Fan Fiction / SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ SD Gundam: The Soap! II ❯ Squirrelville, Taishi, an Ally? & CurseSeal’s Deal ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gundam: The Soap! II:
For every second you spend here, you waste another second that could be used successfully watching paint dry.
By: May-VeggieGirl1 and NeoYami
RW: Wow, a second update this close to another! *gasp* Amazing ain’t it? Well, like we said before, we’re always working on this series, so there shouldn’t be too many worries.
Chapter 2:
Part1: Squirrelville
Part2: Taishi, an Ally?
Part3: CurseSeal’s Deal
Bakki: ^^ *scampers down the hall naked*
Kaibaso: *sees him streaking by and trips and falls down the stairs* >.O DAMN that evil little spawn of satan!! ><
Kane: *grabs Bakii and sets him in the tub* Really Kaibaso you over react too much v.v
Kaibaso: T_T I miss Ybaso coz he was the only one who believed me about Bakki‘s evilness. x_X
Kane: ....Aisu could you watch Bakii and make sure he's clean while I go get some dinner ready?
Aisu: As long as you don't invite me to an orgy. Oo *goes in the bathroom*
Kane: ok *pauses* ....What--what the hell did you say?! O.o
RW: (lol ^^; )
Kane: ....Aisu are you on drugs or something -.-;
Aisu: *from the bathroom* No! x.x
Kane: Then what in the world compelled you to talk about ...orgys. x.x
Aisu: *is silent* .....
Kane: Aisu! ><
Kane: You better answer me or you're sleeping outside -.-
Aisu: *mumbles under his breath* Better than your seductiveness... x.x;
Kane: *sighs* v.v
Kane: Fine I'll get going to cooking *goes downstairs*
Aisu: ..Since when is she the one cooking?? O.o
Kane: since you're taking care of Bakii! x.x What you think I can't cook?
Aisu: No, it's just the other way around most of the time
Kane: I know. v.v But I feel like it today.
Dante: *is petting moshi downstairs* ^^ Finally my time with the panda!
Kaibaso: *gets off his face (coz he fell down stairs) and swipes moshi away from Dante* v.v
Dante: ;-;
Kaibaso: *pets moshi* v.v
Dante: B-but I still got an hour with moshi...
Kaibaso: You GOT an hour. v.v
Kaibaso: So he's mine now. *walks off with Moshi*
Dante: It was 16 minutes! x.x
Dante: You're too meaaaaan ;-;
Kaibaso: You said you got an hour. 9.9
Kaibaso: Not my fault. v.v *strokes Moshi and sits him in his cage full of bamboo* There ya go, sweetie.
Dante: ....Gah...I need my own pet x.x
Kaibaso: No you don't hunny. v.v Come on, let's go for a walk. *puts the leash on Dante and starts dragging him out*
Dante: -.- *grumbles while folding his arms*
Kaibaso: v.v *just keeps dragging*
Dante: Oo;; ok..x.x gack.
Kaibaso: ^^;
Dante: A--throat x.x;;;
Kaibaso: *drag drag*
Dante: *cough* hold on a sec--its cutting off my oxygen! x.x
Kaibaso: *sigh* Do you really ever stop nagging? You're as bad as Baku. -.-0
(Taishi: T.T; That's pretty bad.)
(Baku: Taaaaiiiiii... ><)
(Taishi: x_x I'm not doing anything, stfu Baku! *bobs him on the head* )
Dante: B-but...air...x.x
RW: (hmm.... is it just me or does Dante/ K's relationship remind us of another two... 9.9)
Kai: (Oo no kidding)
RW: (lolol ^^; )
Dante: *tries to adjust the collar so he can breathe while walking* x.x;;;
Kaibaso: v.v Come on, we're going to the store.
Dante: ok. v.v;
Kaibaso: *stops in the middle of a forest* v.v Okay. *takes Dante off the leash*
Dante: ....Hey its a full moon out tonight...*howls lightly* ^^
Kaibaso: *takes out an acorn and flicks it at a tree*
Dante: *gets hit by the acorn when it bounced off the tree* x.x;;;
Kaibaso: ...O.o; Oops. ^^;
Dante: Nature hates me apparently -.-
Hundreds of squirrel: *suddenly come flying out of nowhere and forming a little market square while chattering*
Dante: ..the...hell....O.o
Kaibaso: *shrugs* I think it's weird every time I see it. O.o
Dante: Well I think I need to move someplace where NORMAL things occur x.x
Kaibaso: Like anything that involves you is normal. T.T
Dante: v.v;; true...
Kaibaso: So, got any mizuna today guys? v.v;;;
Dante: Mizuna? O.o
Squirrel: *motions a little draw string bag and trades Kaibaso for it for 15 nuts*
Kaibaso: v.v; Taishi needs it for something but he's busy with Tokeiko-san today... ^^;; And I kinda feel sorry or him at the same time.
Dante: How nice of you ^^
Kaibaso: Especially since he's necro-excavating. v.v; Yeah, well, Moshi needs time alone to eat anyway. Ja squrriel community! v.v; *starts dragging Dante off*
RW: (yes... necro-excavating... sounds fun huh? lolol)
Kai: (Wuzzat?)
RW: (have Dante ask v.v)
Dante: Gack! x.x;;
Dante: Ummm...what's necro-excavating...?
Kaibaso: Oh, musha gundams are made of gundanium. Which never decays. v.v; So basically what we do with dead gundam bodies is toss them a building underground. Taishi's a doctor so he's gotta go looking around down there with Tokeiko, which I call necro-excavation.... v.v;;;
Kaibaso: I heard he found his parents down there today. v.v Poor kid, that must be traumatizing.... 9.9 Come to think of it, MY parents are down there... and my aunt... and Kiba's father...
Dante: ....*sweatdrops* holy fuck man! x.x Can't you do something else with the bodies?!
Kaibaso: o.o Dude, sensei is even down there... 9.9 Wow, that's... a lot....
Kaibaso: v.v;; No, it only takes up space though, it's not like they can spread/ create disease...
Kaibaso: I mean, if you put off enough energy of a complete soul like Ybaso did, then yeah, that'll destroy the gundanium... 9.9;;;;;
Dante: ...*is a bit disturbed by all of this* God this is sucky x.x
Kaibaso: v.v; Eh, I'll be down there someday...
Dante: ......
Kaibaso: *nuzzles* But that's just life for you. v.v *keeps dragging Dante calmly back to the house*
Kai: (ok ^^; Ummm... either? x.x)
RW: (there's three options, what either? T.T)
RW: (One involves Kaibaso/Taishi/Kane/Aisu/Dante, one involves Memnon/Hikyuu/Jubaku, and one involves Aisu/Ama/Atari/Taishi ^^;; )
Kai: and two? x.x)
RW: (x.x; Okay)
Kaibaso: *back home and is polishing his sword* v.v
Dante: *is listening to his ipod while lying on the couch* ^^
Aisu: ....x.x; *tiptoes over to Kane* Ummmm......Kane?
Kane: *is reading* Mmmyes?
Aisu: x.x; I can't believe I'm asking you, but, can you talk to Taishi about Kaibaso?
Kane: ....*blink* ...Specifically about what? ^^;
Kai: (insert a twitch there lol)
Aisu: *sigh* Look, to make things short: Kaibaso isn't good at explaining things and Dante ain't the sharpest tool in the shed...Dante's going to be burned badly if this keeps up like this without someone talking to Kaibaso on his terms. And the only who can really do that... v.v; Is Tai.
Kane: Alright. v.v Only because this is a matter that I care about.
Aisu: ^^; Thank ya kindly Kane. *bows a bit* ^^
Kane: //x.x// quit being cute. x.x
Aisu: ^^///;;
Kane: Alright....where is the kid at anyway?
Aisu: *sweatdrops* ...You mean Taishi-sama? x.x;
Kane: Yes, the kid.
Aisu: x.x;;;;
Kane: ...he is though! x.x
Aisu: -.-;;;
Aisu: I don't know. Back at the palace, his home, or Tokeiko-san are my best guesses. *shrug*
Kane: Fine x.x Road trip for me...^^;
Aisu: ^^;;; Have fun! *hug and runs*
Kane: ...You owe me something chocolaty for this! x.x *gets up and decides to head to Tokeiko's*
(Ybaso's Spirit: *sweatdrop* I thought that was where we went to get crack..)
Kane: *knocks on the door* Bonjourrrr ^^;
Tokeiko: (WW /) *RAWR* WHATDYA WANT?!?!
RW: (woah, teeth Oo)
Kane: Yaa!! *falls over* O.o
Tokeiko: x.x I get one moment to eat and you come knocking! The nerve, dammit!
Kane: I-I'm sorry! O.o but...I need to talk to...Tai...x.x
Tokeiko: *grabs Kane by the shoulder* Oh, why of course sweetie, make yourself right at home! =^.^=
RW: (...^^; lolol I love her)
Kane: x.x;; Thank youu...
Tokeiko: *throws her in the airtight room filled with mechanical spiders* *too cheerfully* But first you'll have to get all clean so that you don't kill the person Tai is helping! *skips off*
Kane: least I'm used to spiders xx.;;
Spiders: *is very robotic like voice* Come. To. Pa. Pa.
RW: (LOL I couldn't resist ^^; )
Kane: O.O KYAAAA!!!
Kane: Not the spiders too!!! x.x
RW: (LOL ^^;;;; poor kane)
Kai: (no shit x.x)
Yuri Atchi [8:17 PM]:Kane: *bangs on the door* Isn't there another way to clean me!? The spiders are perverbial!! PERVERBIAL! x.x
Spider1: They. Are. Sound. Proof. Baby.
SpiderX: *giggles*
Tokeiko: *looks at SpiderX* v.v *shakes her head sadly* Oh well, one of them's gotta have personality.
Kane: ;-; dear god...
SpiderX: *in a girly voice* You're real funny mister! ^^
RW: (I will never look at the word "mister" the same way again thanks to nina O.o)
Kane: ...Mister? Who me?? O.o
SpiderX: *pants*
RW: (O.o;; yes, you, lol ^^; )
RW: (*as Kane* Do I LOOK like a transvestite!? ....Forget the fact that I am one by force x.x)
Kane: ....I'm not gonna ask.....-.-;;;;;;
Spiders: *rape her*
RW: (basically ^^; )
Tokeiko: *opens the door* ^^ Hiiiiii!
Kane: *is sobbing* ;-;
SpiderX: *crawls over to Tokeiko* Mommy, mommy, this one's insides tasted yummy!
Kai: (GOD! x.x)
RW: (yeah, totally XD and Tai has to deal with that every day???)
Kai: ( X_X)
RW: (^^ Whee?)
Tokeiko: *sadly isn't totally disturbed by this comment* Well I'm...glad to hear that. ^^;;;;
Kane: Can I go talk to Tai now so I can kill myself afterwards? ;-;
Kane: This experience is not something I want in my memoryx.x
Tokeiko: Sure hun, but that was only the first cleaning. v.v
Tokeiko: Okay, before you have a coronary on me, I was JOKING about that part. v.v;
Kane: *does not look amused* ...*twich*
Tokeiko: *jabs a thumb over her shoulder* Tai's there. v.v
Kane: ...ok...*goes in that direction* x.x
Taishi: *is humming while tearing off a dead person's limb* -.- *stops humming* What do you want?
Taishi: *grins* Finally came to grovel for forgiveness?
Kane: I...what? No x.x I need you to talk to Kaibaso, Tai.
Taishi: T.T About? *cuts open the arm and ignores the blood gushing out of it*
Kane: About acting around Dante and bla v.v;
Taishi: *gives Kane a deadpan look while fiddling around with knives* T_T
Kane: ..Please? Kaibaso needs to know how to explain things better to Dante...
Taishi: -.- Look, if people like Baku and Dante are too stupid to read in between the lines, that's not his fault. Besides, what the hell is in it for me for helping you two out? T_T
Kane: *sighs* v.v; Tai please...
Taishi: *goes back to humming* v.v
Kane: *pleadingly* Tai come on. Besides, what in the world could I give to a friggin' emperor for helping out anyway? -.-
Taishi: ....*grins evilly*
Kane: ...........Thaaat doesn't look comforting...
Taishi: First, you need to sign this! *pulls out a 10 foot long page in tiny tiny print and an X_____ at the bottom* Stating that Makii is superior to you in every way and that you are deeply sorry for hurting her. v.v
Kane: GOD! -.- FINE. Gimmie a damn pen....
Taishi: ... *gets a pen but notices it has no ink* ...x.x;
Taishi: *fills it with the blood that has stopped gushing by now* v.v;;; There. *hands it to Kane*
Tokeiko: *looks at them gravely* Signing your name with a dead man's blood... hmm, what a way to defile his good name... *brightens* Cookie? ^^ *hands them both a cookie*
Kane: ..*nibbles the cookie* v.v;;; Everyone must stain blood on their good name I guess. *signs it* there..happy?
Taishi: And finally you need to bow to me and go back in the spider room. ^-^
RW: (that's gotta be worse XD)
Taishi: For a little while. v.v
Kane: .....I'd SO rather just bow and NOT do the spider room thing...*twitch*
Taishi: Fiiine, then take SpiderX home for the night, she gets lonely. v.v
Kane: ....fine...x.x
SpiderX: YAY! *glomps and pants*
Kai: (holdisth...on the phone x.x)
RW: (I gtg in 5 min x.x)
Kai: (sorry its a call for a project x.x)
RW: (s'ok v.v I probably won't be on tomorrow)
Kai: (ok x.x)
RW: (bi bi)
Hikyuu: *is holding the little dick (lol, mixed meaning there ^^)* Where the hell is Jubaku? He said to meet here…Hmm…
Memnon: about you keep me out of sight...I'd prefer that he didn't see me like...this...x.x
Hikyuu: *pouts cutely but tucks him away* v.v
Kai: (lol x.x)
Jubaku: *appears behind Hikyuu wearing a dark cloak* What do you want?
Memnon: Finally he shows up! x.x
Jubaku: ....T.T Who else is with you?
Hikyuu: ...9.9; Hmm...
Memnon: Memnon. -.- Now, I would like you to explain about these Curse seals and how to get them %&%&*^(*#% off! That stupid Daishogun put some on me and I want out and back into my body!
Jubaku: ...Hmm. Come with me. *sulks off into an abandoned warehouse behind them*
Memnon: Hikyuu follow him v.v
Hikyuu: *follows while looking around* Ew, musty, hm.
Jubaku: *sits down in a chair in front of a desk and puts his interlaced fingers under his chin* Yes. The curse seal is a very complex mastery. The fact I understand every aspect of it does not mean I can maneuver it to weaken or erase it from its roots.
Jubaku: *frowns* Show me the seal.
Hikyuu: Um.... hmm.... 6.6;;;; *thinking: the fact the curse seal isn't on your...encasement.... but still bounded to you, lord, might be a problem...*
Memnon: Yeah...well...the thing is its in...the afterlife..or...something...bound to Ybaso...-.-;
Jubaku: T.T
Hikyuu: Hm... *fidget*
Jubaku: *sigh* Alright. Yes, it is possible to get rid of this curse seal. There is a chance it will react, but without more information, this is all I can assure.
Memnon: What more information can I give? x.x
Jubaku: What does it do to you? Was it there before you died and how is it different now that you are dead? T.T
Memnon: Umm...welll...guh..x.x;;; I...dunno if I should say one bit of this...x.x
Jubaku: -_-; You should be happy you killed Ybaso, or else I wouldn't be giving you this. I have more important matters at assassinating Taishi.
Memnon: Gah. Fine at the moment I am kinda possessing I can talk in this world...9_9; But you do NOT wanna know what it is.
Jubaku: + I'm not asking what it is, I asking you to remember something!
Memnon: ...burning...burning...pain. -.-
Jubaku: Listen, curse seals are very similar to weeds. It feeds off of something. Hate, fear, corruption, evil... even love. It can even be bounded to physical manifestations like the desire to move. It's the power to paralyze an opponent by just thinking about it long enough. You don't even have to move. *narrows eyes*
Hikyuu: *gulps* Oo;;;
Jubaku: Whatever you were doing... whatever you were feeling when the pain began is possibly where the origins are.
Memnon: Hmm...that's interesting
Jubaku: *smirks* A very useful technique. I can explain much later, but for now, what does it do to you now that your physical body has left this world? More pain or nothing...?
Memnon: There is a little pain, but its a bit annoying more than anything.
Jubaku: *thinks long and hard for a moment* The theory of it being a weed is important. A weed when pulled out the ground, more than likely, does not survive. The ground, in the case of any curse seal, isnt the body but the dimensional plane. Afterlife and life. But, some weeds live.... *scratches his head*
Jubaku: Okay, there are only three options here. (the three again x.x niii!)
Memnon: Yes?
Jubaku: The first option is that this weed was bound to this dimension meaning it will either possibly go away by itself or die away if you come back to live.
Jubaku: The second is that this weed is really bound to the afterlife. If you come back to life, it will go away completely.
Hikyuu: ^o^ Yay!
Jubaku: But the third... is the odd one. The third that this is a joint weed.
RW: (...LOLOL XD JOINT WEED! *smokes some* lol j/k)
Kai: (LOL)
Memnon: joint weed?
Jubaku: *closes his eyes* It's when there are actually two different spells: one bounded to the afterlife and one bounded here. The one bounded to the afterlife will act just like the second option, but as soon as it dies when you come to life, the joint reacts to it...
Memnon: um...ok.
Jubaku: There is no way to stop this if that is the scenario. You stay dead with the first seal or stay bounded to the second in life. It's a lose-lose situation. v.v
Hikyuu: So…So we should just bring master Memnon back since the last one can't be helped anyway and the first can! ^^;
Hikyuu: Hm!
Memnon: x.x
Hikyuu: *sees her master isn't jumping with joy* Well, the chances it is the last option is slim right...?
Jubaku: *waves his hand* Of course. I'm much more superior to Ybaso in curse seals, I'm not sure he knows he can even do that. v.v
Memnon: Well that's good to know ^^;
Jubaku: *huffs* He's just better at wielding energy, that's the only reason he beat me... -.- *is a sore loser*
Memnon: Well when all of this curse business is over with you can mutilate him as much as you want x.x
Jubaku: Where's the fun in that if he's already dead. -.- *grumbles*
Jubaku: And don't say "fine, I'll send you fruitcake then"! T.T I don't care if it is the most evilest of christmas gifts, villians should not give it to each other! -.- End of story.
Memnon: ....What the HELL are you talking about?? O.o What is this fruitcake that you speak of?
Jubaku: ...You maybe more pure than you will ever know. O.o
Hikyuu: v.v;;; Hm.
Memnon: ...Don't EVER call me pure again! x.x
Jubaku: 9.9 Sure. v.v;;;
Memnon: thank you x.x
Jubaku: Is that all settled now? T.T; *stands up*
Memnon: Yeah I are ya gonna take it off of me?
Jubaku: x_x *falls over and hits his head on the table* .....*twitch*
Memnon: ..What?
Hikyuu: Um, we just went over that, sire. ^^; The only way is bring you back! Hm.
Memnon: Yeah but I was just making sure. v.v
Hikyuu: Okay, hm. ^^
Jubaku: *twitch* Not funny. x.x
Memnon: To me it is...heheh. Anyway lets get this going now.
Hikyuu: ^^ Yes master Memnon sir, hm!
Jubaku: *pulls himself back to his feet* -.-; So, how do you plan about summoning yourself? Shall this girl be the sacrifice? *raises an invisible eyebrow*
Hikyuu: *huffs and puts her arms over her chest* I am not a girl! You're blind if you can't see these! v.v I’m a women, hm.
Memnon: No, she's my failthful servent. We can use Kane though. ^^
RW: (oh dear god Oo LOL)
Memnon: She needs to finish that ritual first though because it will make things easier for everyone in my opinion.
Jubaku: *raises another invisible eyebrow* Ritual? I'm sorry, I do not know of flesh beings and their ways of summoning...
Memnon: Well, Kane is a demon that is to become a demon overlord. Her current form is not the form she was born with, but part of a test to gain Overlord power. She is a rare type of demon that only one other was like her and they became a very powerful Demon if she had dark feelings in her heart while unlocking the final seal of her transformation, I can claim that power for myself.
Jubaku: Hmm.... *rubs his chain* Wow, you need to do all that?
Memnon: It's more simple than it sounds. Just make her sing out of hatred in my temple. v.v Simple.
Jubaku: *shrug* We just wish it if we want to summon someone. *sweatdrops* I'd think that's easier...
Memnon: Awww but I want to absorb pooowwwweeerrrrr v.v
Jubaku: O.o; Absorbing power will bring you back to life?
Memnon: no it'll help me rule the world
Jubaku: That's cool too I guess. v.v Just stay out of Ark, I'll make sure we don't bug you.
Memnon: Mmkay. ^^
Jubaku: Great. ^^ So, allies in the future?
Memnon: ok ^^
Jubaku: ...Wait! I just got an idea! *smirks* What if I released the spell on Bakki and somehow warped his mind to be overcome by your presence? We could make him want to summon you, Kane will fly into such an anguish that she'll still give you power, only you'll be alive, everyone will face your growing terror, and I'll have that little brat out of my way! Unless you have other plans of returning to this dimension...
Hikyuu: *blink*
Memnon: I like the way you think ^^
Jubaku: *grins evilly* Muahaha...
Memnon: Neheheheh ^^
Uh-oh… it seems there is evil plotting going on behind the scenes. Poor Bakki! WILL Taishi talk to Kaibaso? Will Kaibaso ever be nice to Dante (probably not)? What of Kane? Review puh-wease! :3
For every second you spend here, you waste another second that could be used successfully watching paint dry.
By: May-VeggieGirl1 and NeoYami
RW: Wow, a second update this close to another! *gasp* Amazing ain’t it? Well, like we said before, we’re always working on this series, so there shouldn’t be too many worries.
Chapter 2:
Part1: Squirrelville
Part2: Taishi, an Ally?
Part3: CurseSeal’s Deal
Part1: Squirrelville
Thank you for shopping @ Squirrelville, please come by again!
Pairings: KA, DKb
Kane: Bakkkiii! Time for a bath!Thank you for shopping @ Squirrelville, please come by again!
Pairings: KA, DKb
Bakki: ^^ *scampers down the hall naked*
Kaibaso: *sees him streaking by and trips and falls down the stairs* >.O DAMN that evil little spawn of satan!! ><
Kane: *grabs Bakii and sets him in the tub* Really Kaibaso you over react too much v.v
Kaibaso: T_T I miss Ybaso coz he was the only one who believed me about Bakki‘s evilness. x_X
Kane: ....Aisu could you watch Bakii and make sure he's clean while I go get some dinner ready?
Aisu: As long as you don't invite me to an orgy. Oo *goes in the bathroom*
Kane: ok *pauses* ....What--what the hell did you say?! O.o
RW: (lol ^^; )
Kane: ....Aisu are you on drugs or something -.-;
Aisu: *from the bathroom* No! x.x
Kane: Then what in the world compelled you to talk about ...orgys. x.x
Aisu: *is silent* .....
Kane: Aisu! ><
Kane: You better answer me or you're sleeping outside -.-
Aisu: *mumbles under his breath* Better than your seductiveness... x.x;
Kane: *sighs* v.v
Kane: Fine I'll get going to cooking *goes downstairs*
Aisu: ..Since when is she the one cooking?? O.o
Kane: since you're taking care of Bakii! x.x What you think I can't cook?
Aisu: No, it's just the other way around most of the time
Kane: I know. v.v But I feel like it today.
Dante: *is petting moshi downstairs* ^^ Finally my time with the panda!
Kaibaso: *gets off his face (coz he fell down stairs) and swipes moshi away from Dante* v.v
Dante: ;-;
Kaibaso: *pets moshi* v.v
Dante: B-but I still got an hour with moshi...
Kaibaso: You GOT an hour. v.v
Kaibaso: So he's mine now. *walks off with Moshi*
Dante: It was 16 minutes! x.x
Dante: You're too meaaaaan ;-;
Kaibaso: You said you got an hour. 9.9
Kaibaso: Not my fault. v.v *strokes Moshi and sits him in his cage full of bamboo* There ya go, sweetie.
Dante: ....Gah...I need my own pet x.x
Kaibaso: No you don't hunny. v.v Come on, let's go for a walk. *puts the leash on Dante and starts dragging him out*
Dante: -.- *grumbles while folding his arms*
Kaibaso: v.v *just keeps dragging*
Dante: Oo;; ok..x.x gack.
Kaibaso: ^^;
Dante: A--throat x.x;;;
Kaibaso: *drag drag*
Dante: *cough* hold on a sec--its cutting off my oxygen! x.x
Kaibaso: *sigh* Do you really ever stop nagging? You're as bad as Baku. -.-0
(Taishi: T.T; That's pretty bad.)
(Baku: Taaaaiiiiii... ><)
(Taishi: x_x I'm not doing anything, stfu Baku! *bobs him on the head* )
Dante: B-but...air...x.x
RW: (hmm.... is it just me or does Dante/ K's relationship remind us of another two... 9.9)
Kai: (Oo no kidding)
RW: (lolol ^^; )
Dante: *tries to adjust the collar so he can breathe while walking* x.x;;;
Kaibaso: v.v Come on, we're going to the store.
Dante: ok. v.v;
Kaibaso: *stops in the middle of a forest* v.v Okay. *takes Dante off the leash*
Dante: ....Hey its a full moon out tonight...*howls lightly* ^^
Kaibaso: *takes out an acorn and flicks it at a tree*
Dante: *gets hit by the acorn when it bounced off the tree* x.x;;;
Kaibaso: ...O.o; Oops. ^^;
Dante: Nature hates me apparently -.-
Hundreds of squirrel: *suddenly come flying out of nowhere and forming a little market square while chattering*
Dante: ..the...hell....O.o
Kaibaso: *shrugs* I think it's weird every time I see it. O.o
Dante: Well I think I need to move someplace where NORMAL things occur x.x
Kaibaso: Like anything that involves you is normal. T.T
Dante: v.v;; true...
Kaibaso: So, got any mizuna today guys? v.v;;;
Dante: Mizuna? O.o
Squirrel: *motions a little draw string bag and trades Kaibaso for it for 15 nuts*
Kaibaso: v.v; Taishi needs it for something but he's busy with Tokeiko-san today... ^^;; And I kinda feel sorry or him at the same time.
Dante: How nice of you ^^
Kaibaso: Especially since he's necro-excavating. v.v; Yeah, well, Moshi needs time alone to eat anyway. Ja squrriel community! v.v; *starts dragging Dante off*
RW: (yes... necro-excavating... sounds fun huh? lolol)
Kai: (Wuzzat?)
RW: (have Dante ask v.v)
Dante: Gack! x.x;;
Dante: Ummm...what's necro-excavating...?
Kaibaso: Oh, musha gundams are made of gundanium. Which never decays. v.v; So basically what we do with dead gundam bodies is toss them a building underground. Taishi's a doctor so he's gotta go looking around down there with Tokeiko, which I call necro-excavation.... v.v;;;
Kaibaso: I heard he found his parents down there today. v.v Poor kid, that must be traumatizing.... 9.9 Come to think of it, MY parents are down there... and my aunt... and Kiba's father...
Dante: ....*sweatdrops* holy fuck man! x.x Can't you do something else with the bodies?!
Kaibaso: o.o Dude, sensei is even down there... 9.9 Wow, that's... a lot....
Kaibaso: v.v;; No, it only takes up space though, it's not like they can spread/ create disease...
Kaibaso: I mean, if you put off enough energy of a complete soul like Ybaso did, then yeah, that'll destroy the gundanium... 9.9;;;;;
Dante: ...*is a bit disturbed by all of this* God this is sucky x.x
Kaibaso: v.v; Eh, I'll be down there someday...
Dante: ......
Kaibaso: *nuzzles* But that's just life for you. v.v *keeps dragging Dante calmly back to the house*
Part2: Taishi, an Ally?
Kane’s chance of success and not causing her own death? 0 : 1 ratio.
Pairings: KA, ToT, Dkb, KT (*gets hit with acorns for suggesting it*)
RW: (want to do more Kaibaso/Dante centric, finish up with whats the deal with Memnon's markings, or announce the new Dai? ^^; )Kane’s chance of success and not causing her own death? 0 : 1 ratio.
Pairings: KA, ToT, Dkb, KT (*gets hit with acorns for suggesting it*)
Kai: (ok ^^; Ummm... either? x.x)
RW: (there's three options, what either? T.T)
RW: (One involves Kaibaso/Taishi/Kane/Aisu/Dante, one involves Memnon/Hikyuu/Jubaku, and one involves Aisu/Ama/Atari/Taishi ^^;; )
Kai: and two? x.x)
RW: (x.x; Okay)
Kaibaso: *back home and is polishing his sword* v.v
Dante: *is listening to his ipod while lying on the couch* ^^
Aisu: ....x.x; *tiptoes over to Kane* Ummmm......Kane?
Kane: *is reading* Mmmyes?
Aisu: x.x; I can't believe I'm asking you, but, can you talk to Taishi about Kaibaso?
Kane: ....*blink* ...Specifically about what? ^^;
Kai: (insert a twitch there lol)
Aisu: *sigh* Look, to make things short: Kaibaso isn't good at explaining things and Dante ain't the sharpest tool in the shed...Dante's going to be burned badly if this keeps up like this without someone talking to Kaibaso on his terms. And the only who can really do that... v.v; Is Tai.
Kane: Alright. v.v Only because this is a matter that I care about.
Aisu: ^^; Thank ya kindly Kane. *bows a bit* ^^
Kane: //x.x// quit being cute. x.x
Aisu: ^^///;;
Kane: Alright....where is the kid at anyway?
Aisu: *sweatdrops* ...You mean Taishi-sama? x.x;
Kane: Yes, the kid.
Aisu: x.x;;;;
Kane: ...he is though! x.x
Aisu: -.-;;;
Aisu: I don't know. Back at the palace, his home, or Tokeiko-san are my best guesses. *shrug*
Kane: Fine x.x Road trip for me...^^;
Aisu: ^^;;; Have fun! *hug and runs*
Kane: ...You owe me something chocolaty for this! x.x *gets up and decides to head to Tokeiko's*
(Ybaso's Spirit: *sweatdrop* I thought that was where we went to get crack..)
Kane: *knocks on the door* Bonjourrrr ^^;
Tokeiko: (WW /) *RAWR* WHATDYA WANT?!?!
RW: (woah, teeth Oo)
Kane: Yaa!! *falls over* O.o
Tokeiko: x.x I get one moment to eat and you come knocking! The nerve, dammit!
Kane: I-I'm sorry! O.o but...I need to talk to...Tai...x.x
Tokeiko: *grabs Kane by the shoulder* Oh, why of course sweetie, make yourself right at home! =^.^=
RW: (...^^; lolol I love her)
Kane: x.x;; Thank youu...
Tokeiko: *throws her in the airtight room filled with mechanical spiders* *too cheerfully* But first you'll have to get all clean so that you don't kill the person Tai is helping! *skips off*
Kane: least I'm used to spiders xx.;;
Spiders: *is very robotic like voice* Come. To. Pa. Pa.
RW: (LOL I couldn't resist ^^; )
Kane: O.O KYAAAA!!!
Kane: Not the spiders too!!! x.x
RW: (LOL ^^;;;; poor kane)
Kai: (no shit x.x)
Yuri Atchi [8:17 PM]:Kane: *bangs on the door* Isn't there another way to clean me!? The spiders are perverbial!! PERVERBIAL! x.x
Spider1: They. Are. Sound. Proof. Baby.
SpiderX: *giggles*
Tokeiko: *looks at SpiderX* v.v *shakes her head sadly* Oh well, one of them's gotta have personality.
Kane: ;-; dear god...
SpiderX: *in a girly voice* You're real funny mister! ^^
RW: (I will never look at the word "mister" the same way again thanks to nina O.o)
Kane: ...Mister? Who me?? O.o
SpiderX: *pants*
RW: (O.o;; yes, you, lol ^^; )
RW: (*as Kane* Do I LOOK like a transvestite!? ....Forget the fact that I am one by force x.x)
Kane: ....I'm not gonna ask.....-.-;;;;;;
Spiders: *rape her*
RW: (basically ^^; )
Tokeiko: *opens the door* ^^ Hiiiiii!
Kane: *is sobbing* ;-;
SpiderX: *crawls over to Tokeiko* Mommy, mommy, this one's insides tasted yummy!
Kai: (GOD! x.x)
RW: (yeah, totally XD and Tai has to deal with that every day???)
Kai: ( X_X)
RW: (^^ Whee?)
Tokeiko: *sadly isn't totally disturbed by this comment* Well I'm...glad to hear that. ^^;;;;
Kane: Can I go talk to Tai now so I can kill myself afterwards? ;-;
Kane: This experience is not something I want in my memoryx.x
Tokeiko: Sure hun, but that was only the first cleaning. v.v
Tokeiko: Okay, before you have a coronary on me, I was JOKING about that part. v.v;
Kane: *does not look amused* ...*twich*
Tokeiko: *jabs a thumb over her shoulder* Tai's there. v.v
Kane: ...ok...*goes in that direction* x.x
Taishi: *is humming while tearing off a dead person's limb* -.- *stops humming* What do you want?
Taishi: *grins* Finally came to grovel for forgiveness?
Kane: I...what? No x.x I need you to talk to Kaibaso, Tai.
Taishi: T.T About? *cuts open the arm and ignores the blood gushing out of it*
Kane: About acting around Dante and bla v.v;
Taishi: *gives Kane a deadpan look while fiddling around with knives* T_T
Kane: ..Please? Kaibaso needs to know how to explain things better to Dante...
Taishi: -.- Look, if people like Baku and Dante are too stupid to read in between the lines, that's not his fault. Besides, what the hell is in it for me for helping you two out? T_T
Kane: *sighs* v.v; Tai please...
Taishi: *goes back to humming* v.v
Kane: *pleadingly* Tai come on. Besides, what in the world could I give to a friggin' emperor for helping out anyway? -.-
Taishi: ....*grins evilly*
Kane: ...........Thaaat doesn't look comforting...
Taishi: First, you need to sign this! *pulls out a 10 foot long page in tiny tiny print and an X_____ at the bottom* Stating that Makii is superior to you in every way and that you are deeply sorry for hurting her. v.v
Kane: GOD! -.- FINE. Gimmie a damn pen....
Taishi: ... *gets a pen but notices it has no ink* ...x.x;
Taishi: *fills it with the blood that has stopped gushing by now* v.v;;; There. *hands it to Kane*
Tokeiko: *looks at them gravely* Signing your name with a dead man's blood... hmm, what a way to defile his good name... *brightens* Cookie? ^^ *hands them both a cookie*
Kane: ..*nibbles the cookie* v.v;;; Everyone must stain blood on their good name I guess. *signs it* there..happy?
Taishi: And finally you need to bow to me and go back in the spider room. ^-^
RW: (that's gotta be worse XD)
Taishi: For a little while. v.v
Kane: .....I'd SO rather just bow and NOT do the spider room thing...*twitch*
Taishi: Fiiine, then take SpiderX home for the night, she gets lonely. v.v
Kane: ....fine...x.x
SpiderX: YAY! *glomps and pants*
Kai: (holdisth...on the phone x.x)
RW: (I gtg in 5 min x.x)
Kai: (sorry its a call for a project x.x)
RW: (s'ok v.v I probably won't be on tomorrow)
Kai: (ok x.x)
RW: (bi bi)
Part3: CurseSeal’s Deal
Evil plotting in the works.
Pairings: MemnonHikyuu
Hikyuu: *looking around*Evil plotting in the works.
Pairings: MemnonHikyuu
Hikyuu: *is holding the little dick (lol, mixed meaning there ^^)* Where the hell is Jubaku? He said to meet here…Hmm…
Memnon: about you keep me out of sight...I'd prefer that he didn't see me like...this...x.x
Hikyuu: *pouts cutely but tucks him away* v.v
Kai: (lol x.x)
Jubaku: *appears behind Hikyuu wearing a dark cloak* What do you want?
Memnon: Finally he shows up! x.x
Jubaku: ....T.T Who else is with you?
Hikyuu: ...9.9; Hmm...
Memnon: Memnon. -.- Now, I would like you to explain about these Curse seals and how to get them %&%&*^(*#% off! That stupid Daishogun put some on me and I want out and back into my body!
Jubaku: ...Hmm. Come with me. *sulks off into an abandoned warehouse behind them*
Memnon: Hikyuu follow him v.v
Hikyuu: *follows while looking around* Ew, musty, hm.
Jubaku: *sits down in a chair in front of a desk and puts his interlaced fingers under his chin* Yes. The curse seal is a very complex mastery. The fact I understand every aspect of it does not mean I can maneuver it to weaken or erase it from its roots.
Jubaku: *frowns* Show me the seal.
Hikyuu: Um.... hmm.... 6.6;;;; *thinking: the fact the curse seal isn't on your...encasement.... but still bounded to you, lord, might be a problem...*
Memnon: Yeah...well...the thing is its in...the afterlife..or...something...bound to Ybaso...-.-;
Jubaku: T.T
Hikyuu: Hm... *fidget*
Jubaku: *sigh* Alright. Yes, it is possible to get rid of this curse seal. There is a chance it will react, but without more information, this is all I can assure.
Memnon: What more information can I give? x.x
Jubaku: What does it do to you? Was it there before you died and how is it different now that you are dead? T.T
Memnon: Umm...welll...guh..x.x;;; I...dunno if I should say one bit of this...x.x
Jubaku: -_-; You should be happy you killed Ybaso, or else I wouldn't be giving you this. I have more important matters at assassinating Taishi.
Memnon: Gah. Fine at the moment I am kinda possessing I can talk in this world...9_9; But you do NOT wanna know what it is.
Jubaku: + I'm not asking what it is, I asking you to remember something!
Memnon: ...burning...burning...pain. -.-
Jubaku: Listen, curse seals are very similar to weeds. It feeds off of something. Hate, fear, corruption, evil... even love. It can even be bounded to physical manifestations like the desire to move. It's the power to paralyze an opponent by just thinking about it long enough. You don't even have to move. *narrows eyes*
Hikyuu: *gulps* Oo;;;
Jubaku: Whatever you were doing... whatever you were feeling when the pain began is possibly where the origins are.
Memnon: Hmm...that's interesting
Jubaku: *smirks* A very useful technique. I can explain much later, but for now, what does it do to you now that your physical body has left this world? More pain or nothing...?
Memnon: There is a little pain, but its a bit annoying more than anything.
Jubaku: *thinks long and hard for a moment* The theory of it being a weed is important. A weed when pulled out the ground, more than likely, does not survive. The ground, in the case of any curse seal, isnt the body but the dimensional plane. Afterlife and life. But, some weeds live.... *scratches his head*
Jubaku: Okay, there are only three options here. (the three again x.x niii!)
Memnon: Yes?
Jubaku: The first option is that this weed was bound to this dimension meaning it will either possibly go away by itself or die away if you come back to live.
Jubaku: The second is that this weed is really bound to the afterlife. If you come back to life, it will go away completely.
Hikyuu: ^o^ Yay!
Jubaku: But the third... is the odd one. The third that this is a joint weed.
RW: (...LOLOL XD JOINT WEED! *smokes some* lol j/k)
Kai: (LOL)
Memnon: joint weed?
Jubaku: *closes his eyes* It's when there are actually two different spells: one bounded to the afterlife and one bounded here. The one bounded to the afterlife will act just like the second option, but as soon as it dies when you come to life, the joint reacts to it...
Memnon: um...ok.
Jubaku: There is no way to stop this if that is the scenario. You stay dead with the first seal or stay bounded to the second in life. It's a lose-lose situation. v.v
Hikyuu: So…So we should just bring master Memnon back since the last one can't be helped anyway and the first can! ^^;
Hikyuu: Hm!
Memnon: x.x
Hikyuu: *sees her master isn't jumping with joy* Well, the chances it is the last option is slim right...?
Jubaku: *waves his hand* Of course. I'm much more superior to Ybaso in curse seals, I'm not sure he knows he can even do that. v.v
Memnon: Well that's good to know ^^;
Jubaku: *huffs* He's just better at wielding energy, that's the only reason he beat me... -.- *is a sore loser*
Memnon: Well when all of this curse business is over with you can mutilate him as much as you want x.x
Jubaku: Where's the fun in that if he's already dead. -.- *grumbles*
Jubaku: And don't say "fine, I'll send you fruitcake then"! T.T I don't care if it is the most evilest of christmas gifts, villians should not give it to each other! -.- End of story.
Memnon: ....What the HELL are you talking about?? O.o What is this fruitcake that you speak of?
Jubaku: ...You maybe more pure than you will ever know. O.o
Hikyuu: v.v;;; Hm.
Memnon: ...Don't EVER call me pure again! x.x
Jubaku: 9.9 Sure. v.v;;;
Memnon: thank you x.x
Jubaku: Is that all settled now? T.T; *stands up*
Memnon: Yeah I are ya gonna take it off of me?
Jubaku: x_x *falls over and hits his head on the table* .....*twitch*
Memnon: ..What?
Hikyuu: Um, we just went over that, sire. ^^; The only way is bring you back! Hm.
Memnon: Yeah but I was just making sure. v.v
Hikyuu: Okay, hm. ^^
Jubaku: *twitch* Not funny. x.x
Memnon: To me it is...heheh. Anyway lets get this going now.
Hikyuu: ^^ Yes master Memnon sir, hm!
Jubaku: *pulls himself back to his feet* -.-; So, how do you plan about summoning yourself? Shall this girl be the sacrifice? *raises an invisible eyebrow*
Hikyuu: *huffs and puts her arms over her chest* I am not a girl! You're blind if you can't see these! v.v I’m a women, hm.
Memnon: No, she's my failthful servent. We can use Kane though. ^^
RW: (oh dear god Oo LOL)
Memnon: She needs to finish that ritual first though because it will make things easier for everyone in my opinion.
Jubaku: *raises another invisible eyebrow* Ritual? I'm sorry, I do not know of flesh beings and their ways of summoning...
Memnon: Well, Kane is a demon that is to become a demon overlord. Her current form is not the form she was born with, but part of a test to gain Overlord power. She is a rare type of demon that only one other was like her and they became a very powerful Demon if she had dark feelings in her heart while unlocking the final seal of her transformation, I can claim that power for myself.
Jubaku: Hmm.... *rubs his chain* Wow, you need to do all that?
Memnon: It's more simple than it sounds. Just make her sing out of hatred in my temple. v.v Simple.
Jubaku: *shrug* We just wish it if we want to summon someone. *sweatdrops* I'd think that's easier...
Memnon: Awww but I want to absorb pooowwwweeerrrrr v.v
Jubaku: O.o; Absorbing power will bring you back to life?
Memnon: no it'll help me rule the world
Jubaku: That's cool too I guess. v.v Just stay out of Ark, I'll make sure we don't bug you.
Memnon: Mmkay. ^^
Jubaku: Great. ^^ So, allies in the future?
Memnon: ok ^^
Jubaku: ...Wait! I just got an idea! *smirks* What if I released the spell on Bakki and somehow warped his mind to be overcome by your presence? We could make him want to summon you, Kane will fly into such an anguish that she'll still give you power, only you'll be alive, everyone will face your growing terror, and I'll have that little brat out of my way! Unless you have other plans of returning to this dimension...
Hikyuu: *blink*
Memnon: I like the way you think ^^
Jubaku: *grins evilly* Muahaha...
Memnon: Neheheheh ^^
Uh-oh… it seems there is evil plotting going on behind the scenes. Poor Bakki! WILL Taishi talk to Kaibaso? Will Kaibaso ever be nice to Dante (probably not)? What of Kane? Review puh-wease! :3