Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ Dream cook ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Dream cook
Michael and Yuna finished hugging each other. Yuna sat down by Michael and dried the tears with her hand.
Michael: Do you want a tissue?
Yuna: No thanks.
Michael: Yuna, I got to admit, what you did helped. I feel…um…
Michael's tummy started to rumble; furthermore he noticed he was still wearing his pyjamas.
Michael: … really hungry.
Yuna chuckled as he said it.
Yuna: Not to mention you are still in your pyjamas.
Michael: I will have to get changed.
Yuna: And I will cook you something.
Michael: That's OK, Jane provides me lunches and…
Yuna lays her hands on Michael's hands.
Yuna: But what am I going to eat?
Michael: I didn't know you have to eat…
Yuna: A dreamer still has the same functions of a human. Tell you what, I'll look through the freezer and cook something up. You get changed or you are going to end up cold. I don't mind what you wear Michael.
Michael: OK, but what if Jane finds out and…
Yuna: Don't worry, you can eat them later.
With that, Michael goes upstairs while Yuna goes to the sun lounge where the fridge is. Michael cleans his teeth, puts on deodorant and puts on a blue fleece, white t-shirt and blue trousers. He goes down stairs and goes to the kitchen. He sees Yuna stirring something in a pan.
Yuna: I thought we might have something basic for now, means it is our first meal together, so I am cooking peas and potatoes in gravy, if that's OK by you.
Michael: Of course.
Yuna: This will take an hour, so you can have your packed lunch now if you want.
With that Michael had his lunch and then played on the Xbox for a bit. An hour later…
Yuna: Dinner's done
Michael goes to the toilet and washes his hands while Yuna lays the table and serves the dinners. Michael goes back downstairs to the dining room and sits opposite Yuna who was already waiting for him. He started to eat his dinner. Although it was a basic meal, it taste like it was professionally cooked.
Michael: This tastes great! And this was just an ordinary meal.
Yuna: You will be surprised by how simple meals taste better in the right hands.
Michael was speechless; first she cooks bacon sandwiches in brown sauce, now she turns an ordinary meal into a unique and tasty full course meal. He didn't dream that she would be a cook, but then again maybe she needed some other traits to help him. He forgets about it as he looks at Yuna's blue and green wall-eyed eyes. He keeps thinking about their beauty, like one represented water and another represented earth. He resumes eating his food as Yuna spoke to him.
Yuna: After this, I want to start training you.
Michael: What for?
Yuna: If we are going to fight for freedom, I will need you to be effective, mentally and physically.
Michael: OK, by the way, I been trying to say this but… you are beautiful.
Yuna: Thanks
Yuna feels happy that Michael was starting to openly comment about things. She feels that Michael is starting to feel warm and happy, like he now has a friend to talk to when he is down. The comment Michael made may have felt like flattery, but then again, he likes beautiful women (it is also his weakness), so that is just fine. After having their dinner they had a rest.