Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Misery ❯ Awakening ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Six: Awakening

Dee groaned, batting at the irritating touch on his cheek. He was sore and tired from a second night spent in the chair beside Ryo’s hospital bed. Ryo hadn’t woken yesterday and Dee wasn’t going to leave him. He shifted, but the sensation wouldn’t go away. It felt like someone was gently stroking his cheek.

Dee dragged his eyes open and met the gaze of a beloved black pair, hazy from pain.

Ryo offered a painful smile and continued to stroke his cheek with gentle fingers. “Dee-” He mouthed painfully, but no sound came from his parched lips.

“Ryo!” Dee bolted upright, catching Ryo’s hand and pressing it to his lips.

His shout woke Bikky and the teenager scrambled to Ryo’s bedside. “Ryo!” Tears shone in his eyes.

Ryo mouthed Bikky’s name lovingly and lifted his hand to him, heedless of the IV in that arm. Bikky caught his hand and held it, shivering with reaction. Dee saw the sudden relaxation in tensed shoulders and reached across the bed to ruffle his blonde hair. Bikky glanced up at him with tear-bright eyes, and Dee was struck by just how much Bikky had grown to love his foster father and how much it would have hurt him to lose Ryo on top of his real father all those years ago. Almost as much as it would have killed Dee to lose the love of his life. For a moment they were united in their love for the pale man on the hospital bed between them. Then the moment broke and they turned their attention back to Ryo.

He smiled at both of them and Dee had the presence of mind to hit the call button for the nurse. She hurried into the room a few minutes later and grinned to see Ryo awake. “Good morning, Mr. MacLean. How are you feeling?”

Ryo grimaced. “Hurts like hell…” He mouthed.

She nodded. “I don’t doubt it. We had to dig two bullets out of you. Don’t try to talk yet. One of those bullets compromised a lung. It probably hurts just to breathe. Let’s not stress it just yet.”

Ryo nodded slowly, shaping the word “hurts” again.

She nodded. “We’ll get you some pain medication soon. Let me take your blood pressure and pulse rate and I’ll get you something, promise.”

Ryo grimaced and freed his hand from Dee’s grasp to offer his arm to the nurse. Dee murmured soothingly to Ryo as she worked. Ryo smiled painfully at him and mouthed silent responses. Bikky got him a glass of water and helped him sip it through a straw as the nurse finished her work. “Blood pressure’s still a little low but good considering. Pulse is elevated but I can chalk that up to the pain. Just rest, Mr. MacLean. I’ll be back in two shakes with something for the pain.”

Ryo mouthed the words ‘thank you’ at her as she hurried out.

Dee recaptured his hand and cradled it against his cheek. “God, Ryo, you scared the crap out of me. Out of both of us.” He amended after a glance at Bikky. “I thought my heart would stop when I saw you sprawled on that warehouse floor.”

“What happened?” Ryo mouthed after he had touched Bikky’s cheek and offered the teen what was meant to be a reassuring smile.

“Ellis said that the perp must have seen you coming. When you went down, the idiot shot the gas tank of a forklift. He managed to escape during the explosion.” Dee’s voice was matter-of-fact, as if he were talking about anything but the shooting that had nearly cost the life of the man on the bed before him. That lasted all of three seconds, before Dee pressed his lips to Ryo’s pale fingers. His voice trembled. “I thought I lost you.”

Ryo smiled painfully at him. “I’m not going anywhere.” He mouthed.

“God, I love you.” Dee stroked his cheek and stood to kiss him softly.

Bikky scowled. “Could you not do that in public, please? The nurse is here with the meds. I’m sure she doesn’t want to see that!”

The pretty blonde nurse just smiled at him. “I’ve seen worse, honey. It’s actually kind of cute.”

Ryo blushed red as Dee turned to grin at Bikky.

“Well, we must have done something right if you can turn that red.” The nurse smiled impishly at him as she injected the painkiller she had promised into Ryo’s IV. She monitored him for a moment and then patted Dee’s arm. “He’ll probably fall back asleep in a few minutes. That’s the best thing for him while his body tries to repair the damage. But he’s been awake and alert, so he’ll be fine. You two should take the chance to clean up and get some rest. You don’t and you’ll get sick.” She offered them a mischievous smile. “Maybe you can all share a room.”

Dee actually chuckled. “You win. We’ll be good.”

“Good.” She patted his shoulder. “When he falls asleep, go home, get a shower and a couple of hours of real sleep. We’ll keep an eye on him, don’t worry.”

Dee returned her smile before resuming his seat next to Ryo’s bed. He and Bikky talked to him until it was clear the pale man was barely managing to keep his eyes open. When he finally gave up the fight, Dee rose to his feet. “C’mon, brat. We have our marching orders.”

Bikky stuck out his tongue but followed Dee down to the first floor and to the car. Dee tossed him the phone as he started the car and pulled out into the midday traffic. “Here, brat. Call Drake for me and let him know the news and ask him to pass it on to the chief and everyone. He’s number four on speed-dial.”

Bikky obeyed. After a couple of rings, Drake’s sleep-roughened voice came on the line. “Parker.”

“Ooh, my bad. Were you asleep?”

He could hear Drake sitting up in bed. “That’s okay. How’s Ryo?”

“He woke up for a while and talked to us. Well, whispered to us, anyway. The nurse gave him something for the pain and he fell back asleep, but she said he’s good. She said him waking up was a good thing.” Bikky knew he was babbling, but couldn’t seem to stop. The relief wouldn’t let him. “He can’t really talk, ‘cause it hurts just to breathe, but he managed to whisper a few things. She said he’s good, but that he needs to sleep some more cause that’ll help him heal. She made us go home to take a shower!” Bikky sounded aggrieved at that. “I don’t stink! The Perv might, but I don’t.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line as Drake struggled to digest the information that had just been thrown at him. “That-that’s great news, kiddo. I’m glad he’s okay. You want me to pass it on to everyone at work?”


“You got it.” Drake chuckled softly. “And keep an eye on Dee, willya? I don’t know how you managed to keep him from sneaking out, but good job. Keep up the good work. He’s on leave till we bust the guy who did this to Ryo. Dee’s a little too involved, ya read me? If he does anything, you call one of us, or call down to the station and ask for extension thirteen. That’ll get you the chief. Make sure you tell him everything you know if Dee does do something crazy, so we can head him off before he gets himself in major trouble. Understood?”

“I understand.” Bikky shot a glance at Dee, who was still concentrating on weaving his way out of a tangle of traffic.

“You remember the extension, right?”

“Yeah. It’s good.”

Drake sounded relieved. “Good. Just remember, okay? He does anything, don’t try to take him on yourself, but make sure one of us knows as soon as you can.”


“Thanks, Bikky.”

Bikky pressed the end button and glanced at Dee again.

“So what did Drake have to say?” Dee kept his eyes on the road, cursing softly and creatively at the gaggle of tourists that were crossing the intersection, oblivious to the fact that the light had changed.

Bikky crossed his fingers. “He said to remind you that you were on leave indefinitely and not to go anywhere but the hospital.”

“He’s a worrywart.”

“With good reason. You aren’t exactly known to keep a level head, doofus.”

“Watch the name calling, monkey brat.” Dee shot him a brief scowl. “I know my marching orders. I hate to admit it, but I know they’re right. I’m way too close to this and liable to go off the deep end if anything happens.”

Bikky stared at him in dumb surprise.

Dee laughed, a harsh, bitter sound. “I’m not as stupid as you seem to think. I can’t risk losing Ryo.”

“Right.” Bikky said softly. “I understand that.”