Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Quests Four ❯ Don't Piss Bakura Off ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~Joey's POV~

The Fellowship just stared at Ryou in horror.

"Who could have been the person who spoke to you?" I asked. Ryou shrugged.

"I..... don't know Joey. I don't know..." he whispered.

"Did you feel anything.... odd.... around the person?" Gandalf asked. Ryou nodded mutely.

"A..... darkness, I guess. A nameless fear I could not describe in words....." he paused, and his body shook violently for a few moments. I put a hand on his arm to comfort him.

"Ryou, I think...." Gandalf started. Ryou and I looked at him.

"What?" Ryou asked.

"I think it was the Dark Lord who spoke to you..." he said this with fear in his voice.

"The Dark Lord? Who is that?" Ryou asked. The whole Fellowship stared at him again.

"His name..... is Sauron. I guess I shall have to tell you about him..... two thousand years ago, the forging of the great Rings of power took place." he started. I blinked. "Three were given to the Elves, seven to the Dwarves, and nine to the Men. But another Ring was created that no one knew about. Sauron created a master Ring in Mordor, in Mount Doom." Legolas had explained Mordor to me earlier, and all this, so I knew most of what he was talking about. "He.... took over all of Middle Earth with that Ring. A last alliance of Men and Elves fought against the armies of Mordor for the freedom of Middle Earth. Victory was near, and then Sauron himself came. The King of Gondor was killed, and his son, Islidur, took his father's sword and cut the Ring from Sauron's hand." Gandalf went on to tell things I already knew, how Islidur didn't destroy the Ring and he should've. When he was done, Ryou nodded.

"He's like..... Pegaus...... only a million times worse....." he whispered.

"Pardon?" Gandalf asked. Ryou shook his head.

"Nothing." he mumbled. Then all of a sudden, Ryou's Ring glowed brightly, and a very pissed off Bakura appeared.

"What the HELL is going on here??!!" He demanded. The Fellowship just blinked, and froze. Ryou and I were shocked at the sudden appearance of him as well. He turned to Ryou.

"Ryou, where the hell are we?" he asked, now deathly calm.

"We switched worlds, Yami..." Ryou said quietly.

"How? You can only do that through the Shadow Realm, unless.... holy fuck, you mean you managed to open a Placement Warp?" Bakura stared at his Hikari, and I was glad I wasn't Ryou at that moment.

"No, we got caught in a stray one." Ryou said.

"A stray one? How the hell can one get stray?" Bakura demanded.

"Well, sometimes people create them, and they make them wrong, or can't control them, and they whiz all over the place until they pick up a random someone and drop them in a random world..." Ryou explained quietly. Bakura hit his forehead.

"Sweet baby Jesus..." he mumbled. Legolas finally found the ability to speak.

"Who.... is he?" he asked.

"Just call him Bakura." I said. "He lives inside of the Millennium Ring." I continued. Ryou had just had to explain to a severely pissed, and almost SCARED Bakura, so I figured I'd handle this.

"How does in live in it?" Pippin asked.

"Well, Bakura and Ryou are both kinda the same person. Ryou is the Hikari, the light side, and Bakura is the Yami, the dark side.

"Oh....." Pippin said. The Fellowship looked they understood most of the stuff.

"And yes, he can be dangerous... when he feels like it....." I said, reading the expression the flicked over Aragorn's face.

~Bakura's POV~

Ok, I'm pissed of to the goddamn extent of pissiness. The only reason I woke up was because Ryou got stabbed by that asshole, and we're in a whole different damn world! Ryou explained some shit to me, I guess I have to buy it.

"Bakura's got magic powers...." Joey explains. I leave him alone. For now. The one guy looks ready to hack me in half, Ryou tells me through the mind link his name's Boromir. He tells me the names of all the Fellowship, he calls it. More like Fellows of Shit. Heh. The guy called Aragorn approaches me.

"So you don't need a sword?" he asks. I blink. We used swords in Egypt, that's how I slew many of the people I robbed. But now I have powers, so I decline. He hands me a sword anyway.

"Just in case..." is his explanation. I glare briefly at him.

~Ryou's POV~

I can't believe Yami just popped up like that. I completely forgot about him! Damn! Aragorn just handed him a sword, I don't know if that's good or bad.....

"I'm going to go think..." Yami says, and with a flash of light, he returns to the Ring. There's an uncomfortable silence.

"I think we should get going." Legolas says. "I feel we must continue on." Gandalf nods, and we start off. Joey and I stay together, and Merry walks with us. I can barely tell Merry and Pippin apart. All I can tell is that Merry has a yellow vest and Pippin has a blue scarf.

"What is... Domino, like?" Merry asks.

"Well, it's a large town. There's a farmer's market and the flea market in the town square...." Joey starts. Merry blinks.

"Flea market?" he asks.

"It's a big market where people sell stuff for cheap." I explain. He understands that. "They sell food, and all kinds of stuff. A flea market and a farmer's market are basically the same." Merry nods. He understands it now.

"There's also the school, Domino High, that we go to. There's the game shop Yugi lives in...." Joey falters, and I realize why. He's homesick. I don't blame him. We're worlds away from our homes, our friends.....

"Yugi? Is he another friend of yours?" Merry asks. I nod.

"Yes. He's about as tall as you...."

"Is he a Hobbit?" Merry looks excited. I smile, and shake my head. Though Yugi as a Hobbit, that thought is very amusing.

"No, he isn't. He's just not really tall yet. He's really nice though. I bet you guys would like him a lot." Pippin joins our little trio to listen.

"There's the hospital, where I was born." Joey says. "And there's the mall.... and the arcade...." he falters again. I pat him on the shoulder.

"S'alright Joey. We'll get back to Domino...." I say.

"But, we need to do the Quests...." Joey looks at me. I sigh.

"That isn't the only way we can get back." I smile at him.

"It isn't? But, what else is there?" he asks.

"I could open a Placement Warp, but I don't know if the Ring has enough power......" I say, and shrug slightly. "And if I could, Yami would need to hold it. And right now, he isn't going to do anything. He's pissed." I explain. Joey nods.

"Yeah, I figured that."

"Tell us about where you live." Pippin says. I smile. Hobbits. They're such odd little creatures. I'm starting to like them.

"Well, I live in a green house. My room is white, and it has a bed, a dresser, and a door that leads out onto a patio." I say.

"Patio?" Merry stumbles over the word.

"A patio is an outside porch." Joey says for me. The two Hobbits nod.

"And there's my dad's room. He has all kinds of neat things. He's got a microscope, which lets you see things that are really small. He's an archaeologist, which means he studies ancient people." I explain. These Hobbits....

I realize Joey has his arm around my waist, and our bodies are touching at the sides. It feels..... good, though. I doubt he even notices it. It's keeping him calm atleast.

~Joey's POV~

Merry and Pippin are walking with us. I suddenly feel homesick for Domino. I can't help it. Stuck in another world..... Merry, Pippin, and Ryou are talking to each other, but I don't really notice it. I'm just thinking....

I notice that we've stopped at some large rocks, and I mean large. These things are huge! I also notice that my arm is around Ryou's waist and holding him close to me.

"Sorry Ryou, I didn't mean..." I stumble over the words as I unhook my arm. He smiles slightly at me. God, he has a cute smi- what am I thinking?!

"It's alright Joey. You were thinking, and I know how that goes." he goes over to talk to Gandalf. Legolas must have watch, because he's looking around. I go and sit beside Aragorn and watch Merry, Pippin, and Boromir practice their combatives.

~Ryou's POV~

I start to walk up to Gandalf. I want to to talk to him. He's sitting on a rock, and Gimli is below him, standing on the ground. I climb the rock quickly and sit beside him. He turns to me.

"What's wrong?"

"The Quests......" I begin uncertainly.

"You want to go back to your own world?" He asks. I nod.

"And, I can't open a Placement Warp alone, so...."

"You're going to complete them?" he prompts. I blink, then nod slowly.

"Joey and I greatly miss our homes." I say.

"You realize what you must do, with those Quests?" he asks me. I had been thinking about that, but not much.

"Well, I haven't thought about that much yet." I say.

"You'll be helping Sauron. And if you were, we'd have to kill you." Gimli growls. I blink again.

"Those Quests require that you murder an Elf." he says. I blink, and my eyes stray to Legolas. He seems like a friend, almost. He is to Joey.

"But, what if....." I start. I try hard not to break out crying.

"I suggest you don't do those Quests." Gandalf says. I nod. "Why don't you go practice combat with Boromir and the others." he suggests. I nod mutely, and get up to head over there. My hand runs along the sheath that I anchored in a belt Boromir gave me. Joey has one as well. He's practicing with Merry at the moment. Boromir notices me.

"You aren't familiar with swords, I trust?" he asks. The Ring glows, and Yami comes out. I hate it when he pops up without any notice.

"I am." he says. "Want to see?" he draws the sword he has. The sheath is stuck to his jeans somehow. Boromir blinks slightly. I hope Yami doesn't do anything.... Yami-like, I guess........ Boromir regains his composure, and the two start battling. Yami is really good at this! I guess he did this in Egypt.

(A/N: Ok, I don't know if they used swords in Egypt. But Bakura seems like the type who knows how to handle a sword.)

Boromir looks like he's met his match, he's barely fighting off Yami's attacks. Aragorn is watching, interested. Then he stands up and comes over to me.

"Would you like to practice with me while those two goof off?" he asks. I blink, then nod. He shows me off to draw my sword quickly, and how to move it. He helps me for a little bit, until;

"What's that?" Merry asks, pointing to a black.... something..... in the sky.

"Just a bit of cloud." Gimli says.

"It's moving fast..." Boromir says worriedly. Legolas says something loudly, (A/N: I can't decipher what Legolas says right there, so I'm sorry...) and everyone heads for cover. Joey and I dart under a nearby rock. The thing turns out to be birds, and they circle the rocks we're at a couple times, then leave. We come out of our hiding places.

"Spies of Saruman..." Gandalf growls. Aragorn told me about him earlier. "Our passage south is being watched.... we must take the pass of Caradhras." He points to a large, cold looking mountain. I blink. I wonder..........


Yes, this has mild yaoi to this between Joey and Ryou. I can't help it. I just like that couple. But no worries, it won't go farther than kissing and hugging, I promise. I actually have a REASON to put this is, though. Because they're stuck in another world, and there's all the scary things the Fellowship gets into, they start depending more and more on each other for support and understanding, and well..... You get the idea. As always, thanks for reading and please review!!