Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Tattered and Torn ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Two-Tattered and Torn

“Dammit, Drake, get these goddamn cuffs off of me! I am so gonna tear you a new one for this!” Dee’s voice was a bellow that would have done a drill sergeant proud. Unfortunately, the hospital staff was not nearly so cheerfully inclined. One nurse offered to sedate him, hefting her clipboard suggestively.

Drake offered her a pained grin and said he’d bear that in mind as he and Ted forcefully steered Dee down the hall. Bikky followed behind, clearly torn between worry for Ryo and laughter at the sight of Dee in cuffs being forcibly escorted by his two friends.

“Ted, you get these cuffs off of me and I promise I won’t kill you. Drake, on the other hand…” He scowled at Drake. If looks could kill, Drake would have dropped dead three or four times since he had tackled Dee and cuffed him.

Ted shook his head mournfully. “Sorry, dude, but these are Chief’s orders. You get to stay put until you calm down. Be glad that he said you could stay with Ryo for now. But you better shut the hell up or the hospital’s gonna put you in a nice padded room.” He frowned at Dee. “And then what are you gonna do? You won’t be much help to anybody in a rubber room.”

Bikky stifled a snicker.

Dee’s protests subsided into grumbles and he allowed them to propel him down the halls to Ryo’s room. JJ greeted him with a subdued hello and none of his usual antics. That got Dee’s attention quicker than all of Drake and Ted’s words.

“Ryo! Is he…?”

JJ shook his head. “No change. The doctors say that if he makes it through the night, he’s got a chance of recovering, but he’s not doing so hot.” He looked away. “Dee, he needs you here more than we need you out there, trying to get yourself killed for revenge. You need to be here for him if he’s gonna find the will to live through the night.” He glanced at where Bikky had rushed to the side of the bed, struggling to hold back tears of worry as he stared at Ryo’s too-pale face. “Both of you.”

“JJ…” Dee hesitated, confusion filling his eyes.

JJ turned away with a stifled sniffle and scooted a chair up to the edge of the bed opposite where Bikky crouched. “Put him here.”

Drake shoved Dee down in the chair and undid one cuff, attaching it to the metal bedrails. “The nurses will make sure you don’t need anything.” JJ said. “Just stay with him for the night, okay?”

Dee’s eyes had fastened on Ryo’s pale face and he nodded slowly. “I’ll be here.” He settled himself into the chair and leaned his arms on the rail. Bikky nodded agreement from the other side of the bed, tears shining in his wide eyes.

The other three trooped out of the room and exchanged worried glances.
Ted sighed and shoved a hand through his short hair. “Man. I’ve got to get back. Marty called; thinks he has a lead on the perp. He’s familiar with the area and says he might know some places that guy may be hiding. I’m gonna help him canvas the area. Somebody might’ve seen something.” He waved an uncomfortable goodbye and trotted down the hall.

JJ sniffed and scrubbed a sleeve across his eyes. “Hey, Drake-sempai, let’s go get that bastard, okay?” His voice only broke once, a fact JJ was immensely glad of.

Drake ruffled his hair gently and nodded. “Sure thing, JJ.” JJ pretended not to notice the worried look Drake gave him as he led the way to the elevator.

Dee stared at Ryo for a long moment, listening to the conversation outside the door. As the others left, he glanced at Bikky. “Give us a couple of minutes, willya, brat?”

Bikky scowled at him over Ryo’s unconscious form. “Make me, Perv.”

“Please.” Dee said, holding onto his temper with tooth and nail. He jumped a foot and reached for the gun Ted had confiscated as the door banged open behind him. Carol stood there, panting and wild-eyed, clutching a vase of flowers.


Bikky hurried to her side and enfolded her in his arms. Dee noted with some surprise that in his last growth spurt, he had shot up so much that Carol only reached his chest. Carol sniffled and glanced at Ryo. “Will he be okay?”

Dee summoned up his best comforting smile though it felt hollow on his lips. “Of course. Ryo’s too damned tough for some two-bit punk to take him out.”

Carol nodded unevenly and deposited the flowers on the bedside table before they slipped out of her trembling fingers. She met Bikky’s eyes. “Lai told me that you got called out of class. He said that someone came to pick you up cause your father got shot!” Her voice broke and she huddled closer to Bikky’s chest. “I made my aunt pick me up and bring me here.”

Bikky stroked her hair soothingly. “Shh.”

Dee dug out his wallet with his free hand and tossed it to Bikky, who caught it one-handed and shot him quizzical look. “Take her down to the cafeteria and buy her something to soothe her nerves. Chocolate, the miracle cure.” He added with a half-smile.

Bikky nodded and gave him a half-hearted scowl. “Don’t do anything funny while I’m gone. I’m gonna stay here all night to make sure you leave him alone, you pervert.”

Dee scoffed loudly. “Tch. As if. Your snoring’s loud enough to wake the dead, brat. Ryo won’t get any rest with you sawing logs in here.”

Bikky shot him a glare as Carol giggled fitfully. “Bastard. I don’t snore!”

He took Carol’s hand and led her out of the room, glaring back at Dee.

Dee sighed and leaned back in the chair until he could reach the flowers on the table. As he thought, one of the top-heavy mums had a piece of floral wire stiffening the stem. He removed it and a few twists later, a pair of empty cuffs dangled from the rail. Dee rubbed his wrist and stared broodingly at the door, but found his gaze drawn back to the figure on the bed. His jaw clenched, Dee firmly turned his back on the door.

Ryo looked so fragile lying there. Except for the dark hollows under his eyes and the bruise on his temple, he was nearly colorless. He had lost so much blood before the paramedics had arrived. He had been in surgery for the better part of the morning, doctors struggling to remove the two bullets from his chest and abdomen. It had been a very near thing. And if what JJ said was true, there was still a very good chance of Ryo dying.

Dee sighed and rested his cheek on Ryo’s hand, looking up at his partner’s too-pale face. “Don’t die on me, buddy. Don’t you dare die!” His voice broke and he continued in a whisper. “I don’t know what I’d do if you died.”

Unbidden, his thoughts drifted back to the day before yesterday. They had both had the day off and Bikky was at Carol’s for the weekend. It had been an interesting day. They had been lovers for quite some time, but partners for far longer than that, and Dee was discovering that there were still things he didn’t know about his partner. Once he had gotten over his initial awkwardness, Ryo had proven to be a passionate and curious lover, endlessly willing to try his hand at this new game.

They had spent a good part of the day in Ryo’s oversized bed, making love with careless abandon and talking when they couldn’t move anymore. That evening, they had shared a shower and settled in the living room to work on some sadly neglected paperwork. Dee was seated in a careless sprawl on a floor pillow with his back propped against the couch as he sorted through some files. Ryo leaned against the couch beside him with his laptop on his knees as he typed. They had worked in companionable silence for a couple of hours when a yawning Ryo had scooted over to rest his head on Dee’s shoulder, merely wanting to be held for a bit.

Dee had willingly obliged, glad for the excuse to have his arms around Ryo. When Ryo, unable to keep his eyes open any longer, had drifted off, Dee sat there and stroked his lover’s hair. He had found himself simply happy to be there like that. Happy just to be with him.

A single tear dampened the white linen sheet. “Stay with me.”

Dee opened his eyes as a gentle hand brushed his cheek. “Dee.”

He looked up into Ryo’s dark eyes, brimming with humor and affection. For a moment, he felt as if his heart had stopped, but a sweet smile eased his concern. Why had he been worried? Ryo was safe and he was going to be fine. Dee reached out to touch his face, happy beyond words that Ryo was awake and with him.

“I’m sorry, Dee.” Ryo said quietly. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“I’ll forgive you just this once, but don’t do it again, you prick.” Dee smiled and sat on the edge of the bed.

“I won’t.” Ryo said seriously. “Listen, I think I should tell you the truth. I know I don’t say it often enough, but I do love you. You and Bikky and Carol are the most important things in the world to me.”

Dee touched his face. “Hush. You worry me when you talk like this. I know you love me, even when you don’t say anything.”

Ryo’s smile was tender. “Maybe I just needed to say it. Just once.”

The panic that had faded returned full-force. “What? What are you saying?”

This time the smile was sad. “I’m sorry, Dee. Tell Bikky that I love him like he was my own.” Fingers gently brushed his cheek. “I love you. Goodbye, Dee.”

Dee woke with an abortive scream, gasping for air as he struggled to get his bearings. Ryo lay still and unmoving except for the slow rise and fall of his bandaged chest. Dee reached out to touch his pale cheek, reassuring himself that his partner was still alive. His heart was drumming a panicked tattoo in his chest as he slowly calmed. What a nightmare!

He glanced around and spotted Bikky asleep in the other chair, sneakered feet propped up on the windowsill. His head was tilted back and he snored softly.

Dee let an oddly affectionate smile curve his lips. “Told you so, brat.”

He turned his attention back to Ryo and gently lifted Ryo’s hand to kiss his fingertips. “Please don’t leave me. I don’t think I could stand to be alone anymore.”

With a rueful chuckle, Dee smoothed Ryo’s hair back. “Y’know, I never did understand all that about dying because someone you loved died. When Arnon and Jess died, it felt like someone had ripped out a part of me and stomped it flat, but I never thought of following them. But when I thought you were leaving me, I thought I would die, it hurt that much. I think if you left me, I would die. Or at least the best part of me would. I’d just be an empty shell, walking through a mockery of life.”

Bikky snorted. “Oh, he thinks he’s a poet now.”

Dee shot a glare at the chair where Bikky still sat unmoving. “Did I hear something?”

“I’m asleep. You didn’t hear a damned thing.”

Dee allowed himself an evil smile. “So he not only snores, but talks in his sleep. Wait till I tell Carol.”

Bikky cracked an eye open for a furious glower. “Bastard.”