Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Zoids: Ultimate Warrior ❯ Mercenary Battle: First Day on the Road ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

ZOIDS: Ultimate Warrior
Mercenary Battle: First day on the Road

Bit had been traveling for days since he left the Blitz Team. He was having a hard time traveling, but he didn't regret anything he did. He had been traveling across Zi. He hadn't found any opponents to fight, but he knew a few opponents out here would be worth it , since most of the best pilots were mercenaries. Plus if he didn't get any good fights , he would try to find out about Zeke and.............*Whats his name again*....................Van .

"Well Liger looks like it will be a while since we get any good fights around here," Bit was becoming bored. He was wondering how tough his fights would be without his CAS armors. But he tried not to worry too much. First he had to FIND someone.

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*Back at the Blitz Team*

"Well team", the Doc began "We should start training for the Zoid battles, there only in a few months, and since Bit isn't here to give us a hand we're going to have to become better at piloting." "Hey Dad, you think Bit will be in the Battles?" Said Leena out of nowhere. "I bet he will." After that Doc went inside his room to "work".

Leena was less active since Bit left. Leon was the same person, as was Jamie, but Leena seemed to have something missing. Anyway, other than that everything was normal.

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Back to Bit and Liger*

"Hey Liger I think we finally found ourselves and opponent" said Bit seeing a Gustav carrying a Lightning Saix. Liger roared in excitement. Nothing looked special about the Saix, it looked alot like Jack's. Well Lets go introduce ourselves, Liger.

Bit and Liger ran over to the Gustav.The Gustav stopped and a tall 20-ish year old guy came out of the cockpit. "What do you want, kid?" Said the raspy voiced stranger. "KID? WHAT? nevermind. Hey I challenge you to a battle, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW !" Bit was pretty mad at him for calling him kid.

"Me Challenge YOU? You've got to be kidding me. My Lightning Saix will destroy that THING over there." "Lets go then.", Bit was ready to rip this guyÕs head off, well try to atleast. "I only fight for money." Bit had money from the S Class Championship, "Alright now much?" A grinned appear on the Pilot.

........ Few Minutes Later

Bit and the Pilot stood in there Zoids looking at each other. Finally the Lightning Saix made its first move. It ran toward the Liger with incredible speed, but nothing Bit and Liger havenÕt seen. It jumped over them spinned 360 degrees and landed right in back of the Liger. It Aimed right at the Liger, but the Liger was one step ahead of it. It ran to the side going away from the Saix. The Saix followed it, shooting it and missing by inches.

"This pilot is something else, huh Liger?" "ROAR" Liger responded. The lightning Saix was gaining on the Liger. "Crap, He's gaining on us, we could really use the Jager right now, but too bad." The Saix was closing in on the Liger, when suddenly the Liger stopped right on its tracks, Since the Saix was had its boosters on it could stop so easily. The Liger took advantage of this and jumped on the Saix's back knocking off the 80mm beam cannon . The Saix was still mobile but didn't have its cannon, but without its cannon it made it much more lighter. This turned onto a melee fight. Both zoids went at each other .The Liger grabbed Saix by its neck with its jaws. The Saix was pretty hopeless, but got out of the Liger's grasp and charged at the Liger ramming it with its sholders. This blow sent the Liger tumble. The Liger got up quickly, while the Saix was just standing there. Bit decided to go with his trademark finish.

"Strike Laser Claw !" The Liger ran up to the Saix and tried to attack it, but the Lightning Saix was much faster than before and jumped backwards . Bit didn't expect that , he tried again but no success. Bit didnÕt know what to do. Then he shot the Saix with his Shock Cannon, the Saix easily dodged it, but the Liger jumped towards the Saix and it didnÕt have enough time to dodge it.

"STIKE LASER CLAW !" The Liger came from the heavens and slash the Saix's left arm. The Liger landed behind the Saix, while it fell to the ground. It got up quickly, with rage in the pilot's eyes.They both charged at each other, going head to head. The Liger digged its jaws into the neck of the Lightning Saix. The pilot was in panic, the Saix was waving its claws here and there, it didn't have any idea what it was doing. While the Liger still had its jaws in the Saix, it jerked its head with the help of the its body sending the pilot and the Saix flying across the flat plains. The Saix landed with a big bang, the Liger ran up to it and jump right on top of the weak Zoid.

The Lightning Saix never had a chance after that. The Lightning Saix was out of comission. "COMMAND SYSTEM FREEZE" was read across the pilot's screen. "ARGGGHHH!", the pilot was in rage, he didn't expect the Liger to be so skilled in close-range combat, but then he cooled down and realized that it was his fault he loss. If he didn't panic and focused on the fight he might of lasted a little longer.

"I was wrong about you" the Pilot said, "Here's your money", He handed Bit a bag of money. "Thanks, You were a good pilot yourself." He walked into his Gustav and was about to leave when Bit stopped and asked him "Hey whats your name, mine Bit?" He stood there looking at the sky and said "You don't need to know that. Good-Bye" Bit watched as he left and turned to Liger, "Well Liger that was a good exercise for the day don't you think?" Liger responded in a loud Roar. Then they both stood out looking at the bright orange sun setting into the horizon of planet Zi.