Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Weekend Warriors ❯ Home Again ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Weekend Warriors
Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I don't own Fake... I'm not making any money off any of this... don't sue me!
Sorry the update has taken so long... I've had this chapter written for a while, but I've been too busy to type it up till now. In addition, I've been working on a couple original stories that I hope to get published, so that has also been keeping me a bit preoccupied.
Since this took so long, I hope it meets your expectations…
Anyway, REVIEW!!!!! You know I love it!! :-D
Enjoy guys!!
The door to Ryo's apartment flew open, and the two men tumbled inside, already beginning to tear off each other's clothes. Dee had the sense of mind to retrieve his keys from the lock and shutting the door before recapturing his lover's lips.
Ryo was pinned against the wall next to the door, and he moaned into Dee's mouth as the younger man ran his hands down his side to rest at Ryo's hips. Already bare from the waist up, the blonde shivered at the touch.
Dee, too, had lost all clothing from his torso, but had surpassed Ryo's state of undress when he'd unbuckled and unzipped his pants. He ground against Ryo's thigh, and the older man groaned, breaking away from Dee's mouth.
“Hnn… Dee… Hold on a minute,” he panted.
Dee paused, pulling back enough to look into his eyes. “What is it, baby?” he whispered, moving one hand from Ryo's hip to cup the side of his face.
Ryo stood for a moment, glad for the support of both the wall and his lover. Hands wrapped around the back of Dee's neck, and Ryo began playing with the fine hairs there, loving the softness of them. “Slower, Dee,” he murmured. “We did hard and fast already, and I loved it, but… I want this time to be slow and sweet.”
Dee smiled softly, kissing the tip of his nose. “I think I can manage that,” he whispered, bending his head to press his lips to his lover's. He lingered for a moment in the chaste kiss, before parting his lips slightly and sliding his tongue across Ryo's bottom lip in askance. Ryo responded positively, opening his mouth and drawing Dee's tongue inside. The kissed sweetly for a time before Dee pulled back, needing oxygen. Ryo opened his eyes, which had fallen shut when Dee had kissed him, and smiled gently.
“Come on, love,” he said softly, taking Dee's hand and interlacing their fingers, pulling him towards the bedroom. Side by side, they walked, stealing glances at each other all the while.
When the reached the bed, the door to the room closed securely behind them, Ryo polled the younger man to him and embraced him tightly. Dee held on as wall, bending his head to press a kiss to Ryo's shoulder.
The Chestnut haired detective released his lover, and scooted up onto the bed, until he was lying back against the pillows. Smiling, he held his arms out for his lover, and Dee obliged slowly, amazed at how lucky he was. “God, you're gorgeous,” he whispered, settling himself over the older man. Ryo blushed, pulling Dee down for another kiss.
Dee slid down his partner's body, pressing kisses down the length of it, until he reached the waistband of his pants. There, he dipped his tongue just below the fabric, causing Ryo to gasp and arch his hips. Dee smiled, pulling back slightly and began working at the older man's pants. Belt buckle, button, and zipper all undone, he slid his fingers below the waist of both boxers and pants, tugging them off at the same time. Once all clothing was removed from Ryo's body, Dee began working his way up, placing kisses from the soles of Ryo's feet up his ankles and defined legs, past his taut abs and muscled chest to claim the older man's mouth again.
Ryo shivered, allowing himself to be consumed by his lover. The younger man possessed Ryo's mouth with his own, while his talented hands found every sensitive spot he had access to, successfully driving the other man wild. Ryo soon found himself squirming, and he slid his hands down Dee's sides to push at the camouflage pants still covering his hips.
Dee broke the kiss, leaving them both panting, and he nipped at Ryo's lips and then the tip of his nose, before rolling off the bed to divest himself of the last remaining barrier between the two men.
Ryo watched him, enraptured by the smooth muscles and grace, and the sexuality that seemed to pour off Dee in waves. As the younger man slid back into bed, he grabbed the tube of lubricant out of the drawer, and tossed in onto the bed. Ryo wrapped one hand around the back of Dee's neck, and threaded the fingers of the other through ebony colored hair, as his lover settled over him once again.
Vibrant green eyes bore into lust-darkened black for a moment, before Dee recaptured his partner's lips.
Ryo slid one hand from its place at Dee's neck down the man's back, feeling the strength that lay in the contours of the muscle there. When the wandering hand reached the small of Dee's back, Ryo pressed down and ground his hips upward.
Dee broke away from his lover's lips with a gasp, grinding his own hips against Ryo's impatient ones.
A soft moan escaped the older detective's throat. “Take me, Dee,” he whimpered. “Make me yours.”
Without responding, Dee pulled away, extracting a groan of protest from Ryo. The dark haired detective grasped the tube he'd retrieved, and quickly coated his fingers in the substance. Wordlessly, he lifted one of Ryo's legs, and placed the ankle over his shoulder, teasing the now-exposed bud with a lubricated digit. Ryo was breathing hard, as he tried to impale himself on the torturous finger. Slowly Dee slipped one finger inside, and began thrusting gently.
“More,” came the whispered plea, and Dee inserted another digit, setting that one to work as well.
Ryo whimpered, pressing back against the intrusion, wanting something more than what Dee was giving him.
“Want you,” Ryo groaned. Dee licked his lips, nearly losing control, but knowing that if he took the man without preparing him more, he could be hurt.
“Soon, baby,” Dee murmured, running his free hand up Ryo's stomach.
When the muscles loosened slightly, Dee slid a third finger inside, continuing the necessary preparation.
Ryo's moans grew louder, and when Dee brushed up against something inside him, he cried out, arching his hips off the bed.
Figuring he'd done as much as he could, Dee removed his fingers and used the lubricant again, this time coating his aching shaft. He groaned at the feeling of his own hand on himself, and had to pause in his motions, or risk releasing on the spot.
“Shit, Ryo,” he groaned. “I want you.”
Ryo raised his hips off the mattress, presenting himself to his lover. “So take me,” he whispered.
Dee closed his eyes, regaining some sense of self control, before leaning over Ryo. Positioning himself at the older man's opening, he whispered down to his love, “I love you.” Before Ryo could respond, Dee captured his lips and pressed the head of his length past the tight ring of muscle.
Ryo's moan was caught in the back of Dee's throat, and his arm's came tightly around the younger man's torso. Dee inched his way into the tight passage, using small thrusting motions, and never breaking away from Ryo's mouth until his hips rested fully against Ryo's ass. There, he stopped, allowing his partner to adjust to the length that was now filling him. Dee peppered Ryo's face and neck with butterfly kisses, loving the flushed done his face had taken on. When Ryo's eyes fluttered open, Dee smiled, and kissed his forehead.
“You ok, baby?”
“Hai,” he breathed, the corners of his lips quirking upward at the concern his lover showed. “Feels good.”
Dee swallowed. “Ready?”
In response, Ryo threaded his fingers through Dee's ebony locks pulling him down to his mouth, and ground his hips down onto the other man. Dee groaned as the sensations sent his head spinning, and pulled out slightly before pushing back into Ryo's tight embrace.
They rocked together for a time, Dee's thrusts becoming deeper and harder gradually, until they were both swiftly nearing the edge. Dee shifted Ryo's hips, angling them so that he hit his lover's prostate. Ryo cried out, arching his back. “God, Dee,” he groaned. “Don't stop.”
Dee held his partner's hips in position, continually rubbing against the spongy organ. His vision began to blur, and he leaned over his lover, intertwining the fingers of one hand with Ryo's, pressing kisses to his shoulder. “I love you, Ryo,” he whispered against his lover's pale neck. “I love you, I love you, I love you…” he repeated over and over, never ceasing the rocking of his hips.
Ryo was drowning in his pleasure. The chanting of those cherished words echoing softly in his mind, driving him over the edge, and he cried out Dee's name, his entire body convulsing with the intensity of his orgasm.
Dee followed swiftly behind him, thrusting with purpose until his words cut off, and he gasped his own release. He collapsed, exhausted, atop his love, breathing hard, his face burrowed in the crook of Ryo's neck. He lingered for a moment, before pulling out and shifting to lie beside his partner.
Despite his labored breathing and exhaustion, Ryo immediately tangled all four limbs around his lover, holding him as close as possible, and ignoring the sticky substance that he could feel rolling down his thighs.
Dee held him, sighing contently.
“I love you,” Ryo breathed against Dee's chest, listening to the calming heartbeat and being soothed by the other man's breathing, which was now almost back to normal.
Dee shuddered as the power behind those words coursed through him. “I love you, too, baby,” he whispered.
They lay together for a few moments, quietly enjoying the closeness and afterglow of their orgasms, before Dee murmured, “we should shower,” and moved to rise from the mattress.
Ryo protested immediately, tightening each limb around the other man. “Sleep now, clean later,” he groaned, wanting, right now, to simply fall asleep in his lover's arms.
Dee chuckled, and Ryo smiled at the low rumble produced from the other man's chest, just under his ear. “Ok, baby,” Dee whispered, settling back down and tightening his grip for a moment before going back to the secure, relaxed hold he had on his partner. “We'll sleep for now,” he murmured. Reluctantly, he relinquished his grasp on the other man to pull the covers over them before wrapping his arms back around him.
Ryo kissed his chest, snuggling down into the spot.
Dee felt his lover's muscles relax, and he smiled at the content sound Ryo made.
As Dee began drifting off, he voiced his thoughts unknowingly, and Ryo sighed, drifting into sleep, as well.
Dee's words echoed in his mind and played like a beautifully broken record in his dreams.
“You mean the world to me.”