Fan Fiction ❯ For One To Trust ❯ Chapter Six: Kindness Is Always Rewarded ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
For One To Trust
By Kimberly Lucker
All characters and parts of this story are original so don't take them!

Chapter 6: Kindness is Always Rewarded

Crystal followed two crewmen around the ship and then to her cabin. Her room was full of flowers, once again. She found a single red rose on her white satin pillow.

She tossed down her bag and sword and ran her hands viciously through her wet hair. She turned back to the red rose and noticed a note still under it. Crystal opened the envelope and read the note:

Meet me in the ballroom at eight. I hope you will accept my invitation so I can once again experience that beautiful sunset.

Crystal couldn't believe even after she had been so cruel and unkind to him that he would still be so sweet and kind. Maybe he wasn't the monster she kept picturing. Crystal took out the brush and debated whether or not to go. She pictured Aolan waiting patiently as she stood him up. She couldn't do it, she just couldn't. She had and hour to get ready.

Crystal went to the mirrored doors of the closet and slid them open. She was in awe of the beautiful assortment of gowns. There was almost a gown of every single color and every shade of that color. She took out a black velvet gown that had lace and purple under the lace. Crystal began to get ready.

Crystal went to the ballroom and Aolan was waiting in his traditional robe. Emperor Aolan smiled at her and stood greeting her. He looked at Crystal in the dress almost mournfully.

"What's wrong, sire?"

"Oh, nothing. That dress was just my mother's favorite."

Crystal turned, "I didn't- I'll go change."

Aolan turned her back towards him, "They are yours. I was only surprised you had the same taste as her."

"Do I look like her?" Crystal asked.

"No not at all. I was only ten when she and my father died in the war."

"Why did you invite me here with you, alone?"

Aolan showed her the feast awaiting them, "I just thought you might like to join me for dinner, that's all."

Crystal remembered her last dinner date, which happened to be the worst date ever. Nothing could be that horrible, "I'd like that."

Aolan pulled out the chair for Crystal and then joined her. They enjoyed the meal. Crystal had expected Aolan to eat like an animal but he was very proper. Aolan smiled across the table when he noticed Crystal watching him.

Crystal returned his affectionate smile. It was the first time in awhile she really wanted to be with someone. This strange world was really bringing out a different person. Aolan finally broke the peaceful silence after the meal.

"We are very close to the temple."

Crystal looked up from the empty silver plate, "What will happen when we reach the temple."

"It depends on you," Aolan's soft blue eyes met Crystal's emerald eyes.

"What if I wish to stay?"

"Then you'll stay. I do not have the answers. You already know what will happen if you go."

"Your world will die. Then I know I must stay. I cannot be greedy and just destroy a whole world because I want to go home!"

"I was hoping you'd say that," Aolan smiled, a gentle and kind smile.

"I bet you were."

"Would you care to dance?" Aolan stood offering his paw to her.

She imagined that hoof of his on her dainty foot, "Are you sure that is wise?"

"If you don't want to..." He began to take his paw away.

She grabbed his paw before he could take it completely away, "I'd love to, Aolan."

They took their place on the dance floor. Aolan pressed a button on the wall and a slow song begun playing. He pressed another button and their surroundings changed. They were now in a crystal room with colors reflecting.

"Where are we?" Crystal asked.

"We haven't moved. It's holographic."

"Amazing," Crystal swirled around in the room.

Aolan took her right hand into his left paw and wrapped his right arm behind her waist. She situated her left hand on his hip. They waltzed throughout the song. He was a good dancer for having hooves. The music stopped and the ballroom changed back.

"I'm not as good as I used to be," Aolan smiled still holding Crystal.

Crystal didn't want him to let her go but he did, "You are very good. I enjoyed it."

"I'm glad."

"Thank you," Crystal stood on her tiptoes and kissed Aolan on his cheek.

Aolan looked down smiling at Crystal.

Kojo entered and seeing the two turned to exit.

"What is it, Kojo?" Aolan asked.

"There is a huge storm coming." Kojo turned and noticed the lipstick on Aolan's cheek fur.

"Is that all?"

Kojo smirked and motioned to his cheek, "Yes, sire."

Aolan looked down embarrassed and rubbed his cheek, "Is the storm that bad?"

"It could knock out our sensors and push us off course."


"An hour," Kojo turned, "sorry for interrupting."

"Kojo, I want you to keep me up to speed on the developments."

"Yes, sire. Is there anything else you need?"

"Be sure to knock before you enter, next time."

"Yes sire," Kojo bowed down and retreated.

"Shouldn't you go, Aolan?" Crystal asked the emperor.

"I'd rather be here, with you."

"But the storm-"

Aolan comforted her, "It will be okay."

"If you say so." A shiver came over Crystal.

"Are you cold?" He asked not realizing it was almost freezing in the room.

She nodded and Aolan pulled her into his arms. He was warm and Crystal felt contented by his warmth.

"Once, we reach the temple you must face Corton alone." Aolan said as Crystal shivered in his arms.

Kojo walked in on the embrace and cleared his throat. Crystal broke from the embrace to face Kojo.

"Sire, the storm is moving quicker. It is much stronger than we had previously anticipated. The crew needs you."

"I see. Then, lets go."

Kojo led Crystal and Aolan to the top deck. The storm was already up on them. The wind blew harshly as the rain slapped upon their faces.

The ship was tossed as the waves grew very rough.

"You should go below, Crystal!" Aolan shouted above the loud boom of the thunder.

"No, I won't leave you!" She said but he did not hear her over the crashing waves.

She took his paw and he understood he could not change her mind.

Aolan pulled her close to him as they tried to make their way to the wheelhouse. The storm only grew more violent. The ship was caught in a violent wave which knocked Crystal and Aolan overboard. Kojo watched as Aolan and Crystal were lost in the waves for hours but they managed to hold on to each other.