Fan Fiction ❯ Gundares: The Destined Warriors ❯ The Journey Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Gundares: The Destined Warriors Chapter: 1 The Journey Begins
Written By: R. S. Xavior

The morning sun
Rises so splendidly
Into the sky:
Oh, that we could attain
Such a clear reviving soul!
In the palace tower
Each and every window
Was opened widely
And in four directions
We viewed the cherry in full bloom!
- Emperor Meiji (1868- 1912)

In the year 2544 a terrible disaster occurs on a planet called Gundaria. Gundaria is a planet never been discovered because of the barrier that surrounds it. On this planet live evolved human beings called Gundarians. They are superior to humans in every way possible. Somehow this planet is overloaded with energy and explodes. The Gundarians had little time to leave. So as a last minute decision the royal families and court members were secretly sent to an island on Earth called Neo Japan, that was put there by an unknown force. Neo Japan was also surrounded by a barrier that provented its discovery. Afterwards Gundaria blew up and was forgotten by time until the birth of 14 righteous young heroes. Now 21 years after the incident with Gundaria…. (Note: Humans on Earth are rare to see because of the pollution on Earth.)

We see a young boy around the age of ten. He has his eyes close while he swings his katana into the air. Nearby a fifty year old man watches him. He is standing on the porch of their house with his hand on the handle of a katana. He watches the boy, who had raised for eight years. The young boy has sea blue hair and teal eyes. He is a Tenshinion, a Gundarian which originates from Southern Gundaria region. He wears a gi and hakama. The old man smiles and calls out to the boy.
"Ohashi, remember listen to your ears as well." the old man cries out.
"It seems the city is under attack, Muto." Ohashi says to him.
"Join the battle if you wish. I am sure Ryutaro would be there as well. Just be careful and come back alive." Muto replies.
"Arigato. I shall be careful." Ohashi says running into the town called Tenya.

Ohashi runs into to town to find the imperial army of Tenshin fighting off the imperial army of Venchi. He quickly rushes in to help. The leader of the troops spots him and motions his horse towards the young boy. He stops in front of him. He stares at the intense sparkle of Ohashi's eyes. The leader has blood red hair that flames upward. The leader backs away his horse and Ohashi runs into the battle. The leader watches his every move. The leader smiles and goes back to the fight. After the battle the leader orders Ohashi to come to him. Ohashi bows to him before looking to his face.
"This young man here is an example of why Tenya is called the Samurai Capital. I thank you boy." The leader says.
"It was my duty, sir." Ohashi replies.
The leader looks to his face once more to find the sparkle no longer intense. It was kind and gentle looking now. Then it started to rain, but he continued to stare at the boy. As the rain hit the boy's hair, the leader could have sworn to see small electrical currents running through the boy's hair. Ohashi bows to the leader once more before walking back home.
"Emperor Utahiro, what is wrong?" a soldier asks.
"That boy... There is something not right about him. Follow him." Utahiro says guiding his horse to their camp.
The soldier bows his head and follows Ohashi through the back roads until he leads him to his house. The soldier stops his horse and ties it down to a tree. He watches Ohashi greet Muto and they walk inside the house. The soldier draws his katana and walks inside the yard. Muto hears his footsteps and walks onto the porch.
"What do you want, young man?" Muto asks.
"I wish to see your son." the soldier replies.
"As you wish. But if you want to battle go away from here. I do not wish to have my crops destroyed." Muto says ushering Ohashi outside.
The soldier and Ohashi walk to the forest outside of town. There they stare at each other. The soldier smiles and he draws his katana. They both bow to each other. The soldier starts to speak.
"My name is Yang Xycon. Leader of the finest samurai in Tenshin." Yang says bowing.
"My name is Ohashi Enkai. You challenge is accepted." Ohashi says raising his katana.
The two charge at each other with a clash of katana blades. Yang for the first time is having trouble defeating an opponent. The battle between the true very skilled warriors rages on for what seems like hours. Then when it looked as if the battle would end in a tie.... Ohashi moves a step forward to gain grip. He feels the muscles in his left knee tighten up with a enormous amount of pain following. Ohashi hides his pain but Yang knows something is wrong. Taking this as an opportunity, he charges. Ohashi blocks his attack but is too late and his back slams against a tree trunk. He tries to stand but he hears a snapping sound and is unable to. Yang stands looking to his opponent, who can no longer stand.
"What is wrong that blow could not have broken a bone?" Yangs says with katana still in hand.
"Finish me if you wish. I am no longer able to fight. I admit my defeat." Ohashi says with his head against the tree.
"I have not won the battle. We shall call it a tie for now. To show no hard feelings allow me to fix your wound." Yang says walking to Ohashi.
Yang touches Ohashi's left knee and a moan escapes Ohashi. Yang feels the dislocation. He runs his fingers until he finds both bones. Then with great force Yang applies force to the bones. Then with a snap and another moan from Ohashi, the bone are back in socket. Yang takes the white cloth from around his arms and lays them to the ground. He takes two small sticks laying nearby and places them on either side of Ohashi's knee. Then he wraps the knee and sticks with the white cloth, tightly. He helps Ohashi to his feet and supports his left side for him.
"Thanks." Ohashi replies.
"Tell me what is wrong with that leg. During the battle, you did not retain such damage." Yang says.
"The joint is infected and eats at the cartilage. It leaves it vulnerable and more prone to dislocation, but I refuse to give up. I have to get transplants for it. I will one day find a cure for the infection. I refuse to replace my knee." Ohashi says limping forward.
Yang leads Ohashi to his camp. There he allows Ohashi to rest before seeing the leader. Then walking inside a tent the two bow at the leader, Utahiro. Ohashi does not recognize the emperor of Tenshin at first. Utahiro smiles at the boy.
"Master, I have brought to you the boy." Yang says sitting down.
"He is definitely Tenshinion. His hair is pure blue. Boy, tell me your name." Utahiro says smiling.
"Enkai Ohashi, sir." Ohashi replies.
"Ohashi, is it? Not a very common name but none the less. You are great fighter; I shall say that. Maybe even better than Yang here." Utahiro says looking to Yang.
"I doubt it sir. He is a formidable opponent." Ohashi replied.
At that moment a boy with platinum hair steps in. His eyes are blood red and he is a little paler than most Tenshinions. He holds large shuriken in his hand. He walks forward and bows to Utahiro. The boy has on a white ninja outfit and a cloth covers his nose and mouth. He looks to Ohashi as if he knows him from somewhere.
"Glad you have come, Kauwn. I see that all went well in your troops. Now where is Ryutaro, I summoned him as well.
"Ryutaro and the troops with him are being held up at the Mitsu Pass along with Kiyomitsu. I suggest you send out reinforcements." Kauwn says under the cloth.
"Certainly. Now, Ohashi how would you like to work along side General Yang here? My samurai troops need a leader such as yourself." Utahiro says handing Ohashi a contract, "I just need your signature and it is set."
Ohashi takes a brush and signs his name in Japanese kanji on the paper. He looks to Utahiro and bows as he hands him the paper. Utahiro smiles at the new recruit. Then he dismisses everyone. He tells Yang to take Ohashi to Mitsu Pass as reinforcements. Ohashi tells Muto of his new position. Muto hugs his son as he leaves with his things. He could not tell when he would be back.
"Be careful, kotaishi, you can not die now. Not now you are too young. Good luck." Muto says to himself as Ohashi disappears with Yang's troops.

Meanwhile in the Mitsu Pass in the Venchiain camp, a young girl walking about her tent, nervously. Her hair is black with streaks of royal purple weaving through it. Her eyes are purple, and we see she is of royal origin. She clenches a whip in her hand as she stops pacing. Sitting in a chair across the tent is a shorter girl. Her hair is black and her eyes a jade green. She plays with her dagger as she watches her sister pace. She sighs and finally stands up.
"Kitayama, why are you so nervous?" the young girl asks.
"Because we are pushing back the Tenshinions. If we persist we can storm the capital. I have to think, okay Krystalia." Kitayama snaps.
"I think I will see how the others are doing now." Krystalia says leaving the tent.
She walks outside to find a blonde hair and green eyed boy aiming arrows at targets. The young boy is Jegoro, a master of archery. He waves to her quickly as he fires one last arrow. He retrieves his unbroken arrows and returns them to his quiver. Then entering from the side a young knight. His eyes are a dark green and his hair black as night. He stops and smiles slightly. He is followed by a girl with blond hair and green eyes.
"Gremoro, how are the troops?" Jegoro asks.
"They are sending the Tenshins back. Soon they will be forced to retreat." Gremoro replies.
"I'm hungry." Jegoro says as his stomach growls.
"You are always hungry." the girl says hitting Jegoro on his head.
"Kyrama, do you have to do that?" Krystalia asks.
"No but it is fun to do." Kyrama answers with a smile, "We can relax for a while the Tenshinions will not attack in their condition. Now if you will excuse me I will consult Kitayama."
"Guys I came to tell you that lunch is ready." a young boy says.

The young boy has dark brown hair and dark teal eyes. He smiles slightly from the mad dash to the kitchen. He sighs and heads into Kitayama's tent. He walks in and no one notices.
"Hey little sis, you eating or not? If not I will eat for you." the boy says.
"Oh, hi Mustadio. Lunch is done already. Thanks just make sure Jegoro does not eat everything before I get there." Kitayama replies.
"Count me in too." Kyrama adds.

They all sit down to the table to find Jegoro eating like no tomorrow. Gremoro stares at him with one eye. He sighs. Kyrama has a sudden urge to hit both of them on the head. Krystalia decides it is best to eat outside. Her troops were next to attack, anyway. Kitayama looks disguised at the two and decides to join Krystalia. Mustadio, not unable to resist, starts his "Fry War." He and Jegoro engage in a duel using only french fries. Gremoro leaves the table to eat in silence. Kyrama soon joins Kitayama and Krystalia outside.
"Those two are the biggest children in the world." Kyrama says coming outside.
"It is called lack of intelligence." Krystalia says smiling.
"Man, even Gremoro has had enough and that is sad." Kitayama says disgusted.
"Hey, where did the peanut gallery go?" Mustadio says from inside the tent.
Then a girl slightly taller than everyone else runs up. Her hair mahogany color and her eyes a yellow green color. She stops to catch her breath before she begins to talk. She points to the battlefield and begins to speak very fast.
"There are reinforcements sighted not too far from here. They will be here in thirty minutes by their speed. Scouts report that there are two troops, Yang's and Kauwn's. We need more men on the battlefield. I will try to ambush them from the side." the girl says.
"Calm Milvera. I will take care of them. I will get Jegoro to help me." Krystalia says getting up.
Milvera nods her head and quickly moves her troops into position. Krystalia stuffs her mouth full and grabs Jegoro. Kitayama follows her. They all assemble the troops and prepare for another attack phase. With troops in position, they wait. Yang and Kauwn arrive and join forces with Kiyomitsu and Ryutaro, whose troops are severely exhausted. Yang, Kauwn, Kiyomitsu, and Ryutaro raise their gunbai or war fans into the air. All at the same time lower them, a signal for the troops to attack. At the same time the Venchiains attack. Milvera makes her ambush too soon and they lose that advantage. The clashing of metal weapons and the dying screams of men and women can be heard from the camp of the Venchis. Kitayama and men from other troops follow her as she advances through the enemy's ranks.
All looks good for her until an ambush from a secret Tenshinion troop is set. Most of her men are caught in the attack but what surprises her is the person leading them. A new face she has never seen before. He is a samurai by the looks of his armor and she is sure that he is the leader of the troops as he rides up to her on his horse. He stops his horse thirteen meters from her. He smiles as he draws his katana. Kitayama looks at him enraged from her men's deaths.
"You must be a new general. I have never seen a Tenshinion general with blue hair. You are a rarity." Kitayama says harshly.
"My name is Ohashi Enkai of Tenya. I challenge you to a duel Kitayama of Venchi." Ohashi says.
"Your challenge is accepted. Be forewarned you shall lose." Kitayama says pulling her horse back for a charge.
"Underestimated your enemy is a sign of weakness." Ohashi says turning his horse around.
"Or maybe you are just all talk." Kitayama replies.
The two back their horses away from each other and then stand each other off. They stare at each other down as the battle around them continues. Then the horses charge towards each other. Kitayama holds her whip tightly ready to aim and hit the puny samurai filth. Ohashi readies his katana for a fatal slash for the unlucky princess. A clash of metal and steel can be heard as the two fight. Kitayama wraps her whip around Ohashi's katana. Ohashi pulls on it with his superior strength so he will not lose it. Kitayama then loses her grip and they both fall to the ground. The horses immediately run into the forest and wait for their masters to return like they were trained to. The two quickly shake off the fall and stand. They charge toward each other for one on one combat. Kitayama dodges Ohashi's slash and he in return dodges her whip.
"If I can wear down her speed then I can finish her off using one of my techniques. Until then I will play defense." Ohashi thinks to himself.

The battle between to the two very skilled warriors rages on. Then finally Ohashi sees his opening. He quickly dashes forward and then jumps into the air to perform a horsemen's cut. Kitayama tries to dodge but her left arm suffers a deep cut. Ohashi smiles and charges again so she can not recover. Kitayama, however, sees his charge and manages to wrap her whip around his right leg and pull him to the ground. Ohashi ignores the pain and blood coming from his leg as takes this to his advantage. He grabs the whip and pulls Kitayama to the ground with him. He quickly unwraps the whip and stands again in a fighting pose. Then Ohashi looks to hear Yang yelling taikyaku. (retreat) Kitayama hears Ohashi yell something in Japanese at his horse. The horse obeys and comes to its master. Ohashi climbs onto the horse as Kitayama stands up.
"Another time we shall finish this duel of ours. For now we shall call it, tie." Ohashi says whipping his horse into motion.
Kitayama watches the Tenshinion troops follow behind him and Yang. She rises and looks to the fleeing army. She had won. There was only the capital left. She knew they would be ready and prepared. She had to think carefully about her next move. A wrong move would mean defeat and losing the best chance at the capital.

Yang slows the troops down as he is sure they are out of harm's way. He looks to Ohashi and Ryutaro. They are talking to each other in Japanese. Kauwn rides up beside Yang and they begin to talk as well.
"That Ohashi fought against Kitayama. They were equal in ability and skill. Emperor Utahiro was right, he is strong. I would watch out Yang your position may be at risk." Kauwn whispers.
"Well if he should beat me, I would not fell harsh about it. If he wins then he deserves to hold my title as the leader of Tenshin's samurai troops and that is all there is to it." Yang replies, "It seems that Ryutaro and Ohashi are friends. I am not surprised they are both from Tenya."
"What we should do is plan for the storming of the castle." Kiyomitsu says, "We should be able to strengthen the defenses greatly if call in reserves and if the civilians help." (Note: All Gundarians are part of the army)
"That may be the case but we must not underestimate Kitayama's power." Yang replies.
"I just hope Konin and Shinji will be able to help." Kauwn says looking to Ohashi, "Hey Ohashi, I think you did well in the battlefield. I can see why Emperor Utahiro likes you."
"I am honored." Ohashi replies.

An hour later they arrive at the gates of the capital, Neo Tenshin. They are greeted by the citizens and Utahiro. The servants escort their horses to the stables. Then they bow in front of Utahiro. Yang is the first to step up and tells Utahiro the bad news.
"Emperor, we are sorry. We were unable to hold our ground. They were too prepared. They will surely be here by tomorrow night. Please forgive our weakness." Yang says with his head hung low.
"Well it could not be helped. I guessed you would have lost considering that you had little time to prepare. All of you are pardoned. For now we shall hold a council after your wounds are treated." Utahiro replies.
The five generals bow once again to the response. From above at the temple's roof we can see a older boy. He is around age fourteen and quite tall, a rarity in a Tenshinion. His right eye is closed but for a good reason. From the middle of his forehead down his right eye and to the level of his nose lies a scar. His one eye reflects the emerald green that they are. His hair darker than the darkest of nights. Strapped to his side a mysterious rod. He sighs as he leaps from the roof to the ground. He lands perfectly in front of Utahiro. He bows to him before taking place beside the others.
"Emperor Utahiro allow me to take care of their injuries." the boy asks.
"As you wish." Utahiro says walking off.
Yang and the others follow the boy to a rather large house near the gates. They follow him inside. Ohashi looks around to see ancient scripts that few can read. The walls are covered with murals and pictures of times long passed. He stops suddenly as the young boy steps in front of him.
"So you must be the new general. Welcome to the force. My name is Jagoro Konin Tenyachi. People call me Konin, but you may call me Jagoro since you are a friend." Konin says bowing.
"My name is Ohashi Korosu Enkai. You may call me Ohashi." Ohashi says returning the bow.
Konin smiles and then starts to tend to Ryutaro's wounds. Ohashi grabs one of the scripts and begins to read it. Yang walks over to him and looks at him in wonder.
"So you can read Ancient Gundarian? Very few people can. I read it as well." Yang implies.
"My father taught me. He was a renowned philosopher." Ohashi replies.

Then a young boy around eleven comes down from upstairs. His hair is a black darker than Konin's. His eyes are ebony black as well. He has his hair tied back into a samurai fashioned ponytail. In his hand a scythe about half the size of himself. He walks down holding onto the railing.
"Kon'nichi wa, Shinji." Kiyomitsu says.
"Nice to see you too. I overheard your conversation, Jagoro. I decided to see the general for myself. I see rumors true, his hair is truly blue." Shinji says with a smirk, "They say blue hair is a sign of a true Tenshinion warrior."
"This is my younger brother. We live together." Konin adds, "If we are to win the next battle we may need to use our powers."
-------------------------------------------------------------- -------

The next night Kitayama and her troops advanced to Neo Tenshin's gates. The wait among the forest for an opportunity. Then giving a hand signal the troops move in. They see the Tenshinion army guarding the walls from all sides. The Venchiains charge out and that is when the battle commences. Archer and snipers from atop the temple fired, constantly, at the soldiers below. Kitayama yells out her orders and the troops proceed to the walls where they have to fight off the Tenshinion ground troops. She looks to Krystalia, who seems to be in deep thought.
"Kitayama, I urge you to be extra careful in this battle. Something is not right." Krystalia says looking to the temple.
"Do not worry they could not plan anything right under our noses." Kitayama replies.
Kitayama looks to the wall to see the fighter from yesterday. She growls, silently, to herself. Today, though, the young warrior has his hair up in a samurai ponytail. She laughs at how the Tenshinion have such silly customs. Then the boy spots her from his horse. He smiles and gallops towards her. At that moment Konin yells out an order in Japanese. Kitayama looks to Krystalia for a translation.
"Generals, use your special techniques." Krystalia replies to Kitayama's glare.
"Now what is that supposed to mean?" Kitayama asks.
She is answered by Ohashi stopping his horse. Kitayama stares at him in wonder. Ohashi jumps from his horse and takes in a deep breath. He unsheathes the no-dachi that had been strapped to his back. It looks worn from battle and a few parts of the blade have been chipped off. He starts chanting something under his breath with the no-dachi held beside himself. Then Kitayama looks to the sky to find it growing dark as a thunderstorm approaches. She looks to the boy to find lightning hitting him with unbearable rage and strength. Ohashi seems unaffected. Then the no-dachi collects all the energy from the lightning into it. The lightning stops as the storm disappears. Then he unleashes the energy in the no-dachi. The power wipes out some of Kitayama's soldiers immediately. Kitayama is also hit. Krystalia looks to the boy and strangely remembers his face from times long passed. The boy runs up to Kitayama, who is currently called crispy fried Kita.
"I suggest you leave now or I will make your lives miserable. I have no intention of having any unnecessary bloodshed." Ohashi says replacing his no-dachi with his katana, "All I wish is for you to admit your defeat and go home."
"Baka!" Krystalia yells.
"Nani." Ohashi says with big eyes.
"I know you! You are that boy we nursed back to health all those years ago!" Krystalia screams.
-------------Flash Back--------------------------------

We see Krystalia, Jegoro, and a guard walking through a battlefield which is already over. They search to find survivors but find none. Then Krystalia stumbles across a five year old boy. He is still breathing and looks unfazed except for a cut or two. She goes near him and he takes a fighting stance with a wooden katana. Krystalia backs away slightly as she can tell he is serious. Then Jegoro aims an arrow at the boy. The boy discards one hand from his weapon as he grabs his side. Then Jegoro lowers his bow and nods to the guard. The guard walks forward and challenges the boy. Krystalia notices something wrong with the boy's left leg. Then when he moves he favors the movements for it, in other words he limps.
The guard quickly intercepts the boy before he can attack. The guard picks the boy up and ties his hands and feet. The guard also a medic places the boy on the ground. He lifts up the boy's hakama to find a bandage around his knee from a resent surgery.
"Hey there. My name is Krystalia what is yours?" Krystalia says innocently.
"Ohashi..." The boy replies.
----------------End of Flashback-----------------------

Kitayama stands up and punches Ohashi. He acts unaffected. Then Konin spots them from the wall and jumps down to join his new found friend. Kitayama stares at the young boy. She can not help but to stare as he quickly dispatches the soldiers in his way. In one hand, he holds a rod with an odd looking jewel on the end of it. Ohashi quickly seized the moment and attacked Kitayama. She was slow in reaction and sustained a blow to her shoulder. Konin raced up at that moment and threw a soldier to the ground before everyone. Krystalia grabbed Kitayama and made a run for it. Ohashi was about to go after them when Konin's hand grabbed his shoulder.
"Let them. We have won the battle." Konin says smiling, "They are fleeing."
"Thanks for trying to back me up, Jagoro." Ohashi replies.
"Do not mention it." Konin says starting to walk back.
Later that day we see Ohashi and Yang dueling. The clash of metal is the only sound heard as the others watch in awe. Yang charges forward but Ohashi dodges him by jumping and then he hits Yang in the back. (Note: they are using katana with two guards) Yang yelps slightly before turning his attention to the charging opponent. Yang blocks and then counters. Ohashi dodges once again. Yang holds his katana back, ready for his ultimate attack. He charges forth and slashes with all his might. At that moment Ohashi slides under Yang's attack and hits Yang's stomach. Yang falls to the ground exhausted and in pain. Ohashi places his katana to Yang's throat.
"I admit defeat. You are better than me." Yang says.
"That was great fight. No one has beaten Yang until now." Shinji says with his eyes closed.
"I knew Ohashi could do it." Ryutaro says smiling, "Good job, pal."
Ohashi looks to Yang and helps him to his feet. Yang smirks in return. Konin helps Yang to his room to rest. Utahiro, who had been secretly watching from afar steps up. They all bow to him. He walks to Ohashi and commands him to raise. Ohashi upon command does so. He faces Utahiro.
"Congratulations it seems I was right about you after all." Utahiro says with a smile.

Four years pass without any battles taking place do to both armies recovery. We see a boy a top of a cliff holding his sword by his side. He sighs as the wind starts to pick up and sand blows in his face. He turns around and stands up. He smirks and then walks forward to the town he calls home, Neo Mechi. It is currently the capital of the Venchiain empire. He stares at another boy who is firing arrows at a target.
"Jegoro, would you stop it with the wind already. It is ruining my mental concentration!" Gremoro yells.
"Since when did the all mighty one need concentration? I will not stop the winds they make it more difficult to hit the target and this practice increases my skills." Jegoro replies.
"Maybe I will make the earth move your feet; then, we will see how well you hit a target." Gremoro quips.
"All fine with me. I have no problem what so ever." Jegoro replies while firing an arrow. His stomach then growls, "Okay maybe one problem. When is lunch anyway?"
"Whenever Mustadio decides to tell us." Gremoro replies walking off.

Mustadio is sitting on a rock in the courtyard. He is not preparing lunch. Instead, he asks his underlings to. He sighs and stares at the sky. He closes his eyes trying to find his own peace. Then someone yells and he falls off the rock he is sitting on. He growls to himself as he bushes the dust off his clothes. He sees Kitayama and Milvera engaged in another pointless argument with poor Kyrama stuck in the middle. He ignores them then something small and tiny bites him on the leg. It seems he fell onto a fire ant bed. He jumps around like lunatic before running into the pond in the courtyard. He sighs as the ants float away, dead. Now he has to worry about his soaked clothes. Inside Kitayama and Milvera are still yelling.
"It was your fault!" Kitayama screams.
"You are the one that said he could! Now he is outside shooting at my valuable playing boards!" Milvera screams back.
"You said you were throwing them out!" Kitayama quipped.
"Um please could we just." Kyrama says unconfidently.
"You stay out of this!" Milvera and Kitayama scream.
"Well, might as well go draw or something." Kyrama thinks to herself.
We once again see Jegoro firing arrows. He hits the target every time and in vital places that would kill a real opponent. He once again retrieves his arrows. No other archer in Neo Mechi could match his skill. He could hit a target that can barely be seen in the horizon. Few even bothered to challenge him. Jegoro turns to look to his older brother, Gremoro. He is practicing the basics of knight's attacks. Jegoro thought his brother was such a show off and swore to himself that one day he would beat him in battle. For now, he would train waiting for that day to arrive. Wind that is what his special power was. His bow was special it had the Ancient Gundarian symbol for wind and air embedded into its shaft.

Gremoro knows his brother is watching. He always tried to beat him but Jegoro never succeeded in doing so. Gremoro sheathes his sword not wanting his brother to pick up his techniques. That may be the key to his defeat if his brother knew them. He would be able to predict his every move. Gremoro yawns before turning to go to his room.

Inside a neatly kept room Ohashi cleans his katana using a special oil. He has his windows open so air can get into the stuffy room. He finally finishes the cleaning of his six katana and no-dachi. He sets three back on the rack above his armor. He then fetches the other three but drops them halfway to the rack. Ohashi falls to his knees holding the sides of his head. His eyes are wide open as if he was in great fear of something. His breathing becomes more labored.
"No... why now? What is it you are trying to tell me?" Ohashi says shakily.
-------------Images in Ohashi's head------------

A young girl runs out onto a field. Her hair is green and her eyes are red orange. In her hand she holds a deadly whip. She smirks at a soldier as she quickly dispatches him. Ohashi runs towards her with his katana held high in the air. She latches her whip around the katana and they both pull. Ohashi wins and she takes another fighting stance. He charges her and forces her into close range combat. Ohashi then unsheathes his other katana. He slashes at her with both of them but she dodges. Ohashi growls at himself and then she attacks. Ohashi performs a back flip and dodges her whip.
"You are good maybe too good. But it will not be enough, Tenshinion. I have never lost a fight yet." the girl says laughing slightly.
"Then again lady neither have I." Ohashi replies.
"This will prove interesting...." the girl replies.
Then when they are about to clash weapons again everything goes black and Ohashi comes back to reality.
------------Normal Again------

"Why me? This is a curse. That was the fifth time I have seen her in these fits of mine. I must figure cause for them." Ohashi says slowly standing up with his katana.
Ohashi places them on the rack and is about to step down from the stool he was using when Ryutaro burst through the door. Ohashi loses his balance and falls on his butt with a hard impact. Then his samurai helmet hits him on his head. The helmet had toppled off of the armor rack from Ohashi's impact from the floor. Then the whole armor rack topples over leaving Ohashi in a pile of his armor. Ohashi closes one eye and looks to Ryutaro, who is laughing like no tomorrow. Ohashi stands up and bushes himself off.
"It would do good to knock or announce your arrival." Ohashi looks to Ryutaro.
"Yeah.. but I did not know you would putting things up." Ryutaro said trying to hold back his laughter.
"Now what is reason you come?" Ohashi asks placing his armor back on its rack.
"I would not put that up. Utahiro wants you and a few men to investigate a movement in the mountains. Quite possibly the Venchiain army on the move or worse hybrids." Ryutaro says seriously. (Note: Hybrids are half Tenshinion and half Venchiain.)
"Well tell him I am on it. Now, excuse me while I change." Ohashi says.
"I shall meet you at front." Ryutaro replies.

Fifteen minutes pass and Ohashi comes downstairs fully dressed in samurai armor. His helmet is marked by the upside down crescent moon on top. He sees Ryutaro and Kiyomitsu ready as well. Kiyomitsu is dressed in a happi coat with judo style clothes. Fastened to his side a small tanto and strapped to his back a sniper rifle. Ryutaro has dressed in a black and white judo outfit with a quiver on his back with a bow strapped to the side of the quiver.
"It still surprises me how you can move in that armor, Ohashi." Kiyomitsu says.
"It is easy. Now let's go, duty calls." Ohashi replies.

Mustadio walks downstairs, after changing his clothes, to the kitchen. He fixes himself a plate before Jegoro comes storming in like a mad animal. He is followed by everyone else. They all fill their plates knowing Jegoro would be going back for seconds in ten seconds. Mustadio watches him in horror as he rakes food in. He is like a garage disposal, no, a black hole. He finishes three plates in one minute. When dessert comes he almost kills the pour waiter.
"You know, Jegoro, it would help if you actually chewed the food before you swallowed it." Krystalia says.
"But I am hungry and a growing boy." Jegoro replies with a stuffed face.
"Let's get one thing straight. You do not need that much to eat!!!" Gremoro yells in Jegoro's ear.
"Even I do not eat that much. At least I have some kind of table manners." Mustadio says with a sigh.
"What are table manners?" Jegoro asks.
"Manners are what you use when you are eating!" Gremoro yells while hitting Jegoro on his head.
"Boys, now, please, let's be gentlemen about this." Milvera says smiling.
"Keep your nose out of this, Milvera." Gremoro replies.
"It would not kill you to call me sister once and a while." Milvera says in an angry tone.
"I will call you Milvera and you will like it." Gremoro replies.
"I think I will eat in my room now." Kyrama says sneaking off.
"And where do you think you are going? If we have to suffer then you do too." Kitayama says grabbing Kyrama.
"Darn." Kyrama says under her breath.
"I am hungry." Jegoro says with his index finger in the air.
"Just shut up before I have to hurt you." Gremoro says with a death glare.
"Yes ma'am." Jegoro replies.
"I am not a girl!" Gremoro retorts.
"Sorry ma'am." Jegoro replies.
"That's it!" Gremoro says rolling up his sleeve.
We see a ball of dust as Gremoro pummels poor Jegoro. The others look on with big confused eyes. Then unison, they shake their heads. Then, the dust clears and we see Jegoro with a black eye and a large bump on his head. Gremoro quickly pats his hands together to clean off the dust. He sits down and starts to eat again. Jegoro wearily sits down beside Gremoro only to be punched in the floor again. The others sigh as Jegoro steals his plate and eats very slowly.
"Now, we know what to do when Jegoro acts up." Kitayama says with an uneasy laugh.
"Call Gremoro!" Kyrama exclaims.
"Aw... Aw.. Aw.. Pain..." Jegoro says shaking a bit.
"They are worst than Kitayama and Milvera." Mustadio says with a sigh.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Milvera and Kitayama yell in unison.
"Nothing." Mustadio replies by leaving.
"You better leave!" Kitayama yells at him.
"Escaped from her with my life. Sometimes she can be impossible." Mustadio thinks to himself.
"I heard that, Mustadio Ayame!" Kitayama yells, "Have you forgotten I can read minds?!"
"Oh no." Mustadio says weakly.
Mustadio makes a mad dash out of the kitchen running into a table along the way. Kitayama comes after him with very large, red eyes. The others including Gremoro sigh and continue to eat.

That night at the Tenshinion camp, Shinji, Kauwn, Yang and Konin have joined the group to the mountains. They all sit in a circle around a campfire. They are eating with chopsticks from bowls in their hands. Shinji pokes at the dying flames with his scythe. He throws more logs onto the fire and it blazes back again.
"It is getting late. I think we should call it a night after we eat." Kauwn says yawning.
"Well most of the soldiers are asleep anyway. So it should be wise to." Kiyomitsu replies while packing his bowl and chopsticks.
"I will take first shift of standing guard." Ohashi says standing up and strapping his daisho down to his obi.
"Wake me up when your two hours are up." Konin says closing his tent.
"Just make sure the fire does not die down there are some dangerous animals around here." Shinji says walking to his tent, "Oh, and do not get eaten either."
Ohashi slightly laughs at the moment. In the middle of his shift he rekindles the campfire. He stands back against a tree with his eyes closed. Then his ears and senses detect movement within the bush. He places his hand on his katana ready to fight. A dark shadow flies to another bush. Ohashi sees this and immediately unsheathes his katana. He pinpoints the stranger's whereabouts and starts to walk forward. Then out of nowhere a girl stumbles out of the bushes. Her body slashed in multiple places and she is barely able to stand. Ohashi sheathes his katana and supports the girl as she starts to walk forward. His senses tell him that she is an ally.
"Where is.... General Yang...?" the girl asks.
"Here but I think you need to see Jagoro first." Ohashi replies.
"Warn him that... the mountain forces are enemies... They are coming at dawn." The girl says before fainting.
Ohashi catches her in his arms before she lands in the dirt. He carries her to Jagoro's tent and places her against a fallen log. He wakes Jagoro up, who quickly sets to repair the girl's wounds. Jagoro looks to Ohashi and sees the weariness in his eyes.
"Ohashi, you should go to bed. You look exhausted. I can handle things from here." Konin says.
"Domoarigato" Ohashi says walking into his tent.
The morning sun hits the side of Ohashi's tent and his eyes open, instantly. He stretches and then yawns. He quickly dawns his samurai armor before walking outside. He finds Kauwn cooking and Konin tending to the still unconscious girl. Everyone else is still asleep or getting dressed. Ohashi takes a seat beside Konin.
"How is she?" Ohashi asks.
"Fine. She will live." Konin replies.
"We attack after breakfast. Can not perform well with an empty stomach." Yang says walking out and sitting on the other side of Konin.
"There are no signs of the enemy troops advance. They are most likely still asleep." Kiyomitsu says coming from the outlook post.
"Why do some people not wake me up?" Ryutaro says walking out from his tent.
"Well, you had next to last watch, and I thought it would be nice to let you sleep until breakfast." Kauwn says with a smile.
"Thanks" Ryutaro says sitting beside Ohashi.
"It was decided last night that General Ohashi would lead the attack to the enemy's front lines." Shinji says coming back with more firewood.
They finish eating and then assemble the troops for the attack. Ohashi's troops are first to break through the enemy lines. Most of them are still asleep but are soon awakened. Ohashi works through the front lines until another group moves in to attack
Then, a young girl runs out onto a field. Her hair is green and her eyes are red orange. In her hand she holds a deadly whip. She smirks at a soldier as she quickly dispatches him. Ohashi runs towards her with his katana held high in the air. She latches her whip around the katana and they both pull. Ohashi wins and she takes another fighting stance. He charges her and forces her into close range combat. Ohashi then unsheathes his other katana. He slashes at her with both of them but she dodges. Ohashi growls at himself and then she attacks. Ohashi performs a back flip and dodges her whip. Leona replaces his whip with a knight sword.
"You are good maybe too good. But it will not be enough, Tenshinion. I have never lost a fight yet." the girl says laughing slightly.
"Then again lady neither have I." Ohashi replies.
"This will prove interesting...." the girl replies.
"My name is Leona, master knight." Leona says with a smirk.
"I am Ohashi, master samurai." Ohashi replies.
"This battle will prove to be interesting then." Leona replies while charging forward.
Their weapons clash together and sparks fly. They both counter but are stuck in the same fighting stance. They walk in circles with both weapons pressed against each other. The intense pressure applied to his katana causes electric sparks run through Ohashi's hair. Leona gives a confused look at the sparks. She gains back her composure and uses all of her strength into a single push. Ohashi takes the opportunity and quickly jumps to the side causing Leona to hit the ground face first. She jumps up and takes a fighting stance. Ohashi makes an X shape with his two katana. He charges at Leona with both katana at his side. He slashes both of them at her but she jumps back in time. Ohashi performs a one hand side slash but she also dodges that. Then she moves in and knocks Ohashi to the ground causing his helmet to fall off. His samurai ponytail is revealed and Leona can not help but to laugh slightly. Then, she sees the sparks run their course through his hair again.
"You are good. I will give you that." Ohashi says smiling.
"Come on Sparky is that all you got?" Leona asks.
"I am just getting started." Ohashi says getting up.
Ohashi jumps up and the fight resumes. They ignore the screams of soldiers as their weapons clash with a powerful force. Ohashi's normally gentle looking eyes turn as hard as steel. He begins to pick up his battle tempo Leona notices this change and changes hers as well. Ohashi lands a blow on Leona's back with the guard side of his katana. She is knocked out of fighting stance as she stands temporarily dazed. Ohashi forms the X mark with his two katana. Then he holds both of them back in his final attack. He charges forward and brings them down in the X shape at Leona. Leona dodges but not without sustaining damage to her right and left arms. Ohashi stands back waiting for her next attack. Leona growls and then charges forth with her knight sword. Ohashi flips backwards to dodge it but his left arm is almost severed in two at his forearm. He drops his katana as his left arm hangs lifeless at his side with a river of blood flowing down it. Ohashi picks up his katana and sheathes it. He holds a stance with the other katana in his right hand, and picks his helmet up and places it on his head..
"It seems that you now have to use your less dominant arm. I guess that makes us even." Leona says with a smirk.
"Do not be so confident of yourself. That will be your downfall." Ohashi says seriously.
"Why you arrogant little?!" Leona screams.
"This fight is over. If we were to continue then you would die easily. Your anger has fogged your mind. I see no point in continuing." Ohashi says walking off, "If you have not noticed your right arm's muscles are torn."
"What? You are right. We shall continue this another day and time." Leona says walking off in the opposite direction.
"That is a promise." Ohashi replies.

After the battle the Tenshinion return home to state their victory. Ohashi cradles his bandaged arm as he rides off. He takes one last look at the field at which they fought. He smiles to himself and continues towards his new found home.
"She will be a tough opponent. One day I will defeat her." Ohashi says to himself.

A three days later Leona and her troops arrive at Neo Mechi. They are welcomed by Princess Kitayama and Krystalia. Her troops take refugee in the city and relax for a while. Kitayama and Krystalia lead Leona into their conference room.
"So why did come back?" Kitayama asked.
"They sent too many troops. Emperor Utahiro knows what he is doing. He is a master at strategic maneuvering. He has appointed General Sparky and General Yang as his advisors. Both of them are extremely intelligent at battle tactics. I suggest you leave General Sparky to me." Leona says with her eyes closed.
"Who is General Sparky?" Krystalia asks.
"I do not remember his name but he has sea blue hair." Leona replies.
"Ohashi..." Krystalia says looking down.
"You have any ideas on how to infiltrate their castle?' Kitayama asks.
"At the present state it would to risky to storm it. They are on extreme guard." Leona replies.
Meanwhile a top the castle roof stands a dark figure unnoticed by all. Standing beside him a sixteen year old boy. The mysterious figure wears a long cloak that covers most of his body. He has on boots that go to his ankles. Strapped to his back a long, broad curved sword. The boy walks up beside him and they begin to speak.
"The plan is in motion, Kentaro. Now we have to wait for the right moment. I know the puns and the rules of the game now to invite the players." the man says.
"Shall I continue to follow you, master?" Kentaro asks.
"Yes." The man replies walking off with Kentaro close behind.

Muto sweeps his porch. He stands silent except for a single sigh that escapes his lips. His hair is tied back in a top knot. His daisho strapped to his obi. He was waiting for a letter from his son. Then his ears twitched slightly as the postman came by. He walked up to Muto and handed him three letters. Two of them were bills and the other the one he had been waiting for. It was printed nicely and had a small drawing of the temple at Neo Tenshin. He sat on the porch steps and opened it, carefully. He found it written in Ancient Gundarian.
" Dear Father,
It is hard to believe that two years have passed since I last saw you. As you have heard Emperor Utahiro has made me his right hand advisor. This will honor our family's name forever. I have improved my swordsmanship greatly. I hope you are doing well, and I also hope the money I send you helps with the farm. I think that Yang is becoming my friend. Ryutaro is doing well and sends his regards. Well until our paths cross again
Your son,
Ohashi "

Muto looked up from the letter and placed it back in its envelope. He went back to his sweeping but is stopped by the sound of horse steps. He looks to the road and can not believe what he sees. He puts the broom down and walks to the gate to let the rider and horse in. The rider jumps from the horse and walks up to Muto. Muto hugs the rider, who is his son Ohashi.
"Ohashi, you have grown my boy and I do not mean just physically either." Muto says with a smile.
"I thought I would come and surprise you on your birthday." Ohashi replies.
"What happened to your arm?" Muto asks looking to Ohashi's bandaged arm resting in a sling.
"I got in fight with a girl." Ohashi replied.
"I told you never pick a fight with a girl but the poor boy does not listen. You are hopeless you know that?" Muto replies.
"Being a little stubborn does help." Ohashi answers while scratching his head.
"As stated before, you are hopeless." Muto says sighing, "How about some dinner? You must be hungry."
"You read my mind." Ohashi says following Muto inside.

Jegoro bolts down the hall running into things along the way. We see Kyrama chasing after him with a hammer. Her eyes have turned blood red and she is very angry. Finally the chase stops when Jegoro runs into a wall. Kyrama scratches her head and then walks off happy and proud. Jegoro lies on the floor with circles in his eyes. Gremoro looks behind his chair and finds Jegoro on the floor.
"Naive Jegoro. You will never get girls that way." Gremoro says shaking his head.
"All I did was walk past her room." Jegoro replies.
"I just felt like hitting something okay?!" Kyrama screams from down the hallway.
"She is abusive. You should not go after her if you want a girlfriend." Mustadio says with a grin.
"Oh, and like you have one?" Jegoro asks while standing up.
"Yes, I do and her name is Milvera." Mustadio answers.
"Not in a million years!" Gremoro says rolling on the floor in laughter.
"Laugh all you want." Mustadio smirks.
"WHERE IS IT!" Kitayama yells coming down the hallway.
"Oh no. She is mad." Jegoro says ducking behind Gremoro's chair, "Hide me..."
"Oh hello everyone." Kitayama says stumping off further down the hall.
"That was a close one." the boys say in unison.

Leona is in the library reading another suspense novel with Milvera near by reading as well. Mustadio walks in and takes a seat beside Milvera. She moves and so does he. This process goes on until Milvera reaches the last seat. She turns to Mustadio, who is grinning ear to ear. She slaps him and takes his ear and puts him in another chair on the other side of the library.
"Now stay there!" Milvera screams
"Yes ma'am." Mustadio replies weakly.
"Good!" Milvera yells back.
"Man, maybe she is not my girlfriend but..... I am persistent!" Mustadio says to himself.
"Mustadio no! I will never go out with your stupid butt!" Milvera screams from the other side of the library.
"Darn." Mustadio says under his breath.

The mysterious cloaked man walks among the trees with Kentaro behind him. The figure turns to him and smiles. He removes the head part of his cloak to reveal sky blue eyes and black hair. He is a samurai by the looks of his hair. He hands Kentaro a dark, round jewel. Kentaro pockets the jewel and looks to his master.
"Those spies of ours should be sending us a report soon. When that happens you are to find the three and inform our spies to me with the three at the city, Dare Hito." the man says.
"Seems responsible to me. I just hope they do not fail us. We need the three and fast. Master, who are the three anyway?" Kentaro asks.
"Heart of the purest warrior with eyes that glow bright and reflect life. One tainted by hardship and strong emotions with a spirit that shines. Two minds torn between each other with a strong ambition. They are riddles, you see. Each one names a different characteristics of the holder. You will know their names when the right time comes." the man answers.
"What do you we do after the ceremony?" Kentaro asks.
"My true intentions, that is what we will do." the man says walking off, "That jewel should be able to sense the three holders."
"Yes sir. I shall investigate the reports as soon as we receive them." Kentaro says saluting the man.


In Tenshin the girl that was rescued from Leona creeps through the hallways. She listens and watches for any guards. Then she sneaks into the national archives, a place where only top officials are allowed to go. She had stole a key from Yang's room to the place. She locks the door behind her to make sure no one can follow her. Then she finds a room entitled "Recent Soldier Records of Neo Tenshin, the City. She locks herself inside there. She runs throughout the files until she pulls out a folder that says "Magic Users." She takes a seat at a near by desk and reads the folder contents. She reads the list to herself.
"The soldiers in the army that have records being able to control elements are listed as follows from first to join to last to join.
Shinji Tenyachi- Dark
Kiyomitsu Sokuda- Fire
Konin Tenyachi- Water
Yang Xycon- Time/ Space
Kauwn Ryu- Ice
Ryutaro Okuma- Fighting Spirit
Ohashi Enkai- Lightning "
The girls gasps remembering them as Utahiro's top generals. She had narrowed the possibilities. Now she could make a broad outline report for her master. The ceremony had to take place. She stood up and placed the folder back in its proper place. Now she had to check on the generals known information in the computer archives. She went to a computer in the main archive room and began plugging in information to get some feedback on what she wanted. Eventually a screen came up that displayed all the stats and images of the generals. She placed a disk into the computer module and downloaded all the needed information.
"I, Xaingfei, shall prove myself once again." the girl says to herself.

The next day Xaingfei shows up at a clearing in a forest grove. She waits silently for someone. Beside her Leona in a cloak. She fingers a disk in her hand. They both are bored out of their minds. Then they perk up when they see Kentaro and the man walks towards them. They salute the man and hand him the disks. He pulls out his laptop and inspects the data. He tells Kentaro something that we can not hear.
"Good work the two of you." the man says smiling.
"Excuse Master Ja'aku, what shall we do now?" Xaingfei asks.
"When Kentaro, here, finds our three holders then it is your job to capture them and bring them to me at Dare Hito." Ja'aku answers.

After a week Ohashi had returned to Neo Tenshin and his humid room. Kentaro had located the three and decided to invite them all to a celebration and capture them there. He started writing them and decided on the location. He had bought some sleeping pills to make their capture easier. Leona and Xaingfei had everything prepared and no one suspected anything. He placed the letters in a mailbox and went to a grand house to fix up. There he meet up with Leona and Xaingfei, who had got the place set up which took the rest of the day. They waited there patiently for their guests to arrive. Xaingfei had crushed the sleeping pills and slipped them into the drinks. Kentaro answered the door to find that Kitayama, Jegoro, and Krystalia had arrived. Not soon afterwards came Ohashi. They all sat at a table and discussed the fake hybrid threat.
The conversation went on for a while. When the drinks came out Kitayama and Jegoro started drinking. Ohashi stared at his in odd smelling something besides drink in it. He settled to fix himself a glass of water along with Krystalia.
"Tell me why you two dislike my drinks?" Kentaro asks.
"I just prefer water." they both answered.
"Darn. Now we will have to shoot those two." Kentaro cursed to himself.
"Now are you sure that the hybrids are planning an attack on both capitals?" Kitayama asks.
"Yes of course. My sources are very reliable." Kentaro answers.
"I think I am going to lie down. I feel sleepy all of a sudden." Jegoro says yawning.
Kentaro mentally patted himself on the back as Jegoro sprawled out on the couch. He started a conversation on the location of the hybrids and were they planned to attack from. This lasted for ten minutes until Kitayama's steady breathing could be heard. She was asleep. Krystalia stared at Ohashi confused. Leona and Xaingfei burst into the room with two guns in their hands. Kentaro whipped out another gun as well. All of them were pointed at Ohashi and Krystalia.
"I knew there was something wrong with you." Ohashi says looking to Kentaro, "I smelt the pills in the drink and decided not to drink it. I knew that you were lying to us."
"What do you want from us?" Krystalia yells.
"Its is not you we want lady. We want your two friends here and that boy." Kentaro replies smirking.
"Run!" Ohashi says pushing Krystalia towards the door, "Warn the others! I will hold them off.
Krystalia ran as she was told. Her feet could not have gone any faster as she ran into the forest. Then she held guns shots. She closed her eyes knowing what had happened to them. She had to warn the armies. It was all in her hands. She looked back a final time and ran. Back inside the house Kentaro picks up the bodies.
"These dart guns are good bluffs and the tranquilizers work fast." Kentaro says smiling.
"Now we must hurry Ja'aku is waiting. Kentaro, you are the strongest get them and placed them on the hovercraft." Xaingfei says locking the front door.
"We must hurry that girl will inform the others." Leona says helping Kentaro.
"That is what Ja'aku wanted. He has more plans that he told you." Kentaro says with a slight laugh.

Krystalia feels her legs giving out and fast. She was heading for the enemy lines. It was a risk but she had to take it. It was the closest place to her current location. She looked at the horizon hoping to see the giant temple come into her view. She passed several cherry blossoms groves, and that told her that she was close. Her legs were on fire when she finally saw the town of Neo Tenshin in the distance. She reached the gate in no time using the last bit of her speed to collapse on the steps of the entrance gate to the town. The guards tried to shake her back to her senses. They realized that she was Venchiain and immediately took her to the dungeon. When she came around she started banging against the steel door that prevented her escape. She slumped to the floor beside the door.
"Why won't anyone listen to me?" she asked herself out loud.
"You are a Venchiain that is why." Kiyomitsu says opening the door with Kauwn behind him.
"You must believe me. Ohashi, Kitayama, and Jegoro were all captured by a resistant group." Krystalia says pleading them to believe her.
"Why would that pertain to us? You are lying anyway." Kiyomitsu replies.
"He is your general and friend, don't you care what happens to him?!" Krystalia says waving her arms a bit.
"General Ohashi is out on a data gathering mission and would not be captured." Kiyomitsu says cold hearted.
"That is what Jegoro and my sister were doing but they were captured in front of my eyes. All of them are most likely dead by now." Krystalia says looking down.
"Wait, Kiyomitsu, she may be telling the truth. Here hand me your wrists." Kauwn says swatting down to her.
Krystalia does as told and Kauwn holds two finger on her veins and applies a little pressure to them. He looks to her seriously.
"Did Ohashi get captured?" Kauwn asks her.
"Yes." she replies.
Kauwn senses no tension in her wrists nor any flinching of her face. He concludes in his mind that she is telling the truth. He takes some handcuffs off of his obi and clamps down on Krystalia's wrists. He commands her to follow him. Kiyomitsu gives him a strange look. Kauwn nods his head with a slight smile. Kiyomitsu follows them from the rear. They walk up several flights of stairs until they come to Utahiro's room. Ryutaro, who guards it, knocks on the door and escorts the three in. Utahiro looks to them.
"Emperor this girl tells us that Advisor Ohashi has been captured along with Princess Kitayama and General Jegoro." Kauwn says while bowing deeply.
"Does she speak the truth?" Utahiro asks.
"Yes." he replies.
"Where were they last scene?" Ryutaro asks.
"At a mansion in the woods. They said something about the three. I have no idea what they have in plan for them, though.' Krystalia replies.
"Ryutaro, inform Shinji and Konin about this and have them inspect that mansion. I want you to help him. Kiyomitsu and Kauwn, you stay here and watch the girl." Utahiro orders.
"It is about twenty miles west of here." Krystalia adds.
"Yes sire." Ryutaro says running off.

Ryutaro runs downstairs to the the back doors, where Konin and Shinji had guard duty. He catches his breath before attempting to speak with them.
"You must come with me. Get a hovercraft. Advisor Ohashi has been captured along with Princess Kitayama and General Jegoro. Emperor Author is going to contact the Venchiains and tell them the news as well. Just follow me. We are to inspect their place of capture." Ryutaro says quickly.
"Then by all means let's hurry." Shinji yells.

They reach the mansion in no time and begin to search. There are signs of a struggle but no signs of death or the others. When all seems that there is no evidence, Shinji runs across a paper in a upstairs room. He picks it up and starts to read it.
"Dare Hito, a city of many mysterious backgrounds where few live. Hardly any buildings stand in the once proud city. For eight years it lies in ruins. There is only one building that is completely undamaged, a shrine. The shrine has an unknown purpose. They only clue to its use is its resemblance to the shrine of Gundaria that was on our former planet. There three pedestals in the interior of the shrine, but no one knows their reason to be.
(Further down are notes hand written recently)
Plan: Capture the three and bring them to the master in Dare Hito. There we will begin the plan that he thought of long ago. The time is now."
Shinji stares at the document for a moment before calling Kiyomitsu and Konin to inspect it also. They rush upstairs and read the document. They all look at each other in confused glances. Then, Konin has an idea pop into his head.
"That is where they have taken them. We must inform the others of this discovery. Come on we have no time to waste." Kiyomitsu says running downstairs.
"I just hope they are still alive." Konin says running after him.
"I am sure they are." Shinji adds.

A dull pain came to his head as his eyes opened. He glanced around and found himself chained to a wall in a dungeon cell. Across the room was Kitayama, who was still unconscious. Jegoro was not too far from his position. He was awake and stared at Ohashi.
"Where are we?" Ohashi asked.
"Somewhere in Dare Hito, I think." Jegoro replied.
"I can not believe I fell into trap. I failed everyone." Ohashi says with his head down.
"You have not failed anyone yet. Unfortunately, Kitayama will not wake up. I have tried everything." Jegoro says sternly.
"That girl that was with you escaped, didn't she?" Ohashi asked.
"I think Krystalia did. I hope so. She is our only hope. I am not sure what they have planned for us, but must not be good by the way they talk." Jegoro replied, "They came by here a few minutes before you woke up. They were muttering something about the three."
"Kita, wake up. This is no time to be sleep." Ohashi yells and gets no effect.
Ohashi, then, gets an idea. He manages to start a small electric current on his finger tips. He charges it a bit and then fires the small ball of electrical energy at Kitayama. She groans and wakes up to a nice stand straight up hair style. She screams and Ohashi's eyes get big realizing he powered up too much.
"What have you done to my hair!" Kitayama screamed.
"Whoops.. Guess made that too powerful." Ohashi says uneasily.
"Well she is awake at least. Let me fill you in. We are in a dungeon somewhere in Dare Hito with no means of escape." Jegoro says seriously.
"Wonderful, I do not care about that now. I have no brush to fix my hair!" Kitayama bellows, "That is the worst of our worries!"
"Shut up and some complaining. No one wants to hear you talk about hair." Ohashi says giving her a death glare.
"If you are going to yell at me at least use proper English and speak faster!" Kitayama retorts.
"Excuse me for being born!" Ohashi quips.
"Come on this is no time to argue!" Jegoro says and causes both of them to shut up, "I hope they are not planning to kill us."

Footsteps can be walking towards them from down the hall. They all perk up and listen carefully to the sound of what seems like boots with soft under padding.

To Be Continued......