Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Wilderness Survival 101 ❯ The Long Trip Home ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake, I'm not making money off of this etc. Warning UBER LEMON, well at least I think so, consider yourself warned :D

Chapter Four:

The Long Trip Home

Ryo woke late the next day all of their bodies demanding a full eight hours of sleep after the last nights ordeal. Dispite being wrapped in two sleeping bags Ryo still felt slightly chilled, but the silky feel of the fabric was nice against his- He bolt upright, then lay back down just as quickly pulling the covers over his head. He was buck-naked... with Flynn on one side Merci on the other. In fact his foggy brain recalled it had been Flynn who had carefully undressed him and tucked him into the two sleeping bags. Ryo poked his head out hearing that neither of them were awake, eyes searching for his clothes. Beside him Merci grunted and rolled over the sleeping bag slipping down and revealing the tops of her breast... Ryo blush furiously. He wasn't the only one naked! That was way more of Merci then he ever wanted to see, he rolled over quickly eyes still wide... only to come face to face with Flynn's sapphire blue ones. Ryo gave a little 'eep' and dove back under his sleeping bag. Flynn completely nonplused unzipped his sleeping bag and climbed out grabbing his clothes from the corner and pulling them out. Ryo listened as he dressed then slipped out of the tent. He peeked an eye out to see what state Merci was in, seeing she was still out cold Ryo slipped very cautiously out of the sleeping bags snagging his clothes and darting back into his sleeping bag, getting fully dressed, socks included, before slipping back out. He sat in the doorway of the tent pulling on his boots as he watched Flynn start the small gas burner to boil breakfast for water. After lacing up his boots he slipped over sitting down next to Flynn waiting until Flynn could turn his eyes onto Ryo.

"We need to go as soon as possible, I need to get to Dee." Ryo said with no hesitation. Flynn looked at him a moment then simply nodded. No judgment in his eyes, just a quiet understanding. Ryo felt tear stinging his eyes. Flynn reached over and patted his knee. That show of kindness undid Ryo and a sob broke loose of his chest, then another. Flynn made sure the pot was stable on the burner before moving over to Ryo and hugging him in a comforting embrace. No words, no judgments, just simple act of kindness.

Over breakfast Flynn hunched over his maps trying to determined the absolute shortest and quickest rout back, eating his cream of wheat absently with one hand even after it had gone stone cold. Ryo was practically climbing trees in his anxiousness to be off, but Flynn assured him that the few minutes of planning he took now could save them hours in the future.

The trip back was grueling, though Flynn and even Merci tried to make it as easy on the exhausted Ryo as possible. Worry gnawed at the edges of Ryo's strength until Merci and Flynn were double packing twice across every portage in the time it too Ryo to cross without a pack. Merci and Flynn started to wear down too, the ten hours of paddling and short hours of sleep they got in their efforts to cut time off the trip. Ryo was miles away from all this though, not noticing what the rangers put themselves through to get him back to his koi until Merci who was double packing, a pack on her back, another flung over on top of that one, tripped and fell in front of him. It wasn't the first time she had fallen on the uneven ground of a portage but instead of popping back up; she just rolled out from under the packs and arm going over her face... and started to cry. Ryo stopped in his tracks staring at the fiery little ranger lying n the path before him, crying. HE jumped as he was nudged with the end of the canoe Flynn was carrying and stepped out of the way and Flynn leaned the canoe against a tree and set down his pack, going over to Merci and untangling her from the packs. They conferred quickly in sign language. All the while Ryo stood in the middle of the path staring. Flynn got Merci on her feet with only a single pack, and sent Ryo after her before sliding a pack on his front, a pack on his back and finally the canoe on his shoulders.

Through the rangers efforts it took them six days to reach the base. As Ryo recognized the bay the rangers steered them into he crouched low in the canoe; ready to leap out the moment solid land was within his reach. As they turned the corner into the bay Ryo could see someone was standing ashore, waiting for them. As the canoe drew closer Ryo shielded his eyes from the suns glare...tall...dark hair... whether it was a certain shape of the shoulders, the way he raised his hand in a lazy wave. Ryo knew it was Dee. Dee stood ashore, waiting, ready to greet his Ryo. Ryo stood up in the canoe the land seeming miles away.

"Sit down!" Merci snapped in irritation. But instead still a ways out Ryo leapt into the shallow bay ending up waist deep in water, running towards land, running to his Dee.

Dee stood, waiting for Ryo on the very edge of the water as Ryo plowed through the murky water towards him.

"Dee! Dee!" Dee had just long enough to realize Ryo looked like hell before his arms were full of a soaking, sobbing, scolding Ryo.

Ryo leapt into Dee's arms the minute his feet had enough purchase to do so, wrapping his legs around Dee's waist and arms around his neck as he placed frantic kisses over every inch of Dee's face, terrified he would wake up and find this a dream. Dee grunted as Ryo's full weight was suddenly in his arms. Dee stumbled back then fell over fully, with an oof and grunt of pain as his sore back was jolted and jostled.

"Dee! Bakkyaro! That was so stupid, how could you do that! Baka! I thought you were hurt, I thought you were dead! I m going to kill you! Baka! Baka!" Ryo sobbed continuing his frantic kisses as the exhausted Rangers stepped out of the canoe and unloaded the packs.

"Ryo, I love you, but please get off me." Dee groaned. Immediately concerned Ryo scrambled off him.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Ryo asked frantically helping Dee sit up.

"My back..."

"Oh my god! I'm so stupid! Of course you're hurt! What are you doing here? Why aren't you in the hospital?" Ryo demanded. Dee blinked several times trying to process the words that Ryo rapped out faster then Dee could hear.

"Oh... Nothing was broken... I guess I pinched my spinal cord between s couple of vertebrae or some shit like that. They had to do a little surgery, but the incision was small..." Dee raised his shirt showing the brace he wore around his midsection, supporting his back and giving him an unnaturally rigged posture.

"Surgery? Incision? What are you doing out here? Why aren't you lying down? Ryo's Hands came under Dee's arms pulling him carefully to his feet, an arm around his lower back, his other hand resting on Dee's abdomen as though Dee was aging and crippled. Dee glanced past Ryo to where Merci and Flynn, poster children for exhaustion silently unloaded the canoe. They stopped, canoes dragged up on land, packs strewn about the landing and just stared. Dee knew that look; he had that feeling a few times before himself. That feeling that a task needed to get done, but you were too physically and emotionally drained to even conceive of doing it. He could only guess what they had done to get Ryo back to him in record time. Cutting two days off their trip was damn near miraculous. He and Ryo owed them big time. Ryo turned and followed Dee's gaze watching the rangers stand listlessly, he realized how tired they were. Not that he wasn't exhausted but they had done most of the work. Ryo looked up at Dee then back at the rangers.

"Guys." Ryo called. "I'll help you carry the packs in and then you go shower, Dee and I can unpack." Well more like Ryo could unpack and Dee could stand there and watch. With Dee by his side again he felt renewed and the last hour or so of work he could manage alone. He couldn't help but remember Merci, as unyielding as granite, laying flat on the ground crying, or how by their last portage, Flynn almost could get the canoe on his shoulders. Ryo went over and helped both the Rangers on with their packs, then slipped his own on carrying them into the basement of the main building.

Dee stood at the sink back straight, cigarette dangling from his lips as he scrubbed the few dishes from the trip. Ryo who had already been grimy from head to toe was now also sporting food stains from the food the leftovers they had to pack back out with them. Ryo paused, spatula in hand to watch Dee work. He wanted to smoother him in kisses, lay him down on their narrow bunk and never leave the circle of his arms again... but there was work to be done. And Ryo thought There is no way I'm getting into bed smelling like this. In the naturally cool air of the basement, Ryo was not actually able to smell himself, and he was practically twitching with feeling of germs and dirt.

"Hey babe?" Dee turned to face Ryo as he spoke, trying to lean back against the sing until he realized the stiff brace prevent any slouching.

"Hai koibito?"

"I've been staying at a motel in town... you know air conditioning, cable... fast food... The only reason I was here today is because another pair of rangers saw you on their way in and let me know... anyway, I know it means delaying a shower for you, but, is it okay if we go back there..." Dee hesitated not wanting to admit his weakness. "So I can lay down, because I don't think our bunk here will do my back much good." Ryo frowned and nodded moving over to his koi and rubbing his shoulders.

"Of course, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to wash dishes, how stupid of me, I'm done here once I wash the spatula." Ryo gave Dee a quick kiss then washed off the offending utensil, then took Dee's hand and led him p the stairs.

It was another hour before they were back in Dee's Motel room... and Ryo could tell instantly it was, indeed, Dee's hotel room; boxers on the floor, fast-food wrappers on the table, bed unmade and TV still on. Dee, who was in a lot of pain, judging by the strained look on his face, immediately lowered himself onto the bed laying flat out on his back with a sigh. Ryo didn't dare sit down for how grimy he was; in fact he had left his boots out on the front step as well as his shirt and socks... He would have gladly stripped naked if not for the likelihood of being seen standing outside their motel room naked as a jaybird. Ryo leaned down over his koi, kissing him softly.

"Just rest Dee, I'm gonna shower." Dee nodded with out opening his eyes as Ryo stripped out of his grime stiffened pants padding naked to the bathroom. He turned the water on as hot as he could tolerate it. Groaning with pleasure as the how water coursed over his stiff shoulders, dirty face and tired body. He washed his hair repeatedly scrubbing and rubbing until no speck of dirt remained. Finally, as the water begin to cool, Ryo shut off the water and stepped out headed straight for his razor to remove the thick stubble over his face. Dee drifted off into a light sleep in the hour it took for Ryo to make himself feel human again. The dip of the mattress and groan of the bedsprings woke him as Ryo climbed into bed next to him. Dee left his eyes shut as Ryo lay down along side him, resting his head against Dee's chest, listening to his lover's heartbeat.



"I love you."

Dee grinned. "I love you too Ryo."

"Does your back hurt too badly?"

"I'm fine laying down."

Ryo's voice was barely a whisper when he spoke next. "I wanted to go with you, wanted to be there with you... but there was no room, they wouldn't let me." Dee lifted his head just enough to kiss Ryo's forehead.

"I know you did, baby. Don't worry about it... I was only in the hospital a few days...." Ryo raised his head looking into Dee's eyes and reached up to gently smooth back Dee's hair.

"Don't you dare ever scare me like that again."

"Okay, baby."

Silence fell in the room as Ryo closed his eyes and fell asleep, his whole body going limp and relaxing totally against his lovers. The security of Dee's body heat and the gentle thump of his heart, soothing the last or Ryo's frazzled nerves. Dee was alive; Dee was going to be fine... Dee's arms were warm around him, and he was at peace.

Dee's lips quirked in a sleepy smile the hand rubbing his chest was deliciously warm and just a little rough, causing a wonderful friction over his sensitive skin. Dee opened his eyes slowly, blinking awake to the beginnings of dawn filtering through the blinds. HE felt Ryo's soft, warm lips caressing his neck, then a whisper of breath as he spoke.

"Wake up Koibito."

Dee grinned wider, arms coming around Ryo's slender frame. "Already am, lover." Ryo looked up suddenly, blushing and offering a sheepish grin. Dee reached up and ran his fingers through Ryo's silken honey hair. "I hope this is more then just a wake up call." Ryo looked away flushing as he pressed his hard length against Dee's hip, letting him know exactly what his intentions were.

"No," Ryo said quietly, "I think I had a little something more in mind." Dee's eyebrows shot up in surprise. His meek little Ryo? Initiating first-thing-in-the-morning-sex? It was a dream come true, and not one Dee was about to question. He started to roll over to pin Ryo under him, when his poor abused back protested loudly. Dee groaned promptly lying flat on his back again. Ryo's brow furrowed in concern. "Maybe we shouldn't... your back..." Dee shook his head emphatically

"Uhuh, no way Ryo, you stared this no way I'm letting you off the hook now! Its not every day you wake me up with good morning sex, no way I'm letting you back down." Ryo looked Dee over, eyes lingering on the bulge of arousal evident through the sheets. With a small smile Ryo leaned down and plundered Dee's eager mouth, tasting him readily. Dee couldn't help but moan as Ryo's tongue explored his mouth, their tongue twining with an intense heat. Carefully Dee raised his arms to press his palms against Ryo's bare chest, fingers seeking out Ryo's nipples teasing them between his fingers until they were hard and Ryo was moaning in pleasure.

"Oooh Dee.... Mmmm..." Ryo's back arched into the teasing, as his hand trailed down Dee's chest, rubbing over his nipples before trailing lower to trail over Dee's thighs. Dee could feel the heat of Ryo's hand through his bowers, his shaft twitching eagerly in response. Dispite the dull throbbing his back Ryo had him more then ready and willing... if not exactly able.

"God, baby, you're killing me." Dee panted.

"Tell me what you want Dee... tell me." Ryo breathed kissing over Dee's neck and chest, his soft hair and warm mouth leaving trails of tingling nerves. Dee barely knew where to start, he wanted everything... he wanted to taste Ryo, taste his seed as he climaxed, he wanted to be in Ryo's mouth, wanted to be inside of Ryo...

"First, touch me... here" He guided Ryo's hand to the hard throbbing erection under his boxers, green eyes watching him intently. Ryo grinned, leaning down to cover Dee's chest and belly in hot kisses, his hand starting to massage Dee's length, reviling in every twitch and moan his ministrations managed to illicit. Forgetting his request for direction Ryo's hand slipped under Dee's boxers long graceful fingers wrapping around Dee's member, slowly sliding up and down its length.

"God, your great baby." Dee panted hips twitching slightly. Whatever he was about to say next trailed off into a deep groan as Ryo rubbed his thumb over the head of his lovers shaft then slowly took his length in his mouth, running his tongue over Dee's tip, gripping the base of his member as he begin a slow up and down motion. Ryo reached down with a spare hand, his neglected erection throbbing with need. He slid his hand under his own pajama bottoms to stroke himself as his mouth worked Dee. As he felt Dee start to build towards climax he slowly eased him out of his mouth.

"Dee?" Ryo panted, hand still on his own member.

"Uhh?" Dee groaned coming pout of his haze of pleasure.

"I...ah..." Ryo wasn't sure how to politely ask for Dee to get him off. "Could really use a hand here... literally." Dee grinned wide and mischievous.

"Are you asking me to get you off Ryo?" Ryo blinked.

"Um...I suppose so." Dee continued to grin

"Take your pants off baby." Suspicious of the glint in Dee's eye, Ryo complied sliding out of the pajama bottoms and discarding them quickly. "All right now straddle my chest... no like this." Dee guided Ryo so he was straddled high on Dee's chest, facing Dee's feet, his hardness in perfect range of Dee's mouth, who licked it eagerly, guiding Ryo's mouth back down to his waiting shaft. Ryo blushed embarrassed at such a new position, but his shyness was soon lost in the pleasure of Dee's talented mouth, his moans vibrating around Dee's stiff member. Dee gritted his teeth his stamina sorely tested he could feel Ryo's climax close, but his own was barely being held at bay. With desperation, he carefully slid first one finger, then a second, seeking out the sensitive bundle of nerves that he knee would send Ryo over the edge. He was rewarded for his efforts as Ryo gasped, then whimpered pressing back on those seeking fingers, hips starting to move in a frantic rhythm, his mouth tightening around Dee's shaft sucking him hard. Dee gave a muffled shout, as he could no longer hold back the torrent of his climax, his hips arching hard off the bed as his seed pumped from him. He tried to maintain his own rhythm on Ryo through the blind pleasure of his release, fingers striving to massage the sensitive nerves of his prostate. Ryo tasted the salty release of his lover, swallowing it readily. Dee's fingers were striking home with perfect precision sending wave after wave of intense pleasure through Ryo, that mouth and tongue massaging his shaft. With his own reverberating moan Ryo's hips bucked as his own release tore through him. After long moments filled only with the sounds of panting, Ryo shifted laying down along side his spent lover, resting his head in the crook of Dee's shoulder, his breath only just beginning to slow.

"Didn't hurt your back?" Ryo ask, stroking Dee's chest. Dee shook his head.

"I'm not sure I cant feel anything other then my dick at the moment... ask me again in a few minutes." Ryo laughed softly curling up against Dee pulling the covers over them. Glad to be laying along side his partner, his lover. Glad to be held close, glad that this very wonderful part of their relationship hadn't been taken from them, glad Dee hadn't been taken form him. For the moment, there were no bad guys, no duty, and no responsibility. Nothing to call them away from the sanctuary of each other's arms.