Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ The past gets worst...before it gets better ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The past gets worse, before it gets better
Yuna: Tell me about secondary education
Michael (monotone): We had to choose a school where there is a clampdown on bulling. We choose a school, which has a support base because of my mental disability. I thought it would be the last of my bulling problem.
Yuna: But it wasn't
Michael (monotone): No, it was a new set of bullies, with new ways to bully me, including destroying and stealing my work, fiddling, physical attack and later on, surveillance.
Yuna: Did you respond physically, like in primary?
Michael (monotone): I did at first, but the teachers were more sincere and determined to punish bullies. I was able to write reports about the incidents, and the bullies got punished, I thought it was going to mean excluding them, but the law prevented that.
Yuna: How?
Michael (monotone): The law at that time stated that with each exclusion, the school would have to pay for the transferring. That has changed now, but it came to late for me.
Yuna: Did you get you punished for your physical actions?
Michael (monotone): I did, I got a few open detentions and a warning to stop it when I was in Year 9 or face exclusion. So I wised up, and only used verbal responses to defend myself and to physically defend only if I got hit first, but above all to report all incidents and to ignore them. When it came to the end of Year 11, they realised they won't be able to do this anymore, so they made up quickly.
Yuna: Did you have friends to help, true friends?
Michael (monotone): I did, I had a few good friends. I made good relations with them; I showed my skills to them as well. When bullies hurt me my friends comforted me. I have their signatures in a small book to remind me. I nearly made one my friend my girlfriend.
Yuna: What happened?
Michael (monotone): I wanted to have a girlfriend, it's seems careless now, but I couldn't help it. Other friends had so I wanted mine. I tried to get one but each time I was monitored by the bullies. They kept an eye on my actions even on my love life. One even told me it I shouldn't try. That made me too shy to even try to find another. Though I dreamt of one more before I left.
Yuna (thinks) It may have been for your own good Michael. Careless love never provides a happy relationship. But even then, I am dismayed that the bullies didn't even give you space to try.
Yuna: Michael, I want to know what you are doing now.
Michael (monotone): I am studying in collage but it keeps on building up I end up getting stressed out.
Yuna: Tell me more…
Michael continued to tell Yuna about the state of the world right down to his collage work and family problems. She then thought
Yuna (thinks): Michael, what have they done to you! They scarred your life so much, that you are barley recognizable.
He also told his successes including his excellent knowledge for computers and favourite places, as well as his dreams. Yuna finally knew everything about him so it was time to perform the treatment.
Yuna: Listen to my voice, Michael. I want you to never try and remember any bad thoughts, they will stay inside you, but you cannot intently try to harm yourself with them. OK?
Michael (monotone): Yes Yuna
Yuna: Also, you will allow me to hypnotize you at any time; you will never try to defend yourself from it because you know it is for your own good.
Michael (monotone): Allow more hypnosis from you…Yuna
Yuna: Good, now I will count to 3, after which you will wake up remembering what happened and obeying what I said. 1…2…3
Michael wakes up and sits up. He looks at Yuna, who smiles at him sweetly but it on the verge of breaking down.
Michael: Thanks, Yuna.
Yuna then starts to cry.
Michael: What's wrong?
Yuna (Crying): I will never let you get hurt any more. I am going to rebuild your life and make sure all of your dreams come true. I will never let you go, no matter who tries to separate us. No matter who tries to destroy us. I will be the friend you always dreamt of and together we are going to free this country from darkness and let it echo across the world. I mean it Mike. Your loss and suffering will occur no more.
Michael also started to cry, he stands up and hugs Yuna.
Michael (Crying): Thank you, Yuna. You're the first person who understands my pain.