Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Twelve: School Dance ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Zoids. Period. I just don't own Zoids. STOP ASKING ME ABOUT IT!!! WAHHHHHH T_T

I'm back and it's vacation! Gomen nasai………I haven't really updated my fanficcy………

Gomen nasai=I'm sorry (polite form) (Japanese)

Raven: When am I coming into the story again?

Me: Soon! Just let the dance commence!

Raven: Do you even know what commence means?

Me: Of COURSE I do!

Raven: Well??

Me: ::takes out dictionary:: give me a minute!

Raven: Never mind!

Me: WhatEVER, Like I care about what you think

Raven: You should

Me: Stop being so you, so coldhearted, so………

Raven: Just stop, STOP IT!

Me: Read and Review!!!

Oh yeah, and I wrote a song, just for this fanficcy………NO STEALING!!!

Raven: If you use it and say you wrote it, she'll rip out your throats

Me: Damn right!

Raven: I thought you said you weren't gonna swear…………

Me: Oh well, I'm thirteen………I can change, can't I?

Raven: whatever………girls are weird

Me: And lyrics are marked of with this:


Okay? Okay!

Raven: You're talking to yourself again………

Me: QUIET! Read and Review again!


Chapter Thirteen **Song and Dance of Life and Death**

"The moon looks beautiful tonight. On Friday, it will be the best night of my life."

"Good morning!" Mika said in her cheerful, happy-go-lucky voice to Aiko.

"Morning Mika! Hmm? Hey, what are you planning now!?"

"Hehe, I'm planning about the dance! It's today!!"

It was already Friday. The week went by quick for Mika, and she couldn't wait until tonight, where she could wear that beautiful dress lying at home.

"Ohhh, any ideas? You know, about Camus and me?"

"Lots of ideas! This will be great! Just make sure you show up for the dance! Oh wait, that won't be a problem………aren't you decorating with Camus and two other people?"

"Yeah………but what has that got to do with anything??"

"Ohhhhh nothing! Come, come we have to go to homeroom!"

"Hey! Tell me!!"

Aiko ran off after Mika, who was scheming a plan to get Aiko to tell Camus how much she liked him.

The day went by fast. At lunch Aiko had told Mika about a tradition that the boys do for the dance. Camus smiled at Travis, asking him if he was gonna get something for Mika. And the fight started again. Boys had already been asking Mika if she was going to the dance, probably so they could get a dance with her (A/N: That's why the girls are jealous of Mika, since all the boys have some sort of crush on her. Well most boys.)

It was already after school and Mika decided to wander the halls a bit. She had already talked to Camus about that tradition. She started to sing a song she knew from long ago.


Flying through the forests,

And soaring above the plains………


Mika wasn't watching where she was walking. Just singing to herself, she walked right into a person.


Swimming across the ocean,

And listening to the wind sing………



She crashed into a rather tall person.

"It's okay. What's your name?"

She looked up and saw a boy, maybe two or three years above her in grade.

"I'm Mika."

"You going to the dance tonight?"

The two had started walking down the halls toward the fields.

"Um, yes."

"Going with anyone in particular?"

--What's with this guy? He's older than me……and I have Travis………but………--

"Eh? What's the problem?"

"Oh! Nothing, I don't think I'm going with anyone………"

The boy smirked (evil smirk!). "Well, will you go with me?"

Mika was shocked. She only knew this kid for five minutes and he's already asking her out??! They passed a room Travis was in. He stayed after school to do some research on the computers there. He listened as he saw Mika talking to the older boy.

"I don't think--"

"And after the dance, we could have some REAL fun."


"Watch it kid! Don't think you're taking Mika to the dance!" Travis ran right out of the room he was in.

"Who are you calling a kid?? It's not like she likes you."

"Oh yeah??! Well, just leave her alone!"

"Wanna fight for her?"

"What?? There's nothing to fight about! She's my girlfriend! And you're not taking her away from me!"

--Eh!?………he doesn't have to defend me like that………--

"Heh, whatever."

The older boy walked away, leaving Travis and Mika alone. She turned to face Travis.

"Who was that kid?"

"Oh him? He sweet talks a girl, gets her to go to his apartment, and who knows what else happens?! Then he dumps the girl for another one………don't remember his name though."

--Is that why he protected me? Oh well, maybe a song will calm things down.--


Flying through the forests,

And soaring above the plains,

Swimming across the ocean

And listening to the wind sing………


Travis listened contently to Mika's singing. "Where did you learn that?"

"I'm not sure…………"

"Can you sing more for me?"



Whispering in the ears of my love

The song of the wind flows

Throughout the forests, throughout the world

Whispering the words I love you………


"Wow, this is a beautiful song! You never told me you could sing! Your voice is so nice."

"Th-thank you." Mika started to blush.

--Am I really going out with him now? He looks so carefree………and happy. If I went out with him………then he'll always be worrying about me.--

"You weren't really going to say yes to that creep, were you?"


"You weren't going to go to the dance with that boy, were you?"

Travis seemed to have a sad look in his face.

"Of course not. After all, you said I was your girlfriend!"

Mika smiled and winked at Travis and his heart felt lighter.

--Sh-she really wants to be my girlfriend. I just said that to keep that creep away………and I wished that she was my girlfriend too………do wishes really come true?--


The dreams we shared

The wishes we made

Are now part of the sky

Part of the stars, the moon, the universe………


--Did she really mean it when she told me she loved me? I thought she just said that to make me happy………the wishes we made………are now part of the sky………--


Wherever we go, whatever we do

Our hearts are connected, our lives are bound

We'll always be together

No matter what happens


--Is she singing this just for me?--


No one can come between us

No one can take me away from you

As life goes on, and we grow old

Our love will always be strong


--I wonder where I heard this song………is it something someone sang to me on my planet? What if………no, it couldn't be………--

--I wonder………Mika still didn't tell me what exactly happened between her and Raven that morning………I shouldn't ask………not now………--

The couple was already on their way home. Travis went his way, and Mika went her way. They had to get ready for the dance.

Mika kept singing, and her voice somehow carried to Travis' ears (or maybe he finally can speak and hear her telepathically? Who knows?).


Love shows so many shapes

Life brings so many fears

But being together with you

Keeps everything simple

Keeping me safe from harm

I love the way you talk, you laugh

As long as I have you to care for

Nothing can go wrong


----Scene with Moonbay and Irvine----

"Are you sure you know where we're going??"

"Of course I do, Moonbay! What do you take me as??"

"An idiot………"

"HEY! I thought you were my fiancée!!"

"Oh, yeah I forgot about that." Moonbay said this with sarcasm.

"VERY funny."

"Anyways, what do you think that zoid we saw earlier was?"

"Don't know. Don't really care, either."

"You should!"

"Quiet, I'm trying to think about where we are."

"NOW you start thinking!"

Moonbay hit Irvine on the head and lay back in her seat to go to sleep.

----Back to Mika----

"Hmmm, let's see………ah! It still fits."

Mika was trying on a pair of shoes that she had for a while.

"I never wore these before………oh well, better start now then!"

She got all dressed for the dance and put her hair in a bun (tied with a ribbon of course………she's a ribbon person).

"There, now I'm done. Bye mom, bye dad!"

"Bye Mika! Have fun!"

"Bye Mika. And Mika………"

"Yea dad?"

"Sit INSIDE the zoid tonight. Don't wanna get your dress ruined, now do you?"

"Fine, fine."

Mika waved Van away and left. She made it to the school a half hour earlier than expected.

"Oh well, maybe Aiko is here right now……………or………"

"Or who?"

Mika turned around to see Raven.

"My, don't you look wonderful Mika."

"What are you doing here?!"

Raven smirked. "I thought you knew, I did tell you, didn't I?"

"If you're thinking of taking me, then forget it!"

"It seems as though there is someone getting in the way. I'll deal with interferences and then get you. And that song………"

"My song? What about it!?"

"It's our song, not yours and Travis'. OUR song."

Raven disappeared into the shadows, leaving Mika stunned.

"No………this can't be true………how did he know I sang it?"

"Hey there again, cutie."

--It's the boy from this afternoon.--

"Hi," Mika said in a flat tone.

"Whatcha doing, all alone out here?"

"Well actually I wasn't a--"

--I shouldn't tell………not him anyways.--

"Oh come to the dance with me. And we can go to my place after it."


"No one says no to me, you knew that right? I always get what I want."

"I don't care, I must be a no one, since only no ones say no to you."

(A/N: I know, it sounds weird, but my friend told me it before like she was telling this story about what happened……oh never mind)

The boy started to advance towards Mika, grabbing her by the arms.

"Why you little………I know, I'll make you lose something you can't get back."

The boy had an evil thought on his mind.

"No………let go!" Mika struggled to get free, but to no avail. She really didn't know what he was talking about, but didn't wanna know either.

"It'll only hurt for the first few minutes………"

"Let GO of me!!!"

"You wanna make a big deal outta this?" A voice came from behind.

"Travis!" Mika was finally able to break out of his hold and started to run to Travis, who appeared just in time.

"Oh it's you again. It seems your `girlfriend' is setting her heart for me."

"No I'm not!"

"How about you go find someone who's actually willing to talk to you?"

"Why you little freak! I'll get you for that!"

"Leave me alone!" Mika grabbed onto Travis' arm and started to form a shield around them.

"What the hell is going on??" (A/N: This kid is older than them, so he swears………anyways I can't stand not using swears anymore………and the older boy has had ::cough:: I think you know what I mean)

"Mika………you won't be protected by Travis that much longer………" Raven, from somewhere in the shadows, grinned an evil grin.

"Will someone tell me what this is??!!"

"I told you I didn't wanna be near you!"

"Mika, why………" Mika was trembling in Travis' arms.

--So that bastard was trying to hurt her………--

"Come on, let's go. We don't need to be near creeps like him."

Mika held onto Travis as they walked past the older boy, who was very mad at losing his next potential `mate'. (Boy, I'm weird aren't I?)

The boy tried to tackle Travis from behind but luckily Mika's organoid, Blast blocked him. When they were close to the gym entrance, where the dance was held, the shield started to disappear.


"I hate fighting………those memories………"

--The memories she had………in the fight against Sachiko………--

"Well now the creep won't bother us."

The older boy was still pouting when he saw another girl coming. She fell in love with him and well; let's just say he found a private spot.

"Oh! I should give you this."

"Give me what?"

Travis pulled a box out of his coat pocket. "It's a tradition for the Welcome-Back Dance. The boys give the girl of their choice a gift. I thought you might like this."

Mika opened the box to find a necklace, earrings, and bracelet set. They were made of gold and the bracelet was embedded with diamonds. Mika put on the bracelet and earrings to look at them in the moonlight. Travis helped Mika put on the necklace. The necklace had a gold chain and a diamond bordered with gold.

"Thank you! They're beautiful."

When Travis finished putting the necklace on Mika, she gave him a hug. She kissed him on the lips, and Travis deepened it by pulling her closer.

"Hey you two!!" Camus and Aiko said in unison, scaring the couple.

"I knew it! Aw, too bad I didn't bring my camera! Otherwise, you two would be on the front page!"

"Camus! Cut that out!" Travis broke off the kiss.

"Well, you two were so into it, we thought we'd have to get you guys a room early in the evening!"

"That's it, you're going down!"

Travis tackled Camus and they started fighting.

"Should we stop them?"

"Hmmm, maybe. We don't wanna dance with boys who have been rolling around in dirt, now do we?"

"Guess not."

"By the way, what did Camus get you?"


"For the tradition! I found out what it was. So………?"

"Well, he was about to tell me something when we saw you two………"

"Ahhhh, he's so slow………OKAY STOP!"

Camus and Travis stopped fighting to hear what Mika was going to say.

"Since Camus forgot to do something, we should leave them alone for a few minutes. Come on Travis, fight AFTER this whole thing is over."


"Now please."

"Ohhhhhhh okay."

Travis followed Mika into the gym, and left Aiko and Camus alone. They watched from the door, just to make sure everything goes smoothly.

"What was that all about?"

"Who knows? Mika is funny. But she has a way of getting things to work out."

"Yea………I still wish I had my camera………"

Aiko started to giggle.

--What was Mika thinking? He wouldn't give me anything.--

"Um, oh yeah………"

Camus reached into his pocket.

--Should I give it to her now? Maybe that's why………--

"This is for you."

Camus gave a box to Aiko. She looked stunned.

"This is for me?"


"Th-thank you."

Aiko started to blush. She opened the box.

"Wow! Thank you!"

"I wasn't sure what you would like so--"

"I love it! This is just fine!" --As long as it's from you.--

It was a necklace and a watch fancy watch set (A/N: haven't you noticed that boys usually get jewelry for the girls? They don't know how to buy gifts other than jewelry!).

Aiko gave Camus a huge hug, but then remembered about how she had that crush on him. She pulled away blushing. Camus started to blush too.

"Uh, why don't we go inside?"

"That's a good idea." Aiko smiled at Camus.

--I wanna tell him, but won't it just scare him away?--

"Aww, Aiko didn't tell!!" Mika started to pout.

"Umm, Camus………"

"Yes! She's gonna tell!"

"Don't be so loud Mika!"

"Yeah Aiko?"

"Um, well, I uh, I, sorta have something to say to you that I've been meaning to say for a while………and I think I like you and all and stuff like that………"

"She's mumbling. No! She can't tell if she's mumbling!"

"Shh! Give her time!"

"I can't hear you Aiko. Could you speak louder?"

Aiko gulped. --I HAVE to tell him.-- She just blurted out what she could say.


Camus seemed shaken by the sudden outburst, but then gave Aiko a hug. He started kissing her on the forehead. Aiko was shocked, but didn't mind at all.

"Wow, Camus sure moves fast." (sweatdrop faces for Mika and Travis!)

"Maybe we should get them a room!"

Mika started to laugh.

Camus kissed Aiko on the lips when he heard some people talking.

"We should stop now, huh?"

Aiko blushed and walked into the gym with Camus' arm wrapped around her waist.

"Well, ain't it the two love birds? Hey Camus, you should be the one renting out a room early!"

"Hmph, easy for you to say! You're the one indulging into a make-out scene earlier than me."

"You're the one going too fast!"

"Oh just shut up!"

"Here we go again, another fight between the boys. Don't they ever stop?"

"I guess not."

"So………did you like it?"


"The kiss! I mean he was moving so fast and all………"

"Oh that." Aiko started to blush at the thought.

"Yes THAT. I never knew Camus had it in him………and I TOLD you he liked you!"

"Yea, yeah whatever."

People started to come into the gym. The dance had started and boys had been going up to Mika all night for a dance. But she politely turned them down, since she only wanted to dance with Travis.

Sachiko was also at the dance (surprise, surprise). Several times she tried to pull Travis away from Mika, but nothing worked. She was upset that Travis got Mika a gift, not her.

Also, hiding up in the beams above the gym floor, was Raven, watching Mika's every move.

{A/N: I know, he seems a little OOC (Out of character), always obsessing over a girl. But this is later, like after the series, and come on, this is my fanfic!}

He wasn't too thrilled about Mika always dancing and kissing Travis now and then.

(A/N: I'm not good with writing dances, so let's just skip to after the dance!)

Everyone started to leave the gym, since the dance now ended.

"I'm so glad you two got together," Mika said, holding onto Travis' arm while walking toward her zoid (that was guarded by Blast).

"For some reason, I feel that Mika is planning something else," Aiko said, eyeing Mika suspiciously.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not………for now!"

"Now why don't I like the sound of that??"

"I don't know! It's really not like I'm planning nothing really to worry about."

"Fine, fine whatever. Bye you guys! See you on Monday!"

"Wait, aren't we gonna do something this weekend? All three of us?" Camus suggested.

"I wish I could! But I have to practice with my dad! You know how dads are when coming to zoids," Mika said, with disappointment looming over her.

"Yea, I know how you feel. Sometimes I feel like my dad took his rank in the Guardian Force too seriously."

"Ah! That's a good thing! That's means he's dedicated to something, and not just mindless wars!"

{A/N: Imagine Mika almost as Belldandy from Ai! Megami-sama ("Oh! MY Goddess". Also "Ah! My Goddess"), both have good intentions and are pure at heart. Except Mika lives in a Zoids world, so she will have a bit of a fighting spirit too, more than Belldandy.}

"Ahh, why did you have to go all supportive of anti-wars on me?" Camus let out a loud sigh.

"Hehe, I'm good aren't I?" Mika did that thing where anime characters do that victory sign with their hand and wink while sticking out their tongue.

Camus sighed again, but then Aiko grabbed onto his arm and kissed him on the cheek. (A/N: Romantic, aren't I? Nottt really, but hey, live with it! When she did that, Camus closed his eye (the one above where Aiko was kissing his cheek), you know, how some boys do when girls kiss them by surprise in anime.)

"Hey, stop!"

"It didn't mind you before when we were alone..."

Camus blushed. He tried to change the subject. "Well, oh god, look at the time! I have to go before my dad sends out a search party! Bye!"

He ran towards his Di-Bison.

"I have to go too. Bye guys!" Aiko ran towards her zoid, leaving Mika and Travis alone.

"I think Moonbay and Irvine are back at home. I have a feeling they are. Wanna go meet them again?"

"Uh, sure."

The two left in their zoids and proceeded to Mika's house. Somehow Mika had predicted right. Was it a feeling? Or a power she has? But she was also sad since she felt that something bad happened to Moonbay and Irvine on their way back home.

----Scene with Irvine and Moonbay----

"Heh, fancy meeting you here."

"Wh-who are you??" Moonbay shouted to the pilot in the other zoid.

"Aw, you don't remember? Someone as precious as me too."

"It's...hmm...can't say I remember you."

A sweat drop formed on the other zoid as it was taken in embarrassment and Moonbay's lack of memory for the pilot.

"Doesn't the name Reese remind you of something?"

"Reese?? It can't be!" Irvine and Moonbay were in disbelief.

"I don't feel like dealing with pathetic humans like you. Just tell me where Raven is. We have some unfinished business to take care of."

"We don't know."

"You're not telling me the truth. You captured him didn't you? Oh wait, you ARE telling the truth. God, if I knew sooner, I could've just read your minds and left."

"Grrr, how dare you!"

"Take it easy Moonbay. Let's go."

Irvine kept moving past Reese, not once looking back at her.

At a fair distance, Moonbay resumed her yelling.

"Why didn't you take her out?? She's an enemy!!! COME ON!!!"

"Quiet. She might be able to help us find Raven. And answer some questions about Mika."

"Oh yea, you're right. Hmm, well we're close to home."

----Back to Mika----

"You seem awfully quiet tonight Mika."

"Oh what? I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing about? I just wanted to make sure you were okay."


--she must be in deep thought.-- I have a feeling that Moonbay and Irvine are in danger? And what's this other feeling...who's watching us?--

Mika suddenly gasped. Her eyes became smaller and she went into another trance.

--What's happening? I feel like my body is paralyzed. Raven...he's here...and...Another evil force is coming after! Why am worried? I shouldn't care...but he holds the answer to my past...--

----Memory from Mika's past----



"Yes, to communicate with the heart. That is what is most important. Not many have that skill, but you, you are special. You found a way to communicate, truly from your heart, and that is why you were Chosen."

"But Sigel, Chosen for what?"

"You were chosen, to become a doublet."

"A doublet?"

"One who can communicate with their heart is pure. That is why these Chosen Ones are rare. Since not many of us have a pure heart. Now Mika, be careful, okay? This one is of our kind, but his heart is different. Becoming a doublet means you exist together. You must not do anything reckless."

"Exist together?"

"Your hearts are bound. Two hearts in one body."

"I don't understand Sigel."

"Don't worry about it Mika. You'll understand when you're older." Sigel, the older woman, smiled down at Mika. Mika, being a cheerful, young girl with a pure heart, accepted the fact that this was her destiny.

"The gods and goddesses in Heaven must have made this possible!"

"Yes, and the Demons in Hell too. They have something to do with the other one."


"Now from here on, you must walk by yourself. Be careful. You are our Representative for Life. The other, for Death."

"Don't worry I'll be careful!"

Mika smiled, and joyfully walked up the steps to the large, decorated doors. Opening the doors, she found a boy with black hair, his arms crossed and his eyes closed.

"So you're the Representative of Life, otherwise known as the Light?"

He opened one eye to get a better look at the girl.

"Yep!" She smiled cheerfully.

"Heh. As you have been told I am the Representative of Death, known as the Darkness."

He shot a dark wind at the girl that became a tornado and engulfed Mika. She was surprised.

"Such a weak Light. Becoming a Doublet with her is useless. Well, might as leave, seeing as she has gone. What??"

He turned around, having his dark wind whip him in the face and engulfing him into the tornado. Mika became visible and he saw the dark wind circling her and then back into the tornado.

"What? submitting to it?"

"Such a wild wind...and yet a strong one!" She smiled as she let a white wind come from her and circle the boy, and then join the dark wind in the tornado. The winds seemed to dance and sing with each other.

"Warm...and soft wind..."

--If it's with her...--

"You who are together with me."


"Let's do it. The contract."


Holding hands, they started chanting the incantations.

"The Closest Strangers, the Furthest Twins. You who are together with me, You who Protect Darkness, that which Protects Death." (Mika said this.)

"The Closest Strangers, the Furthest Twins. You who are together with me, You who Protect Light, that which Protects Life." (The boy said this.)

They held their hands to the light coming from above, and darkness coming from below.

"Until Light disappears, until Darkness disappears, Darkness will Protect Light, Light will Protect Darkness. Making our Life One, Sharing our Life."

"For Light, I, Mika Mitsuko Arakida, do swear."

"For Darkness, I, ______________ , do swear."

The dark and light wind swirled and mixed together, disappearing into the Light and the Darkness that surrounded them.

The two started to sing a melody. One that joined their hearts and soul. This song was a song that one could not mess up. One note off, and everything is ruined. As they neared the end, the black haired boy started to think.

"That is completed now. We are now a Doublet."

"I never found out. What kind of heart do you have? I have a heart full of Light, a pure heart. Then is yours pure too, only filled with Darkness?"

"That is an answer you must not know. In order for this to succeed, in order for us to be a Doublet, you mustn't know about what type of heart I have. All you will know is that we are two Hearts in One Body."

"Two Hearts in One Body..."

The raven-black haired boy looked at the girl, and, for the first time during this whole ordeal, smiled.

----End of Memory Flashback Recovery----

--What is this...a doublet system?--

Still in a trance, Mika started to mumble things.

"Those who communicate with their hearts...Sigel...Representative of Light..."

--What is Mika mumbling about?-- Travis thought.

"That which Protects Darkness..."


"Sigel" means "The Rune Which Reveals Life." It's from Ai! Megami-sama. Robo-chan was named that by Belldandy.

And also, this memory will sound like something from Ai! Megami-sama because I made it that way. Why? Because I wanted it to sound like something from Ai! Megami-sama, that's all.

And Ai! Megami-sama, in English is Ah! (or Oh!) My Goddess. Preferably, I like Ah! But some like Oh! So it doesn't matter.

And the song that Mika sang in the beginning...I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "OMG it's the melody that she mentioned in the memory!"...well you're absolutely WRONG!

Sorry to break it to you, but no that's not the song.

The melody, if you've ever watched or read Ai! Megami-sama, is not exactly that simple. And I've only READ that part where they sing it.

In like Volume one hundred something. Yea, I have like random volumes of different anime.

SO I wouldn't know exactly how they make the melodies. But just to say, that's not the song for the memory, the one that Mika sang in this chapter in the beginning of it.

Raven: You talk a lot.

Me: ::ignoring Raven:: And Raven is the black-haired boy in the memory, just to spoil it for you guys.

Raven: That's great, just great

Me: ::still ignoring Raven:: AND you already know Raven's real name isn't Raven. That's why I left that blank when `Raven' says "For Darkness, I _____, ..."

Raven: Way to go, now what's my real name?

Me: more spoiler, ...sorry! Can't tell his real name!

Raven: WHY NOT??

Me: Because One) YOU, Raven, know it

Raven: I do??

Me: And TWO) I don't feel like telling you since you should know it

Raven: Cruel...

Me: Oh yea, and Mika won't faint this time.

And her name, Mika Mitsuko Arakida, is just a name I whipped up. Mitsuko means in Japanese "child of light." I thought it was appropriate for a middle name. If I knew sooner I was gonna make my fic come out like this, I would've named her Mitsuko from the beginning. But now it's just a middle name.

Her last name is just a bunch of letters I put together.

Raven: OKAY so...

Me: Please review. It took me a while to write this. I would LIKE REVIEWS

Raven: Come on...I need to know what happens!!

Me: Sayonara!