Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Wilderness Survival 101 ❯ Dee! BakaYaro! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Three:

Dee! BakaYaro!

"So what exactly is the plan here?" Dee asked irritably. They had paused mid lake and pulled their canoes together for a quick snack of granola bars and water. They had now been on the trail seven days, Dee had gone from needing a shave, to scruffy, to damn near a full beard. Even Ryo's smooth jaw was well stubbled.

"The plan, Detective Latener," Merci responded with a certain calm competence that got under Dee's skin. Ryo shook his head...Merci and Dee reminded him greatly of Bikky and Dee... they just egged each other on. "Is to guess which lake they are most likely to do business on and camp out."

"The lake they are most likely to do business on! Are you freaking insane woman!" Dee exploded. "You mean we've come all this way and we may not even be sitting on the right lake?!" Normally Ryo would have shushed his partner... but frankly he happened to agree. This was not worth a complete shot in the dark.

"Give me a little credit Latener, Just because I don't have a penis doesn't mean I don't have a brain." She snapped back. Ryo blushed at her blatant speech, then broke into a smirk seeing Dee looking as flustered as he felt. "We have reason to think that they are flying in illegally from Canada on a float plane. If they actually put in in Canada they would have a three week trip in front of them. But they have to start out far enough for a floatplane to go unnoticed. The longest trip most people do is ten days. That's round trip, so, five days in five days out. We are now eight days out, in case you haven't noticed we haven't seen another group of people in a day and a half. Now there are only three lakes big enough in this area to land a float plane in...And two of them have very nasty portages out of them. If these are drug runners they are obviously gonna have more cargo then your standard people, they don't want to do any major portages. That leaves us with Lake Winnipeg. One lake over." Merci stopped, glaring at Dee. Dee's jaw sort of dropped, but he forced his awe aside he wasn't about to let this half-pint get the better of him.

"Well then why the hell didn't you say so in the first place!" It sounded lame even in his own ears, but it was the best he had. Merci shrugged.

"Frankly I didn't think you needed to know. I'm not sure why your even out here with us Flynn and I could have handled this just fine ourselves, we didn't need any help...if you can call a couple of Chooches help."

"This is our God damned case! Your only here a the tour guides! Don't even get me started on with holding information on a police investigation!" Dee fumed. Ryo and Flynn watched the conversation like a tennis match. Flynn, as always, seemed faintly amused by the whole thing. Ryo on the other hand felt more then a little of Dee's irritation. They had been out here eight days trying to work as a team, and all along Merci had been holding out the details on them.

"Dee, I think the reason Merci held out on us is because she resents our presence on this case." Ryo said calmly, wanting to get all this cleared up before they were any deeper into this assignment. The way Merci's tan skin colored pink and she looked away Ryo though he hit it right on the head. He hesitated a moment then continued with his new role as mediator. "I think there has been respect lacking on both sides. Dee, you've had a problem with Merci since we met her-"

"Ryo! Whose side are you on!" Dee exclaimed almost standing up in the canoe, but Flynn, Zen master of the Paddle, brought that paddle up quick as a flash and pressed Dee back into his seat before there could be a repeated episode of a few afternoons ago.

"That's just the thing Dee, there shouldn't be sides it shouldn't be us against them. Dee, I'm sorry, but its true, I think it bothers you that a woman, whose over a foot shorter then you can portage further, paddle longer, build a better fire, pitch a tent faster and is just a better all around outdoors woman then you. She threatens you." Dee ground his teeth and glared, Ryo knew he would be getting and earful later about partners sticking together, and normally Ryo would agree. In fact he was pretty sure that under any other circumstances such 'share your feelings' mediation would be way out of line, but they were not working together as a team; and if Ryo wasn't mistaken, they would need to be of one mind for the next hurdle in this assignment. "Merci, you like the fact that your existence bruises Dee's manhood. You enjoy being big dog, and I think its because you are small, and female, I understand how you feel, that need to prove that your just as good as every one else. We are on your territory Merci, you don't need to prove how good you are, we both know. You are a damn good ranger, and believe it or not, Dee and I are damn good detectives, we are just so far out of our element at the moment..." Ryo paused to take a breath, blushing as he felt everyone staring at him. But damnit, he would not see people get hurt just because Merci and Dee kept trying to prove who was more of a man. "Dee, you need to just suck it up, your not gonna be best at everything all the time, you have never done anything like this before and its okay for you to be a... " Ryo paused searching for the word "a chooch. And Merci... I think we would both appreciate it if you stopped making us feel incompetent." Ryo looked between Merci and Dee, then over at Flynn. Flynn had followed the entire conversation, and he gave Ryo an encouraging smile and a nod. Merci and Dee looked every where but at each other, mouths flapping like fish out of water.

"He's right Merci, you've been way too hard on them. They are good detectives with out them we wouldn't even know that we had people running drugs through the Quetico and Boundary Waters. We need to all get on the same page here. We may be both outnumbered and out gunned. And even if we make the arrests, we are 8 days out, the radio might not even be able to reach that base, and then we have to make the trip back with prisoners. So Merci, you know I will back you up when you needed it but right now you need to back down. Dee, Merci can out portage me some days, so don't let it bug you." Finally Flynn quieted his blue eyes looking over them all. It was a long speech for the deaf man who rarely spoke more then a couple sentences at a time. It was Ryo's turn to give an encouraging smile.

"All right then, so, you expect them to land one lake over...where do we want to camp?" Ryo asked aiming for a breezy professional tone. Merci cleared her throat and broke out her maps, pointing to one of the red dots that indicated a campsite.

"Well I was thinking we could camp here, its right next to the portage but not actually on Lake Winnipeg, I don't want them to know we're here just yet. We camp and wait for a plane. During the day we'll take surveillance posts around the edge of the lake. We will be able to hear the plane coming in a mile away."

They paddled ashore and pitched camp, taking the evening to relax. Merci had assured them a plane would not land at night, it would be impossible. It was a quiet relaxed night. At first Dee and Merci avoided each other. Dee even avoided Ryo shooting him not so subtle glares whenever their gazes met. Dinner was 'beef' stew made of dehydrates peas, carrots, potatoes, corn, beef bolion and chunks of military rationed beef. Flynn, whose turn it was to cook, pulled out all the stops. Making small dumplings to add to the stew out of flour and water spiced with the few herbs he carried. Dispite the meager tools he had to work with Flynn worked miracles with the dehydrated and freeze-dried food that had been there diet for eight days now. The stew raised spirits and the subsequent dessert of blue berry pie that Flynn managed to scrape together from scavangered blue berries, flour, sugar, salt and butter. Even Ryo ate his portion of pie with an unrestrained zealousness. Full with the fire burning warmly as the sun set, they four sat around the fire in a moment of true bonding. Merci's soothing contralto voice weaving song after song into the night air as Dee's cigarette smoke rose into the sky. It was when Merci struck up a familiar hymn to a new tune that Dee' added his own sweet baritone. Ryo smiled as he stared into the fire, resting his head on Dee's lap, feeling his lover's chest rumbling as he sung. He did for a moment pity the deaf Flynn for missing out on this impressive duet. Flynn however seemed content to simply sense the peace of the moment.

Ryo sighed as the stars winked into existence. A soft breeze making the fire dance and their wet clothes flap on the laundry line. Every one paused as a wolf's howl rose hauntingly. Even Merci who had spent years in these woods had only heard a wolf a handful of times. Dee's face softened at the simple beauty of it, at the warmth of his partner resting against him. It was a simple peaceful night. A calm before the storm.

The next day dawned but it was impossible to see through the heavy cotton of the black clouds that hovered over the lake. Lightening snapped and distant thunder reverberated through the ground, even though the rain had mostly dissipated. They lingered in the warmth of their sleeping bags in the tent, knowing it would be a long wet day. Finally Merci prodded them all out of bed and forced down yet another mornings worth of cream of wheat down their throats. They split up each taking a side of the lake and getting comfortable. Ryo usually had the patients for surveillance, but he was also usually in a warm car out of the weather. At first it was cool to feel the rain pattering on his rain coat and rain pants, but then it started rolling under his hood, soaking his hair and collar, then the bugs came out. He could see Dee across the lake from him fuming and swatting. Lunch was just a few handfuls of granola.

The day slid past slowly like a glacier through Wisconsin. Slowly the sun was setting. They had agreed to wait until dark for the elusive plane. Finally just as it was getting to dark for a plane to land Ryo hear the small engines of a floatplane. He looked up and saw the white craft circling over head. A glance across the lake told him Dee had seen it too. Flynn and Merci were out of eyeshot but he had no doubt they had seen it too. Anxious Ryo sat forward on his log, waiting watching waiting for the signal. Which was, of course, the stereotypical owl call.

After circling a couple times the plane touched down in the choppy water. A heavier storm was brewing and coming overhead quickly. The two smugglers hopped out of the cab of the plane and onto the float, untying the canoe that had been tied there. Four sets of eyes watched the smuggler's unload and then pack up the canoe hopping in. The plane took off again just before darkness fell completely. An Owl hooted, and Ryo's head jerked up that was his signal. He made his way quietly as he could down to the shore where Flynn stood holding a canoe, beckoning him over. Ryo hopped in as Flynn pushed of, paddling silently across the lake. As they paddled the storm seemed to rise, the raining going from drizzle to an outright pour, lightening beginning to flash. Ahead of them the smugglers were tying their canoe to a root sticking out from the cliff. Ryo swallowed as he realized Dee was right above them. Please Dee, don't do something stupid. Ryo pleaded.

Dee watched the smugglers climb up the rock. They were going to pass right next to him!... If he could take them both down... then he would have something to rub in that smug ranger bitches face. He crouched ready to pounce... He leapt, gunless, unarmed at the two smugglers as they walked passed.

Ryo watched as Dee jumped out of the bushes, watched as he struggled unarmed with the smuggler's then watched as Dee tumble into the rough water. Ryo immediately had a slow motion flash back to Merci rescuing Dee, unconscious and not breathing from the water days before. But Dee didn't hit the water. With a sickening thud that they could hear even over the rage of the storm Dee hit the narrow shoal of rock.... Then slowly and limply his body slid into the water. Flynn stood up in the canoe and dove into the water, leaving Ryo rutterless in the water. Ryo paddled anyway though the waves quickly spun the directionless canoe backwards. Ryo tried to look over his shoulder as the canoe was washed towards the cliffs. He caught sight of Flynn standing waist deep in water but he did not see Dee.

Dee felt himself hit the stone shoal. He felt himself sink into the water. He tried to struggle to the surface, but his body would not respond, his arms flailed but it was as though his legs were dead weight. He panicked flailing harder. The world started to dim. In an illumination of lightning he saw Flynn, swimming under him seizing him suddenly his forearm along Dee's spine, gripping the back of his head, the other along Dee's sternum gripping his chin hard. Dee gasped and sputtered as Flynn floated him to the surface.

Ryo jumped out of the canoe wadding in water that was chest deep on him to Flynn.

"Dee, where's Dee!" Then he saw that Flynn held him, immobilizing his neck, Dee floating in the water. "What's wrong! What's happened?" Dee still coughed and sputtered not yet wholey conscious.

"I think he broke his neck, come here Ryo." Flynn called over the pounding water. When Ryo was standing next to him, he transferred the immobilizing hold to Ryo, so he literally held his loves life in his hands. "Hold him just like this as tight as you can! Don't let his neck move! Don't take him out of the water, just try and hold on!" Flynn yelled over the wind and rain.

"Flynn! No, I cant! Where are you going?" Ryo called in a panic and Flynn began to haul himself out of the water and up the cliff, a paddle in one hand. As Flynn disappeared from sight Merci popped up next to Ryo, bobbing in water deeper then she could touch, having dragged a pack with her.

"What happened!"

"He fell Merci! Please, I can't hold him! What if I make it worse." Ryo pleaded terrified that his grip wasn't right that one of these waves would knock him over and Dee would just... die.

"You have to Ryo, I need to get up on those cliffs to radio back to base so we can fly him out of here. You've got him just fine. Just hold on." Ryo gapped after her as she took the soaking pack that must weight now near a hundred pounds, almost her own weight, and climb the cliffs in the blinding rain. Just hold on? He looked town at his poor pale koi. God help him...

Flynn scrambled over the top of the cliffs impressed he made it with paddle still in hand. Bending down, he looked at the sets of foot prints in the mud that the piercing rain hadn't yet driven away, then he took off into the woods following the trail of broken twigs and foot prints in the mud, paddle under his arm. He sprinted as the branches of pine whiped back at him soaking him even more thoroughly. He could smell the rain, the pine...and sweat. He couldn't hear but he didn't need to. He could feel their feet pounding the stone ground. His long legs brought him through the forest with practiced ease he almost had them.

Merci struggled up the cliffs. If she fell it was over. The pack nearly equaled her weight and she was struggling. She sighed in relief as she pulled her self onto flat ground rainwater streaming down her face as she opened the pack as fast as she could and yanked out the water proof radio. Let it work, let me get reception she prayed. If Dee's neck was broken he wouldn't last long enough for them to canoe him back. He needed help now. She flicked the on button and tuned it to the right channel. "Merci Phoenix, number 3422563, crew 12, ship to shore, ship to shore." She waited held her breath rocking with fear and nervousness. "Merci Phoenix 3422563, crew 12, ship to shore ship to shore."

"We read you Merci, what's the situation?"

"Officer down!"

Dee's green eyes became more alert all of a sudden as Ryo struggled to keep both their heads above yet another wave. "Ryo what's going on? Why are you holding me like that....?"

"Just hold still Dee, Please, don't move okay?" Ryo pleaded not even feeling his tears for how wet his face already was.

"Why not...what happened..." Dee paused a moment, a horror dawning his face. "Ryo! I can't feel my legs! Why can't I feel my legs!" Dee cried in alarm. "Let me up Ryo! Let me up! I'm fine, I just need to walk it off!" Dee's voice held an edge of hysteria. If he got up he would be fine. Dee told himself again, ignoring the logic that told him that he couldn't get up. He couldn't feel his legs and that meant exactly one thing.

"Please Dee hold still. Just trust me, don't move koi, please this is hard enough with out you struggling!" Ryo cried as he sputtered through another wave. Dee began to flail trying to fight Ryo off. "No! Let me up! What the fucks wrong with you! Let me up!"

"Dee please!" Ryo pleaded holding on tight leaving white marks where his fingers gripped Dee's chin. One of Dee's hands came up gripping Ryo at the forearm, which was pressed against his chest.

"Am I paralyzed Ryo?! Look at me Goddamnit!" Ryo's dark eye looked sorrowfully down into his lovers.

"I don't know Dee, I don't know, I'm just doing exactly what Flynn told me."

"Fuck! Fuck!" Dee screamed struggling again, crying now as he flailed helplessly against Ryo's strong arms keeping his head and neck immobilized and helping him float. Ryo felt Dee's chest heaving with fear.

"Dee, please!" Ryo was verging on hysteria himself. It was too much, just too much. Eight days of dirt, bad food, grumpy Dee, and work...hard work. Ryo had never worked so hard in his life...and now Dee... He bent his head so he and Dee were forehead to forehead looking into each other eyes. "Dee please.... Please be strong just a while longer. We don't know what's wrong. Don't get scared yet. I need you to be strong okay?" Ryo pleaded desperately. Dee was afraid, and he could understand why. But Ryo wouldn't be able to keep them afloat if Dee kept fighting him; the waves were getting higher and the water colder. Their lives were in danger in a whole new way that left Ryo feeling like he was in a nightmare, the kind where no matter what you do you die in the end. "Please Dee, please."

"Ryo..." Dee pleaded looking deep into his eyes searching for the answer. He tried to steady his breathing tried just to relax in his lover's strong arms. But God what if he was paralyzed. What if he never walked again, he would have to give up his work. He would have to give up sports... taking care of himself... he would have to give up making love to Ryo! This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't.

Flynn could smell them now, their sweat their fear. He had no idea what they were saying, but he didn't care. He wasn't asking questions this time. As far as he was concerned Dee's fall was attempted murder and a peaceful resolution wasn't happening. He slowed his pace some. As he crept along now able to see the colors of their jackets. Paddle in hand he crept closer then with a sudden explosion of movement... The first was unconscious with a lump forming on the back of his head before Flynn even had followed all the way through. The second wasn't taken by surprise, having time to react he brought his gun up. Flynn back swung with the paddle and sent it flying, another swing rendered the second unconscious. Flynn cuffed them quickly but left them where they lay more concerned with getting back to the injured Dee.

It was an hour before they heard the blades of the chopper over the wind, waves and rain. Ryo still gripped Dee with every ounce of his strength though Flynn now stood with him helping brace him against the waves, wrapping thermal blankets around them both as Ryo's lips turned blue and Dee began to slip into shock and unconsciousness. Paramedics rappelled down with a backboard freeing Dee from Ryo's numb hands and strapping him down before lifting him into the copter. Next were the two smugglers.

"We can't take any more!" the wilderness medic called. "Too heavy in all this wind, can you make it back?" Flynn nodded and it took a Ryo a moment to process what ha just been said. He wasn't going back with Dee. He had to stay here. They were separating him from his injured and frightened Koibito.

"No! Dee!" Ryo yelled struggling towards the hovering chopper. Flynn's arms around his waist restrained him and he fought back hard, clocking Flynn in the jaw, kicking him in the shins. They struggled in the water half drowning in wave after wave, as lighting strobed the sky. When Flynn finally gave in and Ryo struggled to the surface looking around the chopper was gone. His Dee was gone; to lord only knew what fate. "DEE!" He screamed to the sky as Flynn's arms came around his waist again dragging him a shore. Ryo remembered vaguely fighting back some more, remembered being stripped naked then wrapped in two sleeping bags. Merci and Flynn curling up on either side of him trying to keep him and themselves warm. He remembered them signing between themselves but it was all as in a half-waking dream. Brief flashes of memory like a movie he may have once seen long ago and had slept through most of.