Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ My December ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

With You

My December

Disclaimer: I do not own Zoids in any way (besides the television I have in

my room that shows it every Monday, Tuesday, Wensday, and Thursday

(dunno about Friday), nor do I own any other the characters there in. I don't

own any of the songs I might use in this fanfic either (My December in this

case, which is by Linkin Park, or in other cases And One (Linkin Park) and

With You (again, Linkin Park)


Raven ran to their room. There was a note attached to the door.

My dearest Raven,

I'm not here right now. I went for a walk in this beautiful city. If you really need to find me, search the city. You know what I like to do, so look at those places. If you are having trouble trying to find me, ask Van what I like to do, he should know (I mean I've known him for most of my life, you think he would know by now!). Well, I guess I'll see ya, Ravey-wavey (lol...jk).



Raven tore the note off the door. He ran back to Van's room.

"Back so soon?" asked Van.

"She went for a walk down in the city," said Raven. "I need to find her!

Where do you think she could be?"

"Hmm...,"answered Van, "Fiona is in to art, music, clothes, and shopping.

Check the nearest mall, museum, art gallery, or music store."

"Thanks, again," said Raven.

He ran out of the room and, since the elevator was already on the bottom

level and would take at least 3 minutes to bring up, down the stairs.


[Piano Into Plays]


Raven ran out of the hotel. He didn't even go to get his car, he just kept on

running. He finally slowed his run to a jog, and then his jog to a walk. He

knew where the nearest mall and music store was, but he didn't know where a

museum or art gallery would be. The music store, Mark's Music (named after

a friend oof mine), was 5 blocks away. The Mall was 4 more after he got to

Mark's Music.


This is my December, This is my time of the year.

This is my December, This is all so clear.

This is my December, This is my snow covered home.

This is my December, This is me alone.


He walked five blocks down until he reached Mark's Music. He walked in.

He took a quick look around. Fiona wasn't there. He walked out of the store

and looked down the street at the mall. The entrance to it was jammed with

cars. "Thank God I didn't take the car," he mumbled as he began to walk

down the sidewalk.


And I...

Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed.

And I...

Take back all the things I said to make you feel like that.

And I...

Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed.

And I...

Take back all the things that I said to you.


Meanwhile, Fiona was standing in a line (a/n:I'm not tellin' you where she is,

that would give away the lil' surprise of raven finding out for himself). She

was wondering if Van or Raven had gotten her note. If one of them had, the

one who got it would tell the other, and then Raven would come lookin' for

her. That was pretty much what was intended. She wanted to apologize to

Raven after he had found her.


And I'd, Give it all away, Just to have somewhere to go home to.

Give it all away, To have someone to come home to.


Raven walked out of the mall. He had checked every store. Fiona wasn't in

any of them.

"Damn," he said quietly as he walked over to a cop that was on the street


"Do you know where a museum is?" asked Raven.

"Umm...," answered the cop, "yea. Turn that corner, go down two blocks,

and then take a right. Can't miss it."

"Thanks," he said to the cop after he had turned around.


This is my December, These are my snow covered trees.

This is me pretending, This is all I need.


"Not in the museum," he said sitting on a bench in the park. "She wasn't in

the art gallery either. Where could she be???"

"Right behind you maybe?" asked Fiona, who was now walking to sit next to


"Where have you been?" asked Raven.

"Here in the park all day," she said. "Where have you been?"

"Everywhere but the park," said Raven.

Fiona began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asked.

"Van told you what I was interested in, right?" she asked.

"Yea," said Raven. "Music, Art, Clothes, and shopping."

"I knew it," she said with a smile. "This is the one place both of you wouldn't

expect me to be."

"Oh," said Raven. He paused for a minute and then began again. "I'm



And I...

Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed.

And I...

Take back all the things that I said to make you feel like that.

And I...

Just wish that I didn't feel like there was something I missed.

And I...

Take back all the things that I said to you.


"Sorry? For what?" asked Fiona. "I'm the one who should be apologizing


"I'm sorry for not staying with you to make sure you were all right before I

left," said Raven.

"It's all right," said Fiona. "I got drunk, and the alcohol messed with my

brain and kinda took over. It was like I wasn't in control, even though I could

hear what I was saying."

"It's ok," said Raven. "That was last night."

"I just wanna take back all of the thinks I said," said Fiona.


And I'd, give it all away, Just to have somewhere to go to.

Give it all away, To have someone to come home to.


"You already took them back," said Raven. "I would do anything, and I

mean anything, for you, you know that. I'll do anything to help you."

"Thanks," said Fiona hugging Raven.


This is my December, This is my time of the year.

This is my December, This is all so clear.


Raven kissed Fiona on the cheek and held her hand as they walked back to

the hotel. Raven dropped Fiona off at their room. He walked over to Van's

room to get some of the stuff he had brought over the night before. He

knocked on the door.

"You find her?" asked Van opening the door.

"She was at the park, nimrod. She figured it would be the only place you

would forget to tell me look," said Raven walking through the door.

"Don't call me a nimrod just because there was one place I forgot to tell you

to look," said Van.

"Ok," said Raven.

"Really?" asked Van.

"Yea," said Raven grabbing some of his stuff. "I'm promoting you to idiot

now." He walked out of the room. Van shut the door as soon as he left.


Give it all away, Just to have somewhere to go to.

Give it all away, To have someone to come home to.

Give it all away, Just to have somewhere to go to.

Give it all away, To have someone to come home to.


"I love you," said Raven walking through the door.

"I love you, too," said Fiona who was now lying on her bed.

"I'm glad that I finally realized that I loved you and actually had the courage

to tell you," said Raven.

"Me too," said Fiona yawning. "Good-night," she said as Raven got in his



a/n: (12/05/02) This was one of my favorite chapters. lol, I liked the

promortion part. For all you people who read this before, I will update the

last few chapters! It will be just for all you who reviewed the first, second,

third, and this time around.