Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Head Over Feet ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Head Over Feet

By Alanis Morissette


Vega Obscura the King: Do I really have to do this?

Raven : YES!

Vega O.T.K.: Fine. I do not own Zoids in any way, nor do I own any of the

characters there in. I dont own any of the songs I might use in this fic. So far

I have used And One- LP, With You-LP, My December-LP, and now Head

Over Feet by Alanis Morissette.

It had been three months since Raven and Fiona had hooked up. They loved

each other more than ever and had moved from separate beds to cuddling in

one. Van, Raven, and Fiona were still a group journeying around. Shadow

and Zeke reluctantly got along. Raven was still piloting his Genobreaker and

Van was still piloting his blade liger.


I had no choice but to hear you

You stated your case time and again

I thought about it


"Hi Raven," said Fiona as she walked into the hotel room, "I'm back."

She looked around the room. Raven wasn't there. She sat on the bed. A note

that was on the pillow caught her attention.


You treat me like I'm a princess

I'm not used to liking that

You ask how my day was



Hi Fiona, how was your day of shopping? Van and I just ran out to meet a challenge made by two amateur Zoid pilots. I know I shouldn't have left you here wondering where I was, but these pilots are two rich kids who want a fight. Shadow and Zeke have been gettin pretty restless so we thought we would give them some time to get some of this energy out of their systems. Hell, as an added bonus, if we win these kids will pay us a hefty amount. Ill see ya when I get back. Van says "Hi", but right now he can't really talk. My fist in lodged too far down his throat to talk right now. Luv ya!



You've already won me over in spite of me

Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it

It's all your faults


"Oh God," said Fiona. "Raven and Van will never fully get along will they?"

"I guess we won't," said Raven walking through the door.

"You guys win?" asked Fiona.

"Of course," said Raven throwing a wad of cash on the bed.

"Wow," said Fiona. "You guys won this?"

"That's only my half," said Raven. "Van has another just like it."

"Wow," said Fiona. "I never imagined Zoid fighting as being profitable."


Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole

You're so much braver than I gave you credit for

That's not lip service


"Wanna go and get some ice cream?" asked Van popping through the door.

"Sure," said Raven. "What about you Fiona?"

"Yea," said Fiona standing up.

"Let's go then," said Van.

They all got up and walked out of the hotel. They walked to an ice cream

place that was close by. Van was the first to order.

"Hi," he began. "I wanna Vanilla shake."

"Will that be it?" asked the person standing at the counter.

"Um...yea," replied Van.

"That will be $2.95," said the person at the register.

Van threw three dollars on the counter, grabbed his shake, and walked off to

go get a table for them. Fiona and Raven then ordered. Raven got a

Chocolate shake, while Fiona stuck with a Hot Fudge sundae. Raven paid

and walked over to the table.


You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it

It's all your faults


Raven grabbed his shake and tore off the lid. He began to gulp the shake

down all at once.

"Don't do that," said Fiona. "Your gonna get a--"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," yelled Raven in pain. "Brainfreeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!"

"Brainfreeze," said Fiona completing her sentence.

"Wuss," said Van taking off the lid to his shake. "This is how a real man

takes it." He gulped down his shake.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," he screamed. "Why'd you let me

do that Fiona?"

Raven went from screaming in pain to laughing out loud. Van stopped

screaming and said, "I don't see what's very funny."


You are the bearer of unconditional things

You held your breath and the door for me

Thanks for your patience


"Will you guys please be quiet," said a person sitting at the table behind


"And who might you be?" asked Van. "My mother?"

"No, Van," said the person, "I might just be and old friend." The person

turned around.

"Irvine?" asked Fiona.

"Yes?" answered Irvine.

"How have you been lately?" asked Van.

"Pretty good," said Irvine. "I've been in those tournaments again lately. Wait,

what is Raven doing here?"

"And hello to you, too, Irvine," said Raven.

"Oh, yea," said Van. "He joined us about 3 months ago. He and Fiona are

boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Congrats, Raven," said Irvine.

"Thanks," replied Raven.


You're the best listener that I've ever met

You're my best friend

Best friend with benefits

What took me so long


Irvine had left and Raven, Fiona, and Van were ready to leave. They left the

ice cream place and started walking on the sidewalk in the city. They walked

past an electronics store, where the TVs in the window were tuned into an all

Zoid battle station. The battle going on was the one that Van and Raven had

fought in earlier.

"They taped that?" asked Van.

"Guess so," said Raven.

"Hey," said Fiona. "There's the Blade Liger and the Genobreaker. Are those

the guys you faced?"

"Yea," said Van.

"They were only two D-bisons," said Raven. "No big deal." They walked

away from the store window and back towards the hotel.


I've never felt this healthy before

I've never wanted something rational

I am aware now, I am aware now


They walked into the lobby. It was surprisingly quiet for a Friday night,

Raven noted. They hopped into the elevator a second before it closed. They

took it 6 floors up. Van went left when they got out, while Raven and Fiona

went right.

They opened the door to their room.

A look of horror had spread across their faces.


You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it

It's all your faults


Raven stared at the room. Covers were thrown on the ground. Drawers were

opened. Clothes were scattered everywhere. The closet had been opened and

everything in there was in complete disorder.

Van raced down the hall. "Guys," he yelled. "Someone broke in my room."

As soon as he got to the room, they found Raven and Fiona picking things

up off the ground. "This happened to you too?" asked Van with a look of

concern of his face.

"Yea," said Raven.

"It was probably those kids who we beat," said Van. "Maybe they were sore

that we completely destroyed their Zoids."

"Probably," said Raven with a serious look still on his face.


You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it

It's all your faults


When everything had been picked up, Van called the manager to complain.

Raven and Fiona however, got in their bed and tried to sleep. "Lock the

door," said Fiona.

"Just about to do that," said Raven who had gotten up a minute before.

"At least we weren't here when this happened," said Fiona.

"Yea," said Raven. "If anything ever happens to you when I'm not with you,

I'll go crazy that I wasn't there to do anything about it. If anything is gonna

happen, I want it to happen to either just me or both of us. I would die if you

died without me. I just love you too much." Raven got in the bed.

"I love you too," said Fiona yawning. "I love you--too." Fiona fell asleep.

Raven was soon to follow.


a/n: (12/05/02) Hey all. Hope you liked this chapter. Hm...You may be asking

"Why are you updating these now? About 2 months since it was taken off?"

Well, here in Connecticut, USA, it snowed (about 5-10 inches), so I felt that

I should spend some of my time fixing thses up, gettin them ready to repost.

When I repost, I'll repost everything plus at least one new chater.

Read and Review! And remember that the review section is for questions ON

THE STORY or any other stories I write. No spamming or personal

questions. That is what e-mail is for.