Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Moonlight ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN- I wrote this little story while listening to Moonlight Sonata.

I don't own the characters. This has MAJOR ANGST.

Title- Moonlight

Ryo sat in his car. Crying. Did he really do what he just did?

`Oh, God. The look on his face. The heartbreak. I saw it behind his eyes.'

Ryo couldn't stop the flow of his tears as they ran rampant down his face. He didn't have the strength to drive himself anywhere right now. But he had to do, what he had to do.

`It's his fault. It was always his decision in the relationship.'

Ryo felt the tears running down his cheeks harder.

`If he really didn't want this to happen, he would have at least tried to get me to change my mind. He would have said something other then what he said.'

Ryo put his head on the steering wheel. He replayed what had happened in his head.


Ryo had been thinking a lot lately. A lot about Dee, and how he wanted to take their relationship further, but he just couldn't seem to want to. So he figured out a plan in his head.


Ryo looked up to see Dee looking at him concerned.

"Is that file interesting?"

Ryo smiled and just shook his head.

"I'm fine Dee. I was just thinking. That's all."

Dee nodded his head, and continued to work on the case he had in his hands. He was just finishing the reports on a case he had just cracked. A small drug ring case, using stuffed animals to carry the drugs from state to state. Dee was proud that he had cracked a case by himself. Even if it was a small one.

"Ryo? Can we go out tonight?"

Dee asked Ryo. He wanted to take Ryo out tonight. Since he wouldn't be here on Valentines day, which was in two days. Dee was leaving tomorrow to fly out to Chicago, and help with a case there.

"Sure Dee. If you want to."

Ryo knew that this was the only time he would get to talk to Dee privately. Bikky was away visiting a college in South Carolina for the week, and wouldn't be back for a few more days. By the time Dee would come back from Chicago, Bikky would also be back.

"I'll pick you up at six, ok Dee?"

Dee raised his eyebrow.

"You'll pick me up? I thought I would drive?"

Dee smiled at Ryo.

"No. It's ok koi. I'll pick you up."

Dee nodded his head. He knew something had to be wrong if Ryo was suggesting to drive.


Dee looked up at Ryo, who sat across him from the table.

"Can we go for a walk after this? In the park?"

Dee nodded his head, and smiled at Ryo.

"Whatever you want to do, I'll do it baby. I love you."

Ryo swallowed hard. He loved him too, right?

`If I love him, then why is it hard to say?'

Ryo thought to himself.

"I…uh…Love you too Dee."

Ryo smiled falsely at Dee. He didn't know anymore if he loved him. That was why, he needed to talk to Dee in the park.

After they finished eating their meals, they paid, and Ryo drove to the park. They got out and started to walk along the path. It led them to a small pond. The moon was shining down, and hitting the pond. It gave it an eerily pretty glow. The glow was illuminating Dee's face, and it made what Ryo was about to say a lot more harder.

"Dee. Let's sit down on that bench over there."

He pointed to the bench that was placed in front of the pond.

"What's the matter Ryo? I know something's not right with you. I can tell by the way you're acting tonight, that something's on your mind."

Ryo swallowed hard. He felt his throat suddenly become dry.

"Dee, I…have been thinking…about us lately, and I…"

Ryo closed his eyes. He just didn't know how to put this.

"Say it Ryo. I want to hear from you, what's the matter. If you want to take things slowly, that's fine with me. Nothing will keep me from loving…"

"Stop Dee. That's not it at all. I…Oh God, I can't say this without hurting you."

Dee looked into Ryo's eyes. He saw the tears forming in them. Which, in turn, made his eyes water. He was afraid of what Ryo was going to say next.

"Ryo? Baby? Tell me."

Ryo sighed.

`This is it.'

He thought to himself.

"Dee, I…can't be in this…with you any longer. Please understand, that this is hard for me to say. I didn't share the same love for you, as you do for me. It's better, if we just stay friends from now on."

Ryo sighed. It was as though a weight had been lifted off his shoulder. A burden he had been waiting to get rid of. He was waiting for Dee to respond, but none came. He looked over at him, and saw Dee's tears running down his face.

"Ryo…Why? Just…please tell me why."

"I don't have feelings for you like that. I have tried constantly, and in my heart, I just can't place a you and me there. I'm sorry, Dee. I really am. But I think…"

Dee stood up. Anger and hurt was present in his eyes.

"No. You know what I think? I think you're just afraid to love another man. I think you want me to try to get you to love me. I think you want to have a normal life, with a wife and two kids. I think you don't even like that fact that you might be gay. Well, I'm sorry Ryo, but I'm sick of trying to get you to see things differently. I have tried and tried for the past two years Ryo. Two whole fucking years of my life was wasted to try to get you to see things my way! You are just going to throw away those years, because you think being gay is wrong?! Well, answer me Ryo? Do you think being gay is wrong?"

Ryo was scared of Dee now. He had heard what Dee was like when he was really angry, and he was really, really angry now.

"Dee. No. That's not it at all. I just don't have feelings for you Dee. Please. You must understand Dee. It is better to end things like this now, then get into a relationship and me not having feelings for you."

"You know what Ryo? Fuck you. I loved you with all of my heart, and all of my soul. And you just want to throw all of that away? All of the shit I was put threw to try and win your love? I would have died for you Ryo. I would have given you the world Ryo. Anything you wanted you could have asked for, and I would have bent over backwards to get it for you."

Dee swallowed. It was getting hard for him to keep his anger in check. He had better be leaving soon or else he might have done something terrible to Ryo.

"I'm out of here Ryo."

With that, Dee began to walk away from Ryo, and out of his life.

"Dee, please wait!"

Ryo pleaded with Dee. But Dee kept on walking. Ryo had broken down and cried.


`Well you know what?'

Ryo said to himself as he started the car up.

`I won't be able to face him anymore. At work it will be completely different. Even if I did find out that I had feelings for him, he wouldn't take me back. Even if I apologized to him twenty times over, he still wouldn't take me back. No matter what I would do or say, he wouldn't take my love.'

Ryo thought to himself.

`The best way out of my problem, is to…'

He sighed as he looked towards the pond again. He knew he had his gun with him in the car.

`I guess, I'll have to end it.'

Ryo got out of his car and walked down to the pond. The moon was high in the sky by now, and it shone brightly off the revolver in Ryo's hand.

`Why do I feel this way, if I didn't love you. Why can't I just accept the fact that I'm not gay? Look at what you have done to me Dee. I only hope Bikky will understand. He's a big boy now, and he can take care of himself. I have his college fund already for him. He will carry on with Carol and they'll have a happy life together. And Dee will find someone else. I'm sure of it.'

Ryo put the gun to his head and closed his eyes. In a few short seconds all the pain and pent up anger, and grief will melt away. He pulled the hammer back, and readied himself.

"Goodbye Dee."

Ryo said aloud. And with that, he pulled the trigger on the gun. The shot rang out, and echoed through the trees that surrounded the pond. His body slumped lifelessly to the ground.

AN- Hahah! I always wanted to do this kind of thing. I do have to say, my greatest influence for writing angst filled stories is my best friends brother. I have had a crush on him for years. He has a girlfriend, and he doesn't know I like him. And every time I see him and his girlfriend together, it kills me. So, to write out my frustrations, I make sad little angst filled mini one shots stories. I hope you enjoyed! Please review!