes finally met his gaze, but Ryo still looked skeptical. “Maybe you just didn't discourage him enough,” he said.
Dee actually laughed. “Trust me,” he assured, “there's nothing more I could've done, short of tossing him off the roof!”
Though he was still pouting, Dee could see that the blonde's mood was softening. “Well, I guess I can understand.”
A grin spread across Dee's features. “Good, after all, I can't help how people are so attracted to my handsome good looks,” he teased, kissing Ryo's still-pouting lips.
The blonde broke into a smile. “You're not THAT irresistible!” he threw back, but he allowed Dee to wrap his arms about his waist.
“Care to test that theory?” the other boy said, tightening his hold.
“Dee,” Ryo said in a chiding tone, but he didn't resist when he felt the boy's mouth slowly move over his own.
“I wanted us to be in the same room this year, I even petitioned for it, but I guess it didn't go through,” Dee explained as he dragged his lips down the blonde's smooth throat.
“That's why you reacted that way in the office.”
“Mm-hmm,” Dee murmured, loosing himself in his endeavors to elicit a response from his lover; Ryo had begun arching pleasantly into his touch.
“So, I guess you'll have a room all to yourself again this year?” As Dee spoke, Ryo could hear the smile in his voice.
“I wouldn't be so sure.”
Dee paused in his ministrations. “Why do you say that?”
Ryo nodded toward the second bed in the room, where a large suitcase sat, previously unnoticed by Dee. He frowned. There was something about the luggage that looked familiar. His partner watched as he stepped over and inspected it more closely. When Dee started lifting the suitcase and attempting to pry it open, Ryo warned him, “Dee! Leave that alone!”
“I'm just looking at it,” he said defensively, even though he knew perfectly well he had been doing more. “I just want to know who this guy is that's going to be staying with you day and night!”
“That would be me,” came a voice at the door, which neither of them had heard open.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me!” Dee said through clenched teeth. He knew now why his request had been denied, apparently someone with more clout had asked to be Ryo's roommate and there he stood, looking as arrogant as always.
“Berkely,” Ryo whispered.
***I have been DYING to get to this part of the story! The `Christmas break' just seemed to take forever!*L*
Anyway, reviews, as always, are welcomed! ^_-