Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 4
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: profanity, sexual situations
Characters/Pairings: JJ, Drake, Dee, Ryo.
Notes: Okay, I was working again on the WIP's and am now completely blocked but it's no biggie. What I'm blocked on is describing a certain mystical place and I figure if I mess around a bit it will come to me. Anyway, the new avatar is just me testing to see what I want in an animated avatar. I know it's pretty dull. Suggestions? I've seen some of those cool marquee avatars but I can't figure out for the life of me how to make them.
It's thunder storming here....the first of the year. Perhaps I should get off of this computer. Anyway here's Watcher Chapter 4.
“I know all about you, JJ. I want to be with you.”
JJ continued to grip the phone. His whole body shook in a mixture of rage and helplessness that he hated feeling. “Matt is that you?”
A laugh. “No this isn't Matt, whoever that is. I'd get rid of him anyway.”
“I'll get you, I swear. I'm a cop and I will--,”
“You'll see me soon enough,” the voice held a tone that brought a shudder of revulsion. “I love you, JJ.”
“Shut up you--!”
JJ gave a yelp as the phone was snatched out of his hand.
“Listen you sorry son of a bitch,” Drake growled. “In case your clueless brain doesn't realize it, we deal with losers like you all the time and we catch you because you're too fucking stupid not to slip up. And when we get you in that interrogation room you'd better pray I'm not the one with you.”
Drake listened for a moment. “Take your best shot you stupid fuck!”
“Drake!” JJ cried as Drake snapped the phone shut, “What did he say to you?”
“Nothing,” Drake said grimly. “Don't worry about it.”
“Don't worry about it? Are you crazy? He threatened you didn't he?”
“Don't deny it,” JJ was mortified to find tears welling. Damn it all, he couldn't lose control like this.
JJ threw his arms around Drake, squeezing him tight as the hot tears coursed down his cheeks. He needed to feel Drake against him and to share the warmth that was his lover. “Don't you know I'd die if anything happened to you?”
“Aww…JJ man, don't do this okay?” He knew how nervous Drake became when he was emotional but he couldn't help it. His mind and body were exhausted and the mere thought that someone would take Drake away from him--,
“JJ,” Drake returned the embrace. “It'll be okay. I promise.”
They stood that way for time until the crunch of footsteps on the gravel caught their attention. JJ drew away first and turned to see Ryo approaching them.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt but the officer is here, he needs to speak to you both.”
“Thanks Ryo, we'll be right there.” Drake said.
JJ sniffed and looked embarrassedly at Drake, his face warming.
“Here,” Drake drew out his handkerchief.
“Thank you,” JJ gave him a watery smile. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be,” Drake visibly relaxed. “I know how upsetting this is for you.”
“Not just that,” JJ embraced him again. “About everything. You were right about everything.”
“It's okay,” JJ could hear the smile in Drake's voice. “You know we're all here for you right? We'll help you get through us.”
“Yes, I know,” How he could have not loved Drake from the start?
“I asked him if he were Matt. He said no.”
“Matt is the guy who stalked you before?”
“It's doubtful he told the truth. What's his last name?”
JJ had to consider for a moment. He'd almost forgotten. “Kellerman. Matthew Kellerman.”
“Okay, we have something,” Drake said.
They walked back inside. Dee, Ryo, and Mother Lane were in the elderly nun's office. JJ had to suppress a groan of frustration when he saw the officer. He thought his name was Rob-something but he couldn't quite recall. What JJ did know was that in a moment of weakness when he'd first arrived in New York, he'd slept with him. He'd been lonely and upset that night because a suspect had escaped on his watch. It was a one-night stand long before Drake had come along and afterwards they'd gone their separate ways with little fuss. In fact Rob made no indication of recognizing JJ at first.
“Oh hey, how've you been?” Rob whose last name was Smith - how on earth could he have forgotten that - nodded to him.
“I've been better,” JJ said. If Rob was willing to play it cool so was he.
“So I gathered.” Rob said, “By the way, before I left the precinct there was someone there looking for you.”
Instantly the tension level in the room skyrocketed. “Who?” Drake demanded.
“Some kid,” Rob went on. “His brother had been brought in on possession. Alex something-or-other.”
“Oh,” JJ knew who it was. “Was he still there?”
“Yeah,” Rob said. “I mean I said to him that I didn't know when you'd be back. He came to bail his brother out.”
“We can stop by the precinct and take care of it,” Drake said.
“What's this all about?” Dee said.
“We busted a guy named Grant Bruce a few times for petty stuff,” Drake said. “He has a little brother Alex who was living with him but the courts put him in foster care since he had no relatives to take him in.”
“Damn shitty break,” Dee muttered in understanding.
“Anyway, Grant always called Alex when he got into trouble even though the kid was only seventeen,” JJ continued. “Well he came into the 27th and was upset because they wouldn't let him see Grant. I sat and talked with him for awhile. He's a good kid. I helped him get a job at a bank. One of the HR people is a friend of mine. Well now that Alex is employed, Grant thinks he has money to spare to bail him out.”
“So he takes advantage,” Ryo said.
“Alex loves him, he's the only family he has and he feels he owes Grant because Grant is his brother.”
“That's bullshit,” Dee said. “He doesn't owe that loser piece of shit a damn thing.”
“I've tried telling him that in the past but--,” JJ sighed. “Grant is almost forty and he looks to Alex to support him.” JJ shook his head. “I'll take care of it when I see him. Let's get back to the matter at hand.”
It didn't take long for their statements to be taken. After all there was little they knew but it became painfully clear to them all that whoever it was they had access to the 27th. After all, how else would they have gotten JJ's private cell phone number?
On the ride to the 27th, JJ contemplated telling Drake about Rob. It was doubtful Rob was the one since JJ had not seen or spoken to him in years. So instead he said, “I hate to think it's one of our co-workers.”
“Yeah,” Drake said. “That would bite big time.”
“Can we go home once we're finished at the precinct?”
“Sure babe,” Drake said. “I know you're exhausted. Why don't you crash for awhile?”
“Okay,” JJ leaned against the window. He was tired, he realized.
“We'll order out,” Drake was saying.
“Hmph,” was JJ's response. It was all he could manage before he fell asleep.
Drake stepped outside the 27th and took a deep breath. “Poor kid,” he muttered. “Having an SOB like that for a brother. Not even a thank you for taking several weeks worth of paychecks to bail his sorry ass out.”
Alex had been disappointed that JJ hadn't come. A little too disappointed by Drake's reasoning. He wondered --,
Although JJ hadn't said so, Drake was pretty sure he'd slept with that Rob guy and was probably regretting it. He'd be a shit-ass detective if he hadn't noticed that. He supposed he should be jealous but he wasn't. After all, he'd slept with people before JJ and Drake figured it was probably a long time ago. Rob hadn't seemed the slightest bit concerned with meeting up with JJ again.
“Damn, don't start suspecting everyone Drake.” He went around to the employee parking lot. JJ was still asleep in the car. Even though Drake tried to close the door as softly as he could it still seemed to make an awful racket to him. JJ only turned in the seat as he muttered incoherently.
Drake just looked at him for a moment, enjoying the boyish good-looks and the silver blonde hair. He'd never say it aloud but he loved JJ's hair. It was so soft and smelled like the Park after a spring rain. Geez he was thinking like a total pansy-ass.
Don't you know I'd die if anything happened to you?
JJ's words came back to him unexpectedly and they caused his throat to catch. “Same here babe,” Drake muttered.
He supposed he shouldn't have mouthed off to that asshole but when he'd stepped outside again and seen the look on JJ's face--,
“I'm not going to let anything happen to me,” Drake started the car and pulled out. “I've gotta be around to protect you.”