Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Dream of Hope ❯ Chapter Fifteen: Name ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: NO I DO NOT OWN ZOIDS. How many times do I have to say this? Every time I post something?!?! CRAZY PEOPLE!!!

Raven: So you're trying to plan revenge against me now, is that it? Since you have sooo much free time

Me: Umm...revenge...hmm...good idea!

Raven: Pheh, you really had any sense in plotting revenge...I mean I read the next part of this...oops...

Me: You've been looking at my notebooks again haven't you?

Raven: ::whistles with guilty look::


Raven: Well you hide them in the wrong places...

Me: OH yea, you should go through my book bag, THANK YOU FOR THE PRIVACY!

Raven: No problem

Me: See what Mika will have to deal with soon? Now read and review and ignore the weird beginning and ending author notes and you're fine!


Chapter Fifteen **Name**

"That which Protects Light..."


Van shouted as he heard the terrible news. Thomas Shubaltz, Van Freiheit, Fiona Elise Lynnette, Irvine, and Moonbay were called to the school to check out the damages done. This was a BIG thing since it was Raven who attacked the school. Thomas tried to calm Van down, but to no avail. He just pushed Thomas aside.

"Raven attacked the school?? Now where's Mika??!!!"


"See...she was kidnapped by Raven...." Camus said.


"N-no..." Fiona started to cry along with Moonbay. It seemed that Irvine might have cried too if he wasn't as tough as he was.

Van didn't take the news too well though (as you noticed already). He pounded his hand into the closest wall, trying to hold back his tears. One lonely tear rolled down his cheek.

"Ra-raven...damn him..." Van cursed (A/N: ever heard Van swear? I haven't...I've only heard Raven swear...but oh well! Van can swear in my ficcy!).

"Just on Friday I told her to be careful!"

"Van...please...this was beyond our control..."

Fiona tried to calm Van down, but he wasn't listening.

"She said she'd be careful!! Why did she go and fight him??"

"Van!! She was just trying to--"

"This is not fair!! Why is Raven doing this to us??"

"VAN!! Listen to m--"

"And why Mika?? He had to go and kidnap my innocent da--"

SMACK. Moonbay slapped Van across the face, making him shut up.

"You know Van, Fiona was TRYING to say something over your whining!! And you KNEW it had something to do with Mika all along!!! She wasn't your real daughter!! She had that mark that proved that she was somehow related to Raven! Why do you think you captured him so easily last time??? Why do you think he asked Mika to bring his food every day when he was held prisoner?! Didn't you ever find that suspicious??"

"Yea but..."

"BUT NOTHING!! Now listen for once!! Let Fiona talk and stop whining!! You know it's not gonna help anyone hear to listen to your crazy whining, especially if we might be able to find a way to save her!!"

All the other students in the room just stared as Moonbay shouted at Van. But the friends knew how Moonbay acted and weren't surprised at all.

"Van," Fiona said in a much calmer voice than Moonbay's, "don't you have that tracking device on her zoid? I remember watching you put it on after you overheard her talking to me."

"Oh yea...I forgot all about it..."


"Oww! What did you do that for??"

"You mean all this time you were whining and we could've found her by now!?!"

"It's not my fault I forgot, Moonbay!!"

Van pulled out the AI tracking device that Thomas had built.

"Huh? That's weird..."

"What? What's wrong? Is my tracking device broken? I'm pretty sure I made it correctly..." Thomas asked.

"It says that...Mika should be right outside..."

Fiona ran out and looked around in the grass. Sure enough, the tracking device was on the ground, a bit burnt, but still usable.

Van balled his fists and clenched his teeth when he saw the tracking device. How were they going to find Mika now?


----Raven and Mika----

"Still asleep? Guess it's for the best." Raven was about 5 miles from his old house, which he never rebuilt after his parents died. He was going at a very slow pace.


"So what do doublets do exactly?" young Mika asked the raven-haired boy curiously.

"We will become the next in line to govern the nation."

"You mean, we'd be like Sigel?"

"Yea, she governs the nation."

"Cool! ...But...there's two of us...and only one of what happened to the other doublet?"

"You know how the nation is divided into two sections? That's where the other one is."

"Ohhh...I get it now!"

"You know, you ask too many questions."

"I'm sorry..." Mika had a sad look on her face. When the boy saw this, he immediately took it back.

"No no! It's not a bad thing!" he laughed nervously. Mika smiled again and he felt relieved. He just hated when girls cried.

"Do you live around here?"


"That's great! Maybe we can play together in the fields some time!"

"I don't know..."



~*End of Memory*~

Mika started to stir. Raven was almost to the house when he noticed Mika moving and opening her eyes.

"You're awake."

Her eyes shot open. "Raven?!"

"Who did you think it was?" He smirked.

"Bring me home now!! I want to go back!!"

"Sorry can't do that."

"Why won't you let me go!?"

"Because you're needed to save the Blue Planet."


"Haven't you gotten that memory back yet?"

"Which one?"

"The Doublet memory."

" do you know about that??"

"I will only tell you answers...if you tell me my real's pretty have to truly want to remember...and trust save the must remember."


"We're here."

Raven jumped out of the Geno Breaker and walked to his house. Mika, unfamiliar with the place, couldn't run away and decided to follow him in.

As they entered the collapsed living room, Raven held up a crystal against Mika's forehead.

Her eyes widened and her time was turning back (A/N: Meaning, she's becoming younger again...back to the age when she lived on the Blue Planet). She became smaller and was in a weird state.

"Maybe we can meet again." Mika was saying things that she remembered from when her doublet was about to leave for Planet Zi as a little boy.

"And when we meet again..."

Mika, in a dazed state, started to walk towards Raven, thinking that it was the little boy.

"And when we meet again, promise me..."

She grabbed his hands and held them in hers.

"It's a promise that...that we'll be friends again...Nanashi Aoi Kazuki..."


Hehe, I know weird name for Raven. `Nanashi' means `without a name' in Japanese, `Aoi' means black in Japanese, and `Kazuki' means `pleasant peace' or `first of a new generation' in Japanese.

I thought it was appropriate...


Me: Quiet, the authoress can do whatever she wants

Raven: ::sighs::

Me: Please review people!! I still have lots more for this story...not too much more though. But review and I'll see what I can do! And sorry this chapter was kinda short...couldn't think of what to write!