Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Wilderness Survival 101 ❯ Dip dip and swing ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Fake, if I did you would be reading this as a manga, not a fan fic. Definite lemon/ yaoi... some angst, language definitely NC 17

Chapter Two: Dip dip and swing.

Merci's contralto voice carried over the still water of Lake Isabelle, singing what was allegedly an 'old vouger tune'. Ryo had fallen into the routine of each day on the water, up at dawn, take down camp and pack up, eat breakfast then start the morning off with wet feet by stepping the lake to launch the canoes. Paddle, portage, paddle, portage, paddle, portage.... The wilderness was quiet, a quiet rarely broken other then Merci's soft singing. Occasionally an eagle screamed overhead, or a loon called on the wind, once they had even heard a moose bellow, but they had not seen the creature. Ryo actually enjoyed the monotony of hours paddling the canoe. Dip dip and swing, dip dip and swing, dip dip and swing. Dee on the other hand... Ryo glanced back at his partner and lover who was bowsmen for Merci's canoe. Dee was painfully sunburned, face red but for two circles around his eyes that had been covered with sunglasses that first day when he declined sunscreen and a hat. Having learned his lesson well, Dee was currently slathered in sunscreen, which Ryo had take care (not to mention pleasure!) in applying to Dee himself. His face was hidden under the shadow of a baseball cap, sunglasses firmly planted on his nose, long sleeved shirt covering him to his wrists. Around each hand a bandanna had been wound...blisters appearing quickly on Dee's palms from the paddle... Ryo knew there was also a bruise on the back of Dee's neck from carrying a canoe improperly on a long portage. Ryo flashed a smile as his grumpy partner, hoping to cheer him. Dee's green eyes lit up some at Ryo's smile and he offered one back. Dispite his hatred of the current situation, the sight of his lover's smile always livened his spirits...and a few other things.

Ryo shook his head, if only Dee would listen he wouldn't be so sore about all this. If he had applied sunscreen when everyone, even the normally silent Flynn had entreated him to do, if he had held the canoe paddle the right way, if he had listened when Flynn showed him how to hoist the canoe on his shoulders and situate it.... But Dee was stubborn... Ryo was charmed by this pigheadedness to some degree, but when it put Dee in a tailspin of three days of intense grumpyness.... Ryo was not charmed.

Two days ago they had spent an evening with the Canadian Ranger who watched over Canadian customs at the border of Minnesota and Canada, between Sucker Lake and Bailey bay. She had told them that she had seen no one any more or less suspicious then anyone else, that frequently young men came up to the Boundary Waters to drink and be foolish, and left their trash at their campsites along the way. She didn't search packs, it would be impossible, and hundreds of people came through in canoes each day in both directions. Duluth packs were carefully packed. It would take hours, she asserted just to get three canoes through customs if she did that. Ryo had been reminded of his and Dee's new companion Merci, in this encounter. A hard tough woman, who knew her stuff and didn't take shit from anyone. Especially not New York City Detectives, especially not when a certain dark haired detective flirted with her. Since then Dee had been in a terrible funk, and Ryo had chosen to ignore it.
Ryo looked at his wrist mid-swing and saw that the afternoon was coming to a close, immediately he began searching the map for when and where to stop and camp for the night. Flynn to had seemed to have the same though because his odd garbled voice broke through Ryo's Thoughts.

"Let's camp on this lake. Next lake has fewer campsites." Ryo saw the shadow of Merci's canoe moving towards his and with out a thought reached out to buffer the canoe before they crashed, guiding it alongside theirs until Dee was parked along side him, long legs bent under his canoe seat. Ryo flashed him another smile as the Rangers began a quick conversation in sign language.

"Hey Dee, I was thinking maybe tonight if we had time, you and I could go for a little solo paddle."

Dee paused a moment trying to discern if there was innuendo in the statement, and with Ryo's enigmatic smile it was hard to tell. Dee quirked and eyebrow and smirked. "Solo paddle?"

Ryo continued quietly, lest Merci overhear. "Yeah, you know, me, you, calm lake, moon over head, loons calling... Just free floating, a little privacy."

Dee broke into a grin, leaning forward to kiss Ryo, who immediately sat back. Flynn and Merci didn't know! They would think he and Dee were unprofessional! Unfortunately Dee kept leaning forward...his canoe began to tip. Merci swiveled in her seat leaning forward trying to distribute her weight evenly and keep the canoe afloat.

"Sit back idiot!" She cried, knowing it was far too late to do anything about the tipping watercraft now.

"Baka!" Ryo exclaimed about to lean forward to try and right his partner. Flynn's paddle came up hard and fast, pressing Ryo back in his seat, the flat of the blade pressed against his chest, trying to save their canoe from a similar fate. Dee suddenly realized what was happening and tried to correct, leaning back the other way. Merci grunted in a combination of annoyance and alarm as Dee over compensated. Ryo struggled to get past Flynn's Paddle, not understanding why the man was holding him back, their own canoe rocked dangerously.

"SHIT!" Dee exclaimed once again trying to compensate for the tipping, this time back towards Ryo's canoe again. But it was all over, as Ryo could tell Merci had known from the first tip. They were going in. No sooner had Ryo had the thought then the canoe capsized spilling Dee, Merci and two packs of gear into the chilly water. There was a thunk of something solid hitting aluminum and Ryo and Flynn felt the vibration in their canoe as a huge splash half drenched them as well, both disappeared under the water. The canoe, now swamped, righted itself and floated with just the tip of its bow and stern above water. First the two packs bobbed up to the surface, then with a gasp and a toss of her hair, Merci reappeared, water streaming down her face. There was a pause... long moments slid past.

"Where's Dee?" Merci was the first to ask as already Flynn and Ryo scanned the water.

"Dee! Dee" Ryo called frantically peering into the clear water. There was a flicker, the clear unadulterated water of the Boundary Waters reveal the flutter of a white shirt somewhere below. "There!" Ryo pointed and was about to dive in when once again that cursed paddle stopped him.

"Wait Ryo, Merci is a trained life guard." Flynn's voice was calm despite the tension he too must have been feeling.

"No! I cant! What happened, why isn't he coming up! What if he drowns! What if-" Ryo didn't get to express the rest of his fear, cut off my Merci surfacing once again, an unconscious Dee hanging limply in her arms. "Dee!" Ryo reached out for them only to be pushed back by Flynn's paddle yet again, trying to keep Ryo still and the canoe upright. Ryo couldn't help and think, in some part of his mind that was not taken up with overwhelming fear for Dee, that the deaf ranger wielded that like a Zen Master.

"Is He breathing?" Flynn asked calmly as Merci kicked her way over to the canoe.

"Shit, no, I think he got some water in him." She immediately started for shore; there was no way the proper thing could be done in the bottom of a canoe. Ryo immediately picked up his paddle and headed after her. The canoe his the rough rock of the western shore of the lake before Merci could touch ground, Flynn immediately hopped out and swam out to her helping drag the unconscious Dee into shore. Ryo fretted, knowing that Merci and Flynn knew best, that their medical training superseded his. He cursed how far they were from medical help.

"Can you help him? Will he be okay?" Ryo asked frantically, kneeling down to take one of Dee's hands as Flynn compressed his chest. "Dee, come on Dee, snap out of it! Be okay Dee please, please, be okay!" Ryo begged gripping Dee's lifeless hand. Flynn checked for a pulse.

"I've got a pulse...its weak." Flynn immediately started mouth to mouth, pausing between breaths to press, very carefully just below Dee's sternum, trying to get him to cough up the water that had interrupted his breathing. Another breath was forced into Dee's lungs. There was a retching; Flynn sat back abruptly as Dee rolled onto his side, with help from Merci, coughing and retching, a small amount of water dribbling over his lips onto the rock underneath him. Ryo patted his back; tears streaming down his cheeks yet unfelt as he patted Dee on the back. Merci and Flynn moved a ways off wanting to give them some privacy and reassured that for the moment anyway, Dee was alive and breathing. Ryo brought his arms around this still retching and hacking Dee, supporting his torso so he was half sitting up, stroking his hair away from his face whispering softly to him in Japanese. Slowly Dee's breathing returned to normal and he groaned, leaning back into his partner's arms, panting.

"Ryo, what happened?"

"You must have hit your head on our canoe, you stopped breathing Dee! I almost lost you! Baka baka baka!" Ryo scolded, holding Dee tight, rocking slightly. Now that Dee was okay his extreme fear spilled over into anger as he both clutched and scolded the poor bewildered Dee.

"Ryo, Ryo...I'm okay, its all right, I'm okay... I think..." He said with a grimace as he felt the knot on his forehead. Dispite his sore chest and head he couldn't help but feel satisfied in the way Ryo held him and he tilted his head back to look up into his partners eyes and mustered a smile. "Hey Ryo, its okay." His voice was soft and tender and very unDee-ish. Ryo nodded then hugged him tightly.

"I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you Dee." Ryo bowed his head so his forehead was against Dee's, closing his eyes and just holding him. Still far too upset over the near miss to even care that Flynn and Merci were only a few yards away, keeping half an eye on Dee to make sure he didn't relapse.

"Yeah but you didn't loose me Ryo, I'm still here, your not getting rid of me that easily!" He leaned up and stole a brief kiss before having to turn on his side again his lungs forcing out a few more drops of water. Seeing that the intimate moment was over, Merci trudged over, her boots spurting water from the drain holes.

"We're making camp here, I don't want to move Dee yet... we may have to abort this mission. "She spared a glare at Dee. "He's not entirely out of the woods yet, no pun intended of course, if that water stays in his lungs we could have real problems. Not to mention what we may have lost in those two packs, Flynn's retrieving them now, but one of the packs had at least two of our guns in it, as well as possibly some of our food. No guns, no food and a man down make for a shity mission. Nice going Latener." Pulling at the shirt that clung to her tiny frame the fiery woman stomped off, water still spurting from the drain holes at her instep.

Ryo looked down at Dee raising an eyebrow, not willing to berate him any more at the moment; he was pale and still coughing... And looking at their guide with a glare that would have froze a lesser person in her tracks. Merci, in an almost eerily Dee like gesture flicked Dee off over her shoulder...with both hands.

"Stupid bitch how dare she suggest that we abort the mission! I did not spend the last five days with out beer and TV to abort now!" Dee started trying to get to his feet. "I'm fine! So I hacked up a little water! So I banged my head! Its not like I'm bleeding to death or something, guns dry...besides-" Dee's voice was gaining volume with each word as Ryo tried to restrain him.

"Dee, you need to rest!" Ryo protested trying to hold Dee down. Dee was not about to be detoured.

"- I thought you were Queen of the wilderness or some shit like that why don't you go kill us a fucking moose then we will have plenty of food! I am not fucking giving up this case!" Dee had gotten up on one knee and was about to push himself into a standing position, his mouth half open for another foul-mouthed tirade, when another fit of coughing over whelmed him. He would have simply fallen back on his side if not for Ryo's arms coming tenderly around him and easing him back to a reclined position.

"Quiet bakka!" Ryo snapped. "Just sit still before you kill yourself. I swear to god if you die on me Latener I will hunt down your soul, resurrect you, and kill you myself!" Ryo continued, shaking his head. Dee too seemed to see the wisdom of resting for the moment, though Ryo strongly suspected it was simply so he could goo toe to toe with the five-foot devil called Merci at full strength.

Flynn paddled back to shore, having managed to empty the canoe of water mid-lake and recapture their two packs then row back ashore, all of this done fully clothed and in boots. After propping Dee up against a pack Ryo went to help set up camp, luckily the patch of shore they had pulled Dee onto was a already made campsite with open spots for the tents and a fire ring already built. After tents were pitched and the other necessary evening chores done Ryo returned to Dee with his dry clothes, helping him change. Flynn gave Dee another once over and stated in his quiet garbled way that Dee seemed fine and that there was likely very little fluid in his lungs. Two of the guns had indeed been soaked, both Dee's and Flynn's service revolvers had been broken down and set out on a rock to dry. The cartridges in them tosses in a plastic baggy and slipped in with the other unburnable garbage.

Ryo watched Dee nap in the sun. His long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles, bare feet resting on the heated rock. Dee's arms were folded under his head and a faint smile played on his lips. The afternoon dunking had left Dee looking clean, dirt and soot smudges from the pervious days gone, hair laying in a more natural manner. His sunburned skin had faded from a lobster red to a faint pinkish... He looked almost innocent, Ryo thought, asleep in the virgin wilderness. A shadow fell over Ryo and he looked up startled as the lanky Flynn crouched down next to him studying his face.

"Penny for your thoughts?" The deaf ranger offered. Ryo had grown accustom to his ackward voice and always listened carefully when he spoke to be sure to catch his words. He had been impressed how well the man with an alleged disability got on, he rarely missed a beat even in group conversation, his eyes hopping from mouth to mouth as he followed the conversation from set of lips to set of lips.

"I was..." Ryo tried to think of an excuse quickly, dispite his obvious display of emotion this afternoon he wasn't about to come right out and say that he and Dee were lovers. "I was just noticing how clean he looked..." The Ranger smiled.

"Well you could always go for a swim yourself... it feels almost as good as a shower."

Ryo considered this as Flynn stood up and headed off to set up the ropes used to hang their food out of a bear's reach. Instead, happy to by dry for the moment, Ryo moved over to sit down next to Dee.

"Mmm.... that better be my lover... or were having Ranger for dinner." The smile that had been playing faintly on Dee's lips grew as he spoke his green eyes opening in a flash of color.

"Hai Dee, its me." Ryo said, pulling one knee up to his chest letting his other leg stretch out in front of him... Dee shifted laying his head on Ryo's thigh.

"You know I was having the most wonderful dream... it involved you, and me...naked... on a beach with a full moon...we were kissing and then I-"

"Dee! They could hear!" Ryo blushed furiously.

"Well Flynn couldn't hear if he was standing right next to us." Dee retorted. "Beside its left me in a bit of a predicament." Ryo tried very hard not to let his eyes move down to the bulge under Dee's fly... but it was a futile effort. He swallowed, and when he spoke he tried for and sardonic tone.

"Yes I see that, koi."

"We haven't made love in seven days! " Dee complained. "We've barely been alone in the last five! I'm going crazy!"

"You already were there, Dee. Besides there is nothing we can do about it now. We share a tent with Merci and Flynn, and I will not scamper off into the woods to mate like rabbits!" Dee tried for the puppy dog eyes next, looking into Ryo's eyes green eyes and wide and pathetic looking. Ryo swallowed again and blushed then shook his head. Dee groaned. Ryo patted Dee's headed, grinning.

"We've gone longer then that before Dee, I don't think it will kill you. Besides," Ryo's grin faded and he stroked Dee's hair. "I'm not sure your up for it, you still look pretty shaky from earlier." Dee nodded, for once conceding to this, but looking chagrined to admit he was still weak... then again the way Ryo was fawning over him...

"Your right Ryo, I do still feel a little woozy..." Dee said, trying to hide a smirk...and almost relented as he saw Ryo's worried expression, but then Ryo was helping him sit up, rubbing his back, offering him sips of water, bringing him dinner when it was ready.

Merci and Flynn kept their distance from both men, holding their own counsel for the evening. As the sun went down Flynn lit a fire in the stone pit, the gentle scent of burning pine hinted under the heavier musk of carbon smoke. Indeed Dee thought he might actually be a little woozy, because it seemed rather all of a sudden that the sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon and he and Ryo sat alone at the fire. Ryo's arm was warm around his shoulders and Dee leaned into him happy to be so close. Ryo's scent mingled with that of the wood smoke, and even after five days in the wilderness without any real bathing Ryo still seemed to smell fresh and clean. "You smell wonderful, Baby."

Ryo chuckled softly shaking his head. "I think you hit your head harder then we realized, I was just thinking how disgusting it must be to be sitting this close to me. I was thinking of going for a swim."
"Naked?" Dee asked hopefully, which earned him a light swat.

"Well... it's hard to get clean fully dressed." Ryo whispered his voice husky. Dee couldn't see in the faint light that was left of the day but he knew Ryo was blushing and it made him grin.

"Well in that case be my guest, please, I encourage your naked swimming...only if I can watch of course."

"Dee!" Ryo complained, and Dee braced himself for another swatting but instead Ryo slipped away from him walking towards the water. Dee butt-scooted after him making a seat for himself on the sloping rock of the shore. Ryo stood on the short stretch of flat rock at the very edge of the water, shuddering a little bit as he recalled Dee's lifeless body being pulled onto it only a few hours before. Dee reclined back on his elbows watching his lover stand at the shore as the moon began to rise. Even full dressed he was a sight to behold his strong shoulders tapering to narrow hips, his soft honey colored hair teasing the nape of his neck. Ryo crouched down, railing a hand in the clear water, stalling for time, not quite sure he was brave enough not only to stripe down while Dee was so blatantly watching him, but with Flynn and Merci a stones throw away. The slope of the bank gave him some privacy from the rangers who were also asleep in the tent, but still there was that possibility. He stood and looked back up at Dee, who smiled hungrily. Ryo sighed and bribed himself with the idea of being clean. He slowly unbuttoned the long sleeve shirt that had been keeping him warm against the slightly chilling night air, folding it carefully he set it aside, another glance up at his partner. Dee's green eyes seemed to almost glow in the dark. Ryo sighed turning back to the water the full moons light turning the calm lake silver. Ryo pulled the tee shirt over his head, folded it neatly and set it aside, chest now bare he bent and removed his shoes and socks. Dee watched every move, licking his lips as his lovers beautiful chest was exposed his porcelain skin radiant in the moonlight.

"Your amazing, Ryo." Dee breathed, his pants suddenly feeling a little tight. Ryo looked back over his shoulder as slowly he lowered his fly, then pushed the quick-dry material down his legs along with his boxers. Dee gasped at the sight of Ryo perfectly shaped ass; cupping his straining erection trough his pants to try and ease some of the ache. Ryo stepped carefully into the water his bare feet feeling for any sharp rocks before each step as he slowly walked deeper into the water. Ryo let out a gasp of his own as the water rose to his thighs.

"It's cold." He called back to Dee, glancing back only briefly. Biting his lip, Ryo dove under the water getting the sudden hit of the less then warm water over with all at once. He emerged, water streaming down his face and back as he gasped and laughed softly. The laugh turned into a yelp of surprise as he felt arms come around his waist and he was pulled back against a warm body... a very warm, very masculine, very aroused body. He could feel Dee's throbbing arousal pressed against his back as Dee ran hot kisses over his neck and shoulder. "Dee, you shouldn't be out here, you're still not a hundred percent."
"Oh I'm a hundred percent and more. Goddamn I want you Ryo." Dee whispered gruffly, still nipping at Ryo's shoulder. Ryo moaned and leaned back into him.

"I want you too Dee... This afternoon, when they pulled you out of the water, when you weren't breathing, I thought...I thought..." Ryo spun in Dee's arms, so they were pressed chest to chest, hugging Dee tightly to him. "I thought we would never have a chance for this again. I thought I had lost you. I had this mental image of paddling back with your body... Having to carry you over portage after portage... Having to fly you back to new York, standing over your grave with Bikky...god, Dee..." Ryo sniffled, pressing his face into Dee's chest, wanting so badly to be held, to feel Dee still strong and alive. Dee obliged holding him close.

"I was scared too, when I first came around... I wasn't sure where I was or what had happened, but you were right there with your arms around me, so I knew I was safe. I was with you, so everything was going to be okay."

"I love you, Dee."

I love you too." Ryo used the natural buoyancy of the water to hold him up as he wrapped his legs around Dee's waist, suddenly seizing his mouth with a hot needy kiss. Dee took a step back in surprise, but melted into the kiss letting Ryo plunder his mouth. Finally Ryo let him up for air, placing frantic kisses over Dee's jaw and neck, his arousal pressed hard against Dee.

"I want you, now." Ryo panted. Dee looked down at his suddenly passionate Ryo, brushing a stray strand of wet hair from his forehead, suddenly wanting to go slower, take things at a nice slow pace, but Ryo was having none of it. His kisses arousing Dee even further, their passion heightening, with little more then kisses. Dee rubbed his hard cock against Ryo's creating a delicious heated friction in the cool water. His hands found Ryo's hips and lifted them higher. Ryo clung to Dee's shoulders panting and moaning softly with desire as Dee placed the head of his shaft against Ryo's waiting bud and slowly entered him. Ryo's mouth moved to Dee's shoulder biting down gently, trying to stifle the moans emanating from him unheeded, and to hide the strength of the passion playing on his face, too shy to meet Dee's eyes during their passioned coupling. Dee grunted with pleasure, biting his lip as Ryo's tight heat encircled him and took him in. Dee's thrusting cock found the center of Ryo's pleasure and rubbed against it.

"Mmm...Hai Dee...feels so good!" He panted, thrusting down on Dee's hardness. Dee reached between them seizing Ryo's shaft and pumping it in time with their movements. Ryo bit down on Dee's shoulder, leaving marks, as his cock twitched in Dee's stroking hand. Dee arched his back pounding hard into his lover, crying out his name again and again as his own climax rocked through him. He stumbled back as he knees went weak; barely regaining his balance with Ryo still wrapped around him. Ryo soothed the mark of his teeth on Dee's shoulder with gentle kisses, clinging to him willingly as Dee slowly waded back to sore, setting Ryo on his feet when they got into shallower water. The two of them collapsed next to each other on the small shoal of flat rock dozing in the warmth of each other arms until cold and mosquitoes drove them to find their clothes and take shelter in the tent. They slipped into their sleeping bags on one end of the tent, Ryo pulling Dee close to him, spooning around him.

"Love you koibito"

"Love...you...too" Dee managed to mumble before falling deeply into sleep.