Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ The goodnight kiss ( Epilogue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Epilogue (The goodnight kiss)
Michael was in bed (which he usually goes to bed at this time); he has just had a very good evening with his family. Even though he considers the fact that his family may have abused him he always keeps on remembering about his dream friend, Yuna. As he was about to go to sleep, Yuna appears beside him. She spoke quietly yet still with a warm, sweet tone.
Yuna: Hi Michael
Michael: Hello Yuna
Yuna: I am just here to tuck you in
With that she looks around Michael's bed and ensures his quilt is tucked in nicely into his bed. As she was doing this…
Michael: Yuna, I just would like to say thank-you, for what you have done today. I have never felt happier.
Yuna: Aww… Thank you Mikey.
She walks up to him and gives him a small tickle.
Michael: I wonder if I will be able to visit Japan, Yuna? Just as I dreamed
She puts her hand on Michael
Yuna: We will Michael. I promise.
Michael: Still, we never got round to completing my meditation training.
Yuna: Don't worry Michael, we will get round to it.
She then gives Michael a kiss.
Yuna: Sweet dreams, my tiger.
Michael's eyes start to slowly close as he drifts off to sleep. Making sure the last thing he sees before he dreams is Yuna, his true magical girlfriend.