Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Quests Four ❯ How It Started ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"I don't understand."

"Me either, but we must keep it secret. Frodo can't know, or learn anything of this."

"But what if one of the Hobbits suspect something? Or Gimli?"

"You worry too much, Legolas. They won't suspect anything. I don't want to panic anyone yet, not until I'm sure..."

"You made me panic." a sigh was heard.

"That's not the point. You're an Elf, you would've learned it one way or the other."

"I suppose you're right...."

"Go back to sleep, Legolas. I'll finish up the watch."


Legolas laid back down on the grass. He didn't really understand what was happening. He doubted even Aragorn knew. Some sort of danger was near, something out of the ordinary.

"I just hope we can stop it, whatever it is, in time..." he thought to himself, and soon slowly drifted off to sleep.


Joey woke up with a start. He looked around then noticed Ryou was gone. Thinking he had just gone to the bushes to use the john, he waited awhile. Ten minutes went by, and Ryou still didn't come back. He shook Yugi awake.

"Eh.... what Joey?"

"Ryou's gone..."

"Are you serious?" Yugi was instantly awake with the thought a friend was in danger.

"I've been up atleast ten minutes, he hasn't come back."

"We shouldn't wake the others yet, not until we're sure he's gone." the two waited a half hour, and Ryou still didn't show. They woke T'ea and Tristan.

"Ryou's gone." Joey told them.

"We have to go look for him. How about we split up and look for him?" Yugi suggested.

"Sure, I'll go with Joey." Tristan said.

"And I'll go with Yugi." T'ea agreed. The four teens split off to find the white haired teen.


Ryou awoke to the sound of a twig snapping. He blinked, looking around. Then he noticed no one was there.

"Yugi? T'ea?" he called, his voice sounding hollow in the absolute silence. Maybe he was crazy, but he thought the forest looked different.

"Hello?" No one answered. Ryou started to feel the beginnings of panic.

"I don't know where I am, and I don't know how I got here..." he whispered to himself. Then he heard someone talking. He froze.

"Go back to sleep, Legolas. I'll finish up the watch."

"Alright." Silence. He decided to find them, whoever they were, and find out if they knew where his friends had gone. He pushed through the underbrush, headed towards where he had heard the two people talking. He tripped, and rolled into a clearing. He lay there in a heap, and when he looked up he jumped.

A dark haired guy was pointing a sword straight at him! He held his hands up.

"Don't hurt me, please, I mean no harm..." he said, then noticed other people in the clearing. They seemed to be sleeping. He couldn't really see them, they all lay in shadow. The guy with the sword looked at him critically.

"Who are you?" he asked.


Aragorn stared at the human who had just rolled into sight. He looked enough like a human, and had odd clothing, some kind of blue pants and a white shirt. He also had pure white hair that came down the middle of his back, and wore a strange round object around his neck. He didn't seem to be armed at all, though.

"My name is Ryou." the boy replied. "May I ask who are you?" Aragorn sheathed his sword.

"My name is Aragorn. Where do you come from?" Ryou was slightly startled, now that he had been able to look at the guy. He wore old fashioned clothing, and some sort of silver thing around his neck.

"I come from Domino. I trust you're not a Duelist? I've never met an adult Duelist before. Other than Pegasus." Aragorn looked at Ryou strangely.

"Domino? Duelist? I have never heard of Domino before. This is Middle Earth, and we are about three days out of Rivendell." he said.

"Rivendell?" Ryou looked puzzled. "Can I ask you something?"

"Depends on what it is." Aragorn replied.

"Have you seen four people around here by the names of Yugi, T'ea, Joey, or Tristan?"

"No, I haven't." Aragorn shrugged. Ryou sighed. He seemed frustrated.

"There's magic at work here then..." he fingered the thing around his neck.

"What is that?" Aragorn asked, thinking it might be a weapon. Ryou looked startled.

"This is my Ring." he said. Aragorn was really confused now. Legolas sat up.

"Aragorn? What the- who is that?" he stood up and walked over to them.

~Bakura's POV~

Someone walked over to Aragorn in the darkness. He was tall and thin, with long blond hair. Was it just me, or did he have pointy ears? He also had old fashioned clothing as well. I was still playing with my Ring, out of nervousness, I guess.

"Legolas, I need to talk to you." Aragorn said. They started saying odd words. I couldn't understand them. It must have been a different language. Legolas? That must be the blonde's name. They finished their conversation, and looked at me, silent.

"What?" I asked. Then all of a sudden someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed, but shut up when I saw it was Joey.

"Joey!" I said.

"Who are they? Where are we?" he asked me.

"That's Aragorn and Legolas." I said. "As for where we are, I have no idea..." other people came from the shadows. There were seven of them. Another guy with shoulder length hair, only darkish blonde, an old guy wearing grey robes and a pointy hat with a long beard, some really short guy with a beard, and four who looked like children with no shoes on.

"Aragorn, what's going on?" one of the children asked.

"I'm trying to figure that out, Frodo..." Aragorn said. Joey still looked at me.

"Where are you from?" Legolas asked us.

"Domino." Joey and I chorused. Then, in an instant, I knew what happened. I don't know how I knew, I just did.

"Joey, we switched worlds.... we must've got stuck in a Placement Warp...." I said. All of the people stared at me.

"What?" said the elderly man.

"How...?" Joey asked, dumbfounded.

"Who are you?" said the elderly guy again.

"My name is Ryou Bakura, and this is Joey Wheeler. Who are all of you?" I asked.

"My name is Legolas, this is Aragorn, Boromir, Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, and Gandalf." Legolas pointed out the people he named. I blinked.

"And what are you all doing? You can't all be Duelist's." Joey said.

"Duelists? We're the Fellowship of the Ring." Frodo said. At this Joey and I both blinked.

"The Ring?" I asked.

"Yes." Frodo said. Joey looked at me.

"But... he has the Ring..." Joey said, pointing at me.

"How can he? Frodo does? Show it to us." Boromir said. I held up my Ring.

"This is the Ring." I said. "The Millennium Ring." They all stared at me strangely.

"It's a different one, then." Gandalf said. "That isn't a Ring of power." I shrugged.

"It's a Millennium Item." I said. Joey nodded.

"I think we should go back to sleep, we can sort this out in the morning. They don't seemed to be armed." Boromir said, looking straight at me. I didn't like the way I was being stared at, and fidgeted a little.

~Back to 3rd Person~

The two Domino-raised teens had no choice but to agree. One, they had no idea where they were, and two, all the people they had met had atleast one weapon; sword, bow, or something else.

Joey lay on the ground, wondering. Ryou had mentioned a Placement Warp, but that meant nothing to him, and, he suspected, nothing to the other people they had strayed across. All he understood was that they had skipped worlds, which was mind boggling enough. Joey didn't even know that there was separate worlds from their own. Mind racing, he fell into a dreamless, troubled sleep.


"Yugi!! T'ea!!" Tristan yelled as he searched for the two. He had no doubt that strong magic was at work here. He had just witnessed Joey disappear with a faint *pop*, and a cloud of purple smoke. He nearly ran into Yugi.

"What, what's wrong Tristan?" T'ea asked.

"Sorry Yugi, Joey disappeared!" Tristan said.

"Disappeared?" Yugi asked, puzzled.

"He just vanished, he was right beside me, and disappeared with a pop..." Tristan said all of this very fast.

"There's magic at work here..." Yugi said. Tristan nodded frantically.

"Yugi, how do we get him back?"

"I don't know."

"What if.... what if we don't find them?" Tristan asked quietly. Yugi and T'ea both looked at him, fear and tension in their eyes.

"We just hope we will...." Yugi whispered.


Ryou awoke to being poked continually.

"Eh... what?" he mumbled, and sat up. A red headed kid, Sam he thought his name was, stared at him.

"It's time to wake up." he said. Ryou nodded groggily. Joey was already up, and talking to someone Ryou slowly identified as Legolas. Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he stood up, and stretched, then walked over to his friend.

"Good morning." Ryou said, sitting down next to him. Joey looked up at him.

"G'morning Ryou. Y'know he's an Elf?" he said.

"An Elf? Elves aren't real." Ryou said, then realized what offense Legolas might take. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it's just, in our world, Elves are made up." Legolas just smiled warmly at him.

"None taken, it must be odd, waking up in a completely different world." Ryou just nodded back.

"The four short ones, Frodo, Merry, Sam, and Pippin, they're Hobbits." Joey continued.

"Hobbits?" Ryou asked, now fully awake. The blonde nodded enthusiastically.

"Gimli's a dwarf, and Aragorn and Boromir are both humans, like us." Joey finished. Bakura nodded slowly.

"Thank you for that. Now I won't accidentally offend anyone." Ryou smiled. Legolas just watched them. Aragorn, who had been talking with Gandalf, walked over.

~Ryou's POV~

"Gandalf has told me that he knows no spell to send you two back, so until we know what to do with you, you'll have to stick with us. The closest civilization is Rivendell, and we have no intention to backtrack." Aragorn tossed both Joey and I a sheathed sword.

"You will need to learn to defend yourself. Legolas and I can teach you." Joey looked at the sword in his hands in awe.

"Wow.... my uncle had one like this...." said, unsheathing it and running a hand over the blade. "This is really exquisite, the way the blades' cut..." he mumbled praise over it. I blinked. I knew nothing about swords, and it seemed Joey knew quite a bit. I looked at him for an explanation.

"My uncle taught me to do combat with swords." he explained. "I'm pretty good at it." Boromir, who had been listening to our conversation, walked over, and drew his sword.

"Really? Then try me." Joey grinned, and the two commenced in a friendly sword battle. Joey was really good, hitting away all of Boromir's attacks, and even making a few of his own. The battle ended in a draw when it was time to eat.

"You were really good Joey." I said to my friend, munching an apple. He smiled a thanks at me, and shrugged.

"I've done sword fighting since I was eleven, so..." he didn't finish, just bit into a crispy piece of bacon. Then all of a sudden I felt like something cold grabbed my heart, and squeeze it. I couldn't move, couldn't think. My eyes were blinded with a bright light, and a shadowy figure stood in front of me. Then, it spoke.....

'Stuck in another world you are,

To leave you must complete these Quests four.

One, collect the items I do require,

An arrow from an Elf, the blood of his core.

Two, find the air that is not pure,

Capture it, it may be found at Barrad Dur.

Three, a magical Item is needed,

To make up for anything that you fail to have heeded.

The Item is the crystal from a Wizard's staff.

Four and last, take these items to me,

I live in Mordor, where light cannot see.

Fail these Quests four,

And be stuck where you are, forever more.

Fate is yours to decide and keep,

Stray but a little, and fall to the deep.'

The light swirled around me violently, and I felt something burning hot stab me in the chest. I fell to the ground, suddenly aware I could not breathe. I choked and coughed, and the world spun out of focus into darkness......

~Joey's POV~

Suddenly, during the sword fight with Boromir, Ryou crumpled to the ground, clutching his chest and crying out.

"Aragorn!" I yelled, and sat, supporting Ryou's body in my arms. Aragorn, Gandalf, and Legolas appeared nearly instantly at our side, the others following shortly.

"What happened?" Aragorn demanded.

"I don't know, Boromir and I were sword fighting, and he just collapsed..." I said. Ryou's eyes rolled back up in his head, and his Ring glowed faintly. Then, a hole appeared in his sweater, on his chest. It grew, like an invisible fire was burning it, scorching the cloth, burning it away. Then he heaved, screamed, and stopped breathing.

"Ryou!" I cried. Aragorn quickly stripped off his sweater and the green shirt beneath it. There was an ugly wound there, purplish black, three inches wide, and easily three inches deep. It was oozing blood and a dark gummy substance. Aragorn's eyes widened.

"Poison...." he mumbled. Legolas handed him a black bag and a bowl of water. He said a quick thanks, and started pulling stuff out of the bag. He mixed stuff with water, creating a strange blue-green paste, then pressed it into the mysterious wound Ryou had. His body tensed, and shuddered, and he started to breathe again. I sighed in part relief.

"He isn't out of danger yet..." Aragorn said. He washed the paste out of the wound, and bit a piece off a dried plant. He chewed it for a few seconds, then spit it out into his hands. He mixed it with some of the remaining paste, and spread it over the wound. Ryou shuddered again, and his eyes rolled back where they should be. But they were clouded, as if he was sleep walking.

Aragorn pulled a small vial out of his pack, and poured half the contents into Ryou's mouth. He held my friends' jaw closed until the boy swallowed, then poured the remaining amount into the wound. Ryou's eyes started to clear. Aragorn quickly wrapped some cloth around Ryou's chest to hold in the stuff he had put in the wound, and Ryou woke up. He bolted into a sitting position, and stared at me, fear in his eyes. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me, while looking it my eyes.

"Joey, we can't get out of here, unless we do four Quests, this guy told me!" he said all of this very quickly. Gandalf looked interested.

"What guy?" he asked. Ryou turned to him.

"I couldn't see him, he was all in shadow." Ryou answered.

"Tell me what he said." Gandalf persisted. Ryou took a deep breath, and recited....

"Stuck in another world you are, to leave you must complete these Quests four. One, collect the items I do require, an arrow from an Elf, the blood of his core. Two, find the air that is not pure, capture it, it may be found at Barrad Dur. Three, a magical Item is needed, to make up for anything that you fail to have heeded. The Item is the crystal from a Wizard's staff. Four and last, take these items to me, I live in Mordor, where light cannot see. Fail these Quests four, and be stuck where you are, forever more. Fate is yours to decide and keep, stray but a little, and fall to the deep." he breathed quickly, almost panting, then turned to me.

"That means.... we have to kill an Elf..." he whispered, fear showing in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

" 'An arrow from an Elf and the blood from his core'. His heart! Blood straight from his heart! But, we can't...." Ryou looked sad. "And what the hell is Barrad Dur?"


Muahahaha! I am evil, yes? How did Ryou and Joey get there? Will they ever get out? Am I sane? Of course not! Hope ya like. Any flames will be simply laughed at and put in the Hall of Flames, so don't try it. ^_^ Aren't I clever? Oh yeah, if I spelled Barrad Dur wrong, I'm terribly sorry....