Fan Fiction ❯ Illusia ❯ Sawyer - A Disturbed Mind 7 ( Chapter 26 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7

Lily… My beautiful Lily… It’s been so long since you graced my dreams with a visit… Even longer since you smiled at me…

Thank you…

It was incredibly painful to wake up. I missed her warmth in my arms. It had seemed like a sure thing that I wouldn’t wake up this time. I blinked slowly and stared around the dimly lit interior of the great fallen tree. Moonlight streamed in from every crack in the aged wood. Snow was piled in drifts around the entrance.

I felt something move slowly and looked down to see what it was.

In my lap, a small lavender-haired Princess still slept. She apparently was untouched by the cold. If it was not that, then she was just too drained to care. I held her tight, still cursing myself to all the seven Hells for what I did to her.

“Princess… I need for you to hold on… Just rest, get your strength back…”

She shifted slightly in my arms, her eyes still closed. I took a close look at her face. It was obvious she was dreaming. Also far too obvious were the tears streaming down her thin, pale cheeks. The drops looked silvery in the moonbeam that lay across her face. Her dreams must have been once again transformed into nightmares.

I looked again…

She was smiling. They were tears of happiness. Shifting again, she began talking in her sleep. I could distinguish only a few of her muffled words.

“Terran… mm… so happy you’re back… Don’ wanna be alone again… err… Stay with me… Don’ ever leave me ‘gain, Terran…”

I wondered who Terran was. Obviously the two of them were very close if she was crying tears of joy in her sleep over him. I vaguely wondered where this Terran was, since he was not with her. The name sounded slightly familiar, as though I had heard it before and had not quite forgotten it.

I shook my head. Terran, whoever he was, was not important. He held no key to my mission. He would not be able to help bring Lily back to me.

I felt the Princess shift again, then felt her clamp her arms around me, still mumbling and still sound asleep.

“Terran… you’re so warm… Hold me closer…”

I was fairly surprised. She spoke to him just like Lily had once spoken to me. Even used Lily’s same words…

I shook my head. My mind was just playing tricks on me, trying to fuse Lily and the Princess into one woman in my memories. I couldn’t let that happen, not when I needed to use the Princess and the powers that lay dormant within her to bring Lily back.

I felt the small girl’s hand move. Before I knew what was happening, her hand was barely brushing my cheek. I sat completely still, utterly shocked. Her palm rested against my cheek, her thumb running back and forth slowly over my lips. My breathing grew erratic as I fought for control of myself.

I wondered whether or not I should wake her, before this led to something we would both seriously regret. Her other arm moved up and wrapped around my neck, bending my face towards hers. Our lips were barely inches apart. I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster.

“Princess,” I breathed. “Princess, wake up…”

This had to stop. I didn’t have those kinds of feelings for her… She was just like a little sister. I loved only Lily.

I had to stop this before it went any further. I heard her soft, sleepy voice. Her breath fluttered over my lips, making my own breath catch slightly out of reflex.

“Terran? Is it really you?”


She opened her eyes a little, still in her dream world. Eyes that were bright lavender in the daylight now seemed to be a deep shade of violet in the moonlight.

“Terran… You’re here… I knew this wasn’t a dream…”

I knew this was it. I had to wake her now or who knew what could happen.

“I’m sorry… Princess, it’s me… Sawyer…”

Her eyes fluttered for a second then grew wide, dark eyelashes suddenly sparkling with tears. She looked so heartbroken. I was instantly sorry for waking her. I should have let her have her happy dreams and wake on her own. Then this whole thing could have been written off as being just a dream. It would have been like it never happened.

“Sawyer? Where’s Terran?”

I couldn’t lie to such an innocent, trusting face. Still, I couldn’t bring myself to tell her that I didn’t even know who Terran was, much less where. My mind went blank and I blurted out the first thing I thought of.

“I don’t know.”