Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Eleven: Memories ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: ::sighs:: Don't I wish, don't I wish………no I DON'T own Zoids………But it's on my Christmas list, see? ::holds out list:: hehe Top Priority! But too bad I haven't gotten my wish yet………course it's not Christmas yet so that might be why

Hello! I just love updating this fic more than my other one because I-ACTUALLY-GET-REVIEWS-AT-THIS-ONE………::ahem:: as you can see, I'm dealing with a problem here that I must fix………OH CAITLIN AND MAIREAD! ::takes out scissors to cut their tongues off with::

Okay just ignore that………I have a friend who's mad at my other friend for telling a secret and decided to take it out on me by telling that friend MY secret! And Mairead (now I know) CANNOT be trusted with secrets!!

::cough:: okay……… o.O

Raven: Girls are so confusing………especially in this day and age

Me: SHUT UP RAVEN………::evil grin:: you know, I could always shove you back into the closet with no air!

Raven: NOT THE CLOSET! ::struggles to get free from chair::

Me: YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE! Not until I get Mika and Travis closer………


Me: oh well………………not like I care!

Raven: …………………………̷ 0;……………

Me: Read and Review and Check out my Other FANFICS and Poems!


Me: Hehehe sorry my readers, he's staying here………

Raven: ARGH!!! @.@

Me: hehe ENJOY!


Chapter Eleven **Memories**

She was shocked. But before she could answer him back, Travis leaned in and kissed her.

--He liked me………all this time………--

Mika came back into reality and broke off the kiss, blushing again. Travis realized what he did and blushed (a/n: you should see them both! Their faces turned as red as tomatoes!).

Sachiko was getting jealous and ran off from her hiding spot to her zoid.


Mika couldn't get the words out. At that moment, it started to rain.

"Oh no………"

The two quickly ran and sat in their zoids. They started going to Mika's house. Mika sat in her zoid (a/n: like this is the only time she sits in her zoid!) and was thinking.

--Does he really like me? I mean what other reason is there for him to kiss me? This doesn't make any sense. But………I like him………why couldn't I tell him? Should I tell him now? But………what if he was lying about what he said before? I have to tell him………somehow………--

Mika sighed. Suddenly Travis came up on the comm.-link.


"Huh? Oh Travis. Yes?"

"Um………about earlier………I hope I didn't surprise you or anything. Are you mad at me? You won't talk."

"Oh of course not!" Mika gave him her biggest and truest smile she had. "It's just that………" She started to look down again.

"What? What is it?"

"It's just that I--I think I--"

Mika's words were cut off as missiles were shot at the two of them.

"What?? Where are those missiles coming from???" Travis screamed as he ran in front of Mika to protect her.

"Hahahahaahaha! You think you're going to steal Travis do you? Well if he is blinded by your arrogance and thinks he loves you, then I might as well battle you for his heart!"

Sachiko was in her Gunsniper. Her eyes were burning with jealousy, and she wasn't going to let Mika get Travis that easily.

"What?? Now why would I want to fight against you?? You're probably one of those weak-minded fools who can't fight for the right cause!!"

"Well, if you don't, then I'll just keep shooting!!" Sachiko laughed as she kept shooting. "HEY! Travis, get out of the way!"

Sachiko just noticed that she was shooting at Travis, not Mika.

"Ugh, yeah right! Leave Mika alone!"

Sachiko stopped firing and ran over to the side. She tried shooting again, but Travis kept blocking her.

"Travis! Stop it! You're going to hurt yourself just because of me!" Mika was starting to cry. She started to remember something from her past.

**A zoid came up to her. He started powering up for another round of missiles. "No, please, don't hurt me………" Mika started to cry. The pilot just laughed at her. He took aim and………**

Mika snapped back into reality. She couldn't bear the memory of what happened when she was little. Mika cried out, screaming as she shut her eyes. The marks on her forehead also started to glow, letting a white light form around her. The mark on her cheek was burning red. When she opened her eyes, they were glowing in a trance-like way. She was in a trance.

(a/n: they turned a whiteish-ish color………whatever the Zoids characters' eyes turn when they go into trance mode………oh wait they don't usually go into trance mode now do they?)

The white light surrounding Mika left her and shot at Sachiko's zoid, causing a system freeze. Mika, still in a trance (the glow came back around her), opened the cockpit window and stepped out into the rain. Sachiko came out of her zoid and looked at Mika with hate.

"Don't ever hurt Travis again," Mika said in a soft voice. She looked like an angel with the white glow around her. It seemed like Mika was standing on her tiptoes, or just floating above the ground a little. Travis, already out of his zoid, started to walk up to Mika (Sachiko was already standing in front of Mika).

"I didn't hurt him! And why are you protecting him anyways?? He doesn't love you like he says!" Sachiko snapped back.

Mika's glowing eyes narrowed. Travis was standing next to her, with his hands on her shoulders, protecting her from any sudden threats of danger.

"Because………it doesn't matter if he loves me or not! I love him, and I will protect him, not matter what happens!"

Mika put her head on Travis' hand (which was still on her shoulder) and slowly began to go back to normal. She closed her eyes and began to remember again.

**She started to cry as she saw her mother die. She ran to her house only to find it in ruins and the rest of her family dead.**

As she started to cry, Travis hugged her tightly. He looked up at Sachiko. "You're not going to break Mika and me up, never! Just leave us alone for the last time!"

Sachiko looked stunned, even though Travis had been rejecting her ever since Mika came. She just walked toward her zoid, and left (planning an evil scheme to break up the couple).

Travis looked back down at Mika, who had stopped glowing (no more trance!). She was still crying, and didn't open her eyes.

**She ran off, only to find a zoid suddenly appearing in front of her.**

Mika couldn't bear the memories that were coming back.

"Why………" Mika whispered softly. "No………don't………"

Travis hugged her tightly and wouldn't let her go. They just stood there in the rain. Suddenly a voice rang out in Mika's mind. Hey eyes shot open as she listened.

`Hahahaha, enjoy your company with Travis while you can! When I get to you, you'll remember everything! Then, there will be no more room for HIM in your heart………just me………'

Mika slowly shut her eyes a little, and started to cry harder.

`Don't worry Mika, you belong with me………always have, always will………this amateur won't take you away from me.'

Mika fainted, no longer being able to take the strain of remembering her home, and the last thing that happened to her there.


Oh no! Not again! Mika will be in trouble if Raven finds her!

Sachiko should just take a hike shouldn't she?

Travis must protect Mika with all his life if he is going to save her from Raven!!

Hehehe I'm so cruel, Raven is going to lose his girl!

Raven: NOT FAIR! I thought this was supposed to be KIND to me………not give me a heart attack!

Me: Oh calm down. One: You still haven't gotten a heart attack and won't get one anytime soon. And Two: THIS IS MY STORY! I can do whatever I want.

Raven: ………whatever………

Me: Please read and review! And thanks to Lena (ElfMaidenofLight) for helping me with my writer's block! ACK! I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK! ::kicks Chris:: hehe he deserves that………

Wow I just noticed he STILL didn't come back from the movies with Cloud………freaky

Chris: ::walks in:: We're Back!

Cloud: I have to go home now………

Me: Okay Cloud Talk to you later!

Cloud: ::disappears::

Me: ::looks impatient::

::dumbfounded look:: Chris: What??

Me: never mind………

And you know if I don't get reviews, I'm just gonna take my stories off the site! I NEED REVIEWS

Reviews are my motivation! NO review, no chapter………okay? Okay.

Buh*Byez! Stay tuned for the next chapter of "Lost Dream of Hope"

::runs away::