Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Metal gear solid: WildHorse ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Metal Gear Solid: Wild horse.
I don't own anything so don't sue me or kill me.
The timing in the story is the number of hours taken and not the time of a clock or watch
[---------] other languages.
Several hours later a few miles from the Ascending Dragon.
“Otacon this is Snake I'm almost there.” Snake said as he silently prepares his equipment.
Otacon had managed to get a small one-man sub.
“I hear you Snake. I also got new intel on the situation it seems that the chinese are sending over a force to retake the platform.” Otacon said.
“Damn then I'll have to get there fast. What's their ETA??” Snake said as he enters the sub and closes the hatch.
“You got about maybe 2 hours max before they arrive.”
“Right I'll talk to you when I arrive.” Snake said as he pulls down the breathing mask over his face and pulls a lever.
“Oh yeah Raiden's on his way over also he says he'll meet up with you on the platform.” Ocaton said as Snake cuts off the transmission.
The sub slams into the water and soon was speeding towards the platform.
“Ranma what do you mean make sense!” Akane said as she looked at him worriedly.
Ranma's face was still locked in a mask of anger as he turned away.
“My mentor disappeared in Zanzibar land. He was the one who taught me and made me who I am today. When I was caught he was the one who let me out of my cell when place was coming apart. He told me to leave the place and that he had something to do I tried to follow him but there was too many obstacles. When I found him he was already dead and I saw this man running away.” Ranma said trying to keep his anger in check.
“I'm sorry Ranma.” Akane said as she places her hand on his shoulder.
Suddenly they heard movement outside the door the two scrambles under the table just as the door opens. The door open and in come two soldiers, one of them switches on the light while the other looks around the room.
Satisfied they off the light and leaves the room.
“That was close.” Akane said as she let out the breath she was holding in.
Ranma takes a peek to make sure the coast was clear.
He motions all clear and she scrambles out from her hiding place and retrieves the small black box connected to the computer.
“So what now??” Akane asks as she puts away the box.
“I want you to rescue two people for me.” Ranma said as he takes out a photo from his pouch.
It was a photo of a woman and a child.
“The lady in the picture is Professor Xian Pu and her daughter. She's the one who was in charge of the operations on this platform. She's the one who gave us the information regarding the location of their metal gear in return for political asylum.” Ranma said as he gives Akane the photo.
“So you want me to get them off this platform??” Akane asks as she keeps the photo.
“ Yes. If your coast guard picks you up I want you to get the two of them to the American embassy.” Ranma said as he looks around he grabs a map of the platform and puts it on the table.
“And what if my people refuse??” Akane asks as she walks over to the table.
“Then you get to this frequency. 117.47. That will put you in charge with the person in charge with this ops.” Ranma said.
“117.47. Right.” Akane said as she keys in the frequency into her walkie-talkie.
“If you get into any trouble just call him. He'll pick up.” Ranma said as he taps his codec.
“Smith you there??” Ranma asks looking at Akane.
“Yeah I'm here.” Smith replies.
“I got the Japanese government to heel. They are now probably bickering on who to blame.” Smith said.
“I see I have my fiancée on the line say hi Akane.” Ranma said smiling at her.
“Hi Mr Smith.” Akane greets in heavily accented english.
“Hello Miss Akane I hope Ranma has told you the parameters of the mission.” Smith asks.
“Yes he has.” Akane said a little apprehensively.
“I have gotten your government to back down for the time being but you got to make it fast.” Smith said.
“If I may sir I think they'll probably be blaming me for this incident.” Akane said sadly.
“Don't worry your self about this when this is all over not only will you be promoted you'll be decorated for this.” Smith said chuckling.
“We always remember our friends in this line of work if you need me just call me.” Smith said as he signs off.
“So Akane I want you to head over to the living area while I head over to the hanger area.” Ranma said as he checks his weapons.
“And how do I contact you??” Akane asks as she did the same and starts to pull off her stolen uniform. “Here's my frequency.” Ranma said as he punches in his frequency into Akane's walkie-talkie.
“You might want to hold on to the uniform. It's an officer's.” Ranma said smiling.
“Officer's?? I thought you said that officer's uniforms were tailor made.” Akane asks as she buttons back her uniform. “I stand corrected.” Ranma said smiling.
“So lets get going.” Ranma said as he pulls on his mask.
Before he could pull on his mask Akane pulls him over and kisses him.
She pulls on her mask and heads out the door. Ranma stands there stunned.
He brings his hand to his lips, which was still tingling from the kiss.
“Wow.” Ranma mutters as he pulls on his mask and heads out the room.
“Yes Raiden??” Ocaton answers as he wipes his mouth after taking a bite from his sandwich.
“You sure Snake told you to get me to follow him??” Raiden asks as he prepares for the swim to the platform.
He was in Japan when he got the call from Ocaton.
He had hopped on one of Ocaton's friend's boat and was now a few miles from the platform.
“Worried about him??” Raiden asks as he straps on his sword.
“You might say that. I don't know. After I told him who was sent he sort of sounded worried.” Ocaton said. “Hmmmmm…. What's the guy's callsign again??” Raiden asks.
“Wild Horse why??” Ocaton replies getting worried again.
“Wild Horse….. Wild Horse that name seems to ring a bell.” Raiden said as he rubs his chin.
“Well he's a former Foxhound if that helps. One of the first batches. He must have been thirteen or fourteen to be in the Foxhound then.” Octacon said as he read through the file he had gotten.
“Wait a minute you mean to tell me that Snake is on the platform with the Wild horse??” Raiden asks surprise in his voice.
“Yeah there's only one Wild Horse on the Foxhound roster.” Ocaton said quickly.
“Oh boy….” Raiden said shaking his head.
“Who would have thought the Legendary Snake and the Wild Horse…”
“What the hell are you talking about??” Ocaton asks.
“I'll tell you later why don't you call Snake and tell him that I'm on my way.” Raiden said as he taps off his codec.
“Wait!!” Ocaton tries to get more but all he got was static. “Damn.”
Ranma makes his way towards a corridor walking casually as several soldiers run past him.
He reaches another elevator.
He presses the button and waits for the elevator to arrive.
The door opens and a squad of 6 soldiers storm out.
They run past Ranma not noticing him.
Ranma quickly enters and presses a button to head up.
Suddenly, <You stop!!!> A voice shouts.
Ranma ducks into a corner as a hail of bullets slam into the wall of the elevator.
The door finally closes to the relief of Ranma.
“Shit.” He mutters as he looks around the elevator.
He spots a grating on the roof of the elevator.
“Now to leave.” Ranma said as he pulls out a claymore from his pack arming it and setting it to the floor he climbs up and waits.
He climbs up several rung on the ladder in the elevator shaft.
He waits as the elevator slows to a stop and opens its doors.
Gunfire rips into the elevator then suddenly an explosion then silence.
Ranma lets go and lands on the roof of the elevator he peers into the now littered with body parts elevator. He climbs down and runs from the elevator knowing that reinforcement were on the way.
Snake makes his way onto the platform by climbing up one of the struts.
A few minutes later he pulls himself up and climbs over a railing.
He looks around happy that no one was around.
He makes his way towards what he thinks is the elevator shaft.
But before he could reach it a hail of gunfire rake the place he was standing on.
“Shit!” Snake mutters as he dodges out of the way.
He scrambles under several large pipes and crawls away.
Soon he finds a hiding place and waits.
A group of soldiers comes running to the area he was in there was a lot of shouting before they left the area. Snake slowly crawls out from his hiding place and looks around for any sign of the soldiers.
He waits for a while before making his way towards the shaft again.
There he ducks behind several large crates as he pries the grating to the shaft open.
Suddenly his Codec goes off.
“Yes?” Snake taps his Codec on looking around making sure no one was around.
“Snake its me Ocaton.”
“What is it??” Snake asks as he heads into the elevator and presses the button to go down.
“Snake what the hell is going on??” Ocaton asks.
“What?” he asks as he waits for the elevator to head down.
“Raiden is on his way and he had me dig some info on the Ranma guy. Who the hell is he and why the hell are you so spooked about him??” Otacon asks irritation creeping into his voice.
“Look Ocaton lets just say that he was someone I thought was dead.” Snake said as he takes out his gun as the elevator comes to a stop.
The door opens and he peers out satisfied that no one was around he makes a dash for a corner.
“Look Ocaton I don't have time for this I'll tell you after this mission alright.” Snake said as he taps off his codec.
Akane makes her way to the living area without many incidents.
She passed several guards who snap at attention when she walks past then.
Finally she arrives at living quarters. She looks around to see if there was any guards or patrols.
She waits for a few minutes then starts to try every door in the corridor.
Most of the rooms were empty but there were a few with dead bodies of those who tried to fight or resist. Akane frowns praying that the people she was looking for where still alive.
Soon she spies a door with a guard outside.
She calmly walks towards the door.
The guard notices her and snap to attention.
Akane slams the guards head into the door as hard as she could as the guard falls to the floor and tries to get up Akane whips out her MK-2 and fires off a round.
The guard struggles to get up but falls unconscious to the floor.
Akane grabs the guard by the collar and tries the door the door opens and starts to pull the guard in. Suddenly something slams into the back of her head.
She falls head spinning but her instincts take over and she lashes out with a kick as she falls to the floor. She could feel her leg connect and a scream.
She stumbles but manages to keep standing her gun pointing to the direction of the scream.
“Wait please don't shoot!!” A woman's voice cries out.
Akane shakes her head clearing the webs from her head and looks at the direction of the voice.
It was a woman and a child.
Akane quickly pulls the guard in and shuts the door.
She pulls off her mask “I'm here to rescue you.” Akane said as she starts to tie up the guard.
“You don't look American I thought the Americans would send one of their people not a Japanese.” The woman said.
“They did send a man in but he's busy and I have the mission of getting you out.” Akane said as she finishes tying the guard and stands up.
“You are professor Xian Pu am I correct.” Akane asks as she checks her head for any open wounds.
“Yes I am and this is my daughter.” Xian Pu said looking at Akane.
“Good come on.” Akane said as she puts on her mask and goes to the door.
Akane opens the door and looks out.
She motions for them to follow her.
Slowly they made their way to the elevator.
Suddenly they hear bootsteps heading their way Akane quickly motion them into a room.
“In here quick!!” Akane grabs Xian Pu's daughter and cover her eyes as Xian Pu quickly closes the door she stifles a gasp as her eyes widen in horror.
“Shhhh.” Akane whispers as the soldiers run past their hiding place.
Akane peers out and opens the door.
“Come on!!” Akane said as she heads over to the elevator.
The door was open she gets in and tries the buttons but the elevator remained where it was.
“Shit the elevator been disabled.” Akane curses.
“Is there another way out??” Akane asks as she keeps a look out for the soldiers.
“Yes the emergency escape hatches.” Xian Pu said as she looks around.
“Ok lead on.” Akane suddenly stops and pulls the two aside.
“Shhhh.” Akane said as she peers around the corner.
2 Soldiers were guarding the hatch.
“Shit.” Akane prepares her MK-2.
Suddenly she hears tapping sounds.
It got the attention of the guards.
Both leave their post to investigate the strange sound.
There was shout then silence.
Akane stayed where she was and waited.
A gaijin in a gray cammo uniform and bandana walks over to the hatch and opens it.
Another gaijin appears from the hatch.
“Long time no see Snake.” The new comer said as he pulls off a stange-breathing mask.
It was blonde long hair gaijin.
He was dressed in a strange suit and had a katana strapped to his back.
“Hey kid.” Snake greets gruffly.
“So what do you plan on doing??” The blonde gaijin asks as he looks around.
“I am going over to the hanger and see if I can take out the metal gear while you run interference.” Snake said.
“Right anything else??” the blonde gaijin asks.
“Yes if you run into the Wild horse don't engage him,” Snake said.
“Wild Horse. You sure it's him??” the blonde Gaijin asks.
“Yeah I'm sure of it found some of his handy work.” Snake said as he points down the corridor.
`Wild Horse?? Are they talking about Ranma??' Akane wonders to herself as she watches them.
Soon the two splits up and went on their way. Akane taps on her walkie-talkie.
“Ranma this is Akane come in Ranma.” Akane said quietly.
Akane waits a few minutes and tries again.
“Ranma come in this is Akane.”
Ranma was making his way down some stairs he had taken off the stolen uniform.
He ducks into a room when his codec starts beeping.
“This is Ranma.” He said as he looks around the room.
“Ranma this is Akane.”
“What's up??” Ranma asks as he walks towards a large steel door it was unlocked.
He opens it and walks in, it was the armory.
“Holy crap.” He mutters at the range of weapons in the room.
“I have the woman and the child and we are at the escape hatch.” Akane said.
“Then what are you waiting for??” Ranma asks as he walks around the room.
“Ranma I just saw two gaijins one was already her and the other came in by the escape hatch.” Akane said worriedly.
“And one of them was called Snake. Do you know him??” Akane asks.
“So he's here too.” Ranma said as his features harden as he walks past a row of assault rifles.
“The other was a blonde and he was wearing this strange suit. Do you want me to stay and back you up?” Akane asks.
“Don't worry. I'll deal with it.” Ranma said as he stops in front of a large crate.
“But.” Akane starts to say.
“No buts Akane I want you off this platform with the woman and the kid. You hear me.” Ranma said as he opens the crate grinning.
“All right Ranma I'll go but please be careful.” Akane said as he signs off.
“This is going to be useful.” Ranma said as he takes out the weapon from the crate.
It was a rail gun.
It was smaller then the American version.
He turns it over.
“Just as I thought.” Ranma shakes his head grinning.
He grabs several ammo clips and power cells for the weapon
“Hmmm what else should I get??” Ranma begins to browse around.
He spies a backpack he picks it up and starts to load it with explosives.
“Ooooo RPGs.” Ranma picks one up and several rocket reloads for it and tries to put it into the pack to his surprise it fits all the way in. he see a large sniper rifle.
“This would come in handy.” Ranma hefts it. “Not bad.” Ranma mutters as he tries the scope.
He puts it into the pack and tosses several spare clips in too.
After a few minutes he leaves the room not be for booby-trapping the whole room first.
Ranma made his way out and he arrives topside he looks around and sees a tower.
He climbs it he looks around “Perfect.”
He takes out the large sniper rifle and starts to get into position.
<What is it??> MuShu said as he stops pacing the room.
<General Xian Pu and her daughter are missing.> the guard said trembling.
<What!!> Mushu screams.
<I want this facility searched!! I want them found!! I want the intruder found and disposed of!!> he screams.
<Yes general!> the soldier scrambles out.
<General I have some one on the line.> the radio operator said.
Mu Shu grabs the receiver.
<Ah comrade General.> the voice said.
<Ah my ally what can I do for you??> Mu Shu asks as he walks over to his command chair.
<Nothing I just called to ask how is every thing.>
<It is not going according to schedule. I have a nuisance I can't see to get rid of.> Mu Shu said.
<It seems that some one has infiltrated the facility and taken out several of my men. > Mu Shu said angrily. <I see by any chance your men were all knocked out by darts??>
<Yes they were. >
<It seems that you have a big problem. I will come over with my men to back you up. >
<Ah that would be good comrade Ocelot. > Mu Shu said
<It would be a pleasure after all that man on the platform I know him and it would bring me great pleasure to kill him.> Ocelot said with venom in his voice.
<So you know him.> Mu Shu asks. <I have run into him before. He's a formidable foe.> Ocelot said.
< I will strengthen the guards around the metal gear until it is ready to launch.> Mu Shu said as he motions his aide.
< All right then I will arrive shortly.>
Ranma makes himself comfortable as he waits on top of the tower.
He looks through the scope watching the guards walk around the metal gear.
“That's a big one.” Ranma mutters as he scans the Metal Gear.
He had read up on the various Metal Gears made.
Other Gears seem to have the same design flaws.
It weak point was the joints between the knees.
Destroy one leg and the rest of the Gear will follow but it seems that the chinese have over come it by having four legs instead of the regular two.
It looked like an over size spider bristling with 4 heavy Gatling guns, several rocket and grenade launchers. The most interesting part was its ICBM launchers.
It was on the outside.
The two launch pods holds 4 missiles each one on each side of its body.
The chinese had already loaded the one on the left and the right was almost done.
Suddenly 2 large Hind-D helicopters come flying in.
Ranma ducks into the shadow hoping he wasn't spotted.
The two large helicopters land at the heli pad next to the metal gear and soldiers start to pour out.
They were all dressed differently from the chinese soldiers.
They were wearing heavy body armor and full face helmets.
A few of them were carrying shields.
“This is getting better.” Ranma mutters darkly as he pulls out his RPG launcher.
“Now to even the odds.” Ranma lifts up the RPG launcher and aims it at the Hind-D's rotors and fires.
He reloads it and puts it back into his pack he grabs his sniper rifle and scrambles down the tower to find another hiding place.
“What the hell!!!” Revolver Ocelot shouts as the RPG rocket hits his Hind blowing off its top.
Soldiers were thrown all over.
The other Hind-D tries to take off but the blast wave from the explosion throws it off sending it to the side of the heli pad.
“Damn it I want that man found!!” Ocelot screams as he gets to his feet.
Mu Shu was screaming his head off at his soldiers as they try to put out the fire.
“What the hell.” Snake looks up and see smoke.
“Damn.” He curses as he starts to run towards the direction of the smoke.
Sorry for taking so long to get this chapter out.
I had lots to do with my new job.