Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ First things first ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

First things first
Michael and Yuna just finished hugging each over. Michael was now very happy; he finally has his true friend he has always been dreaming of. They both smiled at each other as they struggled to try and speak (As they were both shy)
Michael: Um… I … Um. Don't know what to say except…
Yuna: You don't have to say anything, Michael.
Michael: Well um… I'm sometimes called Mike. You can call me Michael or Mike, I don't mind.
Yuna: How about Mikey.
Michael: Well I…
Yuna can already tell Michael was blushing. She smiled while she was waiting for his answer.
Michael: OK, it's umm… a nice nickname.
Yuna: OK then, Mikey I will call you sometimes.
Michael: What's your name?
Yuna: Yuna
Now he knew he wasn't dreaming, he was speaking to a computer game character, one he never saw in action.
Michael: I don't believe it, you… you really are Yuna.
Yuna: Well, yes I am. I am what you dreamt about me.
Michael: What do you mean?
Yuna: I am a spiritual creation, summoned from the sprit world. The dimension you thought that connects your faith to others, the place of light and dream.
Michael: How did you know I thought of such a place?
Yuna: I am based on what I was created with and what you dreamed of. You dreamt that I inherit the best of both abilities from both games that I am based on and given other powers based on what you dreamed. One of those powers that you thought I should have was telepathy, so I know what you are thinking and can help with any problems you need.
Michael: So that's why you were concerned, you knew I was hurt. But, I don't understand, why didn't you tell me earlier.
Yuna: I prefer to let people speak, and let me find out if it is the truth.
Michael: You remind me of the…
Yuna: Doll? The gypsy gave you that to anchor me into realty. All it needed was your cry for help.
Michael: So she knew I was alone.
Michael smiled; he thinks he should thank her should he find her next time.
Yuna: Of course we will Mike. I…oops.
Michael: You were peering into my thoughts again, weren't you?
They both laughed, at least Michael knew her telepathy wouldn't allow him to hide secrets from her, but it for the best.
Michael: So, what powers did I give you? Unless you knew that already
A small chuckle comes from Michael.
Yuna: I can summon spirits from the four elements and cast energy blasts with my Rod.
Michael: I suspect you can summon your rod to your hands rather than carrying it.
Yuna: Yes. I can heal wounds with my hands or my rod. I can summon my element pistols.
Michael: Element pistols?
Yuna: You wanted me to be pacifist yet use the pistols from X-2 to fire shots of earth, air, water or fire.
Michael: That good to hear, you know it still uses mana don't you.
Yuna: Of course, Um… Shall I continue?
Michael: Go on.
Yuna: I can hypnotize people with my eyes, necklace or fingers, sometimes assisted by my voice. I have telepathy, telekinesis, and advanced empathy.
Michael: Advanced empathy?
Yuna: Empathic abilities as well as other powers like dream control and illusion.
Michael: That's what I thought you should have. You can essentially defy reality.
Yuna: Yes, that's right. I can change my clothes with my mind.
Michael: It's either that, or I will have to get a new wardrobe. (Laughs)
Yuna smiles as he cracks the joke. Yuna is happy that Michael is openly speaking his mind. She tickles him for a bit before she continues.
Yuna: I know Tai chi and ninjutsu. I will teach you Tai chi as well; it will make you more elegant in your fighting skills. I can sing and dance. Teleport…
Michael: with other people if needed?
Yuna: Yes, though it will drain my powers more if that occurs, OK.
Michael understands the reason. She may be a spiritually created woman, but that doesn't mean her mana is on tap, she will have to rest to recharge her powers.
Yuna: I can meditate, which I will teach you as well and I can go invisible, so I can hide from your family.
Michael: Unless they have something to detect you. Which they won't.
Yuna: My invisibility returns me to the spirit plane, rendering most detection ineffective.
Michael: You will still have to be careful (Put his hand on Yuna) I need you Yuna, I will never make you a slave because I not that kind of person. I fight for truth and justice, just like you. I mean it.
Yuna: Thanks Mike, I was worried that because I had all these powers, you could abuse me. But, I knew you wouldn't do that.
Michael: Is there anything else?
Yuna: I also have the ability to force my thoughts at another, effectually persuading them to do such a task. It called the dreamer's persuade.
Michael: Dreamer's persuade?
Yuna: It what I am, a dreamer, a spirit sent from the spirit world to repair a person's life. The dreamer will never leave her friend, so long as he abides her respect. That she will never be abused. Promise me, Mike, that will you treat me as a friend and not a slave and in return I will help you when you are down and help you in your dreams.
Michael holds her hands.
Michael: I promise. We will do this together, I want to free the world from corruption but neither had the support or encouragement to do so. I have been hurt, physical and mentally because of people who thought it was fun or thought I was mad. I felt so lonely and lost, until you came, you already given me that care. So, from now to infinity (and for some unknown reason, that sounded like it came off a song)…
Yuna laughed
Michael:…will you help me?
Yuna: I will Michael, you nothing to fear. We will do this together!
Yuna kisses Michael. Michael flutters and feels enchanted by her.
Michael: Thanks
Yuna: You too.
Michael: I will get us some tea. Do you have sugar?
Yuna: To be honest, I never tried tea.
Michael: I will do one with sugar then.
Michael leaves Yuna and goes to the kitchen.