Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Sawyer - A Disturbed Mind 5 ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5

“Then you wouldn’t be afraid if I lost control?”

“I wouldn’t be afraid,” she said, her voice betraying her fear.

I could barely stand it anymore. I was too far gone to take much notice of her all-too-obvious fear. I had finally lost control. My voice sounded strange even to me as it came out in a low growl.

“Good… Because I think I have… Just lie still… I’ll be gentle…”

Slowly, I began stroking her long lavender ponytails, gently tilting her head back and allowing easy access to her throat. It was quite ironic how tender my actions were towards her, how much they seemed to make her both tense and relaxed. I could feel her pulse increasing, hear her blood rushing. Her breathing had grown short and erratic. I’m not sure if she knew what was about to happen. As soon as my lips parted, inches from the soft skin of her throat, blazing white fangs lowered from their sheaths. My grip on her tightened to vice-grip strength again.

I held her closer to me, her head still tilted back. She had made no move to resist me, only let her breathing show her fear. To be honest, I don’t think she could have moved even if she had wanted to. I stroked the side of her throat with the hand that had eased her head back, reveling in the feel of her soft skin. I took a deep breath, inhaling her scent. It was heavy but pleasant, like the smell of roses. Slowly, I closed the distance between my lips and her throat.

Right at the curve of her jugular vein, razor-sharp fangs penetrated smooth skin. I could hear her sharp intake of breath as she felt two simultaneous punctures in the side of her throat. Creating gentle suction with my breath, I drank slowly, still trying to maintain some small semblance of control. Her blood tasted warm and sweet. Soon, I was able to lose myself in my contentment.

I never noticed the glow forming around her. I never noticed her short lavender dress disappearing. I never saw it being replaced with a long silver one as the energy supporting her transformation drained from her body.

“Bro- … ther…”

I could just barely hear her whisper to me, her breath catching in the middle of the word. In the state I was in, I couldn’t tell if she really wanted me to stop or not.

Somehow, though I really couldn’t hear it clearly, it just felt… right… to hear her whisper to me in the dark like that. She sounded like she needed to be protected. Her voice was slowly pulling me back to reality. I let out a low growl against her soft skin. What I needed to protect her from was myself.

“Sawyer… Please… I-I’m getting dizzy,” she whimpered. She clung to me weakly and I could feel the last of her strength leaving her. “Make everything stop tilting… I feel… like I’m going to fall…”

Her head fell back, her whole body gone limp.

Slowly, almost reluctantly, I drew my fangs out of her skin and back up into their sheaths. I took one last deep drink and slowly pulled my lips away from her soft skin. I heard a soft whimper.

I couldn’t resist nuzzling my lips against the smooth skin of her throat one last time, just to hear her breath catch again. It was the only sound I had ever heard her make that even suggested she was anything less than a total innocent. It also reminded me just how innocent she really was. She had no idea what her breath catching made me feel.

But she called me her brother…

When I finally had enough control over myself to look her in the face, I was horrified.

What have I done?

Her face, once a perfect olive tone, was now sickly pale. Had I drained too much from her? I was about to panic. Was this only a repeat of what had happened with Lily, so long ago?

I looked her up and down frantically, searching for some small movement that would tell me if she had any strength left, if she would make it. I rocked her back and forth, hoping to wake her up. I was trying my hardest not to let the tears in my eyes escape.

“Forgive me… Princess… How could I have let myself go so far? Please… Don’t die… I can’t lose you now… Don’t leave me… little sister…”

She didn’t move. Her breathing was shallow and her face was rapidly losing what little color it had left.

“Please… We’re so alike… I don’t want to be alone either… Stay with me…”

I felt her hand move, but just barely. I was so happy she was alive that it took me almost a full minute to realize her hand was on my throat, over the same place where, on her, my fangs had penetrated. The same place where, on her, the blood that kept her alive was running from.

Slowly, I guided her head down to rest over my heart. She had said my heartbeat was soothing to her. I wondered if she could even hear it.

I concentrated hard, as I had before. Soon, the familiar dark purple glow was back in my right hand. Very slowly, ever so tenderly, I began to run my fingers back and forth over her throat, over the two bleeding punctures that marred her smooth skin. I could feel them sealing themselves. However, unlike the gash in her back, these would probably never disappear completely.

I was disgusted with myself.

She would live, but just barely. If I had killed her, there would be no way I could ever complete my mission. If she died now, I could never get Lily back. I could never get back to where I came from. I could never go back to my world.

What have I done?

In my mind, I went back to that horrible night so long ago.