Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 6
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count:
Rating: NC17 - Mature
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Lemony goodness, profanity
Characters/Pairings: Drake x JJ, Ryo x Dee
Notes: I thought Drake and JJ deserved a little break. You may see something familiar.
The tiny bell jangled as Drake and JJ stepped into the small shop. The two had been driving through the New England countryside. Coming upon the little roadside café/bookstore and deciding to stop had been a completely impulsive action.
Drake didn't mind though. JJ had seemed more relaxed and happy than he had in days and Drake wanted him that way.
They were greeted by a young woman who smiled from behind the counter. “Welcome. You gentleman staying for lunch?”
The six or so tables were empty except for one where an elderly matron sat drinking tea. She'd laid a large bag and a cane against the wall next to her seat and she gave them a brief nod and a knowing smile.
“Yes miss, and thank you,” JJ said.
“Have a seat. How about some homemade iced tea?”
“That sounds wonderful,” JJ said as they chose a table.
“I'm going to step in back for a moment,” Drake said. “When she comes back, order for me, okay babe?”
“Sure,” JJ grinned. “After all I know what you want.”
The suggestive tone wasn't lost on Drake. “Yeah, I'm sure you do.”
Drake made his way past the neat rows of wire shelves. He noticed they carried Police Magazine and thought to pick it up on the way back. He found the bathroom easy enough but when he finished he stepped out the back exit left open to catch the breeze and took out his cell phone.
Two rings then, “27th Precinct - Dee Laytner.”
“Yo, Dee.”
“Drake? What the hell? Why are you on the phone with me? Shouldn't you be in some sleazy roadside motel doing the wild monkey dance with JJ?”
Dee's blunt way of speaking had ceased to surprise Drake long ago, “I hope your office door is closed, prick.”
“It's not like you two are any big secret,” Dee muttered. “So what's up? JJ okay?”
“He's doing real well, actually,” Drake said. “So how's the investigation going?”
“Well if you really must know--,”
“Asshole. Spill it.”
“We found the guy. Kellerman?”
“No shit, where?”
Drake took a moment to process the information. It wasn't too far from New York but it wasn't a walk across the street either. Still—
“He's actually got a wife and kids. Works in a factory outside of the city,” Dee went on, “And get this - he's not exactly a good little working man either.”
“Oh really.”
“Seems he's gotten into a bit of trouble before. A couple of women and men said he got a little too up close and personal.”
Drake closed his eyes. “It has to be him, the son of a bitch.”
“Don't go getting all crazy on me Parker and thinking you're coming back here--,”
“I'm not,” Drake said. “I told you, JJ needs to relax.”
“You gonna tell him?”
“No,” Drake blew out a breath, “As much as I want it to be Kellerman - well I don't want to get JJ's hopes up.”
“Yeah. And speaking of JJ, get back to him.”
“Thanks, Dee.”
Drake picked up the copy of Police Magazine as he made his way back. He could just hear JJ speaking to someone.
“—It wasn't easy,” JJ said. “I mean, it wasn't as hard as it might have been.”
Drake stood just out of their line of sight by one of the shelves and listened.
“Our friends Dee and Ryo were actually the first,” JJ said. “They sort of paved the way for us. Then of course our chief and the commissioner were behind us as well. We figured if Dee and Ryo could fight to stay partnered so could we.”
“My papa always told me the best things are worth fighting for,” it was the matron speaking, “It wouldn't have been right to split you two up. I could tell the moment you walked in that you were in love.”
Drake could see JJ's grin, “He's the love of my life.”
“You two getting' married? You can do that now, correct?”
Drake tensed. His heart was suddenly hammering in his chest. His fists squeezed tight.
“In some states yes.” JJ's looked down and blushed.
JJ averted his eyes, “I - I don't know. I mean - we just got together. I think it's too soon to consider. We need to get to know each other better first.”
“Hmm,” the matron nodded.
Drake released the breath he'd been holding. He loved JJ but--,
“Drake is still - I mean - he's still adjusting--,” JJ said. “It's already been hard for us. I - we need to be sure of everything.”
“I see exactly,” she rummaged in her bag. “Here's a picture of my late husband.”
“He's very handsome,” JJ said.
“True,” she replied, “But you see why I say I understand. Back in my day, marrying someone of a different race was looked upon in almost the same way. We had a lot of trouble but we loved each other and that's all that mattered to us. I don't need to tell you that's what should matter to you do I?”
“No ma'am.”
Drake decided he had eavesdropped long enough. He approached the table where JJ sat. He'd turned his seat around to speak with the matron.
“Sorry I took so long,” Drake nodded, “Good afternoon.”
She returned the nod, “Sir.”
“How are things at the precinct?” JJ asked.
“Precinct?” Drake couldn't stop his blush. Then he sighed. “I can't keep anything from you, can I?”
“Nope,” JJ grinned.
“Okay, I'll tell you what Dee said but we are not going back, understand? We are not cops when we're on vacation.”
“You think so? Is there anything wrong with being a twenty-four hour cop?”
Drake slid into the chair at the table. JJ had known what he wanted and had ordered him a tuna melt with lettuce and tomato. JJ had opted for a turkey club. Drake told JJ everything.
JJ reached over and grasped Drake's hand when he finished. “I know you want it to be him and I want that to but--,”
“I know,” Drake said.
“But you're right, we're on vacation. “Let's just focus on us.” JJ leaned forward and kissed him.
Beside them, the matron chuckled.
“Drake, this is so cool!” JJ breezed into the room. “Fireplace, whirlpool bath--,”
Drake could only grin in amusement; he's like a big kid, sometimes. Drake stepped into the room and set their bags near the door which he closed behind him. He had to admit it was nice. Worth all the damn overtime and trade-off's. Of course JJ could have just paid for the whole thing but they agreed this was a partnership where they shared the responsibilities.
JJ plopped down on the fluffy bed with a contented sigh. “What say we retire from the force and just stay here?”
Drake kicked off his shoes and joined him on the bed. “And how would we make our living?”
“Beach combing, tortured artists?”
“Damn right we'd be tortured. This place is nice but we'd probably go fucking crazy after awhile.”
JJ turned over and placed himself atop Drake, “We could just make love all the time.”
Drake opened up to JJ's kiss, holding JJ's smooth face between his palms. Drake moaned softly, deepening the kiss and with a shove turned the tables and pushed JJ underneath him.
“Why don't we just make love now?”
“Hmm,” JJ grinned, “good idea.”
JJ hadn't felt so relaxed in a long time. They spent their time walking through the village or on the beach, having meals at the bed and breakfast café or strolling along the rocky coast. Every so often his worries would come back but Drake seemed to know when his thoughts were going down that path and he'd grab him and kiss him.
JJ was also glad that Drake was comfortable enough to do things like that in public. In New York, they always tried to be discreet. JJ knew it wasn't because Drake was ashamed but simply because - as he'd told the elderly matron - that Drake was still adjusting to their being together. JJ had his own issues to deal with as well. He still felt bad about the whole situation with Drake's family.
On the third day they were walking through the countryside. One of the inn employees had told them of a nice hidden spot to picnic. Drake carried a vinyl picnic basket, which came equipped with utensils and an area for condiments. The inn had very generously supplied a meal of sandwiches and potato salad.
Drake had also procured a bottle of wine for the occasion.
They found the place, which overlooked a small stream. The employee said it was reasonably private but advised them not to expect it to stay that way.
“You look like an old pro at this,” JJ commented as Drake spread out the blanket and set their meal up.
“Well --,” Drake blushed slightly. “I read on the internet that picnics are romantic. I did it for an old girlfriend once.”
“You read it on the internet?”
“Well - hell JJ - you know not I'm not a really romantic guy. I gotta get my ideas from somewhere if I'm going to treat you right.”
JJ was touched that Drake wanted to take the time to do romantic things for him. Not to mention it being a real turn-on. He watched Drake as he poured two glasses of wine. They ate and talked, mostly about work but also about themselves and what they wanted.
“I heard what the old lady said to you,” Drake admitted quietly.
“About getting married,” Drake said.
“Oh - Drake --,” JJ said. “I understand. Neither one of us are ready to even discuss something like that yet.”
Drake's relief was evident, “It's not that - I mean it's just--,”
JJ silenced him with a kiss. “I said it's okay.”
Drake sighed, content. JJ guided him to lay his head in his lap. After awhile, Drake began to doze. JJ smiled down at him, brushed back a lock of his sandy-blonde hair and thought not for the first time what a nice face Drake had.
Something else occurred to him as he sat there.
All those times he'd jumped Dee - that was harassment, stalking in a sense wasn't it?
But you didn't mean it that way, his inner voice argued.
Then again how had Matt Kellerman meant it?
JJ sighed. He should have realized Dee wasn't interested from the start. He'd wasted all that time. Dee could have reported him and he'd be in the right.
“You're thinking too much.”
JJ looked down at Drake. His eyes were closed but his lips were upturned in a slight smile.
Drake sat up and framed JJ's face with his hands. JJ lost himself in the kiss, allowing Drake to heatedly meld their tongue until JJ was gasping for breath. Drake's hand went into the basket, rummaged around and he drew out a tube. JJ flushed scarlet, “Here, outdoors?”
Gently guiding JJ to the ground, Drake pulled his T-shirt over JJ's head, then twisted the fabric around his wrists. Kissing down JJ's smooth chest, Drake stopped at the pink nipple which was already tight and suckled gently, making JJ gasp and lift himself against his lover. Drake toyed with him, biting and sucking the nipple to the rook of his mouth. Fire engulfed JJ. A current of electricity that raced across his skin.
“JJ,” Drake raised his mouth to his claiming him with another kiss, “You're all mine.”
“Yes,” JJ moaned and Drake nibbled at his flesh, painting wet patterns with his tongue, tasting him. Working his way down JJ's body tickling his navel with his tongue, JJ couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped. Drake gave him a loving smile as he continued.
Drake then traced the lines and planes of JJ's muscular thighs. Tenderly running fingers callused from holding a weapon across JJ's sensitized skin. Drake drew away momentarily to reach for the lube.
“JJ,” Drake said as he continued his ministrations, “I know you don't need me to take care of you but--,”
“Who said I didn't?” JJ said.
“I mean,” Drake took JJ in hand and kissed his hard length, “I don't want you to think - I know you can take care of yourself but--,”
Drake,” the name came out on an agonized moan. “I know--,”
All thoughts were forgotten, all memories of the past pushed away when Drake took JJ in fully, pulling out with long leisurely strokes, his tongue sweeping across the head on his cock. It had taken some practice but Drake had come very proficient at sucking him off. JJ's hips rose and fell wildly as he divested himself of the t-shirt and jammed his hands into Drake's hair, forcing the man's mouth deeper on to him.
JJ nearly cried a protest when Drake pulled off of him. “Come here,” he growled in a feral tone. Drake sat up, pulling JJ to him, his lube slick finger, probing deep into him. JJ gave a strangled cry his nails digging into Drake's shoulder. Drake swallowed his cry in another soul-searing kiss.
“Go down on me babe, that's it,” Drake lifted him up impaling JJ on his cock.
JJ's back arched as he wrapped both arms around Drake, pressing their bodies together which were slick with sweat. Drake lifted him up, brought him down roughly again and again until JJ thought he would burn to ash.
“Jemmy,” Drake muttered against his skin, “Oh hell, Jemmy--,”
The sound of his name being moaned on Drake's lips was too much. JJ's climax erupted, stealing his reason and almost at the same time Drake began bucking underneath him.
“Yes, together!” JJ cried as he felt the hot rush of his semen splashing on Drake's chest just as Drake's own filled him.
They held onto each other, their breathing heavy, until their energy spent, Drake guided JJ on his back, pulling him close.
JJ couldn't find the words to describe his happiness but he could see his emotion mirrored in Drake's eyes.
“I wish--,” JJ said.
“Yeah babe,” Drake replied. “I know.”