Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ The awaking ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The awaking
Great Barr, Birmingham, UK
Michael has returned home, his house was an original semi-detached house built during World War 2. At least it was authentic unlike the hosing estates that are popping up, destroying the environment.
Michael got to the dining room and opened his bag, there was his USB drive in the inside pocket, he will need to transfer his collage work to the hard drive with this. But then he noticed the doll the gypsy gave him. He still wondered what she meant by the doll giving him happiness.
Michael: I better take this to my bedroom
Michael goes up to the bedroom and puts the doll underneath his pillow. It is not technically his bedroom; he shares it with his brother. As he went downstairs his mom, Jane stops him.
Jane: How it has been today?
Michael: It's been OK
He has to say it has been fine, saying anything about his assignment work being too much, or that the buses were late because they don't care about the public would start hoo-ha's, Jane dismisses them and says he is stupid, Michael feels Jane is trying to repress him and force him to work in a corrupt government, not realizing the scale of the corruption. Michael doesn't want to be in some government's “dictatorship” plans. He wants to fight for freedom, but he doesn't have the support or encouragement to do so.
Later on, Michael was watching TV with his family while eating dinner. The news was on, showing a report that an appeal to overturn the parliament act used on the foxhunting ban has failed. As the report states this…
Michael: Meaning Tony Blair's “I'm a dictator law” will still be used to destroy freedom.
Jane: Shut up, Michael.
Even though Michael stays out of the foxhunting problem, he is disgusted that the government would have to use the parliament law to achieve there plans (the parliament act allows a law to be passed by the house of commons regardless of the house of lords decision.). Michael thinks that having such a law that defies democracy is something the world would really do without. His brother Steve adds extra “punch” to Jane's reply.
Michael: I'm only telling the truth.
Steve: But because of you interrupting, we have missed what they have said.
This what keeps on happening, every single time Michael responds to an event his family complains on both what he says. He can never tell what he thinks about the world. He feels that whatever he says will just make anything, regardless of what is happening, worse.
Later Michael goes onto the computer; he was on there happily playing when Steve comes up.
Steve: Can I have the computer in about 15 minutes?
Michael has already been on there for 15 minutes and already Steve is asking for a go. Doing anything else now is pointless and there is no way out of it, you give up the computer or you face verbal “punching” from either Steve or Jane.
Michael: (Sighs)… fine.
As Steve leaves, Michael stares at the monitor, he has a wallpaper of Yuna on there. Although he hasn't played Final fantasy X (And he can't because he has an Xbox, he would like a PS2 to play Final fantasy X on but it is expensive and he can't earn it.) he thinks Yuna is beautiful, he has other wallpapers as well, based on Anime and video games but he already seems to like Yuna out of all of his collection. He usually hides the wallpaper with a program, just in case Steve goes in and starts commenting about what he is doing (The results are usually with him complaining that he is running or doing something he shouldn't, when he has run all checks on the program and that he likes to use it). He speaks to himself
Michael: Why… why does he do this to me? He knows perfectly well I have just gone on here.
He knows he can't win, every time he tries he gets overruled and possibly told off, saying that he is being selfish, he thinks he is just the family slave to them and they won't him just to do any chores that are needed, not to have any fun.
As he goes to bed that night, he silently cries, he has been doing this for sometime now, possibly after he did his first collage course, his family hasn't been giving him any room or comfort. He sees the doll he hid under his pillow, he takes it and holds it close and whispers.
Michael: I wish I had a true friend… a true magical girlfriend.
With that he goes to sleep. In the night the doll glows and leaves his now open hand and hovers near his bed. It glows brighter and starts to become his dream, his true friend he has always been wanting.