Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Six: The Two Travelers' Secret ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids………I don't know who does………Yeah like always I only own the characters I make up.

Now I don't have too many projects left………Mitt Romney won, not Shannon……….O WELL! I got two projects left. We just got one in Phys. Science and I still have that religion one left………

I didn't tell you! Mika is half-me. She's just as hyper as me. But then, she's calmer than me in some situations………okay never mind she's not like me except she's hyper like me

And today no guest speaker sorry! I don't have time this time to have a conversation with someone and post it in………unless you wanna wait forever to get it posted up! There I knew you would understand :)

Hehe and now on with the story! Read and Review like always!


Chapter Six **The Two Traveler's Secret**

"Attention everybody!" Moonbay started to announce. Everyone became quiet. "Irvine and I have very special news to announce." The couple smiled at each other. "We're engaged!"

There were gasps of excitement from everyone, and the two hugged each other and gave each other a kiss.

"Is it really true? You guys decided to get engaged?" Mika asked excitedly.

"Yes, we are," Moonbay replied, showing the ring Irvine had given her. It was beautiful, even for an engagement ring.

"When did it happen?" asked Van.

"Not too long ago. Just last month! Can you believe it? He proposed to me when we were at this nice restaurant in New Helic City!"

Moonbay leaned over and kissed Irvine again. To everyone's surprise, Irvine started to blush.

"Well the idea of asking her to marry me just popped into my head when I was working on my Lightning Saix," Irvine said flashing that cocky grin of his, "so I decided to surprise her when we went to New Helic City."

Moonbay scoffed. "Come on, you liked me when Van was still a kid in the Guardian Force and you know it!"

"I'm, uh, gonna go wash the dishes now," Irvine said, trying to avoid Moonbay's topic, even though they were still eating. He got up and started walking to the kitchen, but Moonbay pulled on his shirt and made him sit down.

"Oh, no you don't! Not this time!"

Everyone started to laugh. They knew that Irvine liked Moonbay since the day they met, but he was too shy to say anything. What a sight, the cocky pilot confining his feelings for Moonbay.

"Our wedding is going to be soon," Moonbay continued with the plans, "we just don't know when. We're trying to figure out whom to invite other than your family Van."

"What about Thomas' family?" asked Fiona.

"Oh yeah we should invite him."

"And Travis' family might like to come too," pointed out Fiona in a sweet voice.

With all the commotion, everyone forgot that Travis was there.

"Sure, we can do that! Right, Irvine?" Moonbay said in a stern voice.

"Fine, fine, whatever."

"Irvine! Be more enthusiastic about our wedding!"

Irvine just chuckled.

"Grr, I don't know what to do with that guy!" Moonbay said jokingly. "But back to the wedding. I guess we could invite Dr. D. I mean he is alive, isn't he?"

"Yes, we saw him just the other day. Healthy for an old man," said Van.

"Okay then, Dr. D. is on our list. Who else can we invite?" Moonbay was stumped. She couldn't think of many people they could invite. Irvine and her always traveled around, never staying in one place too long.

"Well, Rudolph and Marianne! We must invite them," said Fiona sweetly.

--The emperor?? At the wedding?--Travis thought. He had never met the emperor, and like with Irvine, Moonbay, Van, and Fiona, he was going to be very nervous.

"Of course! Why didn't we think of them?"

"Maybe because you're not the greatest thinker in the world, Moonbay. You can't even write more verses to your song!" Irvine said jokingly.

"Oh I'll get you Irvine!"

After the group finished eating, they went into the living room and discussed more about the wedding. "Who else? It will be a small wedding if we can't find anyone else!"

"Well, small weddings aren't bad. Remember, Van and I had a small wedding."

"Well, you got a point Fiona. I guess we have enough then. But I wanted to invite more people."

"What about Thomas' brother Karl and his family?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea."

"Oh yeah, before I forget, didn't you say that they were more news you had for us? I remember you mentioning something about the base Raven was being kept at," Fiona said.

"Yeah, I remember that too. So, what about Raven?" Van questioned, with a look on his face.

"Um, well, this isn't going to be the greatest news you've ever heard."

"Oh come on, just tell us. If it's about Raven, we should know about it."

"Oh fine. But, uh Mika and Travis should go outside the room. I mean they shouldn't hear this. Trust me on this one Van," Irvine was clearly trying to tell them a hint that this was seriously bad news. Usually when they had news, they wouldn't care if Mika was listening, even if it was bad.

"Okay, we'll go clear the table then," Mika said.

She was very concerned with the news and why Irvine wouldn't let her stay, but she decided to forget about it and clear the table first.

Travis tried to start a conversation wile they were clearing the table and bringing the dishes into the kitchen. "So, how long have you known Irvine and Moonbay?"

Mika was too preoccupied with the news that they couldn't hear to hear what Travis had said. "Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?"

"I just asked how long have you known Irvine and Moonbay?"

"Oh since I was very little. I don't remember exactly."

"Oh." Travis couldn't think of anything to say. He wanted to know more about Mika's life, and what she remembers about her homeland, but he didn't want to offend her by asking. He kept thinking of what to ask when Mika said something and broke his train of thought.

"Van found me when I was little. I didn't know anything and I was too scared of everything around me.

"All I remember from my past before Van found me was a zoid and its pilot. The pilot was laughing at me and was about to shoot a charged particle beam when a force field covered me."

Mika sounded sad when she talked. "I was able to avoid the hit and next thing I know, I was in front Van and Raven. I'm guessing Van told you the rest of the story."

Travis nodded.

"I feel better now."


"Because I finally shared that with someone. Someone other than Fiona and Van, that is."

Travis was amazed. He thought she would have told someone else about this. He couldn't believe his ears when he heard that she had never told anyone else about this.

After they were done washing the dishes, Mika decided to eavesdrop on the conversation that the grownups were having.

"………And he escaped. We don't know where Raven could have gone."

Mika and Travis couldn't believe it. Raven had escaped from his capsule.

"I knew this would have happened. Someone must have let them go. I mean I opened the capsule for Fiona and Zeke."

"But our question is where is Raven now. We don't want him showing up on our doorstep or during the wedding," Fiona said with concern. "Who knows what damage Raven could cause this time."

Mika was in shock. Raven had escaped and they don't know where he could be. Suddenly she slipped and fell into the room.

The marking on Mika's cheek started to glow and she was hearing Raven's voice in her mind.

"I'm out to get you," he kept saying, "Watch out Mika. I'm going to get you back."

Mika then fainted.


Hehehe I love cliffhangers………

O no! Raven's escaped! Now what will Van do?

And is Mika starting to get attached to Travis?

Why could she hear Raven's voice?

And what did he mean by he was going to get her back??

Oh goody! I left it at a cliffhanger………I love them but only when I'M the one making them! Hehehe………Oh my poor beloved readers, you must wait

Stay tuned for the next chapter of "Lost Dream of Hope"

It might take me a longer time to write it because

1) Even though I finished two projects, I just got two more.

2) One of those projects has to do with writing a mystery story that I'm trying to think if I should post it online.

3) National Junior Honor Society like always.

4) I need to find out more about seat belt safety for my phys. Science project!!!

Okay I'm done talking please review!

::runs away from computer::