Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 3
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: profanity, sexual situations
Characters/Pairings: JJ, Drake, Dee, Ryo.
“JJ,” Drake grasped him by the shoulders and turned the younger man towards him, “What do you mean, `it's starting again'?”
“Dee, let's go out and wait for the officer,” Ryo said.
Dee nodded and followed him out. The room was deathly silent once the door closed.
“Well?” Drake demanded, his grip tightening.
“Drake - please,” JJ pleaded.
Drake dropped his hands, his arms hanging limply at his side. His eyes were downcast as he muttered, “JJ we've been partners for a long time and now - don't you trust me?”
“Of course I do!” JJ grasped his hands. He blew out a breath, part frustration and resignation. “It's not something I like remembering but--,”
“Let's go outside, I need some air.”
There was a playground behind the orphanage, another new addition from not so long ago. The 27th had pitched in to create this haven for the children as well. Most surprising was the generous cash donation from Berkeley Rose. JJ approached one of the swings and sat down. It brought back memories of his mother taking him to the park and pushing him while he cried, “Higher! Higher!”
Drake leaned against one of the support poles and drew out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long drag. JJ began without preamble, “When I was fifteen I was attending this private school outside of LA. We'd just gotten off of winter break and when I returned to school, I started receiving these letters.”
Drake raised an eyebrow but didn't comment. JJ continued, “I hadn't come out to anyone at school yet. My family knew of course. I guess this guy had pretty good gaydar.” JJ's attempt to lighten the mood wasn't received well. “Anyway,” he went on with a sigh, “I wasn't worried at first, the letters seemed harmless. Hell I was even a little excited. I mean I didn't know any better and I was only fifteen--,” Despite that JJ felt his face warm. “Gifts followed the letters. Extravagant ones. I had this fantasy that maybe he was a senior, the son of a doctor or lawyer.”
JJ looked down at his feet as they swung in a slow rhythm. “Then of course it took a bad turn. The letters and gifts became sexually explicit. I started getting nervous. I didn't know how else to reach him so I taped a note inside of my locker asking him to stop.”
“He didn't take it well,” Drake's words were matter-of-fact.
“No,” JJ said. “He began to describe in his letters in graphic detail what he wanted to do to me and what devices he was going to use. Hell I didn't know half of what he meant most of the time.” JJ leaned far back in the swing, gathering his thoughts and letting the sun warm his face. “He started calling the house, leaving the notes there and such, driving by. My father of course reported it and we took the usual precautions. Then it all stopped quite suddenly.”
Drake straightened away from the pole, his face registering his shock and anger. Being a cop he knew what the true implications were.
“One day after track practice I was late getting out. I had a meeting with my coach about an upcoming competition. I was alone in the locker room, when--,”
JJ swallowed and worried his lower lip, gathering his courage to continue.
“JJ,” Drake turned and moved before him, going down on his haunches. JJ saw the rage building in Drake's eyes and in the hard set of his jaw. “He didn't--,”
“Oh no!” JJ hastened to reassure him. He framed Drake's face with his hands. “He tried but--,” At Drake's sharp intake of breath JJ said, “Remember love, I've been taking the martial arts since I was a grade-schooler.”
Drake relaxed but not by much. JJ continued, “The noise brought the coach and two other people running. So there were witnesses. It turned out he was the older brother of one of my teammates. Sure I'd seen him around but as far as I knew I never said more than two words to him.”
JJ wrapped his arms around his chest, “I felt guilty for a long time after that. Like I'd done something wrong for accepting his gifts in the first place.”
“JJ, you know that's not true!”
“I know that now but I didn't back then,” JJ said. “Being a cop now I sometimes think I should have known better - I know you don't have to say it,” JJ held up a hand to forestall Drake's admonishment.
“So what happened to him?”
“I don't know. After it was all over, his family packed up and left and I never saw him again.”
“What was his name?”
JJ shot Drake a look, “Don't.”
“Come on, JJ - you know we have to check into it.”
“It's not him Drake.”
“Fuck JJ, you're a cop! I don't need to tell you--!”
“No, you don't!” JJ pushed off of the swing. His hands fisted as he stood facing Drake. “It's been decades Drake!”
“You really think that has anything to do with it?” Drake had him by shoulders again. “Damn it, JJ!”
JJ shook him off and turned his back, embarrassed and sick about the whole thing. “I don't want to discuss it anymore.”
He heard Drake breath a sigh. The sound of footsteps on gravel faded away.
JJ now alone on the playground sat heavily on the swing. He knew Drake was right about everything. So what was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just do what needed to be done? Why was he trying to deny what was happening?
Of course he knew why - he couldn't stand the thought of going through that again or dragging the man he loved into it. He also knew he needed to apologize to Drake, tell him why. His Drake would understand. JJ would go after him in a moment. Right now he just needed to get his head togther.
JJ's cell phone went off. He answered it on reflex, “Yes?”
“JJ, are you okay?”
His grip tightened on the phone, his jaw locked, his teeth ground in anger and frustration. His throat tight JJ couldn't respond at first.
“JJ? Are you there? I saw you fighting with that man. Did he hurt your feelings?”
“You--,” JJ slipped into that part of him that made the deadly serious and meticulously calm sniper, “You son of a bitch! How the hell did you get this number?”