Fan Fiction ❯ Aether Psychoses: Tales from the Planet Solstice ❯ Phase 1, Episode 9: Path - Time - Means ( Chapter 9 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
===> C M A <===
RATING: This story is rated "R" for mature subject matter, violence, language, and some fairly blatant sexual humor.
DISCLAIMER: This story, its settings, its characters, and all its distinctive likenesses are Copyright 2004-2005 Carlos Alexandre. This is an original work and may not be published without Carlos Alexandre's written consent. Characters, settings, personas, etc. may not be used without, again, Carlos Alexandre's written consent. Any relation to this story and any real-life events, past or present, is entirely coincidental. And all that other crap.
If you're reading this anywhere but at, I recommend you go there instead; some places this fic is posted in might not be formatted or italicized/bolded/underlined correctly.
Author notes and special thanks are further down.
HSD 232 - 07 - 07 - 0921
Shawness, Capital City of Higher Accord, Rhegos
This isn't my first time here in Shawness, and it won't be my last, either, but it is the first time I've been here since the ceasefire.
Not much has changed in this little paradise.
A huge coastal city with a variety of people and neighborhoods, Shawness is the result of several smaller cities and towns growing and merging with one another.
The place has it all: beautiful views of both mountains and oceans, large parks bustling with nature's beauty, food and stores of all ethnicities, and even a competent municipal government keeping the majority of the people here happy.
I've thought, on more than one occasion, of moving here when--I should say IF--I eventually settle down and get out of the whole wandering-rogue-and-bounty-hunter business. It'd be a nice place to relax, kick back, hell, maybe even raise a family!
Bah, put such romantic notions out of your head, Sieg. Like that will ever happen: you becoming a father.
What nonsense.
Besides, I've seen first hand... just what can happen to a child in this violent world...
Ah, my client, right on time.
"I heard you have a job for me," I say as I approach the familiar man. "Talk to me, my friend. What can I help you with today?"
HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1111
Shawness Port
The port is busy with human and airship activity, as the crew of one particular ship, the Essex, gather around their leader.
Sieg Hyrem, sometimes called the Crimson Edge by admirer and enemy alike, stands confidently, as his dark red hair flutters just a little above his shoulders. The man can be intimidating by virtue of his height and mass alone, standing at about six feet and two inches, with a medium but muscular build.
"Alrighty, y'all, listen up," he says with authority. "I have a job to do in Shawness today, so you can all do your own thing until about eight o'clock tonight. Explore the city and take in the sites and attractions; this place is famous for a reason. Before any of you go anywhere, though, make sure the ship's secure; we've never had trouble in Shawness's docks before but I'd rather not take the chance."
"I'll be on board for most of the day," Willis responds. "I have some work to do, so contact me if there's any info you need to do the job. If I leave I'll lock things up good and tight."
"Will do."
"You going to be okay flyin' solo?" Sonny asks.
"Yeah, we can help!" Amethyst, the newest member of the Essex's crew, adds.
"Nah, I'll be fine," Sieg assures his mates. "Actually, it's more of a... diplomatic mission, one where I'll be using my sexy charms instead of my devastating fists."
"So what's her name?" Amy asks, frowning, hands on her hips.
"Funny girl over here!" he replies sardonically. "Believe it or not, I'm not ditching you just to go 'bang some ho'. I'm saving that for the day after tomorrow!"
Of course, his mannerisms off the battlefield would make one believe that, while big and mean-looking, this Sieg Hyrem is nothing more than a pervert who somehow commands his own airship and crew. Those who make such foolish mistakes when confronting him, however, tend to remember the man for who he really is--assuming they survive.
But combat is not on the Sieg's mind at the moment. He laughs as the youngest of his shipmates, Asha, snarls at him, voicing her concerns over his relationships with women. As he backs away from her punches, he straightens his red and black headband, really a sophisticated device that, while looking like a simple band with earflaps, enhances his mental abilities, resists the effects of malignant telepathy, and can make what he hears sound louder or softer, depending on the situation.
"Asha, you must calm yourself," Meander softly tells the fuming young girl. "Whether or not Sieg is off to, as he so eloquently put it, 'bang some ho'--"
Sonny laughs at this, stopping himself when Meander shoots him a dirty look.
"Whether or not his is off to, um, seek female companionship," she continues, "it is not our place to intercede. He is doing a job that will earn us money. If that job involves sexual activities, then--"
"Thanks, thanks, that's enough," Sieg interrupts, shaking his head. "It involves a client, and doesn't involve sex, so Amy and Asha, y'all don't have to be jealous."
"I'M NOT JEALOUS!!!" both Amy and Asha roar angrily.
Backing away nervously, Sieg adjusts his chest piece, a blood red and ebony-trimmed midriff-style garment made of strong, flexible material. The thin fabric houses an invisible, microscopic array of aether-enhancing machinery, yet another tool that Sieg uses to augment his own already formidable abilities.
Below, he wears a pair of leggings covering his waist to the area just below his knees. They are, like the rest of the man's ensemble, also red and black, and fit the man comfortably; neither too tight nor too loose. Pockets adorn the garment, all of which are spacious enough to carry everything Sieg needs. on either side of his waist are his holsters, where two aether pistols--one per holster--reside. Finally, red boots complete the outfit. They, like everything else this man wears, are comfortable, durable, and easy to move in.
"Well y'all should be jealous!" Sieg jokes, patting his exposed toned stomach. "Half the reason I wear this outfit is to show off my hot bod to the ladies!"
He laughs nervously as the two girls, now wearing angry faces that seem to say "I'm going to kill you, you stupid son of a bitch" a million times over, approach with gritted teeth and angry eyes.
"Remember, all of you have to be back by eight PM!" he yells, running away.
"Leave him be, ladies," Sonny says, putting a hand on each girl's shoulder. "I'm sure you'll get the chance to murder him tonight."
HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1230
Waterfront Marketplace, Shawness
Tomorrow's the big day!
Oh, I wish I didn't wait until the last minute to shop!
This market is so big! There are so many stores with trinkets and souvenirs and toys! How do I choose!
"C'mon, Asha," I tell myself out loud. "You can do this!"
I have to do it. Tomorrow... is too important.
I shed a tear, wiping it away quickly. There's no time for any of that now. I have a job to do!
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" a girl's voice calls. I look up to see where it came from; some chick, probably about fifteen years old, dressed in clothing that can only be called whorish, has fallen, and a thuggish-looking man stands above her.
"C'mon, girly, dressing like that and then saying you don't want some!" he says. "Now, c'mon, give it up!"
What a jerk! Someone should stomp his sorry ass!
But... Why isn't anyone around doing anything!? Why are they all just staring!?
Sieg was wrong! This place isn't very nice at all!
Fine, you assholes! If you won't help her, I will!--
"So what if she's dressed like a skank?" a familiar woman's voice barks. "It doesn't automatically make her a target for your fucking cock, you jackass!"
The woman... It's Tealla!
"Well now, miss, you stepped up to the wrong plate!" the would-be molester spits. "Now go on home before I--"
She hits him so suddenly. I barely saw her move!
One moment, she was standing, arms crossed, about a meter and a half from the guy. The next, she's right in front of him, her fist lodged in his gut, as he stares wide-eyed.
Man... how does she do it?
From what Amy and Meander tell me, Tealla doesn't use a drop of makeup. No cosmetics at all. And yet, even in the middle of a fight, she looks so drop-dead gorgeous. She has a nice figure too, very sexy. Her breasts... she's a C-cup for sure. I look down at my own still-developing chest and my scrawny legs, feeling super-jealous all of a sudden.
Her clothing is equally attractive, matching her form perfectly. It's not super glamorous, but it sure does reek of cool. Her boots, pants, and belt are all black with silver buttons, zippers, and belt holes. She must love the look; silver buttons line the outer side of each pant leg from hip to ankle. Her shirt is a kind of form-fitting T-shirt with deliberate slits in the sleeves. It has a dark blue pattern all over it; not really for camouflage, I imagine, but it does, again, look really nifty.
Tealla's hair... oh, man, I'd kill for hair like hers! Well, maybe I'd draw the line at having it as long, going to just above the hip like hers; I like the length of mine as it is, and I've even considered cutting it shorter. But her hair, a soft brown, remains radiant even now when she's in the middle of a fight. It falls about her face quite nicely, but she moves like it's never in the way.
Wow. I hope someday I can be as cool as her...
"Go home, little girl," Tealla orders the young lady. "And try not to attract the attention of retards like this one."
With grace and poise, showing off her ability to manhandle just about anyone seemingly without any sort of effort--and still looking so good as she does it all--Tealla grabs the hoodlum's arm, swings him around a couple of times, and then throws him well into the watery distance. I see a splash, and can make out the guy flail his arms helplessly.
"The fuck are you all looking at?" she yells, running a hand through her hair with her other hand on her hip. "Go about your business! C'mon, get moving!"
The people eventually go back to their activities, and Tealla starts walking away.
"Wait! Tealla!" I call, going after her.
"Now what fool decided they wanted to join the guy I just threw--" she threatens as she turns, before seeing that I was the one calling. "Oh, Asha, hello! Heh, pardon the attitude; I get pissed off when people just sit by and do nothing."
"Yeah, me too," I concur. "I was about to jump in, but when you took over the show, I figured I'd just watch you work."
Tealla smiles, all proud of herself. "I must admit, I am damn awesome."
"Watch it, Tealla; you're sounding like Sieg right now!"
She bends down, putting her nose right up to mine. "Now that's low," she whispers darkly.
At first, I think I'm in trouble...
Then she smiles and laughs as she stands upright again--and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Um, Tealla?" I being asking. "Are you, um, well, busy right now?"
"Well, I'm here in Shawness on business, but I'm not busy right now. What do you need? And what's Sieg doing here in Shawness, anyway?"
"Well, um, he's here on business too," I tell her, hoping I'm not giving away that he's here on a job. "As for me, well, I... I need some help shopping for gifts!"
"Gifts?" She cups her chin, looking at me curiously. "Who for?"
"Well, um, actually, all of the Essex's crew. See, um, tomorrow, I'll have been on the Essex for a whole year!"
"Well, congratulations Asha!" Tealla says as she checks her TPC. "Looks like I've got time. Let's help you find some gifts. Though you know, it's customary for the rest of the crew to get you a gift on your anniversary!"
"I know, I know!" I assure her. "But... they've done so much for me. Sieg and the others, they took me in when I lost everything. I have to repay them!"
She puts a finger to my lip. "Say no more, kid. I know how you feel. We'll get them great gifts, you'll see. But you're buying them; don't expect help from me in that department!"
I giggle. "You got it!"
With Tealla helping me, getting everyone a present will be a snap!
The man crawls onto the beach, gasping for breath. Back on solid ground, he clutches his still-sore ribcage as he stands.
The man sees someone sitting on the beach... someone sitting, and not helping.
"HEY, YOU ASSHOLE!!!" the man bellows. "HOW ABOUT A HAND!?"
"You look like you're managing well enough by yourself," the sitting person says, not moving.
"WHY DON'T YOU SAY THAT TO MY FACE, MOTHERFUCKER!?" the man threatens, limping towards the onlooker.
Like lightning, the bystander runs right to the man's face, staring him down.
"I beg your pardon?" Sieg Hyrem, who was, until about a moment ago, enjoying a quiet moment on the beach, asks, his voice low and deadly.
It isn't very long before the miscreant finds himself being thrown back out to sea...
Ah, there you are.
"Daddy, will you be talking to him soon?"
I smile as I look at him--at Sieg Hyrem--knowing far more about him than he knows about himself...
Tales from the Planet Solstice
An original fic by Carlos Alexandre (CMA)
This episode was originally released on Tuesday, September 20, 2005.
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter. :)
I initially wanted this and episode ten to be one and the same, but it all would've been too long (and would've delayed episode nine's release). So I divided it into two separate chapters, releasing one now and one later.
I accept, welcome, and encourage criticism. Send it to or visit and post in the forum.
Thanks to my fellow Triple Peeps, Grand Master Shoma (Apollo Alexandre) and Judge Neusy (Neusa Gaspar), for their support and kindness. They have good fics too, mostly of the fanfic variety, and they and I write some works together. Please check out for more!
Thanks to "Supafly" (David Hackman, also known as Majere) for inspiration and for letting me base a character in Aether Psychoses on him.
Thanks to the plethora of anime, movies, and video games that inspired me to envision and create this original work!
Of the emotions that bind hearts together
Love and hate are particularly notorious
For both their strength and their fragility
-= PHASE 1
--== EPISODE 9
---=== Path - Time - Means
HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1235
Downtown Shawness
So according to my client, he is currently somewhere in Shawness.
Not really much to go on, but...
"But when has that ever stopped you, Sieg?" I tell myself.
Never, I answer in thought. And it's true.
Still, though, finding him in a city like this is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
"Sieg Hyrem! Hello!" an all too familiar voice beckons.
Like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Unless, of course, that "needle" is looking for you.
I eye the man. He wears a dress suit of a blue so dark one would think it is black from a distance. The formal coat and slacks hide a simple white dress shirt underneath. Black dress shoes that look like they cost a fortune complete the ensemble.
I approach him. He looks like he's in his thirties, though I know for a fact that he's forty-three years old. He certainly ages well, it seems. He's fairly tall at about five feet and ten inches; a couple of inches taller than Tealla. His short bed of gray hair doesn't appear to be the color that it is from stress; I think his hair is just naturally gray. His eyes, a navy blue, are piercing and thoughtful, perhaps betraying, just a little, the man's... judgmental nature.
And judgmental he is, to do the things he has done.
You may have fooled the masses into believing you're some harbinger of peace, Armen... but I know better.
"Hello, Armen Stratos," I reply casually.
"And how are you this fine afternoon, Sieg?" he asks, holding out his hand.
I shake it firmly, as if greeting a friend. "Not bad. You?"
"I could be better. I've had trouble sleeping, lately."
"I'll bet you have," I say, keeping my eyes locked on Armen's.
"Listen, Sieg," he starts, "I know you must have alot of questions, and, believe it or not, I want to answer them. Have lunch with me; I know a great spot just around the corner here. We can eat and talk."
I nod. "I won't argue with that. Lead on."
"This place is as beautiful as I remember it," I voice, staring off into the mountains beyond downtown Shawness.
"You've been here before, Amethyst?" Sonny asks.
"I have. At the time, though, I don't think I was able to appreciate it. I think I was more focused with the people, and whatever little petty things they did that upset me. I'm... able to think clearly now."
"That's good to hear. And now that you mention it, I'd like to talk to you about that."
I blink, turning to face him.
"Certainly," I respond. "What is it you wish to discuss?"
"Well," Sonny begins, "I'm... no stranger to the darkness that can consume people's hearts. So I know that even with the best of intentions and most concrete of promises, those that try to reform can sometimes go back to their... old ways."
"What are you trying to say?" I question, not liking where this conversation is going.
"I'm saying... that if you ever feel like the demons within are taking control again, let me know. I'll help you anyway I can."
... I see.
Thank you, Sonny.
I won't betray your trust. I promise.
"Of course," I concur. "In return, you must do the same, and come to me if you're ever feeling lost. Deal?"
Sonny offers his hand, which I shake. "Deal!" he says. "Alright, now that that's out of the way, I have a... personal question to ask."
A personal question? "Shoot."
"Are you Sothisian?"
"Sothisian?" I have to think for a moment to remember the term. "Oh, you mean to ask if I was I born in Sothis?"
"Yeah, that's right. I can't quite tell; your skin color is obviously lighter than mine but not as light as Meander's or Sieg's. In fact, your skin tone is similar to Maxwell--who has a very light skin color for a pure one-hundred percent Sothisian."
"Ah, I see now why you're asking. Well, as a matter of fact, my mother was half-Sothisian, making me a quarter-Sothisian. So I have some of Sothis in my blood, I guess. My skin color may or may not be related, though; I know several people with similar skin tone that aren't Sothisian even in part. Regardless, to answer your question, I was born in Hyperion City, before the incident that destroyed it."
"Wow!" Sonny exclaims. "Were you in Hyperion City when it got leveled?"
"I wasn't... but my parents were," I explain.
He's quiet for a moment. "I'm sorry, Amethyst, I didn't mean to--"
"No, no, it's okay!" I interrupt, waving my hands. "It was a long time ago. I was only four years old, then. It used to be a painful memory, but now... it's merely the past. No worries."
"Wait, you were four!?" Sonny says, seemingly shocked about something. "But that means you're..."
"I'm eighteen, yes," I finish. "Surprised?"
"Yes I am! You still look like a little kid!"
I blush a bit, laughing nervously. I never really explained to Sieg's crew, save Sieg himself, what Amethyst really is, and how, until not too long ago, it was a separate being sharing my body.
I did tell them about the armored form I assume in battle--and even gave them a demonstration in the Essex's training room yesterday. Heh, I remember both Sonny and Asha being so surprised that I could fly on my own!
But I never explained that Amethyst counteracts Drain, the debilitating illness that saps me of aether faster than my body absorbs it.
There are a few side effects to the fusion, though, like a slower biological clock. Physically, I'm about, oh, say, thirteen years old. In actuality, though, I'm already eighteen.
Of course, Amethyst... is gone now, leaving its powers, its very being, with me...
Amethyst... I'm sorry--
Enough, Sylvan. Don't let your friend's sacrifice be in vain; Amethyst wanted you to be happy.
"Well, um, that's partially due to how my powers work," I tell Sonny. "But it's a long story, one I'd rather not discuss right now."
"That's cool, that's cool, I'll drop it," he says. "But you will have to tell me someday."
"I will, you have my word," I promise. "But... I do have a few other things I've wanted to talk to someone about. About the Chrysalis Syndicate, and the Portal..."
"Sure thing, pal," Sonny says openly. "Fire away."
One would look at these two young men and assume them the best of friends as they talk so openly to one another.
One, known only by the name of Sonny, stands slightly taller than the other, perhaps by about a single inch. The man is five feet and seven inches tall, to be exact, and is of a light yet fit build. He has very dark skin, a blackish-brown, typical of a pure Sothisian.
Sonny tends to wear a fairly snug black shirt--torn in a few spots intentionally, for reasons he hasn't really explained to anyone--and today is no different. In sharp contrast are his clearly oversized white cargo pants, which the boy wears with not one but two chestnut-colored belts.
He stands on a rather colorful pair of what look like ordinary sneakers. However, he and his crewmates know that these shoes are as durable and reliable as any other combat-grade model, complete with locking clips for G-board usage.
"So what you're saying," he says in response to something the other boy, Amethyst, told him, "is that this 'CK' that Tealla was talking about is a part of another group altogether?"
"That's correct. He is a part of Atlas, an organization out to rule Solstice."
"Whoa, man, that's big news! Have you told Sieg all this?"
"I have. He wanted me to keep it quiet for the time being, though."
Sonny grimaces. "That guy just has no faith in us!" he fumes. "Sometimes I think that he only sees us as little kids!"
"Please don't be angry with Sieg!" Amethyst pleads. "He's only thinking of our well-being!"
"Yeah, well, like, that ain't good enough. When I see him again, I'm giving him a piece of my mind--"
"Would you betray my trust, Sonny?" Amethyst suddenly says, looking down. "You spoke of trust not to long ago. I'm confiding this with you. If you tell Sieg, he'll know I betrayed his trust, something that I don't want to lose. Please don't tell him!"
Sonny looks at the boy for a few seconds. Then...
"Fine, fine," he concedes. "I won't say anything, Amethyst. I just wish... that he would trust us. The way... I trust him."
"He does trust you!" Amethyst tries. "More than you know!"
"If you say so, mang. Anywho, sorry about freaking out like that. Please continue."
"Well, Atlas seemed to want to stop the giant Rift--or what we thought was a giant Rift--from turning into what we now call the Portal. When I was... not of sound mind, I worked with someone from Atlas by the code name of Celestial Knight, or 'CK' as the Centauri's crew came to know him. He, too, thought the early creation of the giant Rift would destroy Solstice, and actually didn't know that his Atlas superiors had planned it all along."
"'Early creation of the giant Rift'?" Sonny questions. "You mean that it wasn't set to go off yet?"
"That's correct. Celestial Knight was working on something dubbed 'Project Estrela' which was meant not to form the Portal, but to create an actual, stable, man-made Rift that would serve as a near-infinite energy source."
"That's fucking crazy! ... Well, not really, I guess. Didn't the whole Trinity War start over energy supplies that each of the three powers claimed as their own?"
"That's correct!" Amethyst confirms. "But what's strange about Celestial Knight's plans for Project Estrela is that they somehow involved Sieg and Tealla. Apparently, they have some odd power that would've brought stability to Project Estrela's man-made Rift."
"... And do you know what that 'odd power' is?"
Amethyst looks away, the child suddenly unsure of what to say.
"I... think I might... but I can't be certain," he simply answers.
The boy's real name is Sylvan Sorel, though since his fusion with the being known as Amethyst, he is comfortable being called either name.
Though eighteen, the boy's body is that of one who is only an early teen. He stands at five-foot-six, neither terribly short nor tall. He is, like his companion, of a skinny yet firm body, though unlike most, this is not due to any sort of training regime.
You see, this child, Sylvan Sorel, contains the essence of another being within him, one that counteracts the crippling disease called Drain. In fact, the essence uses Drain to power both itself and its 'host', namely Sylvan.
That essence, though once possessing its own thoughts and soul, is now but a part of the boy, the being that once existed around it having passed away not too long ago.
He continues talking to his new friend, his short messy bed of blonde hair flying about in the wind. He wears a simple outfit consisting of an orange-bronze sweater, black jeans, and brown shoes. Though it is some of the spare clothing that Sieg Hyrem kept on the Essex in case of guests and new crew members, Sylvan has taken something of a liking to them.
"So this 'Portal' might be the threat Armen Stratos, who, from what I understand, helped its creation, makes it out to be. Or it may simply be, like, a dud," Sonny says. "That's what you're telling me?"
"That is," Amethyst confirms, laughing a bit. "Quite a bit to take in, yes?"
"I'll say," Sonny agrees. "Hearing all that made me hungry. Care to eat?"
"I like those shoes," Meander says softly, admiring a pair of pretty red shoes in the window.
"They are nice," I comment, "but they wouldn't really match your usual outfit."
It's true. While the girl's long silver hair would look decent while wearing red, her long-sleeved light blue dress wouldn't really match.
"It would definitely be... colorful," I tell her, "but it wouldn't look quite right."
"Really? You think so, Amy?" she responds in her usual wispy tone, blushing slightly.
"Well, that's just my opinion," I reply. "I wouldn't take it to heart. Hell, look at me: I'm in jean coveralls with a plain vanilla white shirt underneath, and I wear this damn cap all the time, so I shouldn't talk!"
Meander giggles. "Yes, I have noticed you do not tend to put much thought into your appearance..."
"What!?" I voice, suddenly feeling...
What is this feeling? Shame? Embarrassment? Anger?
"Oh, um, I mean," she stutters, holding out her hands, "well, I mean that you aren't like other girls so worried about what they look like. You wear what you want to wear, and that's, um, admirable!"
I take a step closer to her as she takes one away. "Just what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, um, it is that, you see, I've seen you... naked, before, and, well, you're very attractive--"
"Really?" I interrupt sarcastically. "You aren't telling me anything I don't already know, girl. I know that underneath all this, I'm pretty damn hot!"
Wow, I can't believe the words coming out of my mouth! Since when did I become so defensive about my appearance?
"And I'll have you know that some men find this look very sexy!" I continue, crossing my arms, still not really believing the things I'm saying right now.
Meander... smiles evilly...
"Some men..." she whispers into my ear. "Like... Sieg?"
The more heavily dressed of the two women is Amy Corsair, wears mechanic-like denim overalls, a simple white shirt, large, round glasses, gray laced running shoes, and a blue billed cap.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" she says defensively, moving a strand of coal-black hair away from her face and adjusting the ponytail that falls to about the middle of her back. She blushes, seemingly shrinking from the other woman's gaze, feeling small despite the fact that both are the same height, about five-foot-seven.
"I think you do!" the other one, Meander, says slyly. "It all makes so much sense now! I always thought you just dressed that way because you did not care, but really, Sieg finds you attractive in those clothes! And you KNOW it! So you keep dressing that way!"
Amy laughs nervously. "Sieg? That pervert!? Please. I love him like an older brother, and that's all! I'd never want to get romantically involved with that jerk!"
"Then why are you blushing?" Meander squeals sheepishly, speaking in a girlish tone that she does not usually use. "Admit it, Amy, you're in love with Sieg! He's only twenty-two, you know! You're seventeen; there's not that much of an age difference there! You should tell him how you feel!"
The silver-haired girl continues to prod, asking embarrassing questions.
Dressed lightly, in a turquoise dress with long sleeves and a knee-length skirt, with simple blue shoes and dark socks, Meander's simple attire is reflective of her openness and naïveté.
Of a slim but still pretty shape, one that the fifteen year old girl maintains for the love of her life--that is, her crewmate Sonny--Meander often finds herself intrigued by her friends' romantic feelings towards others and their inability to do what she and Sonny already have; admit their love.
Take now, for instance.
She presses Amy for some admission of the feelings that Meander knows the older girl has for Sieg Hyrem, their leader.
"Look, you have it all wrong, okay!?" Amy barks, suddenly very serious.
"Amy, I--" Meander tries, but is interrupted.
"Sieg and I feel responsible for the Essex's crew," Amy explains, still blushing a little. "In that sense, we may come off as fatherly or motherly. Any notions you have of Sieg and I forming some sort of serious relationship are woefully skewed. You got it?"
"Y-- Yes," Meander says, doubt still in her eyes. "Of course. I apologize for pestering you."
"... No, no, don't apologize," Amy says apologetically. "... You're right, okay? I do... I do have feelings for Sieg."
The younger girl's eyes suddenly light up. "I knew it! I knew all along!"
"BUT I'm never going to tell him. Ever. And neither are you."
"What?" Meander gasps in disbelief. "Never!? But why not, Amy?"
"Because... Because Sieg has enough on his plate. You may not believe this from his sometimes... immature attitude, but he worries about us, more than you realize. His first concern, at any given time, is the welfare of the people he loves. He'll never tell you that, and he's never told me, but... I can see it in his eyes."
"I... I never knew..."
"A few weeks ago, when the Portal first formed, after Amethyst was still unconscious in what is now his own room, I found out from Willis that Sieg had been reviewing the shield schematics and aether sensors because he wanted to prevent you, Meander, from suffering at the hands of the aether 'noise' he and you experienced. He wasn't even thinking of himself!"
"... I... oh no... Have I been a burden on him?"
"No, nonsense. You shouldn't feel like a burden. Anyone Sieg gets close to is the target of his efforts to improve their lives. He's a very strong man with an indomitable spirit; if you're important to him, he'll do everything in his power for you. He's a tough friend to have, but easily the most loyal I've ever known. So, no, don't you dare start feeling like you're a hindrance, Meander. I just wanted to tell you why... why I..."
"Why you do not want to burden him with your feelings!?" Meander says accusingly. "I am afraid you are not making sense, Amy. How am I to not feel like a burden... when you clearly do?"
"I..." Amy tries, suddenly at a loss for words.
"No. I do not believe I am a burden. And I understand, more than you think, just what kind of man that Sieg really is. If I doubted his kindness and love, I would not have accepted his offer to join the Essex's crew. It is you, Amy Corsair, who believes the wrong thing. You have to tell him these feelings, or they will consume you!"
"You... think so?..." Amy asks, before... "No! NO! I can't do it! What if... What if he says no? I don't think I could take it, Meander. I'd rather just not ask, and keep things as they are, than face that sort of rejection. He needs me the way I am now."
"All you are doing is setting yourself up for disappointment when, in time, he eventually shares his love with someone else," Meander promises.
"Maybe... but I won't do it. Enough of this; let's get on with our day."
Meander shakes her head. "I will drop the topic for now, but I want to discuss it with you further in the future. And soon. You cannot just hide such strong feelings."
It's been about fifteen minutes since Meander brought up my... thoughts concerning Sieg, and I still feel uncomfortable.
What I need is something else to talk about, something...
Hey, isn't that...
"Hey, Meander, isn't that Galvanos?" I ask.
I'm sure of it. No one else I've seen dresses quite the way Galvanos Kristof does. Exotic-looking ritualistic robes loosely hanging off of what has to be a fairly skinny frame... check. About, oh, I'd say, five feet and nine inches tall, with very long black hair braided and going down to where his calves would be if I could actually see them... check. All manner of charms and rune-adorned items hanging off his outfit... check. Silver bands all along his lengthy braid and small jeweled earrings on his ears... check.
Yup, that's him alright.
"It is," Meander confirms. "But... what is he doing? He is just... pacing back and forth..."
"Don't know," I answer, seeing the perfect opportunity to shift the focus away from our last conversation. "Let's find out!"
We approach, and he seems to see and recognize us.
"Well, good afternoon, ladies!" Galvanos greets courteously. "How are you this fine day?"
"We are doing very well, thank you," Meander answers. "How about you, Galvanos? Are you, perhaps, waiting for someone?"
"No, no, not really," the boy responds. "I was just taking a walk is all, and, well, I got caught up thinking about something. I was just working it all out in my mind is all. I'll be on my way here shortly."
"Ah, I understand," Meander says. "We will leave you to your thoughts--"
"No, no, hang on," I insist. "You seem distraught about something. What is it? Maybe we can help! Come walk with us!"
"Oh, well, okay!" Galvanos accepts. "I'm in no terrible hurry to get anywhere, so lead the way!"
HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1251
Waterfront Marketplace, Shawness
"Man, this place really has changed since the war stopped," I comment, looking around at the newspaper headlines speaking of a new era of peace.
"Well, I wouldn't know," Asha replies, carrying a small shopping bad, "because I've never been here before."
"Is that right? Well, you know, there's plenty of fine seafood places around here. You getting hungry? My treat."
"Thanks but no thanks," the little girl declines. "I hate seafood."
"Really!?" I exclaim. "I thought everyone on Sieg's ship was infected by his insatiable appetite for fish. Well, you know what? I hate seafood too! I know a great restaurant here that specializes in fine meat dishes! You in? Still my treat!"
"Now you're talkin'!" Asha says happily. "I accept!"
Ah, good, a nice window table. Sun isn't facing us, so we're getting an excellent view of the waterfront.
"Everything looks so yummy!" Asha squeals, eyeing the menu. "I want this, and this, and this, and maybe this, and then this--"
"Hey!" I snap. "Show a little damn courtesy! I said it's my treat, but I don't want my damn pockets emptied by the time we leave!"
"Well, then, this is just one big tease!" Asha says disappointingly, an unusually distraught yet comical look on her face.
Sieg told me the circumstances in which he first met this girl.
I guess... she was moments away... from being...
Well, I must say, I'm a little jealous, little brother.
You managed to save her in time...
But not me...
Enough, Tealla. Leave the past buried.
"Alright, alright, get your damn twenty dishes," I concede. "But you're leaving the tip!"
"Deal!" she agrees, still flipping through the menu like a toddler with a new picture book.
Asha... Still only twelve years old, if I'm not mistaken. Shoulder-length reddish-brown hair, clear blue eyes, radiant smile... She certainly is a cute one, Sieg. Hopefully you aren't throwing your usual lewd comments her way; it wouldn't surprise me to hear that you flirt with a girl ten years younger than you are, especially one that you know is head over heals in love with you like Asha is.
She isn't wearing the same thing she wore back in Mantra Tower, though. Before, she had a T-shirt with "ESSEX RULES" written on the front and a pair of simple jeans. Now, she's clad in what looks like tight black biker shorts, form-fitting and, from the looks of it, made of material similar to my new rip-resistant tops. Heh, maybe she heard what Sieg did back at Phoenix Station and decided to play it safe. She also wears an un-tucked, short-sleeved, green shirt with yellow seams. "ESSEX ELITE"--whatever that means--is written on the back in highly stylized golden letters. Black ankle boots--wait, men's black ankle boots, actually--complete the simple outfit. Maybe she doesn't like the high heels. Should I tell her that she could've found women's ankle boots without the heels that are still outfitted for G-boards and the like?
"Check this one out, Tealla!" Asha says, showing me a picture of what is an admittedly tasty-looking dish. "Stuffed beef cutlets! Oh, man, I'm getting some of that, too!"
... Nah, I won't tell her.
I'm... I'm glad you saved her in time, Sieg. The energetic girl I see before me may not have been quite the same if... if she had been violated...
The hell!? What's she looking at all of a sudden?
She's staring straight at me, eyeing me over!
"Um, hey kid," I start. "What's the matter?--"
"YOU'RE SO PRETTY, TEALLA!!!" she suddenly blurts out, scaring me half to death, attracting the attention of just about all the other patrons.
"THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" I yell back. "You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!"
"But, but, you are pretty!" she continues, now crawling on top of the table towards me. "You're much prettier than I am! Your skin is perfect without makeup, your hair is nice and shiny--"
"Okay, Asha, you're starting to creep me out," I warn, backing my face away.
"--and your boobs are just the right size--"
"HEY! Are you crazy!? DON'T TOUCH MY DAMN RACK!!!"
"--and your legs are--"
"SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!" I roar at Asha, pushing her back into her seat before she has the chance to grope me again. Then, noticing the still-staring cadre of onlookers, I shoot the crowd a vicious glare, causing most of them to turn their attention back to their own fucking tables.
"You pull that kind of shit again and you can pay for your own damn meal!" I warn the girl, who seems to shrink in her seat.
"Um, excuse me," some old fart with a death wish asks as he approaches us, "I'll give you one hundred credits if you have the cute young lady touch your chest again--"
"I said I was sorry!" the young girl, Asha Hendrik, whines as she follows the older one.
Tealla Hyrem, known by reputation as the Cold Shadow, feared bounty hunter and prize female martial artist matched by few and challenged by fewer, keeps walking, still visibly upset.
"I didn't mean to get you banned from the beef place for throwing some old dude through the front window!" Asha tries again. "C'mon, Tealla!"
The woman continues, still scowling.
"I meant it, you know! About you being pretty! Prettier than me!"
The woman... stops.
"I... I see all these girls around me that are prettier than I am! Amy and Meander and Lemires and even Vigor; all of them are way prettier than me!"
The woman turns.
"And, well, I just noticed that you're very pretty, too," Asha continues, small tears forming at the corners of her eyes, "and I got carried away and did something dumb, the way I always do--"
Suddenly, the girl looks up at Tealla's now smiling face.
"Listen, kid, and listen very well," the woman speaks, her hands on Asha's shoulders. "And I'm not just saying this, either: you are very, very pretty. In fact, you're beautiful."
"I... I am?" the little one squeaks, sniffling a little.
"Yes you are. And I can tell that in a few years, you'll be the envy of every woman around, I promise you!"
"Really? Do you think Sieg will notice me, too!?"
Tealla laughs nervously. "Knowing Sieg... yes. Yes he most certainly will."
Asha wipes away a stray tear. "Thanks, Tealla!"
"Don't forget, kid," the woman speaks as she stands up, "that beauty, which you possess a great deal of, is as much a curse as it is a blessing. Beauty attracts fake friends and ill-intentioned people. So you can't let it go to your head, and you must remember who your real friends are. If you promise me that... I'll take you to yet another good place for lunch PROVIDED YOU DON'T FUCKING FONDLE ME IN PUBLIC AGAIN!!!"
"Okay, okay!" Asha agrees, taking a step back at Tealla's sudden outburst. "I promise!"
"Good. Now c'mon, I'm starving!"
Elsewhere in the marketplace, a young man by the name of Thomas Wittegar leans on a lamppost... bored out of his mind.
Known to his friends simply as Tommy, the bored child plays with the belt of his tan-colored trench coat, hoping it will provide him some amusement.
He wears a black shirt and brown khaki pants underneath the unbuttoned coat, tapping his military-grade boot-clad foot to some tune playing in his mind. He stands at five feet and seven inches in height, Shawness's sea breeze messing up his dark, dark blue hair. He blinks several times, hoping to keep his brown eyes from getting dry in the wind.
But, alas, playing with his jacket and tapping his feet isn't making him any less bored.
"Alrighty, Tommy, we're done!" a busty, shamelessly dressed woman calls.
"Done is we!" a smaller, younger, more conservatively dressed girl squeals. "Done is we! The shopping is complete!"
"Lemires, Vigor, may I remind you two that we're here on Chrysalis's trail?" Tommy scolds.
"Oh who cares!?" the older one, Lemires Rouchette, scoffs. "We haven't found any good leads, anyway, so why not relax a bit?"
"Relax, relax!" the other one, Victoria Wittegar--commonly called simply "Vigor"--adds.
"This is important to Tealla," he reminds the two. "We shouldn't be dawdling."
"Jeez, lighten up!" Lemires says, putting a hand on Tommy's shoulder, causing the boy's face to turn about fifteen different shades of red.
Tommy dare not admit it, but he has strong feelings for the older, taller, shapely woman before him. He admires her beauty, his more hormone-driven thoughts thanking the powers that be that Lemires chooses to dress the way she does. A black bikini-style top and bottom covers the essentials... and little else. Though the two-piece outfit is thicker and more resilient than any ordinary swimsuit, it leaves very little to the imagination. Thick azure armor decorates the woman's shins, forearms, and shoulders, with plated boots concluding the whole skimpy set of what can barely be called "clothing."
Tommy thinks to himself that even with heavier attire, Lemires would still be positively fetching. Dazzling purple hair, going down to the middle of her back, plays with the wind gusts. He suddenly finds himself staring at her sizeable breasts, quickly looking away. She's taller than he is, by around four inches, so he has to look up at her clear blue eyes, but he doesn't mind in the least.
"Blushing is brother!" Vigor squeals, jumping up and down. "Brother is in love with Lemires!"
The girl, Vigor, runs around flailing her arms, cream-colored sundress flying about. The scene would have been somewhat inappropriate if she didn't wear a black bodysuit underneath. Fortunately, she does, the suit ending just above her knees, at her neck, and just before reaching her elbows. She's fairly short, about six inches under her older brother, Tommy. Of a slim build that belies her eccentric energy, with short red hair and, like her brother, brown eyes, Vigor prances about, still shouting about her now-embarrassed brother and his crush.
"CUT IT OUT!!!" both Tommy and Lemires yell simultaneously, before looking at and subsequently backing away from each other.
"Brother Tommy! Miss Lemires! Look!" Vigor cries out, pointing to a couple of people further down the street.
I turn to look at what got my little sister so damn excited--
Hey... I remember them!...
Yeah, that's right, Tommy! You remember! He contacted us just before the whole Portal ordeal.
An older guy and a younger girl, the latter bugging the former for something she's admiring in a store window. The man berates her, but eventually seems to give up, pulling out his wallet as the girl starts cheering.
"It's that girl, Circular, and the guy who rigged our ship back at Phoenix Station, 'CK'! I'm sure of it!" I exclaim.
Suddenly, the man faces me, his look of annoyance changing to one of dread.
"My lord, what is it?" Circular asks, her voice concerned. Then, she faces me too.
"Ah, um, hello!" CK or whatever his name is says nervously. "Fancy meeting--"
"TEALLA SAID TO BREAK HIS LEGS IF WE SAW HIM!!!" Lemires shouts, unsheathing her blades. "GET HIM!!!"
"Circular, I believe it's time to RUN AWAY!" he says, at first calmly, and then in a mad panic as the two sprint off.
"AFTER THEM!!!" I yell, chasing the two into Shawness's city streets
HSD - 232 - 07 - 07 - 1259
The Essex
Willis looks up, startled.
"Big brother... you're here..." he whispers, preparing the leave the ship.
I watch the one called Willis leave.
So... this is where Amethyst has pledged his loyalty.
How very... interesting.
But neither Amethyst nor Willis Cornell are of any consequence.
I consider destroying this monstrosity, the so-called Essex, with my bare hands.
It would certainly teach that worm--the one who wields my power as if it were his own--a lesson.
You would be a crippled man if it wasn't for me, dear Sieg.
You would be a shell of your current glory.
The "Crimson Edge," they call you.
I would laugh at the ridiculousness of it all if it didn't anger me so very, very much.
And the weaklings you call a crew... pathetic.
The one watching over your ship has just left to pursue... his own family business. Another is a brooding fool, worried that he might lose control of his own petty thoughts. Still another is plotting a suicidal mission of revenge against an entire nation. The rest are just wasting all their time on trivial matters.
Truly pathetic... but as much as such a display of inability amuses me, I shouldn't stay here.
Tealla might sense my presence if I stay too long.
My sweet, little Tealla.
Oh, how this cruel world has changed you so.
You used to be so lovely, so happy.
It fuels my rage further, to see that Sieg is not taking proper care of you.
The way... I did...
Enough, Gabe.
There is still much to do before I meet you for the first time, dear Sieg.
I wonder how surprised you'll be...
--== EPISODE 9... END.